
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Mental Health on Twitch: John's Binge Eating Disorder ExperienceJohn, a Twitch content creator, shared his experiences with binge eating disorder to inspire others and reduce shame around the topic, emphasizing the importance of open conversations about mental health.

      This Halloween, you can enjoy the cozy indoors while ordering alcohol conveniently through Drizly. Meanwhile, in a different conversation, John, a content creator on Twitch, opened up about his experiences with binge eating disorder. He shared that he wants to discuss this topic to help others feel less alone in dealing with it, as he believes influencers don't talk about it enough. John emphasized that it's a shameful topic, but he applauds those who speak up about it. During their conversation, they established ground rules, including John's ability to choose whether or not to answer questions and the boundary around medical advice. Overall, John's willingness to discuss his struggles with binge eating disorder is an inspiring reminder that conversations around mental health and personal experiences can help others feel less alone.

    • Streamer Eating Disorder: The Pressure to Stream Leads to Unhealthy Eating HabitsThe pressure to stream continuously can lead to unhealthy eating habits, creating a new disorder called 'Streamer Eating Disorder'. This disorder is driven by the need to stream constantly rather than emotional compulsion, and can result in 'min-maxing' meals and stress eating due to long hours of gaming and academic pressure.

      The pressure to stream continuously led to a significant weight loss for the individual, but also resulted in unhealthy eating habits. This "streamer eating disorder" was different from binge eating disorder, as it was driven by the need to stream constantly rather than an emotional compulsion to eat. During their peak gaming years in middle and high school, they found themselves "min-maxing" their eating, consuming large amounts of food during meals and then stress eating later due to long hours of gaming and academic pressure. The toxic environment of League of Legends, with its intense competition and hostility, further contributed to their unhealthy eating habits. It's important to recognize that gaming and streaming can have negative impacts on mental and physical health, and finding a balance is crucial.

    • Toxicity in online gaming and emotional reactionsRecognizing the importance of taking responsibility for actions in online gaming can help prevent individuals from becoming fully consumed by toxicity. Be aware of stress eating as a coping mechanism and seek help if needed.

      Toxicity in online gaming can lead to intense emotional reactions, such as becoming engulfed in rage and anger. This can be a difficult cycle to break, as the pain and frustration can be easier to displace onto others rather than taking responsibility for mistakes. However, recognizing the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions, even in a virtual environment, can help anchor individuals and prevent them from becoming fully consumed by the toxicity. Additionally, the concept of "stress eating" refers to a coping mechanism where individuals eat large amounts of food as a response to stress or emotional distress, leading to a sense of comfort and numbness. This can eventually develop into binge eating disorder if the pattern continues. It's important to be aware of these patterns and seek professional help if needed.

    • John's binge eating during gaming sessions driven by stress and comfort foodJohn's excessive weight gain during high school was due to binge eating, driven by stress and a preference for high-carb comfort foods during long gaming sessions

      John's binge eating patterns during long gaming sessions were primarily driven by stress and the need for comfort food, with a preference for high-carb options like rice, pasta, and ramen. He would often eat large quantities of these foods, even if he had already eaten a meal, and would sometimes consume prepackaged, calorie-dense foods like ice cream for stress relief. John didn't have a clear understanding of calories or nutrition during high school and would eat to the point of excessive weight gain. He estimates he weighed around 280 pounds in junior year, but now weighs around 220. The frequency of binge eating increased during particularly stressful periods or when he had limited free time. Overall, John's eating habits were a coping mechanism for stress and long gaming sessions.

    • Stress and uncertainty can lead to uncomfortable habits like overeatingStress and uncertainty can trigger unhealthy habits, replacing one addiction with another, and it's crucial to identify the root cause and adopt healthier coping mechanisms.

      Stress and uncertainty can lead to uncomfortable habits, such as overeating, for some individuals. The speaker shared an instance where they felt stressed about joining a new platform and ended up eating cookies, salami, and Havarti to cope. They acknowledged having an addictive personality and how they tend to bounce around between different addictions. The speaker also mentioned that their past addiction to nicotine was replaced by food once they quit smoking. It's important to note that these habits provide emotional comfort, but often come with guilt and negative feelings. Understanding the root cause of these behaviors and finding healthier coping mechanisms can be beneficial for overall well-being.

    • Managing addictive tendenciesJohn sets self-imposed limits to prevent addiction and acknowledges the stress of constant vigilance, open to exploring new coping mechanisms

      John is consciously managing his addictive tendencies by setting up self-imposed limitations to prevent potential harm. He has learned from past experiences with addiction, particularly with alcohol, and has adopted a cautious approach to purchasing and consuming certain items. This constant vigilance, while helpful in preventing addiction, can also lead to stress and a sense of being "caged." John acknowledges this and is open to exploring new ways to cope, such as knitting or other calming activities. While he has come to acceptance about his tendency towards addictive behaviors, he does not view it as a sad or hopeless situation, but rather an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

    • Exploring Self-Understanding and AcceptanceJohn's journey towards self-acceptance involves recognizing patterns, seeking answers, and acknowledging progress despite emotional challenges and setbacks.

      John's journey towards understanding himself and accepting his condition involves a process of finding new definitions and accepting the inevitability of his situation. Despite the emotional challenges and the feeling of hitting dead ends, John continues to seek answers and progress, acknowledging the importance of identifying patterns and behaviors. The conversation highlights the exhaustion and frustration that come with trying various solutions and facing setbacks, but also the determination to keep moving forward and the recognition of the progress made so far. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of acceptance and the resilience needed to navigate the complexities of personal growth.

    • Our emotions shape our perception of progressRecognizing and understanding our authentic emotions is crucial for healing and moving forward. Our use of language can reveal our emotional state and shape our perception of progress.

      Our use of language reveals our emotional state and can shape our perception of progress. The neurolinguistic programming of our brains picks the words that best capture our feelings, whether they are accurate or not. Recognizing and understanding our authentic emotions is a crucial step towards healing and moving forward. John's experience of watching monks for an extended period has been an attempt to shape his emotional responses. It's essential to acknowledge and sit with our feelings to suture the emotional wounds instead of just bandaging them. John was born and raised in Central California, between NorCal and SoCal. He attended Christian, Catholic, and public schools. Growing up, he was in a fortunate household with an older brother and parents still together. His grandma, who was Italian, often cooked him ramen with too much olive oil. John is of Japanese, German, and Italian descent, and his parents are Japanese and German and Italian. His upbringing was filled with open doors and a diverse group of friends, despite having a significant age difference. John's sense of humor was different from his peers until he found a group of friends in 4th grade with a similar sense of humor. His mother's influence inspired him to skip a grade. Overall, John's experiences have shaped his emotional responses and influenced his journey towards understanding his feelings.

    • The impact of gaming on a child's relationship with parents and schoolGaming can lead to academic struggles and conflicting emotions towards school, but supportive parents can adapt and focus on their child's happiness and well-being.

      The speaker's experiences with gaming and academic performance in his childhood had a significant impact on his relationship with his parents and his perception of school. He recalls feeling academically successful in the second grade, but as gaming took precedence, his grades declined, and he felt a sense of acceptance from his mother, but also disappointment from her due to societal pressures. The speaker's parents have always been supportive and joking, but their reactions to his academic performance varied. In some cases, they worked around his struggles, while in others, they set higher expectations. The speaker expresses guilt for not meeting these expectations and feeling like he was only going through the motions in school. However, he also felt a lack of motivation and competition, leading him to opt for what he found more enjoyable. Despite these challenges, the speaker's parents have adapted and are now more focused on his happiness and health, and they enjoy watching him stream on Twitch.

    • Feeling the Thrill of Secrecy in GamingThe need to hide gaming activities from disapproving parents can create a thrilling yet stressful experience, deepening connections and serving as an escape, but also leading to guilt and strained relationships.

      Despite having understanding parents who didn't restrict gaming outright, the speaker felt a strong urge to hide their gaming activities due to the constant threat of being caught. This sense of secrecy and the need to constantly evade detection created a thrilling yet stressful experience. The speaker's rebellious nature only grew stronger with the increased restrictions, leading to a deeper connection with online friends and a reliance on gaming as an escape. However, the speaker also expressed feelings of guilt for not meeting their educational standards and for the strained relationship with their parents due to their gaming habits. The speaker's experience highlights the complex emotions and dynamics that can arise when there is a perceived disconnect between personal interests and parental expectations.

    • Middle school experiences shaped self-perception and social dynamicsBullying and unexpected friend betrayals in middle school can lead to lasting impacts on self-perception and social dynamics.

      The experiences of bullying and feeling like an outsider during middle school significantly impacted the speaker's self-perception and social dynamics. The speaker, who was the only Asian student in his elementary school until high school, faced bullying but used humor to protect himself and even befriend his bullies. In middle school, he also experienced being unexpectedly outcasted by his closest friends, leading to a major takeaway about bullying. In high school, he had his first serious relationship, which ended due to cheating. The speaker also shared that he didn't finish college but instead pursued a career in streaming full-time, which took off around 2015. Currently, he is happily dating another streamer. The speaker reflected on his overall happiness, acknowledging that there is no clear definition to it, but expressed contentment with his current busy lifestyle.

    • Exploring underlying needs and structures behind addictive tendenciesUnderstanding and addressing the root causes of addictive behaviors, rather than just labeling them as an eating disorder, is crucial for overcoming them. Healthier coping mechanisms and self-awareness are key in managing these challenges.

      The speaker's relationship with food and their addictive tendencies may not be fully captured by a diagnosis of an eating disorder. Instead, it's important to explore the underlying needs and structures that drive their behavior. The speaker's history of dealing with various addictions suggests a pattern of using coping mechanisms to avoid dealing with the core issues. In this case, binge eating may be a way to cope with stress rather than addressing it directly. The speaker's current support system, including friends, plays a role in keeping them in check, but ultimately, understanding and addressing the underlying needs and finding healthier ways to cope will be key in overcoming binge eating and other potential addictions. The speaker's reflections on their past relationships and the people who have kept them accountable highlight the importance of self-awareness and self-regulation in managing these challenges.

    • Managing addictive behaviors through self-imposed restrictionsWhile effective in the short term, self-imposed restrictions for managing addictive behaviors can lead to a sense of resignation and defeat over time. A more empowering and sustainable solution is needed.

      The speaker has learned to manage his addictive impulses not through self-restraint, but through self-imposed restrictions. This strategy, while effective in the short term, has led to a sense of resignation and defeat, as the power of each restriction feels less and less effective over time. The speaker is struggling to find a more empowering and sustainable solution to his addictive behaviors. The discussion also touched upon the challenge of applying self-help strategies within the context of one's existing belief systems and past experiences. The speaker's experience with addiction, particularly with his addiction to making keyboards, was a unique one, and it highlights the importance of understanding one's own personal meta-narratives when seeking to make lasting changes.

    • Fear of burdening loved ones and becoming past selvesUnderstanding past experiences of disappointment and guilt can help individuals confront their fears and make positive changes in their lives.

      The fear of failure or becoming someone we don't want to be stems from past experiences. The speaker shared how they approached their parents about changing their eating habits, but did so indirectly due to feelings of not wanting to burden them. This fear of bothering others is rooted in past experiences of not living up to expectations, leading to feelings of guilt and shame. The speaker's fear of becoming their past self, who was unhealthy and unsuccessful, is a significant reason for their reluctance to let go and make changes. This fear is a result of learned experiences, possibly including feelings of disappointment from loved ones. Understanding and acknowledging these past experiences can help individuals confront their fears and make positive changes in their lives.

    • Fear of inconveniencing others fuels self-sabotageIndividuals who struggle with self-sabotage may be driven by a deep-rooted fear of disappointing or burdening others, leading to isolation and inability to cope with challenges.

      The individual's struggle with self-sabotage and not wanting to be a burden to others stems from a deep-rooted fear of disappointing or inconveniencing others, rather than a concern for their own well-being. This fear keeps them from relaxing and seeking support, leaving them feeling isolated and unable to cope with challenges on their own. Furthermore, extended gaming sessions can disrupt their body's glycogen stores, leading to a physiological drive to binge eat after a certain period. These patterns, driven by both emotional and physiological factors, create a complex issue that requires a holistic approach to understanding and addressing.

    • Stress eating: A complex response to stress and emotional needsStress eating is a complex response involving both physiological and psychological components. Individuals with ADHD may be more susceptible due to increased dopamine sensitivity. Communication issues in families can make it hard to understand emotions, leading to reliance on food as a coping mechanism.

      The experience of stress eating is complex and multifaceted, involving both physiological and psychological components. When we eat high levels of carbohydrates, insulin is released, which causes us to absorb glucose from the blood and produces things, making us feel more relaxed and less stressed. This response can be amplified in individuals with ADHD due to their increased sensitivity to dopamine. However, the lack of open communication in some families can make it difficult for individuals to understand their own emotions and behaviors, leading to a reliance on food as a coping mechanism. It's important to recognize that stress eating is not just a simple addiction, but a complex response to stress and emotional needs.

    • Acceptance leads to healthier relationships and understanding physiological aspects of eating behaviorsAcknowledging and owning deep-rooted fears and emotions leads to healthier relationships and recognizing physiological mechanisms can help in making positive changes in eating habits

      True acceptance involves acknowledging and working through deep-rooted fears and emotions, rather than resigning oneself to powerlessness or unhealthy habits. This acceptance leads to healthier relationships, both with oneself and with others. Additionally, understanding the physiological aspects of eating behaviors can help in tackling unhealthy patterns. Starvation mechanisms in the body can lead to overeating, and recognizing this can lead to healthier food choices and eating habits. Acceptance, in this context, means acknowledging and owning one's situation, which is a necessary step in making positive changes.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Food and Binge EatingMaintain a healthy diet, acknowledge psychological drivers, seek support, and practice meditation for managing food and binge eating.

      The individual's experience with food and binge eating is a complex issue rooted in both physiological and psychological factors. While it may feel like an addiction, it's actually a survival mechanism and a coping mechanism for managing stress and emotions. To manage this, it's important to maintain a healthy diet, acknowledge the psychological drivers, and seek support from trusted individuals. Additionally, practicing meditation, particularly a regular breathing practice and a more inquisitive and awareness-oriented practice, can help manage stress and emotions, leading to a healthier relationship with food. It's important to remember that progress may not be immediate and consistent practice is key.

    • Understanding Hunger Through MeditationMeditation can help distinguish physical hunger from psychological urges, promoting healthier eating habits.

      This meditation technique helps you understand your hunger and the relationship between physical sensation and mental desire. By sitting up straight with a pillow under your bottom, closing your eyes, and noticing the physical sensation of hunger without judgment, you can observe how it transforms into an urge and identify the specific cravings that arise. This practice can help you become more aware of the psychological urges that drive binge eating and enable you to differentiate them from physical hunger, ultimately leading to healthier eating habits.

    • Distinguishing hunger from urge in binge eating disorderPracticing mindfulness to identify root causes of binge eating by observing hunger and urge sensations, and recognizing specific needs food satisfies

      Understanding the distinction between hunger and urge can help individuals with binge eating disorder manage their relationship with food. By practicing mindfulness and focusing on the sensations of hunger and satisfaction, individuals can identify the root causes of their binge eating and work towards addressing them. This process involves sitting with the feelings of hunger and urge, observing how they change as one eats, and recognizing what specific needs the food is satisfying. This approach can be applied to various situations beyond just smoothies or late-night snacking. By gaining awareness of the psychological urges and needs driving binge eating, individuals can begin to dismantle the cycle and find peace of mind.

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    Connect with the show!

    Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lifeafterdietspodcast/

    Email – lifeafterdietspodcast@gmail.com

    Connect with Sarah Dosanjh

    Website – www.thebingeeatingtherapist.com

    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBingeEatingTherapist 

    Sarah’s book I Can’t Stop Eating is available on Amazon

    Connect with Stefanie Michele

    Binge Eating Recovery Course – www.iamstefaniemichele.com/iamstefaniemichelecourse

    Work With Stef - www.iamstefaniemichele.com/application



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    Find Elisabeth here: https://brainbased-wellness.com/

    You can end emotional eating today. It’s easier than you think. These neuro exercises will show you how to calm your nervous system to stop unwanted eating behaviors and intrusive thoughts.

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    For personal training with me at Cincy 360 Fitness email: Amanda@AmandaValentineBites.com

    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/

    Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

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