
    Interview with Legendary Tennis Coach Patrick Mouratoglou | GaryVee Audio Experience

    enSeptember 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • How tennis saved a shy child's lifeTennis provided confidence and worthiness for a shy child, shaping his career as a coach and inspiring resilience

      Tennis, like many passions, has the power to transform lives. Patrick Mouratoglou, a tennis coach and businessman, shared his personal story of how tennis saved him from severe shyness and anxiety as a child. He fell in love with the sport at a young age when it was popularized by iconic players like Borg, McEnroe, and Evert. The tennis court became his sanctuary, where he felt confident and worthwhile. This experience shaped his career, leading him to start a tennis academy and coach top players, including Serena Williams. The ebbs and flows of tennis, with its highs and lows, reflect the importance of mindset and resilience, making it a fascinating sport that embodies the spirit of leaning into one's passions.

    • Supporting children's unique passionsParents should foster their children's passions, even if they differ from their own, and adapt to their evolving needs.

      It's essential for parents to support their children's unique passions and outlets, even if they don't align with their own ideologies. The speaker shared his personal experience of being an emotionally charged student who found solace in selling lemonade, washing cars, and playing tennis, despite being a poor student. He emphasized that parents should help their children cultivate their passions rather than trying to impose their own visions on them. The speaker also highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptation in coaching and parenting, as children's needs and interests evolve over time. He concluded by sharing his approach to creating personalized systems for each player in his tennis academy, emphasizing the importance of understanding each child's unique strengths and needs. In essence, the speaker's message was to encourage parents to be open-minded and supportive of their children's passions, and to adapt to their evolving needs.

    • Taking responsibility for one's life and actionsRecognizing that our own choices shape our experiences, and taking accountability can lead to personal growth and positively impacting others.

      Accountability is a powerful tool for personal growth and happiness. The speaker shared how they held their parents responsible for their own misfortunes for many years, but eventually realized that their own actions and choices were the root cause of their experiences. This revelation led them to start their own academy to help young tennis players achieve their dreams, recognizing the importance of believing in and supporting others. The speaker's journey highlights the transformative power of taking responsibility for one's life and actions, and the impact it can have on both personal growth and the ability to positively influence others.

    • Parents' unwavering belief impacts children's successParents should balance support with respecting children's autonomy to foster growth. Starting a business requires passion, practicality, and persistence.

      Unwavering belief and support from parents can significantly impact a child's success in their chosen field. However, it becomes problematic when parents live vicariously through their children and fail to recognize when their child has lost passion for their goals. Parents who push their children relentlessly towards their dreams, even when the children no longer hold the same level of commitment, can hinder their growth rather than help it. It's essential to strike a balance between ambition and practicality, allowing children to explore their potential while also respecting their autonomy and individuality. Starting an academy requires a combination of passion, practicality, and business acumen. While the speaker's background and experiences likely contributed to his success, it wasn't an instant hit. He started small, renting just two courts in a club during off-peak hours to keep costs low. Despite the challenges, he persisted, driven by his belief in the value of his vision. Ultimately, the power of belief and support, whether from parents or mentors, plays a crucial role in helping individuals reach their full potential.

    • Starting a tennis academy with no credibilityDespite initial setbacks, determination and resilience can lead to great success. Learn from failures and use them as leverage for future success.

      Determination and resilience can lead to great success, even when faced with initial setbacks. The speaker shares his experience of starting a tennis academy from scratch despite having no credibility or experience. He approached tennis agents with his ambitious goal, but they didn't take him seriously. Instead of giving up, he continued to believe in himself and eventually met the best tennis coach in the world at the time, Bob Brett. The speaker invested six years in building the Bob Wright Academy, but when Bob left to start his own academy, the speaker was disappointed. However, he learned from the experience and realized the importance of not making the same mistake twice. The setback ultimately led him to put his own name on the academy and build it into a successful business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from failures and using them as leverage for future success. He also expresses his wish for more entrepreneurship culture in Europe.

    • Maintaining a positive attitude and pushing forward despite setbacksUnexpected partnerships and opportunities can lead to great success, even with no experience or technical expertise, by focusing on mental and strategic tools.

      Even in the face of setbacks and difficult partnerships, it's important to maintain a positive attitude and keep pushing forward. Trust and opportunity from unexpected places can lead to great success. The speaker's determination to become a tennis coach after being let go from a partnership, despite having no experience, led him to win 10 Grand Slams with Serena Williams. Blind ignorance can be an asset in discovering new industries and approaches. The speaker's focus on mental and strategic tools, rather than technical ones, set him apart and contributed to his success. His first significant player, Marcos Baghdatis, reached the final of a Grand Slam tournament with his coaching. The speaker's greatest pride comes from understanding people and helping them reach their potential.

    • Connecting emotionally with players and maintaining humilityEffective coaching involves creating positive experiences, adapting to players' needs, and avoiding emotional reactions that hinder growth

      Effective coaching involves connecting with players on an emotional level and maintaining humility. The speaker shared his experience of motivating a tennis player, Marcos, by making him feel loved and appreciated. He emphasized the importance of creating positive experiences to build confidence and improve performance. The speaker also highlighted the danger of becoming complacent and repeating the same coaching methods, instead of adapting to each player's unique needs. A major regret for the speaker was his emotional reaction towards Marcos at the end of their coaching relationship, which led to a breakdown in their connection and a missed opportunity for continued growth. In tennis, the speaker believes that a player who has been significantly sidetracked by injuries, such as Rafael Nadal, could have potentially been a number one player or an icon if not for the injuries.

    • Impact of injuries on tennis careersInjuries can limit talented tennis players from reaching their full potential and competing at the highest level, but their determination and resilience continue to inspire fans.

      Injuries have significantly impacted the careers of several talented tennis players, denying them the chance to reach their full potential and compete at the highest level. The speaker mentioned a few players, including one American who was incredibly talented but suffered numerous injuries throughout his career, and Bianca Andreescu, who is still playing but faces a constant battle to manage her injuries and maintain a successful career. The speaker also shared their personal experiences with favorite tennis players growing up, highlighting how their net game and underdog status resonated with them. Despite the challenges these players faced, their talent and determination continue to leave a lasting impression on tennis fans.

    • The Power of Belief in AthletesBelief, fueled by external validation and internal conviction, is crucial for athletes' success. Novak Djokovic's determination despite adversity exemplifies its importance.

      Belief plays a crucial role in the success of athletes, especially when they face adversity or are considered underdogs. Novak Djokovic, for instance, has used the fact that people were against him to fuel his determination and become one of the greatest tennis players of all time. The power of belief comes from both external validation and internal conviction, which can be built through experiences and education. When a player loses belief, they may hit a wall in their career, but the belief can be regained through resilience and determination. In contrast, in business, there's no winner-takes-all mentality, and everyone has the potential to succeed. However, it's essential to maintain a strong belief in oneself, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Novak Djokovic's story serves as an inspiration to never lose faith in one's abilities, no matter the circumstances.

    • The resilience of top athletes and the need for sports to adaptTop athletes like Serena Williams and tennis greats face setbacks but bounce back with support and mindset. Tennis needs to adapt to engage younger audiences with shorter, dynamic, and authentic content.

      Even the greatest athletes, like tennis players Novak, Rafa, and Roger, or Serena Williams, experience doubt and face setbacks in their careers. However, with the right support and mindset, they can bounce back and achieve great success. The story of Serena's resurgence after a period of doubt and her subsequent dominance in the sport serves as a powerful reminder of this. Another key point is the importance of adapting to changing consumer preferences and trends in sports. Tennis, with its long and traditional format, is losing appeal to younger audiences who prefer shorter, dynamic, and authentic content. As a result, it's crucial for tennis to evolve and find ways to engage the next generation of fans. Overall, the conversation highlights the resilience of top athletes and the need for sports to adapt to keep up with changing times.

    • Innovating tennis to engage new audiencesThe Ultimate Tennis Showdown (UTS) offers a faster-paced, more engaging tennis experience to attract younger generations and renew fan base, featuring shorter matches, coaching at every point, cards for extra advantages, and interviews during changeovers.

      There's a need for innovation in tennis to engage new audiences and renew the fan base. The speaker believes that the current tennis system, represented by the ATP and Grand Slams, is not reaching out to younger generations, and the current stars are not being effectively replaced. To address this issue, the speaker started the Ultimate Tennis Showdown (UTS) last year, which aims to complement the existing league by providing a more engaging and faster-paced tennis experience. The UTS features shorter matches, coaching at every point, cards for extra advantages, and interviews during changeovers. The league has already gained significant attention, with top players participating and millions of fans engaging online. This innovation shows that there's room for everyone in tennis and that playing around the existing reality can lead to success.

    • Creating a new tennis league with 10 events and 10 players for increased fan engagementPatrick Mouratoglou plans to launch a new tennis league with fewer events and players to boost fan recognition and connection

      Patrick Mouratoglou, a tennis coach and entrepreneur, is planning to create a new tennis league with only 10 events and 10 players. He believes that most tennis fans are not familiar with the majority of players, and by focusing on a smaller group, he can increase fan engagement and recognition for the players involved. Mouratoglou also mentioned that he was inspired by the success of disruptive businesses and the potential for innovation in the sports industry. He encouraged listeners to leave reviews of the podcast and offered to shout out their reviews in future episodes. Overall, Mouratogllo's vision is to create a more intimate and engaging tennis experience for fans, focusing on the top players and building a stronger connection between them and their audience.

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    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: The Listener Who Hated Online Marketing.

    This direct seller wants to go back to the pre-pandemic days when she could market her business the old-school way. She wants to embrace the online world, but should she? Dana helps her with a mindset shift.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode ...

    • Find out the SECRET TICKET to building a massive business.
    • Learn how to make solid DECISIONS and take action through your mindset.
    • How to use your Reticular Activating System to get POSITIVE RESULTS.
    • Discover how to turn your negative stories into POSITIVE MOTIVATIONS..

    Resources on this episode:

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    Where to Learn More:



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    • PROOF that the way you think is the only thing that matters when it comes to creating a result.
    • When to choose action before mindset.
    • A mini-rant for being PRODUCTIVE!

    Resources from this episode ...

    If you want a JOLT of HAPPY every morning, then subscribe to the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs Daily Newsletter HERE.

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    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana
    Please check out our episode notes below...
    03:25 - Step ONE when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the AWAKENING step).
    06:22 - Step TWO when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the DECISION step).
    07:10 - Discover what being a BRAIN TRAINER is all about.
    09:35 - Step THREE when dealing with others who have a negative midnset or attitude (this relates to SHIFTING your mindset).
    10:23 - Listen here to hear some GENTLE sentences you can say to shift your mindset about this negative person.
    12:30 - Learn about how stories about your SIGNIFICANT OTHERS can relate to your business mindset here.
    13:30 - BONUS Tip for dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this relates to YOUR success).
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