
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 123

    enMarch 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating Strong Community ConnectionsBuilding local bonds and preparing for emergencies through Neighbor to Neighbor. Atlanta activists adopt 'block Cop City' strategy with mixed results.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on local neighbors to create meaningful social bonds and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, in the world of activism, the struggle against the construction of a militarized police training facility in Atlanta required a new approach, leading to the concept of "block Cop City" and nonviolent protests. However, the implementation of this strategy faced criticisms for its top-down approach and potential risks. Overall, these stories remind us of the power of community and the importance of inclusive, collaborative decision-making in effecting change. To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor, visit caneighbors.com. For more information on the Atlanta activism, listen to the full episode of "It Could Happen Here."

    • Understanding the consequences of nonviolent protest tacticsEffective protest tactics require clear communication, experience, and understanding of potential consequences. Nonviolent tactics can have unintended consequences, such as police use of tear gas and lack of experience among protesters leading to retreat.

      The use of nonviolent tactics and limiting acceptable tactics at protests can have unintended consequences. During the November 13th action against Cop City, organizers framed the march as nonviolent and disallowed thrown objects and projectiles. However, some frontliners decided to use live rounds as a last resort, which was not widely communicated to attendees. The lack of experience among many protesters and the police's use of tear gas caused the frontline to retreat, effectively ending the offensive portion of the action. The use of large police vehicles also created a paradoxical situation, making it difficult for protesters to advance. Understanding what will cause a mass of people to scatter and retreat is crucial for effective protest tactics. Projectiles can be used to disrupt an offensive or defensive line, but their strategic importance highlights the need for open communication and clear expectations among protesters.

    • Protests with projectiles vs. nonviolenceNonviolent protests could have been more effective for safety and crowd control, but the choice to employ nonviolence may limit experienced organizers' participation and allow destructive actions by a small group, resulting in significant financial losses.

      The use of projectiles during protests against police is a common tactic, but the resources spent on nonviolent methods could have been used more effectively for safety and crowd control. The choice to employ nonviolence may allow the state to dictate the rules of engagement. Critics argue that this approach prevented experienced organizers from participating and that a small group of individuals, believed to be anarchists, have caused significant damage through arson to construction sites related to a new police training facility in Atlanta. These arsons have resulted in significant financial losses for the contractors and citizens of Atlanta. Despite the police's efforts to maintain safety, the construction of the training center remains a contentious issue.

    • Arson attacks on Cop City project cause $100M+ in damageArson attacks on Cop City project have caused over $100M in damage, causing significant delays. The latest attack led to a suspect's arrest, and federal authorities are conducting raids in connection to the incidents.

      Arson attacks targeting construction equipment related to the Cop City project in Georgia have caused significant financial damage and delays, with at least 34 incidents reported. The most recent attack occurred in South Carolina, leading to the arrest of a suspect. The cost of property damage from these attacks is estimated to exceed $100,000,000, according to a Georgia State Senator. The referendum to put the Cop City project on the ballot is currently being delayed in the courts, potentially pushing the election back to November 2024. The city's strategy appears to be to delay the referendum until the project is completed. Federal authorities conducted house raids in South Atlanta in connection to the arson attacks, seizing evidence and questioning suspects.

    • First arrests in Cop City movement's historyRecent arrests were first in Cop City movement, evidence-based, targeted infrastructure, no new arrests since, disrupted summit, tactics not effective in stopping resistance

      The recent arrests related to the clandestine attacks against the Cop City project in Atlanta were the first in the movement's history and marked an escalation in the conflict. The arrests were made based on independent arrest warrants and search warrants, with evidence already in possession of law enforcement. The targeted infrastructure was a police training building, and an unexploded incendiary device was found at the scene. The arrests were seen as both an intimidation attempt and a last ditch effort to collect more information for future arrests. Despite the police's efforts to spread fear and panic through raids, threats, and press conferences, no subsequent arrests have been made over a month later. The summit to stop Cop City, a convergence in Tucson, Arizona, was intended as a gathering for like-minded people to share ideas and build community, but was disrupted by the raids. The tactics used by law enforcement demonstrate the current limit of their actionable evidence and have not stifled the resistance against Cop City.

    • COP City protests in Atlanta connect to global issuesActivists in Tucson targeted Nationwide Insurance for its role in funding COP City, highlighting the intersection of Israeli military training and U.S. law enforcement. Protests also addressed the use of Israeli military technology for U.S. border surveillance.

      The COP City struggle in Atlanta, Georgia, is deeply connected to global issues, including the intersections between Israeli military training and U.S. law enforcement. This was highlighted at a summit in Tucson, Arizona, where activists targeted Nationwide Insurance, a major underwriter of COP City, with protests and vandalism. The summit, which drew participants from various backgrounds, including Jewish Americans and Palestinian Americans, also addressed the use of Israeli military technology for border surveillance in the U.S. The event marked the first major convergence organized outside of Atlanta, reflecting the challenges of organizing large protests in the city due to forest bulldozing and police occupation. The protests against Nationwide Insurance extended beyond Tucson, with activists also locking down the gates of a gated community in Scottsdale, Arizona, where a Nationwide executive resides. Despite these challenges, the movement continues to gain momentum and attract support from across the country.

    • Conflicts within social movements can weaken the collective fight against systemic oppressionSocial movements must prioritize solidarity, love, and care to prevent internal conflicts from weakening the collective fight against systems of oppression like the police or the state.

      Conflicts can easily escalate within social movements, making it easier to fight each other than the common enemy. This is a dangerous trend that can weaken the collective fight against systems of oppression like the police or the state. As the stakes get higher and the resistance becomes more challenging, the desire for conflict can lead people to target each other, often fueled by fear, anxiety, and frustration. This intra-conflict can take various forms, such as blame games, group self-preservation, and even paranoia. However, it's crucial for movements to stay vigilant against these tendencies and prioritize solidarity, love, and care, including constructive criticism and debate. The state, on the other hand, is a resilient adversary that will continue to push back, making it essential to keep fighting despite the challenges. The cop city struggle in Atlanta serves as a reminder that this pattern is not unique to any specific city or situation but is a common occurrence in various social justice movements.

    • Debating the completion percentage of the Georgia Cop City projectDespite reports of a 70% completion percentage, the document suggests the project was mostly in development and permitting stages. Clear communication and transparency are crucial in project updates, especially on sensitive issues.

      The completion percentage of a project related to the Georgia Cop City RICO indictment, which was reported to be 70%, is a subject of debate. According to the speaker, the document in question does not indicate that the construction process, meaning the physical building of the structure, was anywhere near completion. Instead, it appears that the project was mostly in the development and permitting stages. This discrepancy highlights the importance of clear communication and transparency in project updates, especially when dealing with sensitive and controversial issues. Furthermore, the speaker encourages listeners to support Jack, who was arrested in relation to the case, by contributing to his legal fund and writing letters. The discussion also touched upon the importance of building community connections, as presented in the Neighbor to Neighbor initiative, and the challenges of urban living, including feelings of disconnection and loneliness despite being surrounded by people.

    • Third places: Neutral grounds for cultural exchange and identity developmentThird places, like cafes, pubs, and parks, possess eight characteristics that foster genuine connection and belonging, including neutral ground, equalizers of social status, environments for conversation, low profile, open and accommodating, playful mood, and a sense of intimacy and community.

      Third places, such as cafes, pubs, and parks, hold historical significance as spaces for cultural exchange and identity development. These communal areas, as described by Oldenburg, possess eight key characteristics: they exist on neutral ground, function as equalizers of social status, provide an environment for conversation, keep a low profile, are open and accommodating, have a playful mood, and offer a sense of intimacy and community. Third places serve as a respite from daily life, fostering genuine connection and belonging within a diverse and free-flowing atmosphere. Despite the Internet's influence, it's essential to remember Oldenburg's original intentions and seek out these authentic spaces for personal growth and societal transformation.

    • The decline of third places: social environments essential for deep emotional connectionsModern societal choices and systemic pressures have led to a decline in third places, essential social environments for deep emotional connections, due to prioritization of private spaces, technology, capitalism, and work-life imbalances. Virtual spaces lack the tangible elements necessary for genuine human connection.

      The decline of third places, which are social environments that foster casual and intimate interactions, is a consequence of modern societal choices and systemic pressures. The suburbs and urban environments have prioritized private spaces over public ones, leading to a culture of isolation. Technology, capitalism, and work-life imbalances have also contributed to the disappearance of these essential community spaces. While some argue that virtual spaces can fill this role, they lack the tangible elements necessary for deep emotional connections. Oldenburg's ideas about the importance of third places have gained popularity, but there are criticisms, including the prioritization of work over social interaction, the historical gender bias in these spaces, and the influence of private ownership and profit motives. To truly revive third places, addressing these systemic barriers and reimagining public spaces that foster genuine human connection is crucial.

    • Collectively stewarding community spacesCommunities should co-own and invest in shared spaces for social integration and inclusivity, fostering social revolutions and creating essential urban bonds.

      Community spaces, especially those central to a community, should be collectively stewarded rather than being concentrated in the hands of private developers or owners. These spaces should be accessible to all, including those with financial constraints, those with disabilities, and those who prefer virtual interactions. While physical third places have their merits, they don't resonate with everyone. Radical third places, where individuals co-own and invest in these spaces, can serve as zones for social revolutions, fostering community integration and inclusivity. However, securing such spaces doesn't have to be through risky methods like squatting; communities can be empowered to actively participate in shaping public spaces. It's about co-creating our environment and recognizing our profound influence in our surroundings. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, is an example of building meaningful social bonds within communities. In a world that sometimes feels uncertain, these connections are essential for preparing for unexpected events and creating a more vibrant urban social life.

    • Understanding the Risks of TechnologyBe aware of potential risks, especially privacy and security issues, and protect personal information from stalkerware and other invasive apps.

      Technology can be used for both good and bad purposes, and it's essential to be aware of potential risks, especially when it comes to privacy and security. Ebay Motors offers affordable solutions for car enthusiasts to upgrade their rides, while Meaningful Beauty promises effective skincare products. However, the discussion also shed light on the issue of Stalkerware, a category of software marketed as parental control tools but often used for invasive monitoring and stalking. This can lead to obsession, control, and violation of privacy. It's crucial to recognize the potential harm these apps can cause and be vigilant about protecting our personal information.

    • Using Stalking Apps Without Consent is IllegalInstalling stalking apps without consent is illegal and can lead to serious legal consequences. They can be used as evidence in domestic abuse cases but misuse can result in accountability for the service providers.

      Stalking apps, or Stalkerware, while marketed for monitoring children, can be used illegally without consent. Many of these apps have tutorials on installing them without the user's knowledge, and some even claim to be for surveillance of children only. However, using such apps to spy on someone else without their consent can lead to serious legal consequences. In domestic abuse cases, evidence of stalking can be invaluable as it is often difficult to prove abuse is occurring. Stalking apps can provide immediate proof of controlling behavior and spying, making it a powerful piece of evidence. It's essential to note that installing stalking apps without consent is illegal in many jurisdictions, and companies providing these services may be held accountable for the misuse of their products. To check if your device has been compromised by TruthSpy or similar apps, you can use a tool provided in certain articles to identify if your IMSI or IMEI number has been associated with these services.

    • Stalkerware accesses notifications and messages from sensitive appsStay secure by disabling notifications and lock screen previews for sensitive apps, and be aware of stalkerware signs like disabled Google Play Protect.

      Stalkerware, a type of malicious software used for spying on individuals, can access notifications and sometimes even messages from various apps, including encrypted ones like Signal. However, the collection of data from these apps is often broken and not well-maintained. To increase security, disabling notifications or lock screen message previews for sensitive apps is recommended. Additionally, if Google Play Protect is disabled on an Android device without the user's knowledge, it may be a sign of stalkerware installation. Raising awareness about stalkerware and its capabilities is crucial, as many people are unaware of its existence and commercial availability. Demystifying stalkerware through journalism, media work, and open discussions can help combat its prevalence. While legislation against stalkerware is desirable, it may be challenging due to cultural norms and the difficulty of targeting specific demographics. In the meantime, generating awareness and taking precautions are essential steps individuals can take to protect themselves.

    • Addressing stalkerware apps requires societal changeRaising awareness and stigmatizing the industry, highlighting vulnerabilities, and limiting advertising and operational space are effective ways to combat stalkerware apps.

      The issue of stalkerware apps cannot be fully solved through technological means alone. While these apps can be hacked and shut down, there will always be demand for them due to their appeal to those looking to exploit others. Moreover, the global nature of the IT industry and the underpaid workforce in certain countries make it a lucrative business for quick cash grabs. The most effective approach, therefore, is to make it too risky and unprofitable for these companies to operate. This can be achieved through a grassroots movement that raises awareness and stigmatizes the industry. Additionally, highlighting the vulnerability of these apps to hacking and the potential consequences for abusers can serve as a deterrent. Strategic thinking, such as limiting their advertising and operational space, can also be employed to weaken their ability to profit and reach customers. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that this is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach, involving both technological solutions and societal change.

    • Stalkerware apps pose risks despite marketing as privacy toolsMany stalkerware apps, marketed as privacy enhancers, can put users at risk due to frequent hacks and compromised user data. Be cautious and avoid using them to protect your privacy online.

      Many stalkerware apps, which are marketed as tools to enhance privacy and security, can actually put users at risk. These apps have been hacked frequently, and the data of millions of users have been compromised. The companies behind these apps prioritize profits over user privacy, and the affiliate marketing industry plays a significant role in their advertising. Payment platforms and server hosts are often targeted to take down these apps once they are reported. As a user, you can help by reporting these apps to their payment providers and server hosts if you come across them. It's important to be cautious and avoid using such apps altogether, as they can lead to serious consequences, including having your email address added to lists of potential abuse targets. The war against these apps is ongoing, and it's crucial to stay informed and protect your privacy online.

    • Reporting illicit activities to payment providers and hosting companiesReporting suspicious activities to payment providers and hosting companies can disrupt the operations of illicit businesses and protect individuals from harm, despite potential complications and lack of direct response from these companies.

      Reporting suspicious activities to payment providers and hosting companies can disrupt the operations of illicit businesses, even if these companies may not respond directly. These businesses often rely on large, easily accessible databases and may engage in fraudulent activities to obtain revenue. The industry is significant, with many apps charging high fees and having large user bases. This issue should be discussed more in feminist and tech-focused communities, as it represents a critical form of tech-enabled abuse. Additionally, personal data from these illicit activities can end up on the dark web, putting both the abuser and the target at risk. While there are laws against government agencies using these apps, the existence of organizations like the NSA complicates the situation. Overall, reporting such activities is an important step in disrupting these businesses and protecting individuals from harm.

    • Law Enforcement Agencies Use Third-Party Spyware AppsDespite potential legal issues and ethical concerns, law enforcement agencies can use third-party spyware apps and private agencies to access data without disclosure, raising privacy and security issues.

      While it may be illegal for third parties to share data with law enforcement agencies using third-party apps, law enforcement agencies can contract with private agencies, and the use of data from informants does not need to be disclosed in court. Additionally, there are other governments that may use such spyware, and the quality of these apps can be poor. The speaker, Maya, emphasized that these companies get away with not caring about their product because there is no easy way to hold them accountable. It's important to note that the use of such apps raises ethical concerns and questions about privacy and security. Maya encouraged listeners to check out her blog for more investigative journalism pieces, including one involving Hollywood. She also mentioned Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network that aims to help build more connected communities, and Ebay Motors, a platform for finding car parts. Finally, she plugged Meaningful Beauty, a skincare brand that focuses on making people feel confident in their skin at any age.

    • Unnecessary questions and invasive procedures in healthcare and governmentHealthcare and government entities can impose intrusive questions and procedures, causing frustration and financial burden. Improvements in access and policies are needed.

      The healthcare system and certain government entities can impose unnecessary and invasive questions or procedures on individuals, creating a frustrating and often costly experience. This was highlighted in a conversation about a pharmacist asking if there had been pregnancies before dispensing medication, and the challenges faced in obtaining insulin with health insurance. The discussion also touched upon the authoritarian crackdowns by democratic governors and city councils, using New York's deployment of National Guardsmen as an example. The historical context included the controversial deployment of SWAT teams on subways in 2020, which led to the shooting of an innocent person. Overall, the conversation emphasized the need for improvements in healthcare access and government policies to better serve the needs of the population.

    • Controversial law enforcement actions and military deploymentsHeavy-handed responses to minor offenses and long-term military deployments at the border raise concerns over civil liberties and effective policing

      There have been controversial law enforcement actions and deployments of military personnel, both at the state and federal levels, which have raised concerns about civil liberties and effective policing. An example given was the heavy-handed response to fare evasion in New York City, which resulted in the use of excessive force against a man for simply moving between train cars. Another issue discussed was the deployment of National Guard troops at the U.S.-Mexico border, where they are primarily engaged in surveillance and guarding detention sites, rather than interdicting or arresting migrants. These deployments have been ongoing for some time and have been a point of contention, with critics arguing that they are an unnecessary and costly use of resources that does not effectively address the root causes of migration. Additionally, there have been concerns about the potential for abuse of power and the militarization of law enforcement.

    • The militarization of society and its impact on perception of safetyDespite historic low crime rates, heightened media attention on isolated incidents perpetuates a skewed perception of danger, leading to a significant presence of armed personnel in various places, often with questionable justifications.

      The militarization of society, as seen through the deployment of National Guard troops and increased border security, has led to a significant presence of armed personnel in various places, often with questionable justifications. This phenomenon is further compounded by the fusion of personal, state, and corporate power, resulting in private armies being used for security purposes. Despite crime rates being at historic lows and the number of border crossings being significantly lower than in the past, the perception of danger is heightened due to media attention on isolated incidents. For instance, in New York City, the subway system, which sees over 90 million trips per month, experiences a very small number of crimes, making it an incredibly safe mode of transportation. The disproportionate focus on these incidents in the media, particularly in the New York media market, contributes to a skewed perception of safety.

    • Media sensationalism and political impact on crime policiesMedia sensationalism in New York and California has led to a public perception of danger that influences political discourse and policy, prioritizing incarceration over alternatives, and resulting in a Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2022 midterms.

      The sensationalized coverage of crime in certain media markets, particularly in New York and California, has become a significant political issue. This coverage, driven by right-wing tabloids and newspapers, has led to a public perception of danger that outweighs statistical reality. This perception, in turn, has influenced political discourse and policy, with mayors and politicians embracing tough-on-crime stances that prioritize incarceration over alternative solutions. This trend, which has been criticized for being insensitive to the complexities of crime and criminal justice, has had a substantial impact on elections, with safe blue districts shifting to the right in the 2022 midterms. The result has been a Republican takeover of the House of Representatives, highlighting the need for a more nuanced and evidence-based approach to crime and public safety.

    • DC Crime Bill Sparks Controversy Over Expanded Police Powers and Civil LibertiesThe DC crime bill, aimed at addressing retail theft and drug-free zones, has been criticized for disproportionately targeting marginalized communities and infringing on civil liberties due to expanded police powers, including increased pretrial detention and helmet footage review.

      The DC city council passed a controversial crime bill containing numerous contentious provisions, some of which have been deemed unconstitutional in the past. The bill, originally intended to address organized retail theft and drug-free zones, also includes expanded police powers such as increased pretrial detention and the ability for police chiefs to review their own helmet footage before investigations. Critics argue that these provisions disproportionately target marginalized communities and infringe on civil liberties. The bill's passage can be traced back to the aftermath of the 2020 protests and a perceived need to rebuild police legitimacy. However, many view the bill as a step backwards in the ongoing debate around police reform.

    • Hyper militarization in blue states for controlDemocrats in certain blue states are militarizing, targeting vulnerable populations, and making their lives harder, despite promises of hope and connections.

      The Democratic Party in certain blue states is pursuing a strategy of hyper militarization with an implicit goal of maintaining control after the 2020 elections. This was exemplified by the kneeling incident in Congress, which left a lasting impression on the party. This approach is depressing as it targets the most vulnerable populations with terror and inflicts hardships on them, even as they are forced to vote for the very politicians who are making their lives difficult. The situation is reminiscent of the bipartisan political project happening in Chicago, where vulnerable communities are left to fend for themselves in the cold while politicians evict them from shelters. The tide of this situation isn't inevitable, but powerful factions within the Democratic Party have chosen this path, making life harder for those who are already struggling. This is a grim reality that contrasts with the hope and connections that communities can build through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor.

    • Use of refitted Soviet missile systems by non-state actors against dronesDuring the Syrian Civil War, non-state actors like the Kurdish Freedom Movement and the HPG have acquired and used refitted Soviet missile systems, specifically Strela, against drones, including Turkish Bayraktar drones, indicating a shift in power dynamics and the widespread use of drone technology in conflicts.

      During the Syrian Civil War, former Soviet surface-to-air missile systems, specifically the Strela, have been refitted with new batteries and are being used by non-state actors such as the Kurdish Freedom Movement and the HPG. These man-portable anti-aircraft systems, often referred to as MANPADS, are not limited to use by men, and recent suggestions indicate that a Bayraktar drone may have been shot down using a loitering munition or a large number of commercially available pieces. This episode explored the changing relationship between state and non-state actors and the widespread use of drone technology in conflicts. The Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) has shut down several Turkish Bayraktar drones and their variants in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region since February 2023. These drones, which are popular on the open market and have been exported to over 30 countries, are widely used and can cause an unpleasant experience for those targeted by them.

    • Non-state actors shooting down dronesDespite limited success, non-state actors have managed to shoot down drones through access to military-grade equipment or homemade systems. The complexity of producing MANPADS and lack of a lockout system allows non-state actors to potentially make them work.

      The ability to shoot down drones is a remarkable achievement for non-state actors, as very few have managed to do so effectively in the last 20 years. State actors, such as Houthis and Hezbollah, have been successful due to their access to surface-to-air missiles or military-grade equipment from countries like Iran. Non-state actors like ISIS and the KNLA in Myanmar have attempted to acquire and use MANPADS (Man-Portable Air Defense Systems), but their success in shooting down drones or aircraft is limited and often depends on the functionality of the systems they have obtained. The production and use of MANPADS by non-state actors is a complex issue, with some groups engineering their own systems using resources like Reddit and AliExpress. However, the lack of a lockout system on these weapons makes it possible for non-state actors to potentially make them work, even if they don't have fully functional systems. Overall, the ability to shoot down drones or aircraft is a significant military capability that is difficult for non-state actors to acquire without state sponsorship.

    • KCK shoots down 13 drones in Iraq using unknown advanced technologyThe Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) or Kurdistan Freedom Movement (KCK) in Iraq has shot down at least 13 drones or surface-to-air missiles using unknown advanced technology. This suggests they might have obtained missile systems, which they've used to take down the drones, indicating a significant escalation in their capabilities.

      The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) or the Kurdistan Freedom Movement (KCK) in Iraq has shot down at least 13 drones or surface-to-air missiles using unknown technology. The drones were all shot down in the Kurdistan autonomous region of Iraq, specifically in areas like Zap, Kandil Mountains, and Galle. This suggests that the KCK might have obtained advanced weaponry, possibly missile systems, which they used to take down the drones. Unlike previous reports of small arms or Dushka guns being used, these drones exploded upon impact, indicating a more powerful weapon was involved. The use of this technology is significant because it's not being employed in areas like Syria or Turkey, where the KCK is also active. Instead, it's being used in the strongholds of the KCK, where they've been fighting against Turkish forces. Turkey has been quiet about this development, likely due to the potential implications of the KCK possessing advanced weaponry. Overall, this is an intriguing development in the ongoing conflict between the KCK and Turkish forces.

    • States' monopoly on airborne violence and its impact on maintaining controlStates' control over airborne violence is crucial for maintaining power, and the fear of non-state actors obtaining Man-Portable Air Defense Systems poses a significant threat to this dominance.

      The monopoly on airborne violence held by states is a significant factor in their ability to maintain control and suppress opposition, even when they no longer hold a monopoly on legitimate violence. The fear of non-state actors obtaining Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) is a major concern for states, as it could challenge their dominance in the skies and potentially lead to a massive shift in the balance of power. This concern is not just theoretical; there are numerous examples of civilians and opposition groups being targeted from the air, leaving them defenseless. The US, for instance, has been reluctant to provide MANPADS to its allies, despite their requests, due to the potential risks of these weapons falling into the wrong hands. This reluctance highlights the importance of airborne violence as a tool of state power and the potential danger it poses to opposition movements.

    • Unprecedented number of Bayraktar drones shot down in Myanmar between February 2023 and March 2024During this period, 15 Bayraktar drones were shot down in Myanmar, despite their high altitude capabilities typically exceeding the reach of man-portable air defense systems. The identity of the perpetrators and the origin of their systems remain unclear, with Russia's involvement being speculative.

      Between February 13, 2023, and March 1, 2024, an unprecedented number of drones, specifically Bayraktars, have been shot down in the region, totaling 15. This is remarkable due to their high altitude capabilities, which typically exceed the reach of man-portable air defense systems like Stingers and Iglas. The identity of the perpetrators and the origin of their systems remain unclear, as they are not obtaining them from traditional sources like Iran or the US. The possibility of Russia's involvement is speculative, and other ethnic groups in the region, such as the Karen and the Kachin, have also been reported to possess man-portable air defense systems. The increasing number of downed planes in Myanmar adds to the mystery, suggesting a potential new source for these surface-to-air missile systems. The possibility of individuals or groups reverse engineering or constructing such systems from existing resources is also a consideration for the future.

    • Arms Trade: The Complexity of Takeshi's CaseThe illegal arms trade remains a complex issue with non-state actors gaining access to advanced weapons like MANPADS, but distinguishing fact from fiction is challenging and origin of weapons is often unclear, potentially disrupting geopolitical stability.

      The illegal arms trade continues to be a complex and ever-evolving issue, with recent developments suggesting that non-state actors may be gaining access to advanced weapons systems like Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS). The case of a man named Takeshi, who was arrested for attempting to sell MANPADS to groups in Myanmar and potentially other countries, highlights the challenges of distinguishing fact from fiction in the midst of constant rumors and misinformation. The man's arrest was based on a sting operation by the DEA, but it's unclear where the fictional MANPADS he believed he had access to actually came from. The possibility that these weapons could have originated from China or other sources raises significant geopolitical implications, potentially disrupting the monopoly of state actors in warfare. The arrest of Takeshi, while seemingly straightforward, underscores the intricacy of the global arms trade and the need for continued vigilance and investigation.

    • Building strong community connectionsEmbrace community during uncertain times, rely on neighbors, transform what you value with Ebay Motors, and explore new experiences at Fairmont Austin

      Building strong community connections is essential, especially during uncertain times. This was highlighted in the discussion about Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network that encourages individuals to connect with their neighbors and build meaningful social bonds. In a world that can sometimes feel disconnected, Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of relying on those living around us for support and preparation for potential disasters. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of taking care of the things we value, as exemplified by the story of transforming an old car with the help of Ebay Motors. The platform offers a wide range of auto parts, ensuring a perfect fit for your vehicle, allowing you to keep your "ride or die" alive. Lastly, for those seeking a summer getaway, the luxury hotel experience offered by Fairmont Austin was presented as an ideal home base for exploring Austin's vibrant culture and live music scene. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of community, taking care of what we have, and embracing new experiences.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    India's Farmer Protest | Robin Roberts & Noah Centineo

    India's Farmer Protest | Robin Roberts & Noah Centineo

    Trevor examines the massive farmer protest in India, Robin Roberts discusses "Tuskegee Airmen: Legacy of Courage," and Noah Centineo talks about "To All the Boys: Always and Forever."

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    Jennifer March

    Jennifer March

    Jennifer March is the Executive Director of the Citizen’s Committee for Children of New York. This non-profit and nonpartisan child advocacy organization combines public policy research and data analysis with citizen action. We discuss family homelessness, juvenile justice, and the power of effective advocacy.

    Growing up poor likely leads to long term damaging outcomes:

    Every child should be guaranteed a prosperous environment with proper access to health care, housing, education, and safe living conditions. Children in poverty often face multiple risk factors such as poor quality housing and low-quality schools.

    Effective child advocacy requires a coalition:

    A virtuous circle of a large group of people with a common interest is the most effective in pushing for change. Everyone ranging from service providers and beneficiaries, advocates lobbying the government, volunteers writing letters and making phone calls, social media, as well as participants in visible rallies come together to be heard.

    A holistic approach:

    We need to focus on pragmatic solutions that we know will serve a holistic approach to help provide stability and promote wellbeing, such as a housing subsidy or affordable childcare. Universal systems of early education and healthcare are fundamental building blocks for children to evolve and develop into thriving adults.

    Find out more:

    Jennifer March is the Executive Director of the Citizen’s Committee for Children of New York (CCC), a non-profit advocacy organization that works to ensure that every child is healthy, housed, educated, and safe.