
    Podcast Summary

    • A brand that caters to all body types and budgetsJCPenney offers stylish and comfortable fashion for various occasions and budgets, with a commitment to inclusivity through partnerships and community projects.

      JCPenney is a go-to destination for fashion that fits and flatters all body types, offering stylish and comfortable options for various occasions and budgets. The brand's commitment to inclusivity is further highlighted by its partnership with brands like Worthington and Liz Claiborne, which cater to women in petite and plus sizes. Additionally, Lobelia Commons, a community project that started during the pandemic, aims to experiment with food production and distribution through mutual aid efforts. From JCPenney's spring fashion offerings to Lobelia Commons' food production initiatives, the focus is on making everyone count and providing access to essentials that enhance daily life.

    • Decentralizing Food Production and Herbal Medicine in New OrleansNew Orleans' Lobelia Commons fosters community-driven projects to grow oyster mushrooms, Shiitakes, and medicinal herbs, while decentralizing necessary skills and addressing climate issues. Individuals can get involved at their own pace.

      Lobelia Commons, a community-driven organization in New Orleans, is working to decentralize food production and herbal medicine through collaborative projects. This includes growing oyster mushrooms in buckets, producing Shiitakes in woodlots, and creating an herb commons group for growing and sharing medicinal herbs. The group also focuses on decentralizing skills necessary for food production, such as grafting avocado trees, and making it a joyous part of everyday life. Additionally, they aim to address climate issues beyond just weather, including the phosphorus and nitrogen cycles, and the impact these breaking cycles have on biomes. The organization is flexible for individuals to get involved at their own pace and level, with projects like the decentralized nursery, where people can set up free plant stands in their communities. The ultimate goal is to decentralize food production skills and knowledge, moving away from a system where a small percentage of the population controls the land and food production.

    • Impact of Hurricane Ida on Mutual Aid Projects: New Orleans vs. Coastal AreasHurricane Ida's impact on mutual aid projects in food production varied greatly between New Orleans, which suffered from power outages, and coastal areas with severe flooding and structural damage.

      The impact of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, on mutual aid projects in food production is complex and multifaceted. The aftermath of Hurricane Ida in 2021 can be seen as two distinct events: one in New Orleans, primarily affecting infrastructure and power, and another in areas like Laplace, Houma, and Port au Chien, where severe flooding and structural damage occurred. New Orleans, located at the southern end of the Mississippi River's port, which processes 60% of US grain exports, experienced a week and a half without power, making the heat unbearable without modern amenities. The destruction in areas closer to the coast was more total, leading some to compare it to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The US grain export system, a significant piece of American capitalist infrastructure, was also affected when boats fell off their moorings. Understanding these differences in impact is crucial for addressing the unique challenges each region faces in the context of food production and mutual aid projects.

    • US agricultural subsidies hinder decentralized agricultureUS gov't subsidies give it an edge in ag, making it hard for decentralized farming to compete, especially in high-calorie food production. The Almanac for the End of the World proposes a new perspective, focusing on black and indigenous knowledge, experimentation, and collaboration to chart a new course for food production.

      The US government's agricultural subsidies give it an unfair advantage in global agriculture, making it difficult for decentralized agriculture to compete, particularly in high-calorie food production. This issue is further complicated by the fact that many regenerative agriculture initiatives focus on vegetables rather than high-calorie grains. The Almanac for the End of the World, a project discussed in the conversation, offers a different perspective, acknowledging the historical roots of the food crisis and emphasizing the importance of black and indigenous knowledge, creative experimentation, and intergenerational and species collaboration to chart a new course for food production. The Almanac also recognizes the need to address past crimes and the importance of grappling with the complexities of the current crisis.

    • Lobelia Commons Almanac connects local and international communitiesThe Lobelia Commons Almanac, a local project focused on vegetable germination temperatures and seasonal planting notes for the New Orleans area, gained a wider audience and fostered connections with international communities, emphasizing the importance of local knowledge and collaboration in building a more sustainable and equitable food system.

      The Lobelia Commons Almanac, which started as a local project focused on vegetable germination temperatures and seasonal planting notes for the New Orleans area, has gained a wider audience and fostered connections with international communities. The founders aimed to provide a resource specific to the Gulf South region, recognizing the differences in growing food there compared to other areas. However, they were surprised by the national and international interest in their project. The Almanac has sparked connections between Lobelia Commons and groups like Tejas Pobuz in Brazil, which focuses on experimental agroecology, sovereignty, and land stewardship. The project's success highlights the importance of local knowledge and the value of connecting with diverse communities to learn from each other and build a more sustainable and equitable food system.

    • Learning from each other's histories of land dispossession and emancipationExploring historical examples and learning from each other's experiences can inspire new actions for food sovereignty and land reclamation, despite differences in context and approach.

      The shared history between the US and Brazil, particularly regarding land dispossession and the implementation of plantation monoculture fueled by slavery and genocide, provides a strong foundation for exchanging ideas and inspiring action. The differences in how "emancipation" played out in each country, such as the existence of strong populist movements and workers parties in Brazil versus their absence in the US, may result in different forms of land reclamation efforts. The MST in Brazil, with its focus on large-scale occupation and infrastructure choke points, may not directly translate to the US, but sharing histories and learning from each other's experiences can expand the imagination of what is possible and inspire new actions. Additionally, exploring historical examples like Fannie Lou Hamer's pig bank and George Washington Carver's public education projects can provide valuable insights for contemporary food sovereignty efforts. The discussion also touched upon the connection between food in prisons, which is an often overlooked aspect of food justice and land reclamation.

    • Food systems and prisons: Profit over peopleThe profit-driven logic of capitalism harms those in prisons and factory farms, resulting in unhealthy, inadequate food and neglect for well-being.

      The structures of our food system and prisons share striking similarities in their disregard for the well-being of those within them. The speaker draws parallels between the high-density chicken operations and the unhealthy, inadequate food in prisons, both driven by the profit-maximizing logic of capitalism. The speaker also highlights the importance of addressing the deplorable food conditions in prisons as part of larger food justice discussions. They suggest exploring creative ways to improve food access and production for incarcerated individuals, such as collaborative farming projects and finding ways to get fresh food into prisons. For more of the speaker's work and to submit ideas for their upcoming project, visit their website or follow them on social media.

    • Lobelia Commons: Empowering Neighborhoods through Food Gardens and Energy IndependenceLobelia Commons supports neighborhood survival by helping elderly neighbors achieve energy independence, growing food gardens, accepting Almanac submissions, propagating fruit trees, and partnering with podcasts. Get involved by visiting their social media, reading the Almanac, contributing, or emailing for fruit tree submissions.

      Lobelia Commons, a community organization, is focusing on neighborhood survival and autonomy through various projects. They're helping an elderly neighbor, Althea, achieve energy independence and grow a food garden in her community. They're also accepting submissions for their Almanac and propagating fruit trees through the Front Yard Orchard initiative. The organization's mission extends beyond food production and aims to create self-sufficient neighborhoods. To support their initiatives, you can visit their Instagram and Twitter handles @LobeliaCommons, read the Almanac, or contribute to their GoFundMe. For fruit tree submissions, email lobeliacommons@protonmail.com. The submission deadline is the end of October. Additionally, they're partnering with Partisan Gardens podcast for an audio exploration of the Almanac. Stay tuned for more updates and collaborations from Lobelia Commons.

    • Navigating Tensions During a City-wide CurfewStay informed, adaptable, and take calculated risks in uncertain times to overcome challenges and achieve goals.

      The city is under strict police control during an extended curfew, leading to a tense and dangerous environment. The protagonist, despite facing numerous challenges, including job loss, curfew restrictions, and police checkpoints, manages to gather intelligence and plan a surprise for her boyfriend's birthday. However, a sudden and unexpected checkpoint forces her to act quickly and adapt to the ever-changing situation. The experience highlights the importance of staying informed, being adaptable, and taking calculated risks in uncertain times.

    • Escaping Authorities with Agility and StealthAgility and stealth can help you evade authorities and navigate through challenging situations. Practical skills like parkour and being mindful of one's presence are valuable in various situations, and the power of community can provide support when needed.

      Being agile and stealthy can help you evade authorities and navigate through challenging situations. The discussion describes a person's successful escape from pursuing state troopers by using parkour techniques and stealthily traversing through backyards. This incident was inspired by real-life events and resulted in a successful fundraiser to help a community activist keep her home. The conversation also highlights the importance of being mindful of one's presence and having practical skills like parkour and stealth. These skills can be useful in various situations, from everyday life to more extreme circumstances. The episode's guests, Robert Evans and Garrison Davis, also emphasize the power of community and the generosity of listeners in coming together to support those in need.

    • Essential Skills for Self-Defense: Parkour and StealthLearn parkour for efficient navigation and conflict avoidance, and stealth for undetected evasion. Both skills require training and can be learned at any age to ensure safety and adaptability.

      Parkour and stealth are two essential skills for self-defense in various scenarios. Parkour, as a form of intentional movement with purpose, can help you efficiently navigate environments and avoid conflicts altogether. It's more focused on utility and practicality than creative expression or flips. Stealth, on the other hand, is crucial when you need to avoid detection and evade potential threats. Rick, an experienced parkour instructor, emphasizes the importance of learning to get away from conflicts before they escalate, as it's generally a better self-defense option than relying on weapons. Both parkour and stealth require training, and while they might seem daunting, especially for those concerned about their physical limitations, it's possible to learn these skills at any age. The ultimate goal is to be prepared and adaptable in different situations, ensuring your safety and well-being.

    • Rediscovering our innate ability to interact creatively with our environment through ParkourParkour can be trained safely with proper instruction, practice, and a focus on effective navigation. It's more than just flashy moves, it's a way to creatively explore and navigate our surroundings as adults.

      Parkour, despite appearing dangerous due to its acrobatic nature, can be trained safely with proper instruction and practice. The focus should be on breaking down techniques into smaller parts and learning in safe environments. Having an experienced trainer or training partner is crucial for both safety and improvement. Parkour is not just about performing flashy moves, but also about finding the most effective and efficient ways to navigate obstacles in real-life situations. It's a way to rediscover our innate ability to interact creatively with our environment, which has been somewhat lost in modern society. As children, we naturally explore and navigate our surroundings, and parkour allows us to continue that playful, evolutionary instinct as adults.

    • Learning Parkour with Limited ResourcesStart with small jumps, use instructional videos, seek advice from experienced practitioners, prioritize safety, and approach with a continuous learning mindset.

      Starting in parkour without formal training or significant financial resources is possible, but it requires careful self-assessment, gradual progression, and a strong commitment to safety. The speaker shared their personal experience of learning parkour by starting with small jumps and progressively building up to higher obstacles. They also recommended utilizing instructional videos on YouTube and seeking advice from more experienced parkour practitioners in local communities. While there are parkour gyms that offer structured training, the speaker acknowledged that these may not be accessible to everyone due to financial constraints. Instead, they suggested starting with simple exercises and gradually advancing, while prioritizing safety above all else. Additionally, they recommended approaching parkour with a mindset of continuous learning and improvement, as well as being cautious when seeking advice from others in the community.

    • Learning Parkour: Authentic Sources and StealthTo master parkour and stealth, dedicate yourself to continuous learning, seek authentic sources, and prioritize safety. Control perception with stealth.

      Parkour is a complex skill that requires dedication, understanding, and a focus on safety. The speaker shares his personal experience of learning parkour, emphasizing the importance of learning from authentic sources that show the process of mastering a move, rather than just the end result. He also mentions the importance of stealth as a complementary skill to parkour, which can help prevent the need for physical confrontation or escape. Stealth is about controlling how you're perceived, rather than being invisible. The speaker encourages those interested in learning parkour to use resources like the parkour wiki and YouTube, but to approach them critically and consider multiple perspectives. Ultimately, the key to mastering parkour and stealth is a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation.

    • Blending in: Dress and Move Like the CrowdTo blend in effectively, adapt to your environment and crowd by dressing and moving in a way that goes unnoticed. Avoid tactical gear and military-style clothing, pay attention to surroundings, and practice quick changes.

      Blending in effectively depends on the environment and the crowd you're trying to remain undetected from. Wearing certain clothing or carrying specific items that are normal in one setting might make you stand out in another. The goal is to prevent conscious detection while still allowing your subconscious presence to go unnoticed. This concept, known as "gray man" or "gray woman," involves dressing and moving in a way that makes you indistinguishable from the crowd. Avoiding tactical gear and military-style clothing is a common recommendation, but the specific way you blend in will depend on your location and situation. Paying attention to your surroundings and practicing quick changes can also help improve your stealth skills. Ultimately, being aware of your environment and the norms of the crowd is crucial for effective blending in.

    • Practicing Stealth: Blend In and Avoid DetectionPay attention to body and environment, observe others subtly, use peripheral vision, carry yourself carefully, use tools to blend in, practice quiet walking, and adapt behavior to blend in and avoid detection.

      Being stealthy involves paying close attention to your own body and environment, as well as observing others subtly. By minimizing the noise you make with your body and avoiding drawing direct attention, you can blend in better. Practicing peripheral vision and indirect observation are effective ways to gather information without being detected. Additionally, the way you carry yourself, such as pointing your body in certain directions, can also influence how much attention you receive. Using tools like earplugs or pretending to use a smartphone can also help you go unnoticed. Engaging in quiet walking and learning to move silently are fun ways to practice stealth and gain an advantage in unexpected situations. Ultimately, stealth is about being aware of your surroundings and adapting your behavior to blend in and avoid detection.

    • Stealthy Observation TechniquesEffective observation skills include using a phone camera or screen as a reflective surface, using windows, mirrors, puddles, shadows, and sounds, and being aware of camera locations. Blend in and remain unnoticed.

      Stealth and indirect observation are essential skills for various situations, including personal safety, investigations, and even activism. Using a phone camera or screen as a reflective surface for indirect observation can be effective, but it requires careful planning and execution to avoid drawing unwanted attention. Other methods of indirect observation include using windows, mirrors, puddles, shadows, and sounds. Learning to move in ways that make cameras less able to spot you and being aware of their locations are also crucial aspects of stealth. While it may not be possible to completely evade all forms of surveillance, focusing on local law enforcement rather than federal agencies can make it easier to navigate the complex world of surveillance. Remember, the goal is to blend in and remain unnoticed.

    • Collaboration and observation lead to successLearning from others and observing surroundings can lead to innovative ideas and effective strategies. Importance of collaboration, observation, and adaptability in various aspects of life.

      Collaboration and observation are key elements in achieving success, whether it's in creating a graphic novel about anarchist Buena Ventura Durruti or practicing stealth. Learning from others and observing your surroundings can lead to innovative ideas and effective strategies. Moreover, the discussion also touched upon the challenges of securing sponsors for unconventional podcasts and the unexpected artistic expressions that emerged from the chaos of societal unrest. The importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity was also emphasized. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of collaboration, observation, and adaptability in various aspects of life.

    • Grassroots movements taking control of essential servicesDuring unrest, communities can create alternative structures of power, but outcomes and long-term implications are uncertain

      During times of social unrest and political instability, communities can come together to take control of essential services and resources, creating alternative structures of power. This was seen in the seizure of a hospital by its workers in Seattle, who turned it into a community health center, and in the Algerian uprising, where self-organized security committees replaced the police in certain areas. These examples demonstrate the potential for grassroots movements to challenge established institutions and bring about change, even in the face of significant opposition. However, it's important to note that the outcomes of such actions can vary greatly, and the long-term implications are not always clear. For instance, Lenin's seizure of power in Russia led to the establishment of a socialist state, but it also marked the end of democratic autonomy for the Soviets.

    • Dual power organizations as counterbalance to state authorityDuring the Russian Revolution, dual power emerged as a counterbalance to the state. Modern dual power organizations, like tenants' unions, debtors' councils, and community self-defense groups, aim to build autonomy from and against capitalism and the state. They can become a powerful force by joining together in federations and pooling resources.

      The concept of dual power, which emerged during the Russian Revolution as a counterbalance to the state's authority, can still be relevant in the 21st century. Dual power organizations, such as tenants' unions, debtors' councils, and community self-defense groups, aim to build autonomy from and against capitalism and the state. By joining together in federations and pooling resources, these organizations can become a powerful force to challenge the state. Dual power organizations serve multiple purposes, including replacing the state and corporations with free and autonomous forms of organization and serving as schools for democracy where people can learn and experiment with democratic practices. However, achieving this goal requires not just the construction of counter power but also a cultural transformation in decision-making. To be effective, dual power organizations must embody the values and organizational structures they seek to create in the world, a concept known as prefigurative politics.

    • Dual power organizations: Meeting needs and building counter powerDual power organizations provide mutual aid and self-governance, but to create lasting change, they must challenge the state and capital, inspired by movements like the Palestinian resistance.

      Dual power organizations, inspired by movements like the Black Panther Party and Occupy Wall Street, aim to meet people's basic needs through mutual aid and self-governance. However, these organizations must go beyond survival and build counter power to challenge the state and capital. Success stories, such as the Palestinian resistance movement, demonstrate how organizing from within oppressive systems and providing solidarity and mutual aid can lead to revolutionary struggle. Prisoners' self-governance and education during the 1st intifada serve as an example. While dual power organizations focus on community needs, they must also pivot and attack the oppressive structures to create lasting change.

    • Decentralization and democratization were crucial for labor unions during repressionDecentralized labor unions linked class struggle to larger projects and facilitated effective communication and collaboration during societal collapse.

      Decentralization and democratization were essential for the resilience of labor unions during times of intense repression in the face of national liberation struggles. This was evident in the Palestinian context, where local unions were networked together, creating a web of labor organizers and community groups that linked their class struggle to the larger project. This form of organization is not unique to the left, and we will explore what happens when the right gets a hold of it in part 2. The text also illustrates the importance of communication and coordination in the aftermath of societal collapse, as seen in the Seattle example where a decentralized system of daily council meetings allowed various groups to share information and work together towards solutions. Despite the challenges, the need for effective communication and collaboration remains crucial in navigating complex situations.

    • Effective organizing and essential services boost political powerWell-organized groups providing essential services can gain widespread support and transform into military power, enabling self-governance and resistance against external forces.

      Effective organizing and provision of essential services can significantly bolster a political movement's power and influence. As demonstrated in the cases of the Mahdi army in Iraq and Hezbollah in Lebanon, well-organized groups, even those with controversial ideologies, can gain widespread support through the implementation of social programs and services. These groups can then leverage this support to transform community organizations into military power, enabling self-governance and resistance against external forces. The success of such movements is not solely due to their ideologies or charismatic leaders, but also their ability to provide essential services and address the needs of their communities. This strategy has proven effective for both right-wing and left-wing organizations, highlighting the importance of understanding the power dynamics of social services in political movements.

    • Organized efforts in times of need lead to community building and powerHezbollah, RSS, and the Christian Right have used aid and services to solidify their bases and gain power. Grassroots organizing and addressing urgent needs can be effective strategies for social change.

      Effective social change and community building can be achieved through organized efforts, particularly in times of need or crisis. Both Hezbollah and the RSS have demonstrated this through their provision of aid and services, which have helped solidify their bases and gain power. Hezbollah's focus on addressing the urgent needs of the Lebanese population and providing beneficial programs, including medical aid, reconstruction assistance, education, and care for veterans and widows, has contributed to their rise as a major political force. The RSS, a Hindu nationalist organization in India, similarly used disaster relief and community building efforts to expand their influence and promote their ideology, despite their violent and fascist origins. The Christian Right in the United States has also utilized a similar strategy, focusing on influencing various spheres of culture to promote their theocratic, patriarchal vision. These organizations' successes underscore the importance of grassroots organizing and the potential dangers posed to state power when the state fails to provide necessary services.

    • Right-wing ideology vs. democratic model of dual powerRight-wing ideology prioritizes wealth and control, while democratic model empowers the working class for self-determination.

      The right-wing political ideology focuses on increasing wealth and reshaping various sectors of society, starting from the family and education, to churches and media, and eventually the economy. This approach has been effective in areas where the left has failed to provide for their communities. However, movements like Cooperation Jackson offer a counter-narrative with their radical and democratic model of dual power, which aims to turn over control of land and means of production to the working class for self-determination. Despite the challenges, it is crucial to adapt to changing conditions and maintain political principles to build a new world within the old. The discussion also touched upon various unrelated topics, including NASCAR, entertainment, and a podcast. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of community organizing, resource redistribution, and the potential for alternative power structures.

    • Identifying community needs and collaborating with local organizationsTo start a mutual aid project, identify the unique needs of your community and partner with local organizations to build a network and collaborate on effective solutions.

      Polo's Pantry, a mutual aid project for the homeless community in Los Angeles, was born out of a desire to create a reliable and steady food distribution system for homeless neighbors. Founded in 2018, it grew out of the organizing work of its creator, who was already involved with the organization Ketan For All and inspired by the need to connect people to services and change policies for the better. Polo's Pantry is rooted in community organizing and mutual aid, rather than charity, with a focus on sharing resources and reciprocity between neighborhoods and individuals. The project began by identifying the needs of the community and connecting with local grassroots organizations to understand those needs better. The first step for anyone looking to start a mutual aid project is to identify the specific needs of their community and connect with local organizations to build a network and collaborate on solutions.

    • Establishing a Mutual Aid Organization: Community Leadership and Building RelationshipsIdentify goals and skills, research local organizations, work from the ground up, approach local businesses for support, and consider becoming a fiscally sponsored organization under an established 501c3 to expand resources and reach more people in need.

      Starting a mutual aid organization involves identifying your goals and skills, researching local organizations aligning with those goals, and then organizing with them. It's essential to work from the ground up, with the community leading and informing your work. Approaching local businesses, such as grocery stores, for support can be beneficial, but it may take time to establish a reliable network. Transitioning to a fiscally sponsored organization under an established 501c3 can help access larger food supplies and resources for your mutual aid group, enabling you to support more people in need. Building relationships with local businesses and organizations is crucial for a successful mutual aid organization.

    • Addressing Food Waste and Community NeedsThe pandemic highlights the need for hyper-local food systems and mutual aid networks to reduce food waste and address community needs, while recognizing the emotional and potential legal consequences of food discard.

      Food waste is a significant issue, and the current system is not sufficient to address the needs of communities during challenging times. The speaker highlights the emotional toll of seeing perfectly good food being discarded and the potential legal consequences this could face in the future. The pandemic has brought attention to the inadequacy of food assistance programs, and the speaker's hope lies in hyper-localizing food systems and promoting food sovereignty through mutual aid networks. The speaker's organization has grown through word-of-mouth and community connections, and their efforts focus on providing resources directly to those in need. The speaker encourages expanding the definition of mutual aid and recognizing the importance of community care and support.

    • Community-led initiative Meals that Connect addresses food access issues for homeless during COVID-19Through mutual aid, bypassing bureaucracy, and community resources, Meals that Connect grew from a short-term solution to providing over 75,000 meals to the homeless and engaging over a thousand volunteers.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, a community-led initiative called Meals that Connect was formed in Los Angeles to address the food access issues faced by the homeless population. The organization partnered with several local organizations such as k Town, Street Watch, Covenant House, and LA CAN. The program encouraged volunteers to cook meals at home and pair them with drivers for safe pick-up and delivery. What started as a short-term solution has grown into a massive effort, providing over 75,000 meals to the homeless community and engaging over a thousand volunteers. The success of Meals that Connect can be attributed to the power of mutual aid, the ability to bypass bureaucracy, and the community's collective resources and support. The program serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that individuals and communities can make when they come together to address social issues.

    • Building Mutual Aid Networks: Trust, Organizing, and Hard WorkFocus on relationships and trust, learn from community leaders, and put in the hard work to build a robust mutual aid network. Essential for supporting communities, especially in inconsistent environments.

      Building a consistent and robust mutual aid network requires a strong focus on relationships and trust, as well as community organizing and hard work. Mutual aid networks, like Volus, are essential for supporting communities, especially in inconsistent environments. The work involves a lot of behind-the-scenes organizing, meetings, and relationship-building. Key resources for learning more about mutual aid and food justice include the book "Mutual Aid" by Dean Spade, the Black Panther social programs, and books like "Food Justice 101" and "More Than Just Food." Remember, it's important to do thorough research and let community leaders guide the process to avoid being extractive. For updates on the work of Volus, follow @polospantry on Twitter or @mesmellymusic for Melly's personal organizing efforts.

    • Exploring the Power of Social Media for Food JusticeSocial media platforms like Twitter can amplify voices and actions for food justice causes, allowing individuals and organizations to make a larger impact.

      Social media platforms like Twitter can be powerful tools for raising awareness and engaging in important social issues, such as food justice work. The guest on the Happen Here Podcast emphasized her frequent use of Twitter to share and retweet content related to this cause, highlighting the potential for individuals and organizations to make an impact on a larger scale. Additionally, the podcast emphasized the importance of following and supporting various shows and media outlets for ongoing education and inspiration. Other mentions included NASCAR coverage on The Motor Racing Network, Xumo Play for entertainment, and Revisionist History with Malcolm Gladwell. Lastly, the upcoming NFL season schedule release was teased for football fans.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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