
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 69

    enFebruary 04, 2023
    What features does BetMGM offer for sports betting?
    How did the community affect the open gaming license?
    What are the push factors for Rohingya refugees?
    Who founded the ARSA, and when was it formed?
    What is the international community's role regarding the Rohingya conflict?

    Podcast Summary

    • Community Action and Victories in Betting, Education, and GamingPersistence, innovation, and community power led to positive outcomes for BetMGM's sports betting platform, Purdue Global's education model, and the Dungeons and Dragons community's pushback against licensing restrictions.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with easy sign-up, generous welcome bonuses, and a wide range of features including parlay selections, live betting, and daily promotions. Additionally, Purdue Global provides an accessible and respected education for those looking to further their careers, backed by the renowned Purdue University. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, the community's pushback against Wizards of the Coast's plans to restrict the open gaming license led to a positive outcome, as the company ultimately reversed course and placed the license under an irrevocable creative commons license. This victory highlights the importance of open source ideology and the power of community action. Furthermore, the demand for Pathfinder books has skyrocketed, indicating a strong interest in tabletop role-playing games. Overall, these stories showcase the value of persistence, innovation, and the power of community in various aspects of life.

    • The Open Gaming License fostered growth and innovation in tabletop RPGsThe Open Gaming License, which allowed for the open sharing of game mechanics, led to the creation of a thriving community of game designers and businesses, resulting in the proliferation of new games and supplemental materials.

      The open gaming license, which emerged in the early 2000s, played a crucial role in the growth and innovation of tabletop role-playing games, particularly Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. This license allowed for the open sharing and use of game mechanics, creating a thriving community of creators and businesses. It was important because game mechanics themselves cannot be copyrighted, and the license provided a safe harbor for creators to share their content without fear of lawsuits. This led to the proliferation of new games and supplemental materials, benefiting the hobby as a whole. The open gaming license was a game-changer, fostering creativity and entrepreneurship in the tabletop role-playing game industry.

    • Impact of Wizards of the Coast's new OGL terms on tabletop RPG industryWizards of the Coast's new OGL terms could require large royalty payments, potentially impacting smaller businesses and content creators in the tabletop RPG industry, sparking debate about creativity and growth.

      The open gaming license, which has significantly contributed to the growth of the tabletop RPG industry by allowing collaboration and innovation among various game companies, is facing potential changes that could significantly impact smaller businesses and content creators. Wizards of the Coast, the company that owns Dungeons & Dragons and oversees the OGL, recently announced new terms that could require large royalty payments for companies making over $750,000 a year. This could be a major challenge for many businesses in the industry, which typically operate on tight margins. The changes have sparked debate about the potential impact on the industry, with some arguing that it could stifle creativity and growth, while others believe it's a necessary step for Wizards to better monetize its intellectual property. Overall, the situation underscores the importance of the open gaming license in fostering innovation and collaboration in the tabletop RPG industry and the potential consequences of altering its terms.

    • Dungeons & Dragons: WotC's Controversial New OGL ProposalWotC's proposed OGL raised concerns for giving WotC free use of content without credit or royalties, sparking backlash and threatening mass exodus from the platform.

      The creation and evolution of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) involves many contributors, and it's morally questionable for a company to claim ownership over the game indefinitely. In 2019, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) proposed a new Open Gaming License (OGL) that raised concerns among the gaming community. The proposed license included a clause allowing WotC to use any content created under the license for free without giving credit or royalties to the creators. This sparked a massive backlash, with many publishers and fans threatening to leave the platform. The leak of the full draft document on January 9, 2020, led to a firestorm of media attention and public outrage. The proposed OGL also stated that WotC could cancel it at any time with 30 days' notice, putting all work published under the previous OGL into doubt. Ultimately, WotC had to retreat and clarify that the leaked document was a draft, and they launched a new safe harbor license for publishers to use instead. This incident highlights the importance of recognizing the contributions of many individuals in the creation and evolution of D&D and the potential consequences of attempting to assert excessive ownership over intellectual property.

    • Wizards of the Coast Loses Control Over D&D's Open Game LicenseWizards of the Coast is losing control over the OGL for D&D due to controversy. The Open RPG License (ORC) is being developed as a rules-neutral alternative, fostering collaboration and growth in the game industry.

      The ongoing controversy surrounding the Open Game License (OGL) for Dungeons & Dragons has resulted in a significant shift, with a law firm that drafted the first OGL set to take ownership. Many creators are abandoning Wizards of the Coast due to concerns over the company's handling of the license and its ability to change terms unilaterally. Wizards has announced a new version of the OGL, but it still contains controversial elements like a morality clause, which could stifle creative projects. The Open RPG License (ORC) is being developed as a rules-neutral, industry-wide alternative, with the goal of allowing companies to share and build upon each other's content. The ORC will be administered by a nonprofit to ensure stability and prevent future disputes. As for Pathfinder, it will continue to be developed under the new license, and the mechanics underlying it will likely be different from the 3.5 edition that many are familiar with. The focus is on creating a license that fosters collaboration and growth within the game industry.

    • Paizo's New OGL for Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Changes and UncertaintiesPaizo's new OGL for Pathfinder 2nd edition brings stability but could lead to market fragmentation. Wizards of the Coast may face challenges as players explore new games and companies. The industry's resilience and adaptability will help it weather these changes.

      The tabletop role-playing game industry is experiencing significant changes following Paizo's decision to create a new Open Game License (OGL) for Pathfinder 2nd edition. Paizo now fully owns and controls the game, providing a more stable foundation for creators. However, this shift could potentially lead to market fragmentation, as various companies explore new directions. Wizards of the Coast, the industry's previous market leader, may face challenges as players explore new games and companies. Despite these uncertainties, the legacy of tabletop RPGs is one of cooperation and continuity, with games and communities enduring even when companies change hands. The future of the industry remains uncertain, but it's an exciting time for creators and players alike, with numerous new games and companies emerging. The industry's resilience and adaptability, as seen in the past with games like Call of Cthulhu and Dungeons & Dragons, are key strengths that will help it weather these changes.

    • Tabletop role-playing games bring people togetherDespite challenges, tabletop role-playing games continue to thrive, connecting players through communal storytelling and cherished experiences.

      Tabletop role-playing games, like those produced by Paizo, have a deep personal connection to their players due to the communal storytelling experience they provide. These games have endured for generations because they bring people together to create and share experiences. Despite corporate challenges, the passion and excitement for these games remain strong. Players, whether they've used alternative methods to play or have access to the latest rulebooks and dice, continue to engage with these games. The future of tabletop role-playing games, represented by companies like Paizo, looks bright, as they continue to provide a unique and cherished experience for players.

    • Supporting border communities seeking asylumAllo Tualaro and a network of volunteers, nonprofits, and NGOs provide crucial legal orientation, humanitarian aid, and essential services to diverse border communities seeking asylum, addressing the complex and restrictive policies of the federal government.

      The border communities, specifically those seeking asylum in the US, face increasingly complex and restrictive policies, resulting in lengthy wait times and struggles to meet basic needs. Allo Tualaro, an organization based in Tijuana, Mexico, plays a crucial role in this context by providing legal orientation, humanitarian aid, and connecting migrants with essential services. The diversity of people seeking asylum is vast, including those speaking various languages like Haitian Creole, French, Farsi, and Russian. As the federal government fails to adequately address these issues, organizations like Allo Tualaro and a broad network of volunteers, nonprofits, and NGOs have stepped up to provide support. This collaboration is essential as the border becomes an increasingly diverse and intricate space, with people coming from various backgrounds and requiring specialized assistance.

    • Policies limiting asylum access in the USSince 2016, US policies have made it harder for asylum seekers to access the process, forcing them to wait in dangerous areas and denying entry to most during the pandemic, with recent changes requiring a smartphone app in limited languages.

      The asylum process in the United States is supposed to be a system for individuals who express fear of persecution in their home country to be referred for processing. However, policies implemented since the end of the Obama administration, including metering and remain in Mexico, have made it increasingly difficult for asylum seekers to access the process, requiring them to wait in dangerous territories for extended periods. With the onset of the pandemic, Title 42 was enacted, resulting in a near-total closure of the border, denying entry to most asylum seekers without opportunity for review. Recently, the process for requesting exemptions to Title 42 has shifted to a smartphone application, which is only available in Spanish and English, creating additional barriers for those who do not speak these languages. These policies have significantly impacted the ability of individuals to seek asylum in the United States, leaving many in limbo and at risk.

    • Title 42 causes issues for vulnerable populationsTitle 42's implementation as a public health policy in immigration leads to false positives in facial recognition software, turning away of asylum seekers, and increased risks for vulnerable populations.

      The implementation of Title 42 as a public health policy in the immigration context has led to numerous issues, particularly for vulnerable populations such as Haitian Creole speakers and individuals with Afro-descendant or indigenous features. The facial recognition software integrated into the CBP app has been found to lead to false positives and failure to recognize these individuals, preventing them from seeking help or accessing appointments. Furthermore, Title 42 has been used to turn away asylum seekers, leading to overcounting of encounters and forcing individuals to attempt multiple crossings, increasing risks and danger. The ongoing legal battles around Title 42 have delayed its repeal, despite the repeal of most other protective measures during the ongoing pandemic. The situation at the border is complex and requires a humane approach that recognizes the desperate circumstances driving people to seek safety in the United States.

    • Lack of political will and resources at the US-Mexico borderThe US has the resources to address border issues with dignity, but lacks political will and creates unequal programs based on nationality, raising concerns of racism.

      The situation at the US-Mexico border is not a crisis as portrayed, but rather a lack of political will and emotional capital to uphold the country's obligations to refugees and asylum seekers under US federal law and the refugee convention. The US government has the resources and personnel to respond rapidly to mass migration events with human dignity, as shown during the influx of Ukrainian refugees. However, the administration's policies continue to restrict access to the border and create unequal programs for different nationalities, which raises concerns of racism. To help, individuals can support organizations at the border with language skills or look for local organizations serving immigrants in their communities to provide essential services and resources.

    • Understanding and supporting immigrants seeking asylumEngage in conversations with elected officials, read resources, volunteer, donate, and directly help in border communities to make a difference in the situation at the border for immigrants seeking asylum.

      The situation at the border for immigrants seeking asylum is a crucial issue that affects not only them but also the future of individual rights and freedoms. The lack of volunteers and engagement from the public, especially in conversations with elected officials, allows harmful policies to be tested on vulnerable groups. To better understand and support this cause, resources such as Todd Miller's Border Chronicles, ProPublica, and The Intercept are recommended. Directly helping in border communities or donating to organizations like Aloto Alado are also effective ways to make a difference. The current situation at the border is part of a larger historical context, as the US is a signatory to the refugee convention, and turning away asylum seekers is a repetition of past tragedies like the MS Saint Louis. Every instance of denying asylum is a tragedy, regardless of the number of people involved.

    • The decline of Indian cottage industries due to British colonialismBritish colonialism led to the displacement of local artisans and the rise of mass-produced textiles from Lancashire, causing significant social and economic upheaval in India's rural communities and the loss of traditional ways of life.

      The impact of British colonialism on India's economy, particularly in the textile industry, led to the decline of traditional cottage industries and the displacement of local artisans. This was due to the mass production and importation of inexpensive textiles from Lancashire during Britain's industrial revolution. The result was a significant social and economic upheaval, with far-reaching consequences for India's rural communities and their traditional ways of life. The introduction of British education under colonial rule further solidified the British influence and continued the process of Westernization, further distancing India from its own cultural heritage. The discussion also touched upon the benefits and drawbacks of mass production and the separation of labor in the industrial process, which had significant social and mental impacts on people.

    • British Raj's impact on Indian education and mindsetThe British Raj's promotion of English education led to a generation of Indians who saw their own culture as backward and adopted the values and political positions of their former colonial powers.

      During colonial times, the British Raj aimed to colonize the minds of young Indians by replacing traditional schools with colonial ones and promoting English education. This led to a generation of Indians who saw their own culture as backward and uncivilized, and who became the rulers of their countries upon political independence. This dynamic, known as neocolonialism, meant that these leaders reflected the values and political positions of their former colonial powers, perpetuating colonialism in a new form. This is a common theme in former British colonies and is discussed in depth by Frantz Fanon. The pressure to present oneself as British in order to gain respect was also prevalent among older generations who grew up during colonial times.

    • The hold of deeply conservative ideas hinders India's progressNehru's Western education and socialist vision led India to adopt a centralized planning approach, but external influences and lack of self-determination have hindered India's progress, causing widespread suffering and dissatisfaction.

      The hold of deeply conservative, religious, and reactionary ideas, instilled in education systems and cultural zeitgeist of the past, has hindered progress in various parts of the world, including India. Nehru, India's first prime minister after independence, represents the Western-educated colonial subject trying to elevate India beyond its colonial status. Nehru's inspiration came from Fabian socialists and his vision led India to adopt a centralized planning approach, resulting in India being referred to as a socialist country in its constitution. However, India continues to be influenced by external forces, including the World Bank, IMF, and multinational corporations, rather than ruling itself. This has led to widespread suffering among the poor and dissatisfaction among the people. Mahatma Gandhi, despite his flaws, had a different vision for India and was ultimately assassinated for it. The discussion highlights the importance of questioning and challenging deeply ingrained ideas and working towards self-determination.

    • Mahatma Gandhi's Swadeshi philosophy: Self-reliant villages and a decentralized economyMahatma Gandhi advocated for self-reliant villages and a decentralized economy in India through Swadeshi philosophy. This involved producing and using goods locally, boycotting foreign goods, and emphasizing community relationships and care for natural resources.

      Mahatma Gandhi's Swadeshi philosophy advocated for self-reliant villages and a decentralized economy in India. This involved producing and using goods locally, with minimal trade and collaboration between communities. Swadeshi was influenced by the erosion of self-reliance and the increasing reliance on external market forces during British rule. It also had spiritual components, emphasizing the use of hands and the importance of community relationships and care for natural resources. The Swadeshi movement, which included the boycott of foreign goods, gained momentum in the early 20th century as a response to British economic policies. Overall, Swadeshi aimed to create self-sufficient villages and a strong economic base within India.

    • Empowering individuals and communities through self-sufficiency and control over productionMahatma Gandhi's Swadeshi philosophy promoted self-sufficiency, control over production, and a connection to cultural heritage as a means to empower individuals and communities, while addressing historical issues like sexism, caste system, and colorism.

      Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of Swadeshi was a response to the negative effects of mass production and the global economy on individuals and communities, particularly in India. Swadeshi aimed to empower individuals and communities by putting them in control of their own production and technology, rather than being subordinated to it. It also promoted self-sufficiency and a connection to one's cultural heritage. However, it's important to note that Swadeshi was not a call to romanticize or mythologize the past, but rather to learn from it and address the issues that existed prior to colonialism, such as sexism, caste system, and colorism. Swadeshi was a comprehensive philosophy of life for Gandhi, and while it is most known for its focus on protectionism and opposition to foreign imports, it was much more than that. Overall, Swadeshi offered a vision for a more equitable and self-sufficient society.

    • Rise in Legislation Targeting Transgender IndividualsPolitical figures are pushing harmful policies against transgender people, potentially causing harm and even death, disguised as medical care bans and conversion therapy promotion.

      We are currently witnessing a rise in legislation targeting transgender individuals, particularly young people, with bills banning gender-affirming care. These bills, such as the one recently passed in Utah, have been criticized for potentially causing harm to vulnerable populations, with some experts predicting that children will die as a result. This phenomenon is part of what is being referred to as the "age of the gender bureaucrat," where political figures are using transgender people as a scapegoat and pushing divisive, harmful policies. It's important to note that these bills are not just about medical care, but also include provisions that could potentially promote conversion therapy. This is a concerning development, as these policies are not only discriminatory but also have the potential to cause significant harm to individuals and communities. It's crucial to stay informed and advocate for the rights and wellbeing of all people, especially those who are marginalized and face discrimination.

    • The first official record of one's gender identity is assigned at birth by a medical professionalBirth gender assignment by medical professionals is a fundamental aspect of bureaucracy, allowing us to navigate complexities but potentially leading to misunderstandings

      The assignment of gender at birth is an important moment in an individual's life, as it is the first official record of one's gender identity. This moment is significant because it is not just a social construct, but an actual assignment made by a medical professional, making them the first gender bureaucrat. This act of simplification, reducing complex realities to preconceived categories, is a fundamental aspect of bureaucracy, as discussed by anthropologist David Graeber. While bureaucracy can be frustrating due to its reductionist nature, it is also the foundation of our thought processes and understanding of the world. The simplification and model making that occur in bureaucracy allow us to navigate complex situations and make sense of the world around us. However, it is important to remember that these simplifications can also lead to misunderstandings or misrepresentations, highlighting the importance of nuanced discussions and considerations of complex issues like gender identity.

    • The simplification of complex situations can lead to violent reactions from those in powerBureaucratic power's need for simple schemas and monopoly on force can result in violent reactions towards those who resist or offer alternative interpretations

      Simplifying complex situations to understand them better can be seen as a form of violence, but it's a necessary one for how we think. However, when this violence becomes literal, as in the case of police enforcement, it can lead to harmful consequences. Challenging the authority's definition of a situation can result in violent reactions, as seen in instances of police brutality. This bureaucratic violence stems from the state's need to impose simple administrative schemas and its monopoly on coercive force. Those who resist these schemas or offer alternative interpretations are often met with force, making mature intelligence, the ability to coordinate between multiple perspectives, a crucial counterbalance. The passage from David Graeber highlights the infantile stupidity of bureaucratic power when it turns to violence. This critique provides a valuable perspective on the relationship between power and violence, especially in the context of everyday interactions with authority figures.

    • Bureaucracy and Gender: Intersection of HarmBureaucracy's enforcement of gender can lead to violence and discrimination, particularly for those outside binary categories. Intersex individuals face immediate harm and long-term consequences from assigned genders. Feminist and critical race theories help understand the complexities of gender and the impact of bureaucracy on marginalized communities.

      The intersection of bureaucracy and gender can lead to violence and discrimination, particularly for those who do not fit neatly into binary gender categories. Graeber's discussion highlights the potential harm caused when bureaucrats enforce their version of reality, such as assigning a gender at birth. For intersex individuals, this can result in immediate violence and long-term consequences, including the denial of their true identity. The growth of bureaucracy over time has increased the need for strict enforcement and the capacity to do so, leading to an increase in violence and discrimination against those who challenge the system. The discussion also touches on the role of feminist and critical race theories in understanding the complexities of gender and the impact of bureaucracy on marginalized communities.

    • The Violence of Gender BureaucracyThe forced assignment of gender through nonconsensual surgeries and documentation is a form of violence that harms intersex individuals and denies them access to their rights and privileges if they do not conform to a binary gender system.

      The forced assignment of gender to intersex individuals through nonconsensual surgeries and bureaucratic documentation is a form of violence that has been ongoing since the 1960s. This practice, which is often justified by narrow definitions of gender, causes irreversible harm and mental suffering. The sports field has been a common battleground for this issue, with authorities attempting to enforce a binary gender system through violence and destruction. The bureaucratic categorization of gender as a literal truth, which is enforced through violence, is a simplification of reality that does not hold up scientifically or philosophically. The state's insistence on assigning and documenting gender exposes individuals to state violence and denies them access to their rights and privileges if they do not conform. The expansion of the state's bureaucratic capacity during World War 2 made it increasingly difficult for individuals to go without birth certificates, leading to violent consequences. Overall, the gender bureaucracy is an inherently violent system that imposes a gender on individuals and exposes them to state violence if they do not conform.

    • Discrimination and bureaucratic complexities in requiring identity documents based on genderIndividuals have faced significant consequences, including pay disparities and job category changes, due to their gender identity not aligning with the one assigned to them at birth. Discriminatory systems perpetuate inequality based on gender identity and need to be challenged and dismantled.

      The history of requiring identity documents based on gender reveals deep-rooted discrimination and bureaucratic complexities. The discussion highlighted instances where individuals, such as Oshtisch and Jonathan Ferguson, faced significant consequences due to their gender identity not aligning with the one assigned to them at birth. These consequences ranged from being unable to change their identity documents to facing pay disparities and job category changes. The case of Ferguson illustrates how the British government's meritocracy claims in the civil service were undermined by gendered wage disparities and expectations. Meanwhile, other individuals, like a trans woman in the Admiralty department, were advised to delay official recognition of their gender transition to avoid a reduction in pay. These examples demonstrate how one's status in the gender bureaucracy can impact their ability to access resources from the state. Overall, the discussion underscores the need to challenge and dismantle discriminatory systems that perpetuate inequality based on gender identity.

    • State control and enforcement of genderThe state's gender bureaucracy holds immense power, enforcing conformity to assigned genders for access to services and interacting with the state, amounting to a form of gender totalitarianism.

      The state's gender bureaucracy holds significant power, forcing individuals to conform to their assigned gender in order to interact with various state systems and services. This not only applies when dealing with the state but also in private lives, amounting to a form of gender totalitarianism. The state's ability to control and enforce gender has expanded over the 20th century, leading to increased regulations and bureaucracy. Those without proper documentation or not conforming to state-mandated gender face severe consequences, such as arrests and deportation. Recent bills targeting minors and adults, restricting gender-affirming treatments and bodily autonomy, further illustrate this trend towards enforcing state-mandated genders.

    • Government control over gender identity is a concern, especially for marginalized communitiesStay informed and engaged in discussions surrounding gender identity and the role of the state, challenge industries or products against values, support alternative developers or take collective action.

      The increasing surveillance and government control over gender identity is a significant concern, especially for marginalized communities. This issue is not just limited to trans individuals but also impacts cis people, particularly women, who may face scrutiny based on their physical appearance. This level of state intervention into people's lives is unprecedented and reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. While the power of the state is currently tenuous, there is a possibility to push back against these intrusions and create a world where individual autonomy and self-expression are respected. It's essential to be aware of the intersections of gender, power, and bureaucracy and to challenge the notion that we are obligated to support industries or products that go against our values. The ongoing debate about buying games to support developers is an example of this. Instead, we can choose to support alternative developers or take collective action to bring about change. Overall, it's crucial to stay informed and engaged in discussions surrounding gender identity and the role of the state in shaping it.

    • Long-term persecution of Rohingya people in MyanmarRohingya people, part of Myanmar for generations, face exclusion due to religious and ethnic differences, leading to crimes against humanity, deep-rooted history, ongoing human rights issues, and significant refugee population.

      The Rohingya people, who have been a part of Myanmar for generations, have faced long-term persecution due to their religious and ethnic differences. This discrimination, carried out by various Myanmar governments, has led to the exclusion of Rohingya from religious, ethnic, and social aspects of society. The first discriminatory policies were established as early as the 1960s, and have since escalated to the point of being defined as crimes against humanity. Despite their deep-rooted history in Myanmar, Rohingya people continue to face exclusion and are now a significant refugee population. It's important to acknowledge and understand the complex history of Rohingya persecution, as they still face difficult situations and human rights issues. Additionally, there are various offers and promotions available for those interested in sports betting, such as BetMGM's bonus bets for new customers. Remember to gamble responsibly and only if you're 21 years old and located in eligible areas. On a different note, the film "Back to Black" offers an opportunity to experience Amy Winehouse's music and story on the big screen. And, with AT&T's In-Car Wi-Fi, you can stay connected and productive while on the road.

    • Decades of persecution for Rohingya peopleDespite international pressure, Rohingya people remain excluded from Myanmar's political process and face ongoing violence, resulting in over a million refugees in Bangladesh. A more inclusive political structure, like federal democracy, is needed to ensure representation and rights for all ethnic groups.

      The Rohingya people of Myanmar have faced decades of persecution, displacement, and human rights violations, including genocidal acts. Despite international pressure, they remain largely excluded from the political process and face ongoing violence. The most recent wave of violence in 2017 resulted in the displacement of over a million people, with many still living as refugees in Bangladesh. The political landscape in Myanmar has shifted, with the military ruling the country following a coup in 2021. The National Unity Government, formed by elected members of parliament, is currently considered the legitimate government, but it does not yet meaningfully represent the Rohingya population. The need for a more inclusive political structure, such as a federal democracy, is a common theme in addressing the ongoing conflict and ensuring the rights and representation of all ethnic groups in Myanmar.

    • Narrative of Rohingya people in MyanmarThe narrative around Rohingya people in Myanmar was designed to exclude and misinform, leading to human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Lasting solution involves safe and dignified repatriation to their place of origin and advocacy for democratic principles.

      The narrative constructed around the Rohingya people in Myanmar was intentionally designed to exclude and misinform, leading to systematic restrictions on their movement and ability to share their stories. This was facilitated through state-sponsored propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. As a result, the Rohingya people have been perceived as a threat and foreigners, despite being indigenous to Myanmar. The reality of their situation, which includes human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and genocide, has only recently begun to be recognized by a larger population. The principles of democracy, including equal rights, justice, and inclusivity, should be the benchmark for inclusion or exclusion, rather than sympathies. For Rohingya people who have fled Myanmar, life in refugee camps and other temporary shelters is difficult, with limited resources and ongoing trauma. A lasting solution involves safe and dignified repatriation to their place of origin in Myanmar. The international community can support this by advocating for democratic principles and holding those responsible for human rights abuses accountable.

    • Rohingya refugees face numerous challenges in BangladeshDespite precarious camp conditions, Rohingya refugees risk dangerous journeys for better opportunities, facing restricted movements, denied access to education, livelihoods, and information in the camps.

      The Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh face numerous challenges, making a safe, dignified, and voluntary return to Myanmar unlikely. The situation in the overcrowded camps is precarious, with low hygiene levels and the risk of unrest. The Bangladeshi government has attempted to create sustainable solutions by relocating some Rohingya populations to an uninhabited island, despite its inhospitable conditions and distance from Bangladesh. Some Rohingya have risked their lives by taking dangerous boat journeys to countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, seeking better opportunities. The Rohingya refugees face restricted movements, denied access to education, livelihoods, and information in the camps. With limited prospects for the future, they are driven to explore dangerous alternatives. The journey by boat is perilous, with many Rohingya dying at sea or being arrested and jailed upon arrival. The future for the Rohingya remains uncertain, as they continue to endure difficult conditions in the camps or risk their lives in search of a better future.

    • Rohingya's Push and Pull Factors Driving Them to MalaysiaThe Rohingya's persecution, lack of equal rights, and desire for self-determination in Myanmar, along with family reunions and cultural preservation in Malaysia, contribute to their migration.

      The Rohingya people are facing significant push factors, primarily from Myanmar and Bangladesh, leading them to seek refuge in Malaysia. These push factors include persecution, lack of equal rights, and a desire for self-determination. On the other hand, there are pull factors, such as family reunions and the desire to maintain culture and language, that draw Rohingya to Malaysia. Two Rohingya groups, ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army) and the RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization), have emerged in the context of Myanmar's long-standing ethnic conflicts. ARSA aims for equal rights, justice, and self-determination, while the RSO was formed when previous peaceful efforts failed. However, the RSO faced internal issues and collapsed, leading to the rise of a new Rohingya leader, Ata Ullah, who formed the ARSA in 2014. The complex situation in Myanmar, with its long-standing ethnic conflicts and the persecution of the Rohingya people, has led to the formation of armed groups like ARSA as a means of self-defense and seeking justice. The Rohingya people's struggle for equal rights and dignity continues, with many seeking refuge in neighboring countries like Malaysia.

    • Understanding political landscape crucial for revolutions, Rohingya conflict complexInternational community can apply pressure, impose sanctions to help Rohingya, hold accountable for genocide and crimes against humanity

      Understanding the political landscape is crucial for leading revolutions, as demonstrated by the complex situation in Myanmar regarding the Rohingya conflict. The Rohingya people have faced collective punishment and displacement due to individual actions by armed groups like ARSA and RSO. These groups have different ideologies leading to clashes, resulting in devastating consequences for the Rohingya population. The international community can go beyond statements of concern and take meaningful action, such as applying pressure on governments and imposing sanctions, to help the Rohingya people and hold those responsible for genocide and crimes against humanity accountable. It's disheartening that such atrocities continue in the modern age, and the international community must answer to its moral obligations to protect human lives.

    • Supporting Myanmar's National Unity GovernmentInternational community should provide support to Myanmar's democratically elected National Unity Government, including incentives, recognition, institutional and capacity building, and military assistance packages in a principles-based approach, to address internal issues and bring accountability for human rights violations.

      The international community must take concrete actions to support Myanmar's National Unity Government in addressing internal issues, particularly the inclusion of the Rohingya and other ethnic and religious minorities. This should be done through incentives and recognition, as the National Unity Government is democratically elected despite its flaws. The international community should also provide institutional and capacity building support to the People's Defense Forces (PDF), recognizing their respect for human rights and human dignity in the face of limited resources. Military assistance packages, provided in a principles-based approach, can help the PDF defeat the hunter militia and bring accountability for human rights violations. Following the speaker's work can be done through their Twitter and Facebook accounts, @AKMu2 on Twitter and on Facebook for updates on human rights situations in Myanmar, particularly regarding the Rohingya and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

    • Exploring diverse media sources for information and entertainmentListen to the It Could Happen Here podcast for valuable insights, read the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily for authentic perspectives, stream free entertainment on Xumo Play, and find affordable car parts on EBay Motors. Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast is also available on Xumo Play.

      The speakers on the It Could Happen Here podcast provide valuable and informative content, making it a great resource for staying informed. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily also offers authentic perspectives and stories from Detroit's black community. Xumo Play offers a free, diverse platform for streaming entertainment, and EBay Motors provides affordable and guaranteed-fit parts for car enthusiasts. Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast is also available on the platform. Overall, these various media sources offer a wealth of information and entertainment for different interests and communities. The speakers on the It Could Happen Here podcast expressed their gratitude for being part of the program and thanked the audience for tuning in. The podcast is available weekly and can be found on various platforms including Cool Zone Media's website, Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, and wherever podcasts are listened to. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily can be subscribed to at michicancronicle.com, and Xumo Play can be accessed at play.xum0.com or downloaded from the app and Google Play Stores. EBay Motors can be visited at ebaymotors.com for car parts and accessories.

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    enSeptember 14, 2024

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 146

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 146

    All of this week's episodes of It Could Happen Here put together in one large file.

    1. How DSA Politicians & the City of LA Betrayed a Tenant Movement
    2. The Anarchists of Chile feat. Andrew
    3. What Happens When A US Volunteer Is Shot by the IDF?

    You can now listen to all Cool Zone Media shows, 100% ad-free through the Cooler Zone Media subscription, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. So, open your Apple Podcasts app, search for “Cooler Zone Media” and subscribe today!


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enSeptember 07, 2024

    Part Two: That Time eBay's Private Spies Went To War With Some Bloggers

    Part Two: That Time eBay's Private Spies Went To War With Some Bloggers

    Robert and Jason continue the thrilling story of this Jim Baugh and Ebay's war against some elderly bloggers.

    Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube!

    New videos every Wednesday and Friday.

    (Backlog episodes on Saturdays until we catch up)

    Subscribe to our channel: Youtube.com/@behindthebastards 


    Inside eBay’s Cockroach Cult: The Ghastly Story of a Stalking Scandal - The New York Times (archive.is)

    Investigation into eBay continues after stalking scandal | 60 Minutes - CBS News

    U.S. Criminally Charges EBay in Cyberstalking Case - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

    At eBay, Lurid Crimes and the Search for Punishment - The New York Times (archive.is)

    Lawsuit: eBay tried to “terrorize, stalk, and silence” couple that ran news site | Ars Technica

    ‘Cyber Mercenaries’: Israel’s Spyware Industry Is Getting Slammed Around the World - Israel News - Haaretz.com (archive.is)

    Hackers Reveal Offers to Spy on Corporate Rivals - The New York Times (nytimes.com)









    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    Part One: That Time eBay's Private Spies Went To War With Some Bloggers

    Part One: That Time eBay's Private Spies Went To War With Some Bloggers

    Robert sits down with Jason Pargin to lay out the insane story of how eBay corporate security, with the tacit endorsement of their executives, waged a relentless shadow war against two elderly bloggers for no reason really.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube!

    New videos every Wednesday and Friday.

    (Backlog episodes on Saturdays until we catch up)

    Subscribe to our channel: Youtube.com/@behindthebastards 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 145

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 145

    All of this week's episodes of It Could Happen Here put together in one large file.

    1. Kamala Shuts Down the DNC
    2. Imane Khelif and the Co-option of the Mexican Terfs
    3. The Battle of Karbala
    4. Transnational Repression of Sikh Independence Activists
    5. Political Cults: The Democratic Workers Party feat. Andrew

    You can now listen to all Cool Zone Media shows, 100% ad-free through the Cooler Zone Media subscription, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. So, open your Apple Podcasts app, search for “Cooler Zone Media” and subscribe today!


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enAugust 31, 2024

    Part Two: Thomas Kinkade: the Evil-est Painter

    Part Two: Thomas Kinkade: the Evil-est Painter

    Robert and Randy conclude the story of Thomas Kincade by talking about the massive fraud he committed and also some sex crimes.

    Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube!

    New videos every Wednesday and Friday.

    (Backlog episodes on Saturdays until we catch up)

    Subscribe to our channel: Youtube.com/@behindthebastards 






















    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enAugust 29, 2024

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    Subscribe to The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

    Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShow

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    Exclusive interview with Laurence Fox About His Arrest and GB News Exit, and Dangers Parents Face with Their Kids on Trans Ideology, with Dr. Miriam Grossman | Ep. 642

    Exclusive interview with Laurence Fox About His Arrest and GB News Exit, and Dangers Parents Face with Their Kids on Trans Ideology, with Dr. Miriam Grossman | Ep. 642

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Laurence Fox, leader of The Reclaim Party in the UK, for his first interview since his release from jail and exit from GB News to talk about his firing, arrest, cancel culture, the difference between free speech in the UK and the US, his relationship now with Dan Wootton, why he’s "scared” of staying in Great Britain, and more. Plus, Dr. Miriam Grossman, author of the new book “Lost in Trans Nation,” joins to discuss the trauma parents endure when their child wants to transition, Los Angeles elementary schools celebrating “National Coming Out Day”, why parents need to stay on top of what their children are being taught in schools, and more.

    Fox: https://www.youtube.com/c/ReclaimTheMedia_

    Grossman: https://www.miriamgrossmanmd.com


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

    Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShow

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    Facebook: http://Facebook.com/MegynKellyShow


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    100,000 Afghans Were Airlifted Out Of Kabul. What Happened To Those Who Weren't?

    100,000 Afghans Were Airlifted Out Of Kabul. What Happened To Those Who Weren't?
    It's been two years since the Taliban entered Kabul, throwing the final days of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan into chaos. Crowds of people desperate to leave the country surrounded the airport.

    Tens of thousands of Afghans were airlifted out before American troops pulled out. Many more are still trying to reach the U.S. Some are risking their lives to cross the border from Mexico.

    NPR's Tom Bowman has the story of one family who traveled from Afghanistan to Virginia, by way of Pakistan and Mexico, to get medical care for their young daughter.

    In participating regions, you'll also hear a local news segment to help you make sense of what's going on in your community.

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