
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring BetMGM, Purdue Global, Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, SYNBOTICA, and Robert Evans's Book DiscoveryBetMGM delivers an engaging sports betting experience, Purdue Global offers flexible education, Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily connects Detroit's black community, SYNBOTICA provides effective supplements, and Robert Evans found comfort in an unusual book.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with various features, easy sign-up process, and generous welcome bonus. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides an accessible education for working adults backed by a reputable university. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community connected, and SYNBOTICA offers effective all-natural supplements. Lastly, Robert Evans shared an unusual yet comforting book discovery during Halloween week. Remember to use code "celebrate" at BetMGM for up to $1500 in bonus bets, and visit PurdueGlobal.edu, Symbiotica.com, and MichiganChronicle.com for their respective offerings. Stay informed and enjoy these services responsibly.

    • Exploring conservative Christian beliefs through the lens of Halloween and witchcraftThe book 'Halloween Satan's New York' primarily focuses on the author's conservative Christian beliefs, using paraphrased Bible scriptures and a chapter on witchcraft as a vehicle for expressing these beliefs.

      The book "Halloween Satan's New York" by Billie Dimely, despite its title suggesting a focus on Halloween and witchcraft, primarily explores the author's conservative Christian beliefs. Dimely, a doctor of ministry, self-published the book in 2006, and it consists mainly of paraphrased Bible scriptures about good and evil, with a chapter on witchcraft being the highlight. This chapter, titled "The Witch of Endor," is approximately 30 pages long and offers an expose on witchcraft and the occult. The book's content is repetitive, emphasizing the contrast between Jesus and Satan, and it includes various paraphrased Bible verses on Christian themes. Dimely's Facebook profile states that she works in the service of God. Although the book was published in 2006, her last Facebook post was in February 2020, leading to speculation about her current status.

    • The Practice of Witchcraft: Ancient False Gods and MagicWitchcraft, a forbidden black art, involves using evil spirits, including the devil and demons, through techniques like incantations and demon possession. It's considered a current problem, rooted in the fall of man, and equated with Satanism.

      According to the text, witchcraft is the practice of using ancient false gods and magic, which is considered the forbidden black art that brings about results beyond human power through evil spirits, including the devil and his demons. Witchcraft involves various techniques such as incantations, magical mutterings, and even demon possession. The author emphasizes that there is no meaningful distinction between witchcraft and sorcery, both being diabolical and devilish. She also tries to convince her readers that witchcraft is a current problem by referencing biblical examples and equating nature spirits with Satanism. The origin of magic is traced back to the fall of man in the book of Genesis, where it is seen as an attempt to gain godlike power.

    • The Origin of Magic according to this Speaker is Eve's Attempt to Gain Godlike PowerThis speaker believes Eve's desire for knowledge led to the first magical practices, seen as a rebellion against God, with Satan disguised as nature or directly involved in black magic.

      According to this speaker, Eve's attempt to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil in the Bible's Genesis story was an attempt to gain godlike power and magic, making her the origin of magic. The speaker also mentions that the author, a conservative Baptist and biblical literalist, believes that Satanism and witchcraft are a reinvention of paganism and a colossal revolt against God. She distinguishes between black magic, white magic, and neutral magic, with black magic involving Satan directly, white magic being a mask for black magic, and neutral magic having Satan disguised as nature. The author expresses concern over the increasing number of people involved in magical practices and the use of religious terminology in magic. Despite her criticism of the use of God's name in magic, she later complains that no magic uses God's name. Wicca is mentioned only once, but the speaker makes it clear that it is the neutral magic the author is referring to.

    • Exploring Witchcraft and Satanism through LiteratureThe text discusses the author's perspective on traditional magic practices, including gradients, ceremonies, symbolism, and incantations, and his preference for chaos magic. It also touches upon initiation rights and rituals, as well as concerns over the supposed prevalence of Satanic practices and the influence of music on people's beliefs.

      The text discusses the beliefs and practices of witchcraft and Satanism as portrayed in a book by a certain author. The text mentions the use of gradients, ceremonies, symbolism, and incantations in traditional magic. The author finds chaos magic, which involves calling on fake characters, more fun. The text also covers initiation rights and rituals, including the alleged sacrifice of children and consumption of their bodies in parody of the Lord's supper. The text expresses concern over the supposed prevalence of Satanic practices and the influence of music on leading people away from Christianity. The text also touches upon the historical connection between Sabbats (witches' festivals) and the Jewish Sabbath, and the alleged plagiarism in early witch hunting texts. Overall, the text presents a critical and skeptical perspective towards the beliefs and practices described.

    • Origins of Halloween and WitchcraftThe origins of Halloween are rooted in ancient pagan practices and have a history of anti-Semitic tropes. It was originally observed by the Druids and Romans, and was believed to be the unholy satanic New Year. Modern Halloween traditions may not be directly linked to these ancient practices, but it's important to recognize their historical significance.

      The origins of Halloween and witchcraft are intertwined with ancient pagan practices and have roots in anti-Semitic tropes. The festival was originally observed by the Druids and Romans, and was believed to be the unholy satanic New Year. Halloween was seen as a time when the lord of death gathered the souls of the dead, and was tied to beliefs in reincarnation. While modern Halloween traditions may not be directly linked to these ancient practices, it is important to recognize their historical significance. The speaker also notes that the modern notion of Halloween as a children's holiday has its roots in the Saturnalia, a Roman festival where rules were suspended and children took on adult roles. However, the speaker expresses concern over the increasing harmful acts perpetuated against children on Halloween, including the distribution of drugs and other harmful substances.

    • Halloween's Commercialized Celebration vs. Darker OriginsThough Halloween has evolved into a commercialized event, some still perceive its darker origins, but the majority enjoys merrymaking and trick-or-treating, with concerns about children's exposure to dark rituals diminishing over time.

      Halloween, while rooted in old traditions, has become a highly commercialized event second only to Christmas in terms of financial impact. Some people believe in the celebration's darker origins, associating it with the devil and witchcraft. However, the majority of people view Halloween as a time for merrymaking and trick-or-treating, largely unaware of any potential satanic gatherings or covens. The belief in witchcraft, which was present among early American settlers and indigenous populations, is considered problematic by some. Despite concerns about the potential for children encountering dark rituals, Halloween has generally become a more subdued and family-friendly holiday over the years.

    • Halloween: The Devil's New Year and the Resurgence of WitchcraftHalloween marks the devil's new year and is deeply rooted in polytheism and feminism. Witchcraft, a significant part of this tradition, has existed for thousands of years and has seen a resurgence, with concerns over its sexual elements and syncretism of false religions. Universities in America offer degrees in magic, contributing to its growing legitimacy.

      Halloween, with its deep-rooted history of devilish traditions, is considered the chief festival for the worship of the devil, marking the beginning of his new year. According to the speaker, this festival embodies the synthesis of polytheism and feminism, two sides of the same coin in the devil's scheme. Witchcraft, which has existed for at least 6000 years, is a significant part of this tradition. It is believed to have made a resurgence in modern times, with numerous practitioners worldwide, particularly in America. The speaker expresses concern over the sexual elements and the syncretism of various false religions in witchcraft practices. Furthermore, she believes that the rise of feminism in the 1960s contributed to the appeal of witchcraft, as it emphasizes the preeminence of the goddess. Despite the speaker's concerns, universities in America offer degrees in magic, adding to its growing legitimacy in contemporary society.

    • Feminist Witches and Their Controversial PracticesFeminist witches use their practices to further political and philosophical beliefs, but the use of sexual symbols and rituals sparks controversy and raises concerns.

      The intersection of feminist and witchcraft movements is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The author explores how some feminist witches view their practices as a means to further their political and philosophical tenets, such as the right to abortion. However, the author expresses concern over the use of sexual symbols and rituals, which she perceives as a rejection of societal norms and a potential danger. The cone of power, a symbol of the raised magical power during rituals, is described as phallic and sexual in nature, leading to the author's criticism. Despite the controversy, the author acknowledges the growing popularity of feminist witchcraft and its unique blend of spirituality and activism. The book also touches upon other topics like satanism and anarchy, but the author expresses little interest in them. Overall, the text sheds light on the diverse and sometimes controversial aspects of the feminist and witchcraft movements.

    • A Warning Against WitchcraftThe text strongly condemns witchcraft as Satanic activities and warns against engaging in practices like dancing naked and desecrating God's Sabbath. However, it also acknowledges the reality of Wiccan practices like the 'cone of power'.

      That the text, "For It Could Happen Here All of You of Satan's New Year," presents a strong anti-witchcraft perspective, describing witches as children of the devil who engage in depraved activities. The text warns of the end of witches and their practices, which include dancing naked, listening to gross music, and desecrating God's Sabbath. The author expresses a hope that listeners had a fun Halloween by participating in such activities. However, it was clarified during the discussion that the "cone of power," a method used in Wicca for centering or directing energy, is a real concept and not just an invention. The text primarily focuses on the Christian soul and the dangers of witchcraft. Despite the long length of the book, the sections discussing magic and different groups are worth reading. The text received mixed reviews, with some parts being enjoyable and others being repetitive. Overall, the text serves as a warning against witchcraft and its practices.

    • Detroit's Black Community: Stay Informed and ConnectedStaying informed about Detroit's black community through authentic sources like The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily is vital for personal growth and well-being. Prioritizing good sleep with comfortable mattresses supports overall health. Community initiatives like mutual aid groups offer essential supplies and support during challenging times.

      Staying informed and connected to your community is essential for personal growth and well-being. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides an authentic perspective on Detroit's black community, elevating voices and stories that matter. Meanwhile, prioritizing good sleep is crucial for overall health. Lisa offers comfortable and supportive mattresses catering to various sleep needs. During the pandemic, mutual aid groups like the Common Humanity Collective emerged, providing essential supplies and support to those in need. These initiatives demonstrate the power of community and collaboration in addressing challenges and promoting positive change.

    • Efficiently producing masks and promoting political education during the pandemicA group called Common Humanity Collective started a mutual aid project called ABRAR, producing submicron masks and distributing them to tens of thousands while fostering political discussions and community engagement among diverse participants during the pandemic.

      During the early days of the pandemic, a group called Common Humanity Collective, led by Avar and Janine, started a mutual aid project called ABRAR to address the lack of PPE in the Bay Area. They efficiently and effectively produced submicron masks using unconventional materials and methods, and distributed them to tens of thousands of people. Simultaneously, they used the project as an opportunity for political education, hosting discussions on topics like trade unions, solidarity unionism, tenant organizing, and the political theory of Rosa Luxembourg. This attracted a diverse group of participants, including high school students, anarchists, communists, and liberals, who engaged in meaningful dialogue and found a sense of community during a time of isolation and depression.

    • Community Building and Mutual Aid in Action: A Mask-Making ProjectThrough a mask-making project, volunteers came together to produce and distribute masks, addressing urgent needs while fostering a sense of collective care and empowering individuals to organize around their own needs. Historical examples of successful community organizing inspired participants and showed the potential for a future beyond capitalism.

      Community building and mutual aid are essential components of dismantling systems like the prison industrial complex and creating a future without it. This was demonstrated through a mask-making project where volunteers came together to produce and distribute masks, while also addressing urgent issues like housing insecurity. The project was fueled by a sense of collective care and a desire to empower individuals to organize around their own needs. Despite the exhaustion and challenges, the participants found energy and inspiration from the historical examples of successful community organizing and the potential for a future beyond capitalism. The project brought together people of all ages and backgrounds, creating a sense of belonging and driving action through the interplay of theory and practice.

    • Building community relationships during crisesDuring crises, strong community relationships can provide essential resources and foster new connections, creating resilient networks to help us all get through challenging times.

      During times of crisis, building and relying on strong community relationships can make a significant impact. This was demonstrated through a group's transition from distributing masks to building air purifiers during the COVID-19 pandemic and wildfire seasons. By reaching out to various organizations and individuals, they were able to expand their network, provide essential resources to those in need, and foster new connections. This approach not only helped individuals survive, but also brought people together in a meaningful way. The importance of community support, especially during times when traditional sources of help may be lacking, cannot be overstated. By focusing on relationships and collaboration, we can create resilient networks that can help us all get through challenging times.

    • Mutual aid efforts in Oakland during wildfiresCommunity partnerships and relationships led to successful distribution of air purifiers and stronger, more resilient community

      The mutual aid efforts in Oakland during the wildfire season of 2020 demonstrated the power of community and relationships in times of need. People stayed for hours to help distribute air purifiers, build connections, and discuss ways to improve their mutual aid efforts. Through partnerships and their own initiatives, they distributed air purifiers to underserved communities and invited people to join in building more. The dedication and collaboration of those involved were crucial to the success of these initiatives, creating a sense of reciprocity and autonomy. By focusing on building relationships and addressing specific community needs, these mutual aid efforts created a stronger, more resilient community.

    • Authentic engagement and understanding unique needs in under-resourced communitiesEffective community building requires genuine engagement, examining political potential, and adapting to unique needs to foster deep connections and empower community members.

      Building meaningful connections within under-resourced communities requires authentic engagement and a deep understanding of their unique needs. The team's efforts to distribute air purifiers in Oakland led to surprising discoveries - some residents were unaware of existing aid programs and felt overlooked by larger organizations. By persisting in their outreach, the team was able to establish trust and form relationships. These connections not only facilitated the distribution of air purifiers but also sparked a sense of ownership and empowerment among community members. The team's approach of examining the political potential of their work at every stage allowed them to adapt and respond effectively to the community's needs. Ultimately, the success of their project hinged on their commitment to genuine engagement and their ability to foster deep connections within the community.

    • Mutual aid and anarchist tendencies in historyFocusing on mutual aid and building counter institutions can lead to egalitarian societies, but it's crucial to avoid co-optation and deepen shared values.

      Throughout history, mutual aid and anarchist tendencies have played a crucial role in creating egalitarian societies, as seen in the Spanish Revolution of 1936. Volunteer efforts, while important, can be susceptible to co-optation and may not challenge capitalist hegemony sufficiently. To go beyond this, it's essential to reassert autonomy and focus on building deep consciousness and shared values through mutual aid and counter institutions. The story of an Italian anarchist, who spread revolutionary ideas despite language barriers, demonstrates the power of passionate rhetoric and the potential for ideas to take on a life of their own. This shared consciousness was the precondition for the sweeping egalitarian social revolution in Spain, a society that many still imagine as an inspiring alternative.

    • Fostering Consciousness and Community during the PandemicDespite challenges, fostering community and consciousness led to surprising participation in mutual aid events, inspired by historical examples like mutual aid during the Spanish Civil War.

      The Common Humanity Collective's work during the pandemic highlighted the importance of fostering consciousness and community, especially in urban areas where people working in factories found it more challenging to maintain values. They wondered how to instill these values in their network through mutual aid, distributions, and builds. Despite initial struggles, they saw a surprising number of people showing up for events. The group's inspiration came from the history of mutual aid during the Spanish Civil War, and they aimed to create a similar sense of solidarity in their community. The beginning of the pandemic saw a significant difference in community mobilization between countries like the US, where hundreds of thousands of people died, and those where the pandemic was contained. This disparity wasn't due to government intervention but rather the collective actions of ordinary people, as seen in China's example. The Common Humanity Collective's work serves as a reminder of the power of community and the potential for positive change when people come together.

    • Community Building and Mobilization during the PandemicEffective community organizing during a crisis requires recognizing people as active subjects and building empowering networks, rather than relying on passive consumption of state resources.

      During the early stages of the pandemic, community mobilization was more prevalent in countries like China compared to the US. The US lacked the mass community response due to a bureaucracy that didn't care and lacked the capacity to mobilize its resources effectively. This left critical bottlenecks, such as COVID testing, unaddressed. The speaker's attempt to mobilize grad students to set up testing centers met with resistance, as people were conditioned to rely on the state for solutions. However, the speaker emphasizes the importance of community building and mutual aid in organizing efforts. The creation of a context where people realize they can be active subjects, rather than passive consumers, is crucial for effective organizing. The speaker also highlights the potential danger of submission and subservience in a revolutionary moment, emphasizing the need to build strong, empowering communities.

    • Empowering individuals for meaningful equity and equalityBuilding horizontal structures can bring joy and inspiration, but face challenges in deeply power-dynamics societies. Long-term importance of fostering such organizations, even if they evolve over time. Reconsider measuring success on the left beyond linear evaluations.

      Building horizontal structures and empowering individuals to reach their full potential can lead to meaningful equity and equality. This approach, inspired by political ideologies, has been found to bring joy and inspiration to people involved. However, it's important to remember that such structures can face significant challenges in societies where power dynamics are deeply ingrained. The Spanish Civil War serves as an example of how, despite being destroyed and suppressed for decades, the anarchist union CNT was able to reappear and make a significant impact once conditions allowed. This highlights the long-term importance of fostering such organizations, even if they may not always exist in their original form. Additionally, it's crucial to reconsider how we measure success on the left, as the complex and evolving nature of these projects often goes beyond simple linear evaluations.

    • Building more than bureaucraciesEffective organizing requires relationships and ideologies beyond bureaucratic structures for long-term success.

      Success and failure in organizing and political movements are more complex than they seem. Relationships and ideologies formed during these efforts don't disappear, and it's crucial to build organizations that are more than just bureaucratic entities. The failure to do so can lead to stagnation and decline. This was evident in some DSA efforts, which focused too much on numbers and not enough on relationships. Organizations that treat the process of building power as a mere bureaucratic exercise risk failing just like traditional bureaucracies, without the resources or means to enforce their goals. The importance of relationships and ideologies was highlighted in the example of a book group that emerged from a previous project, which kept the community together and allowed members to take on leadership roles in future projects. Personal experiences also showed that putting all efforts into one candidate or cause can lead to disappointment when things don't go as planned. Building sustainable organizations that foster strong relationships and ideologies is essential for long-term success.

    • Grassroots activism and collaboration are key to driving changeLocal autonomy, coalition-building, and adapting are crucial for effective activism. Urgent issues demand action when political channels fail to deliver.

      Grassroots activism and collaboration between various groups are crucial in driving change, especially when traditional political channels seem unresponsive or ineffective. The speaker's experiences with DSA and Sunrise highlight the importance of local autonomy and coalition-building, as well as the need to adapt and pivot when faced with setbacks. The urgency of climate change and other pressing issues underscores the necessity of taking action into one's own hands when the political system fails to deliver. The speaker's work with air purifier builds and inter-group communication is an inspiring example of how this can be accomplished. It's essential to remember that organizing doesn't have to be siloed, and that working together can lead to more significant and lasting progress.

    • Collaboration and Communication Among Progressive GroupsEffective collaboration and communication among progressive organizations and individuals are vital for making significant social change. Learning from each other, sharing strategies, and working together can help avoid reinventing the wheel and ensure progress, despite nonlinear trajectories and challenges.

      Effective collaboration and communication among various progressive groups and individuals are crucial for making significant social change. The discussion highlights the importance of organizations like Sunrise, IWW, and DSA working together, learning from each other, and sharing strategies to avoid reinventing the wheel. The challenges of organizing and the nonlinear trajectory of popular movements were emphasized, with the reminder that progress may not always be linear and that perseverance is necessary. The value of historical perspective and experience was also underlined, as well as the importance of reciprocal relationships and community engagement in realizing the reciprocal relationship and ensuring the success of social movements.

    • Small actions can lead to big changeHistorical movements like the Spanish Revolution and modern protests show the power of small actions and ideas to bring about significant change. Stay resilient and continue the struggle. Visit Common Humanity Collective's website, donate, and follow them for mutual aid project inspiration.

      Small actions and ideas can lead to significant and large-scale change, as seen in historical movements like the Spanish Revolution and modern protests such as George Floyd's. The unpredictability of these events underscores the importance of staying resilient and continuing the struggle. For those interested in getting involved, Common Humanity Collective encourages visiting their website, donating, and following them on social media to learn more about their mutual aid projects and how to replicate their model. The collaborative nature of their work, as seen with their partnership with Sunrise, highlights the potential for beautiful collaborations and successes. So go out into your communities and start your own projects – another Spanish revolution may be needed. Thank you for joining us on It Could Happen Herepod. Don't forget to check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and at coolzone for more content. And remember, sign up and play at BetMGM for all your favorite sports.

    • New developments in sports betting, news, and educationBetMGM offers new customers up to $1500 in bonus bets, Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily elevates black voices, Lisa provides sleep solutions, but far-right activists are attempting to take over school boards and ban critical race theory.

      There are significant developments taking place across various sectors, from sports betting to education. In the sports world, BetMGM offers new customers up to $1500 in bonus bets if their first bet doesn't win. This comes with access to various features, live betting options, and daily promotions. Meanwhile, in the world of news, Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily aims to elevate black voices and stories in the community. Elsewhere, Lisa, a sleep solutions company, offers exceptional comfort and support for a good night's sleep. However, a concerning trend is emerging in education, with far-right activists attempting to take over school boards and ban critical race theory. This was recently highlighted when a large number of anti-vaxx and anti-mask protesters shut down a school board meeting in Portland, demonstrating that this issue is not isolated to conservative states. As the election results in Virginia indicate, this trend could have far-reaching consequences. Therefore, it's essential to stay informed and engaged with these issues, whether it's through signing up for sports betting promotions, subscribing to community news sources, or advocating for inclusive education policies.

    • Far-right groups target school boards to push extreme ideologiesFar-right groups are disrupting school board meetings with threats and violence, seeking to halt progress towards racial justice and LGBTQ+ rights, and enshrine white supremacy.

      School boards have become a new battleground for far-right groups to push extreme ideologies into the cultural zeitgeist, often with little consequence due to the lack of intervention from law enforcement and the general population. These mobs, often composed of non-residents, have been able to dominate school board meetings, leading to threats and violence against school board members and disrupting the education of students. The National School Boards Association recognized this issue and requested federal assistance due to the escalating threats and acts of violence. The ultimate goal of these groups is to halt progress towards racial justice, roll back LGBTQ+ rights, and enshrine white supremacy through violence. Organizing efforts on apps like Telegram and Facebook reward the most extreme takes, accelerating the situation. This trend is a reaction to societal progress in areas such as desegregation, women's liberation, and LGBTQ+ rights.

    • Individuals can contribute to the spread of extremist content on Telegram even without posting overtly violent or hateful content themselves.Engaging with and sharing content from extremist groups on Telegram, even if it appears moderate, can help amplify harmful rhetoric and create networks of affinity, contributing to the normalization of extremist ideologies.

      Even individuals who may not identify as extremists can still contribute to the spread of harmful rhetoric and organizing efforts on platforms like Telegram. These individuals may not be posting overtly violent or hateful content themselves, but their engagement with and sharing of content from more extremist groups can help amplify those messages and create networks of affinity. For example, a Telegram channel dedicated to school board issues may seem moderate on the surface, but it can still share content from more radical groups and contribute to the normalization of extremist ideologies. Additionally, some channels that were once openly violent or extremist have rebranded to appeal to a wider audience, making it important for researchers and concerned individuals to stay vigilant and educate themselves about the true nature of these groups.

    • Telegram's Role in RadicalizationTelegram can facilitate radicalization through the sharing of unsubstantiated content and conspiracy theories, emphasized by colloquial language and emojis, as seen in examples of community self-defense and vaccine skepticism.

      The use of platforms like Telegram can facilitate the radicalization of individuals, particularly in the context of controversial issues like community self-defense and vaccine skepticism. The speaker shared an example of a local story celebrating community self-defense, which was popular among a Telegram channel that also shared content from outright Nazi channels. Another example involved an unaired Comcast ad about a girl's alleged vaccine reaction, which was seen as evidence of a conspiracy to suppress information within the Telegram community. The lack of substantiated evidence did not deter members from believing in the conspiracy theory, and the use of emojis and colloquial language further emphasized the community's bond and shared beliefs. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the potential for radicalization on these platforms and the need for critical thinking and fact-checking.

    • Extremist tactics use 'think of the children' to justify violenceExtremist groups use 'think of the children' to justify violent actions, end debates, and radicalize individuals.

      Extremist content, no matter how seemingly harmless or who the consumer may be, can lead individuals to radicalize and engage in violent or harmful actions. This process can be accelerated when the target is perceived as threatening the safety of children. The use of this tactic, which has been employed by various extremist groups, including the far-right and QAnon, is an effective organizing strategy that aims to end debates and justify thoughtless violence under the guise of protecting children. It's essential to recognize this tactic and disregard any message that follows "think of the children," as it often leads to hateful or violent rhetoric. Additionally, it's important to note that advertisers, like those sponsoring this show, do not share the same values as those promoting such extremist ideologies.

    • School board meetings used as platform for extremist groupsExtremist groups use social media to spread divisive, violent content at school board meetings, often with little response from law enforcement or authorities.

      Certain extremist groups are using school board meetings as a platform to spread divisive and violent content, including calls for domestic terrorism and anti-Semitic rhetoric. These groups are easily accessible through social media platforms and have large followings. The discussion also highlighted the lack of response from law enforcement and authorities when it comes to addressing these issues in schools. It's important to note that these groups are not affiliated with mainstream political parties or conservative movements, but rather, they are building their own organizations and networks to promote their radical ideologies. The conversation underscores the need for vigilance and action to counteract the spread of hate speech and violence in our communities.

    • Right-wing groups targeting school boardsRight-wing groups are using school board meetings as opportunities to spread white supremacist ideologies and intimidate, posing a threat to democratic institutions and marginalized communities.

      Right-wing groups are increasingly targeting school board meetings with the intent to intimidate and dominate, aiming to further their ability to inflict violence on marginalized groups and erode democratic institutions from the ground up. This trend, which has been ongoing for weeks, has school boards seeking assistance and expressing concern. Preliminary research on Telegram, a social media platform popular among far-right groups, reveals posts encouraging members to view their local school boards as enemies, spreading white supremacist ideologies. These groups are not only targeting schools but also using these meetings as opportunities to advance their extremist agendas. The attacks on school boards pose a significant threat to democratic institutions and the safety of marginalized communities.

    • Individuals and channels spread misinformation and incite threats against SEL and CRT in schoolsSome people, linked to QAnon and far-right groups, falsely claim CRT is being taught in schools and encourage followers to attend school board meetings to oppose it, labeling opponents as terrorists. Despite no actual CRT implementation, they use fear and intimidation tactics.

      Certain individuals and channels, including those associated with QAnon and far-right groups, are using school board meetings as a platform to spread misinformation and incite threats against the implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools. These individuals are attempting to rally supporters to attend school board meetings and take direct action against these educational initiatives, labeling those who are against CRT as domestic terrorists. This misinformation and rhetoric have been shared across various channels, including Telegram, and have even reached Nazi channels. The school board union's call for assistance from the federal government against these threats has been used by these groups to further spread their message and recruit more supporters. Despite the lack of actual implementation of CRT in schools, these individuals are fiercely opposed to it and are using fear and intimidation tactics to push their agenda.

    • Historic student protest group's name adopted by COVID conspiracy theoristsWhite Rose, a group spreading COVID conspiracy theories and anti-school board content, uses a historic student protest name, encouraging followers to harass school board members and teachers with hate speech and violent language.

      White Rose, a group known for spreading COVID conspiracy theories and anti-school board content on Telegram, has adopted the name of a historic student protest organization from Nazi Germany. With a large following and increasing rhetoric around "battlefields" and "fighting back," these groups are encouraging their followers to take action beyond just putting up stickers, including harassing specific school board members and teachers. Some content also includes openly hateful and violent language, targeting individuals based on their race or political beliefs. The use of historical names and the call to action beyond voting is a concerning trend that highlights the need for continued vigilance against hate speech and extremist groups.

    • Ongoing controversies in education: mask mandates, critical race theory, LGBTQ+ content, and bathroom policiesThe education system is facing numerous controversies, leading to organized attacks on school boards and targets of specific books and teachers. The goal is to ban content and punish those responsible for allowing it, despite contradictory views on censorship.

      There is a significant and ongoing controversy surrounding various issues in education, with a focus on mask and vaccine mandates, critical race theory, and the presence of LGBTQ+ content in schools. This controversy often leads to organized attacks on school boards, with specific books and teachers becoming targets. The goal is not only to ban the content but also to fire or arrest those responsible for allowing it. These incidents have been reported in various school districts across the country, and the controversy extends to debates over bathroom policies. Despite the polarizing nature of these issues, it's important to note that many people involved in these controversies hold contradictory views, such as advocating for banning books while also claiming to be against censorship. This complex issue highlights the need for open dialogue and understanding between different perspectives.

    • Protests at school board meetings: Countering disruptive actionsConcerned parents and community members can effectively counter disruptive protests at school board meetings by showing up and asserting their voices, preventing these individuals from gaining political ground.

      The issue of disruptive protests at school board meetings, targeting policies related to COVID-19 safety measures and LGBTQ+ rights, is a persistent problem that requires community action. These protests, led by individuals who feel emboldened by their privilege, can be effectively countered by a strong presence of concerned parents and community members. The absence of opposition allows these protests to gain political ground, making it crucial for individuals to show up and assert their voices. The situation resembles the January 6th Capitol riots, with individuals using their privilege to make a significant impact. It's essential to be aware of the involvement of Republican Party operatives and think tanks in fueling these protests through astroturf groups and dark money dumps. Understanding these connections can help in combating these issues effectively.

    • Organized groups push against societal norms and policiesGroups advocating against mask mandates, critical race theory, and transgender rights use tactics like sharing incident reports, creating template letters, and leveraging media platforms to amplify their messages. Some individuals and organizations have a history of advocating for other contentious issues.

      There are organized groups, some with deep pockets and political connections, pushing against various societal norms and policies, including mask mandates, critical race theory, and transgender rights. These groups use tactics like sharing incident reports, creating template letters, and leveraging media platforms to amplify their messages. Some of these individuals and organizations have a history of advocating for other contentious issues. For instance, Nicole Nelly, who previously led a free speech organization, is now leading an anti-mask campaign. Another individual, Lily Cade, who has advocated against transgender rights, has been accused of raping people in the past. These groups are likely to pivot to new issues as public sentiment shifts, and their connections to powerful institutions and deep pockets make them a formidable force.

    • Manhattan Institute's toolkit fuels conservative opposition to critical race theoryThe Manhattan Institute's publication of a toolkit against critical race theory led to increased opposition, harassment of moderate school board members, and Republican party gains, negatively impacting certain groups.

      The Manhattan Institute, a powerful conservative think tank, published a toolkit in response to the critical race theory debate, which functioned as both an explanation of the right-wing stance on the issue and an organizing manual for those looking to challenge it. This manual encouraged those opposed to critical race theory to be more intransigent and to use fear tactics, such as the idea of a militant minority compelling the majority, to rally others to their cause. The toolkit's publication and implementation have led to the removal and harassment of school board members with more moderate views and the rise of those holding extreme views in their place. This strategic, astroturf-style organizing has enabled the Republican party to gain significant power in specific areas and negatively impact the lives of certain groups, such as trans kids and those who advocate for mask-wearing.

    • Protests Against CRT: Peaceful or Violent?FreedomWorks' protests against CRT could lead to violent confrontations, creating a dangerous environment, while political engagement is crucial to prevent apathy and promote positive change.

      The FreedomWorks organization, with the support of groups like the Koch network, has been instrumental in organizing protests against Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other controversial issues. However, the speaker expresses concern that these protests have the potential to escalate into violent confrontations, creating a dangerous environment. The FreedomWorks' goal may be to build a new Republican voter base, but the outcome could be the creation of a new core of fascist street fighters. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of political engagement and warns against the dangers of apathy, using the example of the Virginia gubernatorial election as evidence. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential for peaceful protests to escalate into violent confrontations and the importance of active political participation.

    • Standing Against Injustice: The Role of Regular PeopleMillennials and gen X can make a difference by taking a stand against injustice, rather than relying on law enforcement or radical groups.

      Learning from the discussion on the "It Could Happen Here" podcast episode is that regular people, specifically millennials and gen X, have a crucial role to play in standing against injustice and preventing harmful actions, rather than relying on law enforcement or radical groups. The community needs individuals to take a stand and make a difference. Additionally, the episode was brought to you by various sponsors, including EBay Motors, 20th Century Studios' "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," and Amy Brown from 4 Things with Amy Brown, highlighting CVS Health's commitment to wellness and quality care.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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