
    It's Good To Be Scared with Betsy Griffin

    en-gbNovember 09, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Fear with Courage and PositivityFear can be a good motivator, but it's important to be brave and face our fears when necessary. Encouragement and support from others can help us overcome our fears and discover newfound strength.

      Fear can be a powerful motivator and can help us avoid potential harm, but it's important to face our fears and be brave when necessary. Betsy, a visually impaired author who was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, shared her story of overcoming fear and spreading positivity through her new book "Out of the Woods." She emphasized that being scared can sometimes be a good thing, as it can prevent us from taking unnecessary risks. However, she also encouraged listeners to be brave and face their fears head-on, using her own experience of abseiling as an example. Even when the situation is scary and uncertain, like being at the top of a cliff while abseiling, it's important to remember that encouragement and support from others can help us get through it. So, if you're feeling scared, try taking a deep breath, putting your shoulders back, and giving it a go. You never know, you might discover a newfound strength and enjoy the experience.

    • Embrace new experiences with courage and determinationApproach new experiences with courage, determination, and the support of a positive community. Remember, you've got this!

      Key takeaway from today's episode of Everyday Positivity is to approach new experiences with courage and determination. Betsy shared her story of trying something new despite feeling nervous and uncertain, encouraging listeners to do the same. As she put it, "At least you've tried it and just, you know, put your shoulders up, be brave, and give it a go." Kate echoed this sentiment, reminding us all to keep our shoulders up and back as we face new challenges. So whether it's signing up for a weekend hangout or trying a new hobby, remember that you've got this. You have the power to push through fear and uncertainty and come out stronger on the other side. And if you need some extra support, don't hesitate to join the Everyday Positivity Facebook group or tune in for tomorrow's episode. Together, we can encourage and uplift each other as we navigate the ups and downs of life. In summary, the key takeaway from today's episode is to embrace new experiences with courage, determination, and the support of a positive community. Remember, you've got this!

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    Show notes, links, contacts and resources for this episode may be found at supportissexypodcast.com.


    [Music: "Someone Else’s Memories" by Revolution Void]

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    Show notes, links, contacts and resources for this episode may be found at supportissexypodcast.com



    [Music: “Easy” by SPCZ]


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