
    Jake Webber & Johnnie Guilbert On KISSING Each Other & REJECTING Trisha Paytas

    enFebruary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Authenticity and relatability of Jake Webber, Johnny Gilbert, and their collaborationsCreating unedited, unscripted content that resonates with an audience, while staying true to oneself, can lead to massive success on social media platforms

      The chemistry and simplicity of Jake Webber, Johnny Gilbert, and their collaborations have contributed to their massive success on social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube, despite their unedited and unscripted content. Their unique look, reminiscent of various eras and genres, has also resonated with audiences, leading to positive interactions and a wide fanbase that includes people of all ages. The trio's authenticity and relatability have helped them stand out in a sea of content creators, proving that being true to oneself and creating content that resonates with an audience can lead to significant growth and success.

    • A high school journey filled with challenges and self-discoveryDespite adversity, perseverance and self-discovery can lead to personal growth and new opportunities

      Everyone's high school experience is unique and shaped by various challenges and circumstances. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of struggling with anxiety, dyslexia, and the loss of her father during her teenage years, which led her to drop out of high school. Despite these challenges, she was able to find solace in music, particularly punk, and eventually started her own YouTube channel. Her journey highlights the importance of perseverance and self-discovery, even in the face of adversity. It's a reminder that everyone's path is different, and it's essential to embrace our individuality and use our experiences to shape our future.

    • Music, Tattoos, and Personal ExperiencesThey enjoyed discussing their punk music preferences, shared stories about their tattoos and the inspiration behind them, and expressed their fondness for artists like Bo Burnham. Despite some mishaps, they saw getting tattoos as a form of self-expression.

      The discussion revolved around the topics of music preferences, tattoos, and personal experiences. The individuals expressed their liking for punk music and emo culture, sharing stories about their tattoos and the inspiration behind them. They also mentioned their fondness for artists like Bo Burnham and discussed their experiences with getting tattoos, including the process and any regrets. Despite some mishaps, they seemed to enjoy the experiences and saw them as a form of self-expression. The conversation also touched upon their shared sense of humor and their willingness to try new things for fun.

    • Unexpected Encounter and Surprise Kiss During Live StreamsTwo popular content creators, one from Twitch and the other from YouTube, had an unexpected encounter and shared a surprise kiss during their respective live streams on New Year's Eve. Despite their different approaches to content creation, they both found success in their respective fields.

      The speakers in this conversation had an unexpected encounter during a live stream on New Year's Eve, which led to a surprise kiss that was unbeknownst to the public. The speakers, who were previously in a relationship and had broken up, were both popular content creators on different platforms - one on Twitch and the other on YouTube. They had a significant following, with the Twitch streamer having more popularity at the time. Their dynamic and content resonated with their audiences, leading to their rapid growth in followers. Despite their different approaches to content creation, they both found success in their respective fields. The conversation reveals that the speaker on YouTube preferred creating more polished content, while the Twitch streamer focused on more spontaneous and raw content. The speakers still maintain a connection with each other and their former housemates. The unexpected kiss on New Year's Eve was a reminder of their past relationship and the strong connection they still shared.

    • Understanding Fan Dedication and Personal GrowthFans' deep connection with creators can lead to loyalty, even amidst criticism. Recognizing negative patterns and promoting positivity and kindness towards oneself and others is essential for personal growth.

      Fans have a deep connection with content creators and can analyze every detail of their work. This dedication can lead to loyalty, even in the face of criticism or backlash. People change and grow, and the ability to recognize and move past negative patterns is an important part of personal development. The speaker shared her experience of realizing the negative impact of talking negatively about others and how it affected her relationships. She encourages awareness of this behavior and the importance of positivity and kindness towards oneself and others. The speaker also mentioned her excitement for the upcoming spring events and promoted SeatGeek as a great resource for finding tickets to these events.

    • Find reliable concert tickets on SeatGeekSeatGeek offers a wide selection of reliable concert tickets, guarantees each purchase, and has a unique ticket return policy. Use code Trish for $20 off.

      SeatGeek is a reliable and customer-friendly platform for purchasing concert tickets. The site offers a wide selection of tickets, including those for popular artists like Drake and Bad Bunny, and guarantees each purchase. SeatGeek's user-friendly system allows customers to easily compare and select the best deals and seats, with tickets rated on a scale of 1 to 10 for transparency. Additionally, SeatGeek offers a unique ticket return policy, allowing customers to swap tickets ahead of events if needed. The platform's excellent customer service and commitment to ensuring that customers attend the shows they purchase tickets for sets it apart from other ticket vendors. So, if you're looking for a hassle-free and enjoyable ticket buying experience, consider using SeatGeek. And don't forget, use the code Trish for $20 off your tickets.

    • Unusual start to music careerStarting music career young can be risky, with potential for questionable influences and control over finances and career.

      The interviewee had an unusual experience starting her music career at a young age by moving in with a popular music interviewer when she was just 15. Although it was an opportunity that seemed to keep her going during a difficult time in her life, looking back, there were some questionable aspects, such as the interviewer's influence and control over her career and finances. The interviewee acknowledges that it was not a normal situation and that she was fortunate not to have gotten involved in more serious issues like drugs. Despite some regrets, she views the experience as a unique part of her story.

    • The power of supportive relationships in dealing with personal strugglesOpening up to trusted individuals about deep experiences can provide perspective, alleviate stress, and offer a different perspective.

      Opening up to others about deep and personal experiences can be challenging, but having supportive relationships can help provide perspective and alleviate stress. The speaker shared their own struggles with attending therapy and opening up to people after the loss of their father. However, they found comfort in their close relationships, particularly with their roommate, where they could discuss their anxieties and feelings. The importance of having someone who doesn't worry about things and can offer a different perspective was emphasized. The speaker also mentioned their recent diagnosis of autism and the controversy surrounding it, expressing that they find humor in discussing personal experiences and making light of difficult situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of having supportive relationships and the power of open communication in dealing with life's challenges.

    • Reflecting on Past Social Media ExperiencesSocial media can provide a sense of community and attention when individuals feel isolated in real life, but past content and interactions may be cringeworthy to look back on.

      Social media has played a significant role in shaping the experiences and connections of many individuals, particularly those who started using it at a young age. The speakers in this conversation reflect on their own past content and interactions, acknowledging that they may cringe at it now but also appreciating the youthful energy it brought them. They discuss how social media provided them with a sense of community and attention when they felt isolated in real life. The conversation also touches on the topic of online versus offline relationships and the potential risks and rewards of each. Overall, the speakers express gratitude for the opportunities and experiences social media has given them, even as they look back on some aspects with a sense of embarrassment.

    • Sharing personal struggles online and fan reactionsCreating vulnerable content online can have intense fan reactions, some of which may cross boundaries. Respecting boundaries and handling fan interactions with care is essential.

      Creating vulnerable content online can attract intense fan reactions, some of which may cross boundaries. The speaker shares her experience of being mistaken for someone else due to their similar appearance and colored hair, and of dealing with fans who felt too connected to her personal struggles. She also discusses the perks and challenges of socializing and filming content with her partner. While the content creation process is casual, the impact on fans can be significant. The speaker reflects on the importance of respecting boundaries and handling fan interactions with care.

    • Creating content as a team: Authenticity and moods matterBeing authentic in team content creation requires acknowledging and respecting each other's moods and mental health struggles.

      Creating content together as a team requires consideration of each other's moods and energy levels. The discussion also revealed that they aim to be authentic and not force relationships or content that isn't ready. Tara and Jake shared that they have different mood swings, with Jake being more prone to grumpiness and Tara dealing with anxiety. They acknowledged the importance of being open about mental health struggles and how it can inspire and help others. They also mentioned that they may consider making their relationships public again, but only when it feels organic and not forced. Overall, their conversation emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and each other in their creative endeavors.

    • Unexpected experiences of fameDespite the challenges of negative attention and past experiences, the speakers found success and happiness in their careers by continuing to create content and learning valuable lessons.

      Fame and the desire for it can bring unexpected experiences and emotions. The speakers in this conversation shared their experiences of wanting to be famous but also feeling anxious and even hated when they received negative attention. They discussed their past experiences in high school and how they dealt with not being liked. Some even considered dropping out of school to pursue their dreams. Despite the challenges, they continued to create content centered around their past relationships, showing that they have a strong bond and no lingering jealousy. Ultimately, they have found success and happiness in their careers, and they view their experiences as valuable lessons that helped shape who they are today.

    • Unexpected connections in relationshipsPeople have unique dating preferences and finding a partner who aligns with one's values and preferences is important. Unexpected connections can lead to strong relationships, but in-person interactions and taking breaks can also help maintain the spark.

      People have unique preferences when it comes to relationships and meeting new people. Some prefer using dating apps and texting extensively, while others prefer meeting in person and developing relationships face-to-face. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of meeting his partner unexpectedly after rating him on Twitch and how their relationship evolved from there. They bonded over creating music together and found a strong connection despite the lack of initial communication. Ultimately, the speaker values the in-person connection and the comfort that comes with being past the honeymoon stage in a relationship. However, he also acknowledges the importance of taking breaks to reignite the spark. The conversation highlights the diversity in people's dating experiences and the importance of finding a partner who aligns with one's values and preferences.

    • Understanding and Complementing Each Other's Financial PerspectivesCouples with different financial approaches can maintain a strong relationship by sharing responsibilities, communicating openly, and appreciating each other's unique perspectives on spending and saving.

      Despite their differences and occasional mishaps, the couple maintains a strong and understanding relationship. They share responsibilities, communicate openly, and have a unique perspective on spending money. The man, who is 25 and owns a house, and the woman, who prioritizes budget and savings, complement each other well. They don't feel the need to impress others with expensive possessions or experiences, and instead find joy in their simple way of living. Despite the financial ups and downs, they remain excited about making money and the hustle that comes with it. They understand that the ebb and flow of income is a natural part of life, and they embrace it together.

    • Building a genuine friendship firstCreating a strong creative partnership involves building a genuine friendship first, ensuring a natural and authentic dynamic, leading to increased engagement and viewership.

      The success of a creative partnership can be attributed to a strong connection and organic growth. The individuals involved should build a genuine friendship before collaborating, ensuring a natural and authentic dynamic. This approach can lead to increased engagement and viewership, as seen in the case of the interviewee's video collaboration with a friend. The dynamic of multiple creators working together can also make content more interesting for audiences, as they enjoy the interplay of ideas and perspectives. Ultimately, the success of a creative partnership relies on a mutual respect, understanding, and genuine enjoyment of each other's company and creative vision.

    • Friendships and Controversies in the Music SceneFriendships and collaborations can endure despite controversies. Self-care and therapeutic experiences are essential for personal well-being.

      Despite the controversies and fallouts in the music scene, friendships and collaborations can still exist. The speaker, who has had experiences with controversial figures, acknowledges the stress that comes with online criticism but also recognizes the importance of holding on to friendships. The speaker also shares some personal quirks, such as getting manicures and pedicures for pampering moments, and expresses a preference for human touch and therapeutic experiences. Despite the speaker's past experiences, they remain open to new experiences and express a willingness to try new things, such as ASMR videos. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of relationships and the importance of self-care.

    • Effective communication and consent in relationshipsBe attentive to verbal and non-verbal cues, respect personal boundaries, communicate openly and honestly, and approach relationships authentically. Be cautious and aware of potential risks on technology platforms.

      Effective communication and understanding consent are crucial elements in building meaningful relationships. The conversation touched upon the importance of being attentive to verbal and non-verbal cues, respecting personal boundaries, and approaching relationships authentically. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly, as well as being mindful of the impact of our words and actions on others. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the role of technology, such as social media and direct messaging, in facilitating initial connections and building relationships. However, it's important to remember that these platforms also come with potential risks, and it's essential to be cautious and aware of potential red flags. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being genuine, respectful, and considerate in all aspects of our interactions with others.

    • The role of intuition in choosing friendsIntuition is crucial in forming authentic connections, seeking supportive relationships, and acknowledging the impact of shared experiences and losses.

      Intuition plays a significant role in choosing friends and forming connections. Some people, like the speaker, have a strong intuition that helps them pick good friends, while others may have a harder time distinguishing between good and bad people. The discussion also touched upon the importance of seeking out supportive relationships, especially during difficult times, and the role of shared experiences and interests in strengthening friendships. The speakers also shared their experiences with loss and the impact it had on their lives, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and talking about such experiences. Additionally, they bonded over their lip piercings and the unique healing process that comes with getting them. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of authentic connections and the role of intuition, shared experiences, and supportive relationships in our lives.

    • Body modifications, diets, and workouts discussedSpeakers joked about merging bodies, one preferred fast food and infrequent workouts, the other prioritized healthy diet and regular exercise, they considered swapping diets as a challenge.

      During a conversation, the speakers discussed various topics including body modifications, diets, and workouts. The speakers had gotten nipple piercings and joked about potentially merging into one person. One speaker expressed a desire for a toned body but didn't work out often and ate mostly fast food. The other speaker worked out regularly but ate a healthy diet. They joked about swapping diets for a week as a challenge. The conversation also touched on the topic of body image and the speakers sharing their thoughts on what they found attractive. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and playful, with the speakers sharing their preferences and making jokes about body modifications and diets.

    • People prioritize instant gratification over long-term health concernsSome individuals continue unhealthy habits despite potential health risks, prioritizing enjoyment and instant gratification over long-term well-being.

      Despite acknowledging the potential negative health consequences of their habits, such as consuming energy drinks, smoking cigarettes, and eating fast food, some people continue to engage in these behaviors due to their enjoyment and instant gratification. They prioritize their current desires over long-term health concerns and often use justifications like not noticing immediate changes or comparing their habits to more extreme cases. This mindset can lead to a cycle of unhealthy choices, potentially causing harm to their well-being in the future. However, they also find joy in these activities, particularly when shared with others, making it a challenging habit to break.

    • A man's love for sugary beverages and fast foodDespite health concerns, a man continues to enjoy sugary drinks and fast food, finding joy in the online communities and experiences associated with these habits.

      The speaker has a strong affinity for consuming sugary beverages, particularly diet Coke, and frequently engages with online communities to discover new food and beverage options. Despite concerns from healthcare professionals, the speaker continues to consume diet Coke and other sugary drinks, and is unfazed by negative comments about his appearance or music. The speaker also expresses a love for fast food and advocates for enjoying all types of food, including unhealthy options. While some may view this behavior as problematic, the speaker seems to embrace it and finds joy in the communities and experiences associated with these habits.

    • Respecting Others' Boundaries in InteractionsBe mindful of others' comfort levels during interactions, especially during vulnerable moments. Respect their boundaries and avoid inappropriate or aggressive comments.

      While some forms of attention, like compliments, can be flattering, they become problematic when they cross personal boundaries or are delivered in an aggressive or inappropriate manner. The speaker shares experiences of fans making inappropriate comments during live streams and in person, which she finds uncomfortable, especially when she's being vulnerable or serious. She acknowledges that some people may find these comments offensive and even defend her from them, leading to unnecessary arguments. Ultimately, she believes that people should respect others' boundaries and be considerate in their interactions.

    • Creators prefer positive and respectful commenting cultureCreators ask fans for kindness and positivity in comments to foster a community that enjoys their content together.

      While the creators appreciate their fans' engagement and analysis, they prefer a positive and respectful commenting culture. They understand that fans may analyze their relationships or situations, but they draw the line at mean-spirited or hurtful comments. The creators feel that these comments are often not out of love, but rather a way to attack someone. They acknowledge that they have signed up for this level of scrutiny, but they also feel the need to step in and ask their fans to be kind to each other when necessary. They believe that their content should bring people together, not create a war of opinions. The creators also acknowledge that their interactions with fans can sometimes make the situation worse, as it can encourage more negative comments. They strive for a community where everyone can enjoy the content without feeling the need to attack or be mean to each other.

    • Embracing Quirks and VulnerabilitiesNormalizing vulnerabilities and being authentic, especially in content creation, can foster connection and understanding.

      Everyone has their quirks and vulnerabilities, just like a turtle head peeking out from time to time. During a conversation, the topic veered towards unusual and humorous interpretations of the term "turtle head." While some found it gross, others saw it as a sign of authenticity. The discussion then shifted to various personal experiences and shared vulnerabilities, including mental health issues, diarrhea, and unique fashion preferences. Despite the seemingly random and unrelated topics, there was a sense of connection and understanding between the parties involved. Moreover, the conversation touched upon the importance of normalizing vulnerabilities and being authentic, especially for those who may feel pressure to conform to societal expectations. The speakers also acknowledged the influence of external factors, such as social media, on their content creation and the importance of staying true to their unique style and voice. In essence, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing one's quirks and vulnerabilities, and using them as a source of connection and authenticity, rather than something to be ashamed of. It also underscored the value of being true to oneself and creating content that resonates with one's audience, rather than trying to imitate others.

    • Sharing Opinions on Mister Beast's Burger Business and Nostalgic MemoriesSpeakers discussed their opinions on Mister Beast's burger business, with some finding it subpar and others enjoying the challenges. They also shared nostalgic memories and reflected on potential responsibilities and lifestyle changes related to having children.

      During a conversation about various topics, including food, challenges, and potential fatherhood, the speakers expressed their opinions on Mister Beast's burger business and shared some nostalgic memories. Some found the Mister Beast Burger to be subpar, while others enjoyed participating in his challenges. The conversation also touched upon the age difference between friends and the possibility of having children, leading to reflections on potential responsibilities and lifestyle changes. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' candidness and reminiscing about past experiences.

    • Intergenerational Romance: Older Women and Younger MenOlder women and younger men can have intriguing relationships, with power dynamics and complications. Some older women are drawn to younger men, while some younger women may prefer older partners. The speaker shared her experiences and observations.

      The dynamic between older women and younger men in relationships can be intriguing and different. The speaker shared her observations about older men being drawn to younger women, and how she herself has had experiences with older women expressing interest in her. She also mentioned her own preference for dating men her age, but admitted to having only had one serious relationship with someone older. The speaker also touched upon the idea of power dynamics and the potential complications that can arise in relationships. Additionally, the conversation turned to Valentine's Day plans, with the speaker expressing her lack of interest in making the day overly romantic or "cute." Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of intergenerational relationships and the various ways in which people approach romance and connection.

    • Farting in Relationships and the Embarrassment FactorRelationships involve navigating personal boundaries and societal expectations, even when it comes to natural bodily functions like farting. Fans at Disneyland can add unexpected excitement to everyday life, despite initial embarrassment.

      The discussion revolved around the topic of farting in relationships and the embarrassment that comes with it. The speaker shared her experience of not farting in front of her partner, finding it uncomfortable when he did, and the societal pressure of dressing differently due to being recognized in public. The conversation then shifted to experiences at Disneyland and the unexpected recognition from fans. Despite the initial embarrassment, the speaker expressed her appreciation for the fan interaction and the coolness of the experience. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of relationships, personal boundaries, and the impact of fame on everyday life.

    • The power of authenticity in building a connectionBeing true to oneself and openly expressing unique identities helps create relatable and engaging personas for fans, leading to successful collaborations based on genuine chemistry.

      Identity and authenticity are essential in building a strong connection with an audience. The individuals in this conversation express their unique identities openly, from their musical preferences to their sexuality, which helps create a relatable and engaging persona for their fans. They also share their aspirations for collaborating with like-minded individuals, emphasizing the importance of genuine chemistry in successful collaborations. The conversation also highlights the evolving nature of fame and the importance of staying true to oneself, even as trends and public perception change. Ultimately, the individuals in this conversation demonstrate the power of authenticity in building a lasting connection with an audience.

    • Preparing for Significant Events: Differences and Common ThemesPeople's routines and preparation for significant events can differ greatly, but the importance of being true to oneself and stepping out of comfort zones is a common theme.

      People's daily routines and preparation for significant events can vary greatly. While some may have elaborate morning routines and hours to get ready, others may be more relaxed and take their time waking up. Preparation for big interviews or events can also differ, from a simple smoothie bowl and getting dressed to more extravagant settings with extensive security and amenities. Regardless of the differences, the importance of being true to oneself and stepping out of comfort zones was a common theme. Whether it's changing one's hairstyle or moving to a new city, overcoming fear and embracing change can lead to personal growth.

    • New song 'Ecstasy': A Versus-Chorus collaboration with Nas productionArtists are working on a new song titled 'Ecstasy', a collaborative effort with equal contributions as Versus and Chorus, and are currently producing it with Nas. Despite feeling creatively drained, they're passionate about music and confident in their collaborators' ideas. Their upcoming EP features 'Ecstasy' as a top 5 track.

      The artists discussed in this conversation are working on a new song titled "Ecstasy," which is a duo collaboration where they both contribute equally as Versus (the bridge) and Chorus. The song is part of a smaller EP, with no music video planned as of yet, and they're working with Nas on its production. They've been feeling creatively drained lately due to their intense work schedule, but they're passionate about music and trust their collaborators to come up with great ideas. The artists have experience in music production, writing, and performing, and they've gained confidence behind the screen. They don't hold on to their older work and are always striving for improvement. The new song, "Ecstasy," is one of their favorites and is expected to be a top 5 track from their upcoming EP.

    • Exploring the Rumored New Announcement and the Feeling of EcstasySpeakers discuss the rumored new announcement, sharing excitement and personal experiences with hallucinogens, their euphoric effects, and the potential for heightened emotions and communication with animals.

      The speakers in this conversation express excitement about a new announcement, which is rumored to be related to the feeling of ecstasy. They discuss the similarities between different hallucinogens and the sense of euphoria and heightened emotions they can bring. Some share personal experiences with psychedelic substances, describing them as taking one to another dimension and even making animals seem more communicative. The speakers also mention the legality and accessibility of certain substances, such as mushrooms, and the surprise that people might find in their quieter, more reserved demeanor in person compared to their more outgoing online personas.

    • Appreciating the Comfort of Outgoing PeopleIntroverted individuals may feel uncomfortable in public settings with outgoing people, but they value their ability to make others feel at ease and appreciate positive interactions online.

      The speaker is an introverted person who feels uncomfortable in public settings with outgoing people, but they appreciate the ability of outgoing individuals to make others feel comfortable. They also shared that they enjoy engaging with their fans on TikTok and value the positive interactions they have had with them. Additionally, they mentioned their past experiences working at Jimmy John's and their signature sign-off "peace out, thug pugs." Despite their introverted nature, they have a deep appreciation for the power of communication and connection.

    • Exploring the unique dynamic between Tara, Johnny, and the speakerAuthenticity and connection are crucial in the creative world, as shown through the dynamic between Tara, Johnny, and the speaker. Their shared experiences and differences make for a compelling conversation, and the value of collaboration and lasting impact is emphasized.

      The dynamic between Tara, Johnny, and the speaker feels unique, as they share similarities but also differences. The rapid rise to fame on TikTok can make it hard for people to get to know the personalities behind the content, and those who break out and show their personality on other platforms like YouTube tend to have a more lasting impact. The speaker appreciates the connection with fans through YouTube and values the opportunity to collaborate with other creators. They also mention their admiration for Larry and the excitement of potential future projects. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity and connection in the creative world.

    • Join us for a live music performance at The Viper RoomAttend a one-night-only live music event at The Viper Room with old-school cool vibe, check out Jake and Johnny on Twitch and TikTok, new music 'ecstasy' releases on Feb 12th.

      The speaker is strongly encouraging the audience to attend a live music performance, suggesting a small venue like The Viper Room for a one-night-only event. The performance should have an old-school, cool vibe. The speakers Jake and Johnny can be checked out on Twitch and TikTok. The new music, titled "ecstasy," is set to be released on February 12th. The speaker signs off, inviting the audience to join them in the next episode. Overall, the speaker is expressing excitement about the upcoming music event and encouraging the audience to be a part of it.

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    S9 Ep 323: Utter Drivel - Choccies, going on Off Menu Live & the Postman

    S9 Ep 323: Utter Drivel - Choccies, going on Off Menu Live & the Postman
    Joe & David are eating chocolates for breakfast. David asks Joe if he's been surfing on the board he bought him and suggests sending it back if he hasn't. Joe's a guest on Off Menu Live and they discuss how Joe's feeling about it. They plan doing a 'Where's Joe Now' style recording before the show. David wants to watch Joe from the sidelines as he enters the stage but Joe's not keen, he's feeling stressed about the night and David's not helping. They reminisce about old comedy venues where they've both done stand up together. The postman walks in with a package. It's the new Chatabix caps ! David's wife Naomi has had a word with the Postman about not walking in when David's podding. It seems to have fallen on deaf ears. David forgets to get Ethan Lawrence on the pod so plug Ethan's new drama 'Boat Story' instead. Thanks to The Little House Dorset for the choccie treats: www.thelittlehousedorset.com Follow Chatabix on Twitter & Instagram: twitter.com/chatabix1 www.instagram.com/chatabixpodcast/ Patreon for early access to our eps: https://www.patreon.com/chatabix Merch: https://chatabixshop.com/ Contact us: chatabix@yahoo.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Kelly Corrigan Is The Poet Laureate Of The Ordinary

    Kelly Corrigan Is The Poet Laureate Of The Ordinary
    Love. Connection. Pain. Finding the universal in the specific. And beauty in the mundane. This is but a few of the themes explored today with the woman dubbed ‘the voice of her generation' by Oprah magazine and ‘the poet laureate of the ordinary' by HuffPost. Meet Kelly Corrigan. Best known for her insightful, candid takes on the too-often overlooked moments that define our lives, Kelly's writing spills over with warmth, courage, vulnerability and humor — rendering her many books beloved by millions. A Today Show regular, Kelly has authored a stack of New York Times bestsellers including, The Middle Place,Lift, and Glitter and Glue.Tell Me More, her most recent offering, is a deeply personal and very funny story-driven collection of essays on the twelve powerful phrases we use to sustain our relationships and make love and connection possible. Named one of the best books of 2019 by Real Simple and Bustle, Tell Me More is both a high-recommend and the backdrop for today's dive into how we can cultivate more meaningful connection and deeper understanding with the people in our lives. I met Kelly exactly a year ago at The Nantucket Project. In addition to being an extraordinary writer, she serves as the creative director of TNP — the right hand to organization founder Tom Scott, who shared his story on the podcast in April, 2018 (episode #360). The latest in my series of guests sourced from this extraordinary event, I was immediately taken by her fun and fearless stage presence. Her curiosity. Her unique insights. And her unmistakeable charm. I knew she would make an amazing guest for the show. Today she delivers. We begin by traversing Kelly's arc as a writer — how she developed her voice — and her role in shaping TNP. Then we broaden the aperture, exploring her observations and insights into how we relate to the people in our lives — from our loved ones and children, to co-workers and strangers. This is about finding beauty and poetry in the simple things. And why saying things like, ‘I don't know' or ‘I was wrong' or ‘tell me more' can provide a bedrock for the emotional experiences we seek most, yet too often elude us. Better understanding. Greater empathy. Deeper intimacy. True connection. You can watch it all go down on YouTube. Enjoy! Rich

    IN-Q On Reimagining Your Truth

    IN-Q On Reimagining Your Truth
    The past couple weeks we went deep into nutrition. Now it's time to take a new direction. To delve into spirit. Creativity. And art. All powerful vehicles for connecting with, unlocking and ultimately expressing the authentic truth of who you are — the crux of life transformation. Today we Reimagine Your Truth. Today we meet IN-Q. Rapper. Actor. Teacher. Songwriter & internationally revered spoken word artist. Wait a minute — what?? A poet? How could spoken word, rap music and this guy possibly have anything to do with the themes of this show? I can read your mind. I get it. But I ask you to please reserve whatever preconceived ideas or opinions you may have about what's to come. Because ignorance is contempt prior to investigation. I promise you this — after this interview you won’t be asking yourself that question. I first met IN-Q up at a thing called Summit Series — an organization that began in 2008 with a small group of young entrepreneurs harboring a giant collective dream to change the world. Led by an enterprising young man named Eliot Bisnow (who coincidentally went to my high school), Summit began as an annual four-day events for 1,000 of the world’s leading entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, artists, scientists, athletes, and change makers with the intention of driving positive growth and collaboration. The events were extremely successful. But Summit has since evolved far beyond a mere producer of TED-like events. Today, it stands tall as a truly unique community of compelling thought leaders who truly are changing the world. About a year ago, the Summit organization took up permanent residence in Eden, Utah — a quiet hamlet north of Salt Lake nestled in the Wasatch Mountains — when they purchased a mountain. That’s right: an entire mountain & functioning ski resort called Powder Mountain. Not just any ski resort, “PowMow” is in fact the largest ski mountain in the entire United States. Ambitious? It's just the beginning. Summit's goal is to unite thought leaders and innovators of today and tomorrow by over time growing this now small community into an international epicenter of culture and innovation across all disciplines of art, music, technology, entertainment, science, literature, social entrepreneurism and education. Eliot invited Julie and I up to Powder Mountain this past winter to speak and simply enjoy a weekend getting to know Summit. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. I had known the Summit crew for a couple years – in fact Julie taught them a yoga class back in 2008 when it was just a small group of people with big dreams cohabitating in a house in Malibu — but had yet to experience it for myself. I have to say it was a transformative experience. I left completely inspired. One of the most compelling people we met was none other than today's guest — IN-Q. I'll be upfront. I’m not a poetry guy. I’m not a hip hop guy. These are foreign worlds I know very little to nothing about. On the surface, IN-Q is therefore an unlikely choice for the podcast. But I was so impressed with this man. The moment I met him I knew instantly that I had to have him on the show. Before each group dinner up at Summit, IN-Q would deliver a poem – a true demonstration of performance art to set the energy of the evening. More prayer than poem. More inspirational panegyric than prayer even. I simply had never heard anything like it before. It was completely unique. But it's not just IN-Q's mad skills that left my jaw agape. To be sure, he is oozing with talent and displays total command over his instrument and art. It was his spirit that truly moved me. Enjoy! Rich

    How To Create A Healthy Happy Hour Event w/ Erynn Adele Henson

    How To Create A Healthy Happy Hour Event w/ Erynn Adele Henson

    Erynn is my friend and founder of the a local event here in Santa Barbara called Healthy Happy Hour. She created this event 2 years ago as a way to meet new people in a healthy and substance free environment. The event itself fosters authenticity, growth, love and connection and is truly inspirational and sacred. Erynn is a huge inspiration to me because of her leadership skills and conviction to create what she most wanted to see in the world. In this episode she shares more about what Healthy Happy Hour is all about and how you can start your own local Healthy Happy Hour.

    If you would like to reach out to Erynn Adele Henson with questions, feel free to contact her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=3629795&lst=1052854243%3A3629795%3A1550726064&sk=timeline

    Get the free guide Copy And Paste Texts For When He Is Pulling Away Or Acting Flaky:

    Interested in sharing your dating question on the show? You can schedule a free call if you allow me to record it and possibly share it with the Women's Dating And Confidence Podcast audience. Message me on Instagram if you are interested! @ambergrubenmann

    THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being here and showing up boldly. Please let me know how to improve your listening experience and serve you. Have a great day!