
    James Clear || How to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones

    enOctober 18, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing Healthcare with Continuous LearningCVS Health transforms healthcare through initiatives, while James Clear's 'Atomic Habits' offers strategies for habit change, both emphasizing continuous learning and improvement

      CVS Health is transforming the healthcare experience through various initiatives, including wellness destinations, virtual care, in-home evaluations, and mental health services. James Clear's book, "Atomic Habits," provides a comprehensive guide on how habits work and offers strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones. Clear views his book as a starting point and is open to feedback and improvements for future editions. Both CVS Health and Clear emphasize continuous learning and improvement. CVS Health is revolutionizing healthcare with wellness destinations, virtual care, in-home evaluations, and mental health services. James Clear's book, "Atomic Habits," offers a complete guide on habits and how to change them, with a focus on continuous improvement. Clear sees his book as a first draft and welcomes feedback for future revisions. Both CVS Health and Clear emphasize the importance of ongoing learning and improvement. CVS Health is revolutionizing healthcare with initiatives like wellness destinations, virtual care, in-home evaluations, and mental health services. James Clear's book, "Atomic Habits," provides a comprehensive guide on habits and offers strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones. Clear views his book as a starting point and is open to feedback for future revisions. Both CVS Health and Clear emphasize the importance of continuous learning and improvement.

    • Writing as a means to clarify thoughts and ideasWriting helps clarify thoughts and ideas, often leading to a more digestible final product after refinement and iteration.

      The writing process, much like creativity, can be emergent and unclear at the outset. Author James Clear shared his experience of writing a book, which initially was much longer than the final version. He needed to write the entire draft to understand how all the ideas fit together and refine the content into a more digestible format. Clear emphasized that this process doesn't mean operating blindly or by trial and error, but rather building habits that increase the likelihood of a good outcome. Writing, for Clear, is a way to clarify thoughts and ideas, as he finds that he doesn't truly understand what he thinks about a topic until he has written about it extensively. The final product is a result of iterating and refining the initial ideas.

    • Exploring possibilities and refining ideasRunning serves as a metaphor for life's creative process, allowing us to evaluate ideas based on merit and find the right strategy at the right time. Both nature and nurture contribute to our development.

      Life and creativity, much like writing, offer us the opportunity to explore multiple possibilities and refine our ideas. The speaker shares how running serves as a metaphor for this process, allowing us to reject or keep ideas based on their merit. He also discusses the importance of finding the right strategy or approach at the right time, as opposing extremes can both hold truth. This concept is exemplified in the ongoing nature versus nurture debate, where both deliberate practice and genetics play a role in shaping who we become. Overall, the speaker encourages embracing the complexity of life and the value of exploring various perspectives.

    • Genes and environments interact to shape our successUnderstanding gene-environment interactions can help us choose the right environment and build better habits based on our unique genetic makeup and personality traits.

      Our genes and environments are interconnected, and understanding how they influence each other can help us excel by choosing the right environment for ourselves. An example given in the book is the comparison of Michael Phelps, a world-class swimmer, and Hicham El Guerrouj, a world-record holding runner. Their different physical characteristics make them excel in their respective sports, but switching sports would significantly hinder their performance. This concept applies not only to physical traits but also to psychological ones. As we gain more knowledge about the links between personality traits and genetics, we can use this information to optimize our environments and build better habits. Genes do not eliminate the need for hard work or strategy, but they do show us what areas to focus on.

    • Understanding unique traits for effective habitsBe open-minded to various habit-building strategies, embrace your unique traits, and consider dichotomy transcendence for new insights.

      Understanding our unique personality traits and genetic predispositions can help us determine which advice is most useful for us in building effective habits. However, it's essential to be open-minded and willing to experiment with different strategies, as no single approach will work perfectly for everyone. Additionally, highly developed individuals have the ability to transcend apparent paradoxes and see the partial truths in seemingly opposing ideas, a concept known as dichotomy transcendence. While this idea was not extensively explored in the speaker's book, it's an intriguing concept that can lead to new insights and approaches in understanding human behavior and personal growth. Ultimately, it's important to remember that our lives are complex, and we all embody a unique combination of traits and experiences. By embracing this complexity and being open to new ideas, we can create strategies that truly resonate with who we are.

    • Make cues of good habits obviousBy making good habits visible and easy to do, we can build habits that support our goals and improve our lives. Changing our environment to make certain behaviors less convenient or less obvious can help us focus on more meaningful activities.

      Our environments play a significant role in shaping our habits. The more obvious and convenient an action is, the more likely we are to engage in it, even if it may not align with our deeper desires or goals. For example, the placement and accessibility of a TV or cell phone can greatly influence how often we use them. To break free from these habits, we can increase the friction associated with the task or make the alternative behavior more attractive. The first law of behavior change, as proposed by the speaker, is to make the cues of good habits obvious. By making the cues noticeable and easy to act upon, we can build habits that support our goals and improve our lives. Additionally, the concept of "inverting the fourth wall" refers to intentionally changing our environment to make certain behaviors less convenient or less obvious, making it easier to focus on more meaningful activities. Overall, by being mindful of the role of our environments in shaping our habits, we can make deliberate choices to create an environment that supports our goals and values.

    • Understanding the Four Laws of Behavior ChangeMaking habits observable, attractive, easy, and satisfying or invisible, unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying can help build good ones or break bad ones. Focus on identity change for effective behavior change.

      The key to building good habits or breaking bad ones lies in making them observable, attractive, easy, and satisfying (or invisible, unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying, respectively). This framework, known as the Four Laws of Behavior Change, summarizes a significant amount of research on self-control. It describes how human behavior works by focusing on the cues that trigger cravings, the responses we make, and the rewards or consequences that follow. Moreover, there are three layers of behavior change: outcomes, processes, and identity. Outcomes represent the desired results, such as losing weight or increasing income. Processes are the steps taken to achieve these outcomes, like following a diet or going to the gym. Identity, the deepest layer, refers to the beliefs and self-image that underlie our actions and goals. By focusing on identity change first, we can better align our actions with our desired self-image, making the process of behavior change more effective.

    • Identity-based behavior changeFocusing on identity can lead to authentic, sustainable behavior change. Small actions reinforce desired identity and contribute to growth.

      Focusing on building a desired identity can lead to effective and sustainable behavior change, rather than solely focusing on the outcome or result. Every action taken reinforces the identity and embodies the desired persona. Small habits, such as doing 5 push-ups or reading one page, may seem insignificant but can significantly contribute to identity formation. The ultimate goal is to shift from desiring a behavior change to embracing the identity of the person who naturally exhibits that behavior. This approach allows for authentic growth and expansion, rather than a forced or unnatural transformation.

    • The Power of Small HabitsSmall habits shape identity and self-confidence, while systems support long-term growth and sustainable habits.

      Small habits, despite appearing insignificant, play a profound role in shaping our identity and self-confidence. Unlike the concept of "fake it till you make it," which lacks evidence, small habits provide tangible proof of the person we're becoming. Goals, on the other hand, should be put on the backburner after initial clarity is gained, and focus should shift to the systems that support those goals. In a society that prioritizes outcomes, it's easy to overlook the importance of the processes that lead to those results. By focusing on systems, we create sustainable habits and long-term growth, rather than being fixated on fleeting achievements.

    • Understanding habits and their impactFocusing on changing habits rather than just results leads to sustainable improvement. Daily choices compound over time, shaping our future. A 4-step model of habits includes cue, craving, response, and reward.

      Focusing on changing habits rather than just the results can lead to sustainable improvement. The speaker uses the example of a dirty room, explaining that simply cleaning it up without addressing the underlying causes will result in the room becoming dirty again. Similarly, in personal development, the work done in the past, even when it seems insignificant, sets the foundation for future success. Habits can be seen as a "double edged sword," compounding positively or negatively over time. It's easy to overlook the importance of daily choices, but the effects of these choices accumulate and have a significant impact on our future. The speaker's 4-step model of habits includes the cue, craving, response, and reward. The cue is the trigger for the habit, the craving is the desire to respond to the cue, the response is the action taken, and the reward is the satisfaction gained from the response. Understanding this model can help individuals design habits that build them up rather than cutting them down.

    • Understanding the Four Stages of HabitsHabits are formed through a loop of cue, craving, response, and reward. By recognizing this loop, we can identify and replace unhealthy habits with beneficial ones.

      Habits are the automatic solutions our brains develop to repeatedly faced problems. They consist of four key stages: cue, craving, response, and reward. The cue is the trigger that initiates the habit, the craving is the desire to fulfill a need, the response is the action taken to satisfy the craving, and the reward is the positive feeling or outcome received. This process, called the habit loop, happens rapidly and often unconsciously. Habits simplify our lives by providing quick solutions to recurring problems, but not all habits are beneficial. By recognizing habits as if-then statements, we can identify and replace unhealthy habits with more productive ones. This requires setting clear implementation intentions and intentionally practicing new behaviors until they become automatic. In essence, habits are the brain's way of streamlining problem-solving and adapting to our environment.

    • Creating new habits in new environmentsNew environments help establish new habits effectively by reducing old associations and providing optimal challenge for continued motivation.

      Building new habits is easier in new environments because you're not fighting against old associations. The context of a new place can help you establish a new habit more effectively. For instance, if you want to build a reading habit, going to a new coffee shop instead of your living room might help you avoid the distraction of your old associations with that space. The Goldilocks rule, which suggests humans experience peak motivation when working on challenges of just manageable difficulty, can also help maintain motivation for habits in the long run. By staying on the perimeter of your abilities, you'll be challenged enough to stay engaged but not so overwhelmed that you become discouraged. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, from tennis matches to video games, to help you continually improve and reach your full potential.

    • Find the Goldilocks balance of challenge and progressTo maximize performance and stay motivated, aim for a balance of just enough challenge and progress in your habits, similar to the Goldilocks rule, and continuously improve to unlock the next level of results.

      To maximize your ability in any field and stay motivated, you should aim for the Goldilocks rule - a balance of just enough challenge and progress. This concept is similar to being in a state of flow, where you're being stretched slightly beyond your current abilities. Steve Martin's comedy career is a great example of this, as he gradually expanded his routine each year, pushing himself to come up with new material while still making progress. Each habit unlocks the next level of performance, and continuous improvement is key to achieving lasting results. As James Clear says, "The secret to getting results that last is to never stop making improvements."

    • Efficiency, Effectiveness, and SustainabilityGrainger offers professional-grade industrial supplies with real-time availability and fast delivery. Leesa and West Elm collaborated to create a sustainable, high-quality natural hybrid mattress.

      Grainger is committed to providing professional-grade industrial supplies with real-time product availability and fast delivery, no matter the circumstances. Meanwhile, Leesa and West Elm have collaborated to create the natural hybrid mattress, a sustainable and high-quality sleep solution that supports both personal comfort and the environment. By choosing Grainger for your industrial needs and Leesa for your sleep needs, you're making choices that prioritize efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. So, whether it's ensuring your business runs smoothly or getting a good night's rest, both Grainger and Leesa have you covered.

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    Music credit: Vittoro by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue)




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