
    James Gimian, Mindful Magazine Publisher

    enJune 14, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Jim Gimian's personal journey to meditationDuring college, Jim Gimian dropped out of Stanford and began a quest for an authentic life through meditation, responding to societal pressures and personal disillusionment.

      Jim Gimian, the publisher of Mindful magazine, got into meditation as a response to disillusionment in college, the lack of insight among anti-war movement leaders, and his own experimentation with drugs. He dropped out of Stanford University in 1970 and began a quest to live an authentic life and address the deep roots of aggression in society. Through meditation, he found a way to sustain a relationship with habitual thoughts and live authentically. Jim's personal experiences reflect the intense and personal nature of the time, with the draft hanging over many young people and the threat of jail or military service for those unwilling to serve. Despite these challenges, Jim's older brother made it through the Vietnam War. Jim's journey shows the transformative power of meditation in addressing deep personal and societal issues.

    • Discovering Mindfulness Through Different Meditation PracticesExposure to various meditation practices led the speaker to find mindfulness meditation which transformed his life and led him to co-found Mindful, a non-profit organization promoting secular mindfulness practice.

      The speaker's life-changing experience on a remote farm in Northern California led him to explore various forms of meditation. During this time, he tried various meditation practices from a wide range of teachers and traditions. One book, "Meditation in Action," particularly resonated with him and introduced him to mindfulness meditation. After returning from the farm, he became involved in the mindfulness movement and co-founded the non-profit organization, Mindful, which aims to bring secular mindfulness practice to everyone. Mindful has since grown into a reputable media organization and a field-building operation, supporting champions in the mindfulness field and helping to build credibility and activation for the practice.

    • Mindful Magazine's Growth and SustainabilityMindful Magazine, now serving over 880,000 unique visitors and subscribers, has proven the sustainability of its business model through print sales and digital content creation, offering practical tips, thoughtful pieces, and inspiring stories on mindfulness practices.

      Mindful Magazine has experienced significant growth in both print circulation and digital reach, now serving over 880,000 unique visitors and subscribers. Having passed the startup phase, the publication has proven the sustainability of its business model, which includes print sales and digital content creation. The magazine offers a mix of practical tips and thoughtful pieces, with a focus on sharing inspiring stories of individuals and organizations making a positive impact through mindfulness practices. For those interested in mindfulness, Mindful Magazine provides a trusted source of information, resources, and community, making it an essential resource for anyone looking to explore or deepen their practice.

    • Navigating the Mindfulness Surge: Separating Science from HypeUnderstand that the mindfulness community is growing rapidly, but it's essential to distinguish between scientifically supported practices and unproven claims. Be cautious of those who capitalize on the trend while genuine leaders innovate and experiment.

      The mindfulness community is experiencing a surge in popularity, leading to a vast amount of information and various practices being presented. However, it's crucial to distinguish the science behind the practices being taught. Many teachers claim the science supports their specific meditation method, but it may not have been studied on that particular technique. The field is new and rapidly evolving, and it can be challenging for newcomers to navigate. However, most practitioners have good intentions and adequate training. The early stages of this cultural shift involve both genuine leaders and those looking to capitalize on the trend. While regulations and certifications may be necessary, it's essential not to stifle innovation and experimentation in the application of mindfulness.

    • Mindfulness in language acquisition and workplacesResearch explores mindfulness techniques to overcome language acquisition fears, but regulation and standardization are needed for quality and trustworthiness in the mindfulness world, acknowledging natural politics and competition.

      Mindfulness is making a significant impact in various aspects of life, such as language acquisition and workplaces. Research is being conducted to apply mindfulness techniques to overcome obstacles, like the fear of acquiring a new language. However, with the growing interest and application of mindfulness, there is a need for regulation and standardization to ensure quality and trustworthiness. This includes the establishment of a "good housekeeping seal of approval" for mindfulness teachers and trainers. The politics and competition in the mindfulness world are natural and should be acknowledged, rather than ignored, to create an environment where these issues can be addressed and processed mindfully. It's important to remember that mindfulness does not eliminate human foibles, but rather helps us become more aware of them and respond to them in a mindful way.

    • The Mindfulness Movement is Gaining MomentumOrganizations and events are connecting the dots in the mindfulness movement, leading to potential systemic changes, including funding proposals for mindfulness in schools and workplaces.

      The mindfulness movement, which started as disconnected nodes of activity, is now making connections and gaining momentum towards becoming a societal norm. The work of organizations like Mindful and events like Dell TechFest have played a role in supporting and connecting these nodes, leading to potential systemic changes. For instance, the UK parliament's all-parliamentary committee has even established funding proposals to bring mindfulness into schools and workplaces. The acceptance and integration of mindfulness practices into everyday life may still be hard to predict, but its impact is undeniably growing. Additionally, companies like Dell and brands like Whole Foods are embracing this shift by offering resources and products that support mindfulness practices. Overall, the mindfulness movement is moving towards becoming a mainstream and accepted part of society, with the potential to bring about positive changes.

    • Mindfulness Practices Expand Beyond Traditional SettingsMindfulness practices, like MBCT, are spreading globally, benefiting students, teachers, and even prisoners by reducing recidivism and improving focus. Despite growing acceptance, concerns about its religious nature persist, emphasizing the need to promote its secular benefits.

      Mindfulness practices, such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), are expanding beyond traditional healthcare settings and into unexpected places like prisons and schools. This growth is happening globally and is being driven by the proven benefits of mindfulness in reducing recidivism and improving focus and attention. In Flint, Michigan, for instance, the Krim Fitness Foundation, which started as a fitness and nutrition organization, is now integrating mindfulness into its programs due to its positive impact on students and teachers. These developments demonstrate the increasing acceptance and integration of mindfulness practices into various aspects of society. However, as mindfulness gains popularity, concerns about its perceived religious nature persist. It's essential to address these concerns by emphasizing the secular nature of mindfulness practices and their potential benefits for all individuals, regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs.

    • Understanding Mindfulness's Roots in BuddhismMindfulness, a human capacity for focus and awareness, has Buddhist origins but is accessible to all. Acknowledging this history promotes inclusivity and allows for diverse mindfulness practices.

      Mindfulness, a basic human capacity for awareness and focus, has deep roots in Buddhist meditation practices but is not owned by any one religion. John Cabot Zinn's secularization of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) has made it accessible to a wider population, but it's essential to acknowledge its Buddhist origins to avoid controversy and ensure inclusivity. By viewing mindfulness as the large circle that encompasses all humans, and Buddhism as the smaller circle that has contributed significantly to its research and development, we can create a narrative that is human-centered and welcoming to people of all backgrounds. This perspective also opens the door for the integration of mindfulness practices from various traditions, making the application of mindfulness more diverse and effective.

    • Mindfulness in Schools and Workplaces: Separating the Practice from ReligionMindfulness is a secular practice with benefits for all, despite Buddhist origins. Addressing concerns through stories and open communication can help implement it in schools and workplaces.

      The connection between mindfulness and its Buddhist origins can be a sensitive issue, particularly when it comes to implementing mindfulness practices in public schools. However, it's important to clarify that mindfulness is not a religion, but rather a secular practice that can benefit individuals regardless of their religious beliefs. Sharing stories of individuals, such as the Christian chaplain who found value in mindfulness, can help alleviate concerns. Another challenge facing mindfulness is its adoption in the workplace, where ensuring that it's implemented in a secular and accessible way is crucial. Overall, the success of the mindfulness movement lies in demonstrating its widespread benefits separate from any religious beliefs. While legal challenges are a possibility, open communication and addressing concerns in a compassionate and factual manner can help mitigate any potential issues.

    • Scaling Mindfulness in Large CorporationsDespite growing interest, scaling mindfulness programs in large corporations faces challenges such as finding enough qualified teachers, workplace integration, and time commitment. The Marines and Starbucks are exploring solutions, but more robust studies are needed on the science supporting mindfulness practices.

      While there is growing interest in mindfulness practices in businesses, scaling it up to companies with thousands or even tens of thousands of employees is a significant challenge. The issues include finding enough qualified teachers, integrating it into the workplace, and the time commitment required. The Marines faced a similar issue with their mindfulness program, which required a substantial time investment. Starbucks, with its 330,000 employees, is just beginning to explore this, and it's unclear how they will address these challenges. Another issue is the quality of the science supporting mindfulness practices. While there are promising indications, more robust studies are needed before definitive claims can be made. On a personal note, the speaker shared that his daily mindfulness practice involves a form of shamata or mindfulness practice, focusing on the breath and bringing the mind back to the breath when it wanders. He emphasized that the practice is about training the attention and connecting the mind to a bigger space, which can help dissolve the sense of being centered around thoughts.

    • Expanding Perspective through Mindfulness PracticeMindfulness practice, like focusing on breath, enlarges perspective, acknowledges infinite space, notices breath gaps, and integrates openness into daily life, even in challenging situations.

      Mindfulness practice, such as focusing on your breath, helps enlarge your perspective by bringing your attention back to the present moment and acknowledging the infinite space beyond yourself. This practice also involves noticing the momentary gaps between breaths, which can serve as breaks from constant self-talk. By being open to every experience and situation without centralizing yourself, you can integrate mindfulness into your daily life, even in the midst of challenging situations or work. The Tibetan Buddhist text "The Way of Ma Ati" encourages this openness and can serve as a helpful guide. Practicing mindfulness in this way can lead to a more inspiring and fulfilling experience of life.

    • The Importance of Connection and CommunityCultivating genuine relationships and fostering connections can significantly impact personal and professional growth.

      The power of connection and community cannot be overstated. Dan Harris expressed his gratitude towards his friends and advisors, specifically mentioning Barry and the team at Mindful, for their behind-the-scenes support and connections that have significantly impacted his personal and professional growth. This emphasis on the importance of genuine relationships and the value of fostering connections is a powerful reminder for us all. Additionally, Dan's dedication to sharing his story and starting important conversations on a wide scale serves as an inspiration for us to be bold and pursue our passions, while also recognizing the importance of the support systems that help us get there.

    Recent Episodes from Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    An acclaimed science writer on how to upgrade your mind by using more than your head.

    When you think about thinking, most of us think of it as a supremely solo pursuit. You’re in your head, concentrating and cogitating, all by yourself. But the science shows that if you want to improve your thinking, you need to get out of your head. Today we’re going to talk about a concept called “the extended mind.” Your mind isn’t just in your skull: it’s in your body, it’s in the people around you, it’s in your surroundings. The best thinking requires that you break out of what the writer David Foster Wallace called “the skull sized kingdom” and access these other resources.

    This may sound abstract, but our guest today makes it very practical. Annie Murphy Paul is an acclaimed science writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Scientific American, Slate, Time, and The Best American Science Writing, among many other publications. She is the author of Origins and The Cult of Personality, hailed by Malcolm Gladwell as a “fascinating new book.” Currently a fellow at New America, Paul has spoken to audiences around the world about learning and cognition; her TED talk has been viewed by more than 2.6 million people. A graduate of Yale University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she has served as a lecturer at Yale University and as a senior advisor at their Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. Her latest book is The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain

    In this episode, we also talk about:

    • How to use your surroundings to think better 
    • My favorite of the three areas of this book – thinking with our relationships
    • Why “groupthink” isn’t always a bad thing (OR you can say, the benefits of thinking in groups)
    • What she called “extension inequality” – that this benefit of the extended mind isn’t available to all people

    Related Episodes: Ancient Secrets to Modern Happiness | Tamar Gendler

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/anniemurphypaul

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    On Having Your Own Back | Bonus Meditation with Jess Morey

    On Having Your Own Back | Bonus Meditation with Jess Morey

    Connecting to self-compassion can be really tough. Ease the struggle by imagining your loved ones sending care & support your way.

    About Jess Morey:

    Jess Morey is a lead teacher, cofounder and former executive director of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education which runs in-depth mindfulness programming for youth, and the parents and professionals who support them across the US, and internationally. She began practicing meditation at age 14 on teen retreats offered by the Insight Meditation Society (IMS), and has maintained a consistent commitment to meditation since. Diving head first into meditation at such a key developmental stage makes the revelatory perspective of mindfulness & compassion her natural home turf, and gives her an easy, conversational teaching style anyone can relate to.

    For more information on Inward Bound: https://inwardboundmind.org/

    For more information on the Contemplative Semester: https://www.contemplativesemester.org/

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Compassion For Yourself.”

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    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

    Practical advice from a straight-talking, formerly incarcerated, occasionally profane dharma teacher.

    Vinny Ferraro is the Guiding Teacher of the Big Heart City Sangha in San Francisco and has led a weekly sitting group for almost two decades. As a fully empowered Dharma Teacher thru Spirit Rock/IMS, he has taught residential retreats at Spirit Rock, Insight Meditation Society, and the Esalen Institute. Currently, he leads Spirit Rock's Year to Live course and teaches retreats and daylongs through Big Heart City and meditation centers across the country. He is a respected leader in developing and implementing interventions for at-risk populations. leading groups in schools, juvenile halls and prisons since 1987. He has led emotional intelligence workshops for over 100,000 youth on four continents.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Alignment
    • Vinny‘s concept of “flashing your basic goodness”
    • Noting practice
    • The deep satisfaction in not seeking satisfaction
    • Redirecting awareness
    • Being an “empathetic witness” for yourself
    • When to opt for distraction
    • Not taking what’s not yours 
    • Vinny’s ancestor practice
    • What is the connection between seeing our family patterns and not taking what is not ours?  
    • How loyal have we been to our suffering?

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/vinny-ferraro

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    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    Actionable advice on working with one of the few socially acceptable vices.

    Whilst striving for perfection might seem logical on some level, it’s not actually attainable. And the research shows it can lead to burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, reduced productivity, and reduced resilience.

    Thomas Curran is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and is the author of The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The definition of perfectionism – it’s more than just high standards
    • The 3 flavors of perfectionism
    • The surprising findings on perfectionism and gender 
    • Perfectionism VS imposter syndrome 
    • The root of perfectionism 
    • The variables that lead to perfectionism 
    • Thomas’ critiques on capitalism and growth mindset
    • How to actually implement mantras like “progress not perfection” and “embracing good enough”
    • 4 elements to combat imperfectionism 
    • The recipe for achieving inner abundance
    • How to make good work without caring what other people think of you?
    • And parenting and perfectionism 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/thomas-curran

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    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

    What is happiness? Investigate how happiness is created, what it’s really like, and learn to access the simple happiness of right now.

    About Jay Michaelson:

    Rabbi Dr. Jay Michaelson is the author of ten books, including his newest, The Secret That Is Not A Secret: Ten Heretical Tales. In his “other career,” Jay is a columnist for The Daily Beast, and was a professional LGBTQ activist for ten years. Jay is an ordained rabbi and has taught meditation in secular, Buddhist, and Jewish context for eighteen years.

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “What Is Happiness.”

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    Dua Lipa On: Radical Optimism, Falling On Stage, And “Writing Yourself Into A Good Idea”

    Dua Lipa On: Radical Optimism, Falling On Stage, And “Writing Yourself Into A Good Idea”

    Talking creativity and sanity with one of the world’s biggest pop stars.

    British-Albanian singer-songwriter Dua Lipa emerged as a global pop sensation with her captivating blend of sultry vocals, empowering lyrics, and infectious beats. Born in London in 1995 to Albanian parents, Lipa's musical journey began at a young age, inspired by her father's own musical career. She hosts the podcast Dua Lipa: At Her Service, and her latest album is Radical Optimism

    In this episode we talk about:

    • What she means by radical optimism – and how it applied when she literally fell on stage
    • How she resists the temptation to fully armor herself
    • Her famous work ethic and packed schedule  
    • Her non-negotiable daily practices, including meditation
    • Her social media hygiene (specially, how to stay sane when nearly 80 million people follow you on Instagram alone)
    • And we have a great conversation about creativity, including how she builds psychological safety with her team in studio and on tour
    • Why she had to write 97 songs to make this one album
    • And her concept of “writing herself into a good idea” – as she says, “You have to be shit to be good.” 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/dua-lipa

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    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    A research-backed plan for getting your sh*t together in every possible sphere.

    We’re going to talk about some smart strategies today with Emma Seppälä, Ph.D. She is a psychologist and research scientist, with an expertise in the science of happiness, emotional intelligence, and social connection. She is the Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and she also teaches executives at the Yale School of Management. She’s been on this show before, to discuss her best-selling book The Happiness Track. And today she’s back to discuss her new book, Sovereign: Reclaim Your Freedom, Energy, and Power in a Time of Distraction, Uncertainty, and Chaos

    In this episode we talk about:

    • What she means by that term, sovereign
    • The neuroscience of emotion regulation
    • The science of intuition – and how to work with it when you’re a critical thinker
    • How our past can unconsciously bind us 
    • The impact of trauma
    • The latest evidence for the benefits of meditation
    • And how to cultivate what scientists call Positive Relational Energy

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/emma-seppala-764

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    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    The creator of somatic experiencing shows Dan how to heal trauma through the body.


    Peter A. Levine, Ph.D., has spent the past 50 years developing Somatic Experiencing. He holds a doctorate in Biophysics from UC Berkeley and a doctorate in Psychology from International University. His work has been taught to over 30,000 therapists in over 42 countries. He is the author of the new book, An Autobiography of Trauma.

    Content warning: This episode includes discussions of rape and violence.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How to do somatic experiencing. You’ll see Dan play the role of guinea pig + make weird sounds
    • The difference between somatic experiencing and talk therapy
    • Somatic experiencing practices we can implement into our lives
    • Why some people feel horror/terror at the thought of re-occupying the body and how to overcome those fears
    • What the research says – and how these practices around body awareness have gone from the fringes to entering the scientific mainstream
    • And how to move through ancient wounds – and enrich our lives (whether we have trauma or not)
    • Practices to fortify us in times of difficulty
    • Facing mortality 

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    An Ace Therapist Gives Dan A Run For His Money | Dr. Jacob Ham

    How to Get Out of Your Head | Willa Blythe Baker

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/peter-levine

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    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    Tap into your ADHD superpowers with a meditation that celebrates your unique wiring. Embrace exploration and self-acceptance.

    About Jeff Warren:

    Jeff is an incredibly gifted meditation teacher. He's trained in multiple traditions, including with renowned teacher Shinzen Young. Jeff is the co-author of NY Times Bestseller "Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics," and the founder of the Consciousness Explorers Club, a meditation adventure group in Toronto. He has a knack for surfacing the exact meditation that will help everyone he meets. "I have a meditation for that" is regularly heard from Jeff, so we've dubbed him the "Meditation MacGyver."

    More information on the group retreat (AKA Meditation Party) at the Omega Institute is here

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Meditating with ADHD.” 

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    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Buddhist strategies for taming that nagging voice in your head.

    Ofosu Jones-Quartey, a meditation teacher, author, and musician hailing from the Washington DC area brings over 17 years of experience in sharing mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion practices with the world. Holding a bachelor’s degree from American University and certified by the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, Ofosu is a graduate of the Teleos Coaching Institute and is the male voice on the Balance meditation app, reaching over 10 million subscribers. 

    Ofosu leads meditation classes and retreats nationwide, having taught and led retreats at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, The Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, Brooklyn Zen Center, Cleveland Insight, Inward Bound Mindfulness and more.

    As an accomplished hip hop artist under the name “Born I,” Ofosu released the mindfulness-themed album “In This Moment” in 2021. His most recent album is “AMIDA”, a spiritual, Lo-Fi Hip Hop album exploring life, death and his Buddhist faith.

    Beyond music, Ofosu is an author, releasing his self-published children’s book “You Are Enough” in 2020 and “Love Your Amazing Self” via Storey Publishing in 2022. He lives in Rockville, Maryland, with his wife and four children.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The relationship between self-compassion and a successful meditation practice
    • All the reasons people resist self-compassion, and his rebuttals
    • Whether self-compassion is selfish
    • How to do self-compassion off the cushion, including practices like journaling, written reminders, establishing accountability partners, and simple questions you can drop into your mind when all else fails
    • How to do self-compassion on the cushion, including practices like body scans, metta, and a check-in practice you can use at the very start of your sits
    • And how to teach self-compassion to children

    Related Episodes:

    The Voice in Your Head | Ethan Kross

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/ofosu-jones-quartey

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    7 Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness Every Day

    7 Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness Every Day
    Welcome back to The Teach Lead Coach Podcast! In this episode we talk about how and why to practice mindfulness. It's so easy to feel like you just don't have the time, but in reality, you don't have time to NOT practice mindfulness. Mindfulness isn't synonymous with meditation, and in this episode we will walk you through 7 easy ways to practice mindfulness.

    In this episode we talk about:
    - The benefits of mindfulness according to the science.
    - How we have benefited from mindfulness practice.
    - 7 ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.
    - How to practice mindfulness in the middle of a busy workday.
    - Why you must start intention setting.
    - The difference between goals and intentions.
    - Tips for getting started.

    Please screenshot this episode and share with a friend! This episode can benefit anyone! Even your friends who aren't teachers. :)

    Connect with us!
    Instagram: @wecoacheducators
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    Website: www.teachleadcoach.com
    DM us any questions or comments you have! You can also email us at: teachleadcoach.info@gmail.com

    Thank you and “see you” next time!
    Taylor & Chad