
    Jocko Podcast 15: Band of Brothers, Henry V, Breaking Rules, Teaching Aggression, Jocko’s BJJ Style, Lazy Habits & Procrastination

    enMarch 23, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • The bond between teams through shared experiences and strong leadershipUnderstanding and appreciating Shakespeare's works takes effort, but the reward is a deeper connection to the themes they explore about camaraderie formed through shared hardships.

      The bond between teams, whether military or professional, is rooted in shared experiences, strong leadership, and a clear sense of purpose. Jocko's experience with the 506 in Ramadi exemplified this, as they displayed professionalism, discipline, and unity in the face of adversity. The quote "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers" from Henry V by Shakespeare encapsulates this idea of camaraderie formed through shared hardships. However, understanding and appreciating Shakespeare's works requires effort, as they are written in early modern English, which is different from modern English. It's essential to recognize that it's a process to fully grasp the meaning behind Shakespeare's words, but the reward is a deeper connection to the text and the themes it explores.

    • Shakespeare's Understanding of Human Nature and Power of LanguageShakespeare's works showcase his deep understanding of human nature and his extraordinary ability to express complex emotions and ideas through language, resonating with audiences today.

      Shakespeare's works are a testament to his deep understanding of human nature and his extraordinary ability to express complex emotions and ideas through words. His plays, written during a time without special effects or advanced technology, relied solely on the power of language to convey the depth and complexity of human experiences. For instance, in Henry V, Shakespeare describes the warlike nature of Henry as being like Mars, the Roman god of war, with famine, sword, and fire at his heels. This opening scene sets the stage for Henry's leadership during war, emphasizing his readiness and skill in battle. Shakespeare's use of language is rich and layered, requiring readers and audiences to uncover the deeper meanings hidden beneath the surface. In times of peace, Henry is described as calm and humble, but when war arrives, he urges his soldiers to imitate the action of a tiger, to tense their bodies, summon their rage, and charge forward. Shakespeare's words continue to resonate with audiences today, reminding us of the power of language to capture the essence of the human experience.

    • Henry V's Inspiring Speech to SoldiersHenry V uses powerful language to inspire soldiers, appealing to their honor, pride, and fear. He paints a vivid picture of war's brutality and importance of seizing opportunity.

      Henry V uses powerful and evocative language to motivate his soldiers to fight and conquer Harleur. He appeals to their sense of honor, their national pride, and their fear of the consequences of not acting. He paints a vivid picture of the brutality and chaos of war, and the importance of striking while the opportunity is there. He also uses imagery of animals, such as greyhounds and hounds on a leash, to describe the soldiers' eagerness to fight and hunt down their enemies. Overall, Henry V's speech is a masterclass in using language to inspire and motivate a group of people to action.

    • The weight of leadership keeps leaders awake at nightLeaders carry the burden of responsibility for their people's lives and well-being, acknowledging that true happiness comes from within, not from possessions or social rank.

      Leadership comes with a heavy burden. Henry V, a historical English king, faced the weight of responsibility for his people and his decisions, even in the midst of war. He acknowledged that material possessions and social rank do not bring true happiness, but rather, the constant worry for the well-being of his subjects kept him awake at night. This sentiment was echoed by a Sri Lankan army captain, who shared his experience of transitioning from a soldier to a company commander, feeling the increased stress of being responsible for the lives of his men. The king's words, "Upon the king, let us our lives, our souls, our debts, our careful wives, our children, and our sins lay on the King. We must bear all," illustrate the solitary nature of leadership and the understanding that the fate of the kingdom rests on the king's shoulders.

    • Henry V's Speech to the English ArmyHenry V's inspiring speech to his outnumbered army emphasized the value of courage, honor, and sacrifice over material possessions and cowardice.

      Theme of leadership and the burden of command, as depicted in Shakespeare's "Henry V." The English army, outnumbered by the French, contemplates the value of additional troops. Henry V responds with a powerful speech, expressing his belief that they have enough men to die for their country and that fewer men would mean greater honor for the victors. He doesn't care about personal gains or material possessions, but desires honor and glory. He encourages cowards to leave and offers them passage home. This speech, rooted in historical fact, highlights Henry V's leadership and the importance of courage and honor in the face of adversity.

    • Commemorating Brotherhood and Bravery on Saint Crispin's DaySaint Crispin's Day honors the unity and bravery of outnumbered soldiers who fought against the odds, leaving a lasting legacy and inspiring future generations with their courageous actions.

      Saint Crispin's Day, on October 25th, is a commemoration of a battle where the brotherhood and bravery of a few outnumbered soldiers led to their victory and lasting legacy. The speech given by King Henry V to his troops before the battle emphasizes the importance of remembering and honoring the deeds of that day. The names of the brave men involved would be passed down through generations, and the day itself would be celebrated as a symbol of unity, courage, and manhood. The speech also highlights the idea that anyone, regardless of their background, could become a part of this brotherhood by fighting bravely on this day. The significance of this day is that it serves as a reminder of the power of unity, courage, and the indelible impact of individual actions on history.

    • The power of unity and camaraderieEmbrace brotherhood, learn and grow together, and commit to expanding knowledge for a richer life.

      Power of unity and the importance of camaraderie in the face of adversity. King Henry V's speech in Shakespeare's play inspires his soldiers to fight for their country, emphasizing that they are a "band of brothers" who will share in each other's glory and pain. This idea of brotherhood transcends time and has become a common reference for the strong bonds formed among individuals in challenging circumstances. Furthermore, the speech encourages self-improvement and learning as a means to become wiser and stronger. By applying this mindset to our own lives, we can strive to expand our knowledge and forge meaningful connections with others. To access the wealth of knowledge and resources available to us, such as Shakespeare's works, requires only a commitment to learning and discipline. By embracing this philosophy, we can enrich our lives and remember the importance of unity and brotherhood.

    • Perception of Infantry being undervalued is incorrectInfantry divisions are essential and deserve equal respect and admiration as special operations forces, as they contribute significantly to the mission and put their lives at risk.

      There is a perception that regular army infantry, or "grunts," are undervalued or overlooked in history and the public eye. However, as Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and author, emphasizes, this perception is incorrect. Infantry divisions, including the US Army and US Marine Corps, are essential and deserve the same respect and admiration as special operations forces. Jocko shares his personal experiences working with conventional units in Iraq and acknowledges their professionalism, bravery, and resilience in challenging conditions. The media's focus on special operations stories may contribute to this misconception, but it's crucial to remember that all military personnel, whether infantry or special operations, contribute significantly to the mission and put their lives at risk.

    • The Importance of Understanding Training Partners' Psychological StateBe attuned to training partners' mental health and respect their dedication and professionalism in the military

      Respect and admiration are deeply held for those in the military, particularly the ground forces, who put their lives on the line every day. Jocko Willink shared a personal story about training with a mentor, Dean, and how they pushed each other to their limits. Despite Jocko's victory in their training session, he failed to recognize that Dean was not fully recovered and missed a cue to train the next day. This led to an unexpected full-on training session, which served as a reminder that rules, even training schedules, must sometimes be broken. The story highlights the importance of being attuned to the psychological state of training partners and the value of respecting and honoring the dedication and professionalism of those in the military.

    • Learning to adapt in difficult situationsFlexibility and adaptability are crucial in life and business. While rules and principles are important, they should not limit our ability to assess situations objectively and consider breaking them when necessary.

      While rules and principles are important, they should not limit our flexibility and adaptability in difficult situations. The speaker learned this lesson during a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu match, where he got stuck in a painful position due to rigidly adhering to a rule. This experience taught him that it's essential to assess the situation objectively and consider breaking the rules when necessary. This concept extends beyond martial arts and applies to various aspects of life, including business and relationships. It's crucial to maintain a balance between adhering to solid rules and being open to the gray areas. In the context of managing a team, it's important to console team members who feel guilty about making mistakes and reassure them that everyone makes errors, and it's essential to learn from them. Using relatable stories, such as the parachuting analogy, can help team members gain perspective and move on from their mistakes.

    • Letting go of past mistakes for growthFocusing on past errors can hinder progress, so learn from mistakes, assess lessons, and let go to make room for growth and progress in life and business.

      Focusing on past mistakes or failures can hinder progress and prevent us from moving forward. Using the analogy of skydiving, if a parachute fails to open, it's essential to make a quick decision and let go of the faulty parachute rather than trying to fix it in mid-air. The same principle applies to various aspects of life, including business projects and personal experiences. Dwelling on the past can negatively impact our ability to focus on the present and future, where we have control. It's crucial to learn from past mistakes, assess the lessons, and then let go to make room for growth and progress. In combat situations, adhering to standard operating procedures and not getting stuck in the past can save lives. Overall, maintaining focus on the present and future is essential for personal and professional growth.

    • Unexpected benefits of joining the militaryJoining the military offers financial discipline and potential wealth through housing and savings, but requires physical preparation, adaptability, and a sense of detachment during training.

      Joining the military can bring unexpected benefits, both personally and financially. During training, it's essential to be physically prepared, adapt to challenging situations, and maintain a sense of detachment. Military recruits often receive a significant paycheck with minimal expenses, making it crucial to practice financial discipline and save for the future. By buying a house and renting out rooms, one can cover mortgage payments and even build wealth over time. Remember, financial freedom comes from financial discipline. The conversation also touched on the importance of being in shape, being comfortable in water, and enduring harsh training situations. Overall, the military experience can be both challenging and rewarding, and proper preparation and mindset can lead to long-term success.

    • Instilling aggression in firefighting and paramedicsTraining and scenarios can help bring out natural aggression, essential for effectiveness in high-risk professions. Aggression means being proactive and determined, not confrontational.

      Instilling aggression and passion in individuals, particularly in professions like firefighting and paramedics, is crucial for ensuring their effectiveness and ability to mitigate risks. While skills can be taught, the drive and aggression needed to excel in these roles is often a natural trait. Hard training and challenging scenarios can help bring out this aggression and make individuals feel proud. It's essential to teach these individuals that aggression is the best way to mitigate risk and save lives. Providing them with training scenarios where aggression wins over passivity can help them understand the importance of being aggressive in high-pressure situations. Leading by example and showing them what aggression looks like can also be an effective way to instill this trait. Ultimately, being aggressive doesn't mean being confrontational or aggressive towards others, but rather being proactive and determined in pursuing goals and taking control of situations.

    • Leading with Aggression: Direct it towards the mission, not peopleEffective leaders focus their aggression on achieving goals and motivating teams, rather than targeting individuals.

      Being aggressively focused on goals and challenges is essential for effective leadership, but it's crucial to direct that aggression towards the mission rather than people. This approach influences and motivates team members, fostering a collaborative environment. It's not always easy to access this mindset, and it may require a mentor or role model to demonstrate it effectively. Additionally, be mindful of the influence of external factors, such as media or personal habits, on aggression levels. Instead of sitting back and waiting for opportunities, aim to make things happen and lead by example. Remember, the goal is to inspire and guide, not intimidate or offend.

    • Adapting to different situations and opponentsEffective martial artists read situations and adapt with a range of tactics, including passive, reactive, aggressive, and disrespectful approaches.

      Effective martial arts training involves adapting to different situations and opponents, using a variety of styles and approaches. The speaker, for instance, uses passive, reactive, aggressive, and even disrespectful tactics in jujitsu, depending on the situation and their opponent's mood and style. Comfort and adaptability are key, as is the ability to switch strategies when one isn't working. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being open to trying new approaches and finding alternative solutions when faced with challenges. Ultimately, the most effective martial artists are those who can read the situation and their opponent, and respond appropriately with a range of tactics.

    • Finding joy in the transitions and flow of jujitsuThe true joy of jujitsu comes from the transitions and flow of moves, not just submitting opponents. Enjoy the game itself and the playful banter during rolling sessions.

      While some people may view jujitsu as a serious and competitive sport focused solely on submitting opponents, the speaker believes that the true joy and fun come from the transitions, flow, and utilization of moves. He emphasizes that the game itself should be the source of enjoyment, not just the act of submitting others. The speaker also mentions that he finds joy in the playful banter and trash talk during rolling sessions, which adds to the overall fun experience. It's important to note that everyone's experience and motivation for practicing jujitsu can vary, and it's essential to remember that not everyone is driven solely by the desire to submit others. Instead, the focus should be on the sport itself and the enjoyment it brings.

    • Leading in complex environments: Trust, empowerment, and understandingEffective leadership involves building trust, empowering team members, and understanding individual motivations and personalities in complex environments. Lead by example, listen, and give ownership and responsibility.

      Effective leadership in complex and challenging environments, such as special operations or working with international forces, requires building relationships based on trust, empowerment, and understanding individual motivations and personalities. It's essential to lead by example, listen to team members, and give them ownership and responsibility. The principles of leadership remain the same, but the nuances and adaptations will depend on the specific individuals and situations. It's a misconception that military personnel are robots following orders without question, and the brief indoctrination period in boot camp does not represent the entirety of a military career. Ultimately, most issues arise from a lack of leadership and the failure to build strong relationships with team members.

    • Leading goes beyond giving ordersEffective leadership inspires commitment and motivation through understanding, communication, and trust

      Effective leadership goes beyond just barking orders and expecting obedience. As illustrated in the example of Full Metal Jacket and the experiences of military commanders, leading involves building trust, explaining the strategic importance of tasks, and convincing team members to take ownership. Historically, there have been instances where orders were followed blindly, leading to unnecessary risks and even loss of life. However, true leadership inspires commitment and motivation, even in the face of challenges. Whether in the military or any other field, leading requires more than just giving orders; it requires understanding, communication, and trust.

    • Understanding the why behind ordersLeading means questioning orders and taking initiative, not blindly following. Start taking action now to make things happen.

      Leading people requires questioning orders and understanding the why behind them. This was highlighted in the discussion about the difference between leading soldiers in war and understanding the horrors of repeatedly sending them into battle without questioning the orders. Jocko emphasized the importance of taking initiative and asking why, rather than blindly following orders. Additionally, he shared his perspective on overcoming laziness and procrastination, encouraging listeners to start taking action right here and now. The idea is that the action won't execute itself, and the book or project won't write itself. Instead, individuals need to take the first step and make it happen. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of taking initiative, asking why, and taking action to make things happen.

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