
    Jocko Underground: Society, Advertising, etc, Appeals to Our Desire For Immediate Gratification. How to Stay Ambitious.

    enSeptember 24, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of Low Self-Esteem on Temper and Anger ResponseRecognizing the connection between low self-esteem and quick anger response, and addressing underlying self-esteem issues can help us navigate the world more effectively, despite societal pressures for immediate gratification.

      The constant onslaught of advertising and attention-seeking in today's society can negatively impact our lives, potentially stemming from low self-esteem. In the book "Mind Games" by Mike Powell, Jocko Willink discusses how people with short tempers or a quick anger response often stem from low self-esteem, which was once considered a shameful thing. Society's focus on immediate gratification can exacerbate these feelings, making it essential to protect ourselves and those around us. Understanding the root cause of our emotions and addressing any underlying self-esteem issues can help us navigate this world more effectively. Remember, it's okay not to have it all figured out and seeking help or guidance when needed is a sign of strength.

    • Our reactions to external stimuli can shape our perception of ourselvesRecognizing the power of our thoughts and beliefs can help us challenge limiting self-perceptions and develop stronger self-esteem and resilience.

      Our reactions to external stimuli can shape our perception of ourselves. In the discussed scenario, the speaker initially believed that getting angry was a sign of low self-esteem. However, upon further reflection, they realized that this belief was a self-imposed limitation. They came to understand that allowing external influences to control our emotions and actions can make us feel weak-minded and vulnerable. The speaker encouraged reframing this dynamic by recognizing that our minds have the power to resist external influences. For instance, if we find ourselves unable to put down our phones or unable to stop scrolling, we can view this as a sign of a strong will being tested rather than a weakness. By acknowledging the power struggle and taking a step back, we can regain control and strengthen our mental fortitude. This takeaway can be applied to various aspects of life, from managing emotions to dealing with external pressures. By recognizing the power of our thoughts and beliefs, we can challenge limiting self-perceptions and develop a stronger sense of self-esteem and resilience.

    • Recognizing and limiting exposure to algorithmic adsBe intentional about social media usage and aware of algorithmically-driven ads to maintain control over media consumption

      While we may have more control over what we watch with the rise of streaming services, we are still being exposed to advertisements, particularly on social media. These ads are often algorithmically connected to our interests and can be intrusive. It's essential to recognize this and take steps to limit our exposure. We can do this by being mindful of our social media usage and being aware of the information being presented to us. It's not about avoiding all ads or content entirely, but rather being intentional about what we engage with and understanding the motivations behind it. The old days of being subjected to ads during TV shows may be gone, but the importance of being aware of and in control of our media consumption remains.

    • The Benefits of CommercialsCommercials can be entertaining and engaging, featuring celebrities, humor, and special effects, and can subtly influence us through everyday actions and interactions, making them worth our attention

      While being tricked into watching commercials may seem negative at first, it can actually be beneficial. Commercials have evolved to become entertaining and engaging, often featuring celebrities, humor, and special effects. Advertising and marketing are related concepts, with advertising being the actual commercials we see, while marketing goes deeper and can influence us through everyday actions and interactions, such as wearing a particular brand. So, even if we're not actively seeking out advertisements, they can still impact us in subtle ways.

    • Navigating the complex world of advertisingStay discerning and critical of advertising, recognize manipulative tactics, and use algorithms and targeted ads to discover new things that align with our interests and goals.

      While advertising can influence our decisions and preferences, it's important to discern between what truly helps us and what's just trying to lure us in. Effective marketing can lead us to discover new things that align with our interests and goals, but it's crucial to be aware of manipulative tactics that aim to exploit our immediate gratification. The use of algorithms and targeted advertising can be beneficial, but we should also be cautious of misleading or unrealistic representations. Ultimately, it's essential to maintain a critical perspective and set up filters in our minds to navigate the vast and complex world of advertising. For instance, recognizing manipulative tactics such as using certain colors to stimulate hunger or showing ads at specific times to capitalize on our desires can help us make more informed choices. In summary, advertising is a double-edged sword, and it's up to us to use our discernment and critical thinking skills to make the most of it.

    • Social media ads based on user engagementThe more we engage with social media, the more targeted ads we see, while less engagement leads to fewer ads.

      Our social media usage and the resulting ads we see can vary greatly based on our engagement with the platform. The speaker mentioned observing an excessive amount of advertisements on their child's Instagram account, while they personally experience fewer ads due to their minimal interaction on the platform. This difference can be attributed to the algorithms used by social media companies, which monitor user behavior and tailor content accordingly. The more a user engages with the platform (liking, sharing, and clicking on content), the more data the algorithm collects, and the more targeted the ads become. Conversely, users who limit their engagement, like the Instagram "monk" in this conversation, see fewer ads due to the limited data the algorithm has to work with. It's a fascinating insight into how our online behavior shapes our digital experiences, and how even seemingly small actions can have significant consequences.

    • Jocko Underground: A Subscription-Based Platform for Enhanced InteractionJocko Podcast is launching a subscription-service, Jocko Underground, for more control, interaction, and direct connections with listeners, costing $8.18/month. The free podcast continues, but additional benefits come with the subscription.

      Jocko Podcast, the team behind it, is launching Jocko Underground, a subscription-based platform to provide more control, interaction, and direct connections with listeners, while reducing reliance on external platforms and sponsors. The initiative aims to build a stronger community of supporters, with a website currently under development, which costs $8.18 a month. Those who cannot afford it can still receive assistance by emailing [assistance@jockounderground.com](mailto:assistance@jockounderground.com). The free Jocko podcast will continue as is, but the subscription service offers additional benefits. This move empowers listeners to have a more engaged experience and lessen the impact of external control on the content.

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    >Join Jocko Underground<

    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

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    “The more you speak up and use your voice, the more confident you get.”

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