
    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on the lessons from our fathersReflect on the valuable lessons from our fathers or father figures, they provide guiding principles in our lives

      Key takeaway from today's journal prompt on Everyday Positivity from the Volley Network is the importance of reflecting on the valuable lessons we've learned from our fathers or father figures. These lessons can range from general reflections on our relationships to specific pieces of wisdom that have stayed with us throughout our lives. For instance, my friend's father taught her to trust many but love a few, always paddle her own canoe. My stepfather-in-law reminded us to neither borrow nor lend, while my own father imparted the wisdom that during times of insomnia, we don't have to sleep, but rather just rest. These lessons serve as guiding principles in our lives and can provide comfort, strength, and insight when we need it most. So, take a moment to reflect on the sentence "My father taught me" and write down the wisdom that has come through to you.

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    Tithing and The Church

    Tithing and The Church

    Giving money to the church is often not a popular topic but this week we discuss tithing. God calls us to be joyful and sacrificial givers of our time, money and "first fruits", giving us opportunity to trust God in our dependance on Him. Yet sometimes we are guilty of critiquing God's bride and justifying why we don't need to give to His church that He loves so much, He came to die for her? We also get into what it means to follow Jesus's example as a Servant-Leader, as the head of our house and lead our family well in reading God's word, prayer and tithing... all things that God uses to transform our hearts, minds and lives.


    • This Weeks Whiskey: Eagle Rare by Buffalo Trace Disterery
    • Christian B. shares a trick to be able to better smell the notes in the whiskey
    • What does it mean to Tithe and are we still called to do it?
    • What does it mean to give God our "first fruits"? 
    • Tithing is just as much about our heart and motivation when giving, as it is about how much we give, just like we see with Cain and Able in Genesis, where Able's offering was the best of his best to God... not what was left over.
    • Tithing is an exercise of obedience and reminder that we are to be fully-dependent on God, that all things come from Him, and that we are simply stewarding God's resources and money that he provides, in order to do His will on earth.
    • The principles for tithing obediently is that our giving should be joyful and sacrificial, and through giving of our first fruits back to God, we are acknowledging our dependence on Him and remembering where all good things come from.
    • Does our American outlook of individual consumerism and "exchange of goods" economics influence our attitude towards tithing to our local church if we feel like we (as attendees or members) aren't getting what we think we should be getting from our Church? Specifically if that church as attracted attendees by being "seeker sensitive" and catering to the felt-needs of their congregation.
    • Some Christian's say they don't attend church or don't give money to a church for a variety of reasons:
      • If we were hurt by a church in the past or jaded against the church or "organized religion", does that get us off the hook for not needing to tithe?
      • God doesn't give us the option to "love Jesus but hate the church" or not participate in a weekly gathering of God's people. Jesus came to earth in human form to die for His bride, The Church. We can't both love Jesus and hate His Bride that He came to die for.
      • Biblical tithing IS NOT a means of "give to get", like what is proclaimed in the heretical "prosperity gospel" or "name it and claim it" movement, which is common with tele-evangelists who claim that if you give them money, you will be healed... become rich... become holy, etc, etc.
      • You know you are a "Consumer-Christian" when we are quick to criticize the church, not give of your money or time regularly and often complain about not liking the church music or preaching... because we see participation in church as a consumer, where we are served, catered to and entertained... rather than the Biblical definition of church were we ARE the church and called to give our money, volunteer our time and get off the side-lines and into the game instead of being an "arm-chair" quarterback. 
      • If you say you love Jesus but you hate the church... you don't love Jesus and don't get the Gospel and whole purpose of why Jesus came to earth to die for our sins, to bring us back into relationship with God the Father.
    • Tithing is one of the means in which we can practically and tangibly meet each others earthly needs.
    • Tithing should be considered the baseline/starting point. We are still responsible to hearing God's call and the Holy Spirit's prompting when we encounter people with tangible needs in our lives.
    • How does this apply to being a husband or father? As the man, God has proclaimed us as the head of our household, which doesn't simply mean you are in charge and everyone needs to listen to you but more accurate and in-line with Jesus's example as a Servant-Leader, being "the head" has more to do with the responsibility of taking care of and leading your family... which includes spiritual and financial leadership, like tithing. We as husbands and dads will be held accountable for how we loved and lead our families and churches.
    • Simon Sinek - "Leaders Eat Last" book

    Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church (and don't provoke your kids to anger)

    Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church (and don't provoke your kids to anger)

    This week we get back to the heart of being a Christian father... We discuss loving our wives, as Christ loved the church and sacrificed Himself for His bride.  We also talk about not provoking our children to anger.



    • This Weeks Whiskey:  Buffalo Trace Kentucky Bourbon
    • This Weeks Cigars: MyCigarPack.com
    • Show Notes:
      • “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,”
      • “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord”
      • No Drama Discipline - book
      • When my son gets angry, reminding him to "name it, tame it and reframe it". 


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