
    JOURNAL: Gratitude Dump

    en-gbAugust 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Practicing Gratitude ShiftsFocusing on what we're grateful for can improve mood, outlook, and overall well-being. Try writing down who and what you're thankful for to practice daily.

      Practicing gratitude can help improve our mood and outlook on life. During journal prompt day on Everyday Positivity on Volley FM, Kate Cocker encouraged listeners to write down who and what they are grateful for. This simple exercise can be especially beneficial during tough times or when we find ourselves being negative. By focusing on what we have to be grateful for rather than what we have to do, we can shift our perspective and find joy in the present moment. Kate shared that she had been reminding her daughter of this practice during a difficult week, and she encouraged listeners to join her in the Facebook group, Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker, to share their gratitude results. So, take a moment to close your eyes and write down who and what you are grateful for. Keep writing until you have expressed all of your gratitude. When you stop, push yourself to write more. The act of practicing gratitude can help us appreciate the good things in our lives and improve our overall well-being.

    • Join the 'Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker' Facebook group for positivity and connectionJoining Kate Cocker's Facebook group fosters positivity, connects you with like-minded individuals, and provides access to inspiring stories and uplifting messages.

      Joining the "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker" group on Facebook is a simple yet effective way to foster positivity and connect with like-minded individuals. During our discussion, Kate emphasized the importance of creating a supportive community where people can share positive experiences, uplifting messages, and inspiring stories. By joining this group, you'll not only have access to a wealth of positivity but also the opportunity to make new connections and build meaningful relationships. So, if you're looking to add more positivity to your life and meet new people, consider joining the "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker" group on Facebook. It's a small step that can make a big difference in your day and your outlook on life. Plus, you'll have the added bonus of meeting Kate herself, who is a warm and welcoming presence in the group. So, take a few minutes to search for the group, hit the join button, and start your journey towards a more positive and connected life. You won't regret it!

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    EP 30: Lou Coghlan: It's Not About Me, It's About Us.

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    Become a part of Lou's Facebook community here:


    Follow her on Instagram @loucoghlan

    Check out her website to read her book about her adored Granny Nancy or sign up to Lou's coacing services:
