
    Leap Day Happy Place

    en-gbFebruary 29, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Take a break and find your happy placeTake time for self-care, find joy in little moments, and join Kate Cocker's Facebook group for positivity and support.

      Learning from today's discussion with Kate Cocker on Volley is the importance of taking time for yourself, especially during busy periods. Leap year gives us an extra day, and Kate suggests using it as an opportunity to visit your "happy place" and find a moment of calm. Whether it's a physical location or a mental space, taking time to relax and decompress can help rejuvenate and prepare you for the upcoming weekend and the rest of the year. Remember, it's essential to prioritize self-care and find joy in the little moments. Additionally, Kate mentioned her upcoming journaling episode and Facebook live event, which is an excellent resource for those seeking positivity and inspiration. The Facebook group, "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker," is an inclusive and welcoming community where individuals can connect and share their experiences. Joining the group is an excellent way to surround yourself with positivity and support throughout the year. So, take a break, find your happy place, and remember that small moments of joy and self-care can make a significant difference in your overall well-being.

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    In this episode:

    • I share what the equinox is.
    • What the Autumn equinox means to me.
    • Why points like this are good for pauses and resets.
    • The importance of releasing things that no longer serve you. 
    • Getting clear on what you’re really feeling and why this is important. 
    • Why creating space is important to get things flowing, but also the importance of keeping some space.
    • The importance of nourishing your self and having good self care as you release things. 
    • Why getting out in nature is important. 
    • The value of a declutter during this time, and how this helps create space and brings fresh energy in. 

    I share all this and more.

    I’d love to hear how you mark the equinox, or if you’re just starting to. 

    Is there anything your releasing and letting go of ?

    Do you have a favourite season?

    Reach out and share with me.

    You can find me at :

    Thank you so much for listening I hope you’ve enjoyed my musings here, please share, subscribe and review it's greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead. 

    Episode 71: Growing your Belief

    Episode 71: Growing your Belief

    Episode 71: Growing your Belief


    We started off today with a Bob Proctor quote, “You don’t have to know how.  You just have to believe you can.”  Isn’t that the truth?  When we believe it will be done (and step out in faith/ belief it is already done) then the “how” will present itself.  


    That is what this episode is all about.  


    Lisa shared how she had been reinvigorated to write out her “now goals” and tape them to her bathroom mirror, and repeat them  several times a day, evoking the feeling of increased belief and faith.  She wanted to sell her truck and purchase a newer car for herself, and so she had some fun with this.  She stepped out and like a little child, believed that it was going to happen and her job was to believe and then be ready to receive.  Maybe not ready to receive the goal, but often before that happens, when we stay “open to receive” what we receive are what we like to call “divine downloads,” creative ideas that we would not have had if we weren’t in this state of expected belief.   Yet, as we stay “open to receive” ideas, and step out and take action in alignment with our faith, amazing things happen and goals are brought to completion!  

    We want to encourage our listeners to grow their belief and step out in that faith, expecting to receive and watch these things to happen in your life as well.

    All 3 of us have read and studied Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich, and we are encouraging you to get a copy and learn along with us.  Here is the link to order yours: book: https://amzn.to/3JM7tzp  Know that your purchase helps us keep this podcast on the air. Thank you.

    Help us spread the word so we can inspire more women to “wake up and dream.”  Give us a “shout out” on your social media platforms!  Thank you!  Drop us a message, LIKE, SHARE, and leave us a review!  Follow us on Instagram @wakeupanddreampodcast and be sure to join us in our new, free, and fabulous Facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/wakeupanddream/

    See you on “the inside!”


    You can also connect with each of us here: 


    Sara Carlisi:



    Kelly Armstrong: 




    Lisa Taylor: 




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    The Things & People We Missed in 2020

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    If this is something you're personally dealing with, we hope you have found encouragement in this episode. 

    To connect with others living a Courageously Grateful lifestyle or to follow Caroline while she lives her Courageously Grateful life:

    Courageously Grateful Facebook Group 

    Caroline Cowie Schafer Instagram 

    Caroline Schafer LinkedIn

    Caroline - Twitter

    Disclaimer - All the information shared here is the property of Caroline Cowie Schafer, LLC. Caroline is not a doctor and does not claim to be. This advice should not be used to replace medical treatment or therapy. Please see a mental health professional if needed.