
    Life, Love, and Parenting | An Engaging Talk with Ryan Holiday

    enMay 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Support children's self-esteem through personal abilities and talentsFoster genuine self-esteem in children by focusing on their personal abilities and talents, not just achievements.

      It's essential to foster genuine self-esteem in children by supporting them for who they are, rather than basing their worth on specific achievements. Ryan Holiday, a frequent podcast guest of Gary Vaynerchuk, emphasizes the importance of self-esteem rooted in personal abilities and talents. Holiday's success with his "Daily Stoic" series, which offers daily pieces of timeless advice, inspired Gary to create a parenting version. This genre provides an accessible starting point for those interested in the philosophy, allowing them to revisit and apply the advice throughout their lives. The power of daily reflection and returning to foundational principles can significantly impact personal growth and development.

    • Timing and readiness matter in resonating with an audienceBe authentic and direct, even if uncomfortable. Focus on building up those who give energy and challenge the belief that 'nice guys finish last'.

      The resonance of content depends on both the timeliness of the topic and the readiness of the audience. The speaker shared his personal experience of having spoken about vulnerability and candor for years, but it was only recently that it resonated with a larger audience. He attributed this to the world's current circumstances and the audience's increased self-awareness. The speaker also discussed the importance of being authentic and direct, even if it means being unpopular or uncomfortable. He warned against being overly nice or politically correct to the point of losing the ability to be kind and having no energy left for the people who truly matter. The speaker encouraged everyone to focus on building up the people in their lives who give them energy instead of trying to fix those who drain it. He concluded by challenging the common belief that "nice guys finish last" and instead, advocated for being authentic and true to oneself.

    • Focusing on what truly matters can prevent being taken for grantedInvest time in those who matter deeply to prevent being taken for granted and use success to make a positive impact.

      Being consistently nice and good to those around us can sometimes lead to being taken for granted. This can be seen in various aspects of life, including at work and in personal relationships. It's easy to put energy into fixing issues with those who may not matter as much, but it's important to prioritize and invest time in those who truly matter. Ryan Holiday, in his narrowed approach with "Daily Dad," consciously chose to focus on fatherhood to use his success and credibility to make a difference in an area he cares about deeply. By doing so, he's able to create content that resonates with a wider audience, including women, while staying true to his intended focus. Success should not only be used to make more money but also to create and make a positive impact.

    • Choosing our children's legacy despite past flawsStoic philosophy teaches us to control responses, learn from experiences, and pass down valuable lessons to future generations.

      We have the power to choose the legacy we leave for our children, regardless of our past or the flaws of our own upbringing. We can learn from our experiences and strive to be better parents by giving our kids what we didn't get, while also teaching them accountability and resilience. The Stoic philosophy emphasizes the importance of controlling our responses to life's challenges and not letting the past dictate our future. Additionally, the fear of judgment from others can hinder our ability to change perspective and be the best parents we can be. Ultimately, it's up to us to decide the end of our stories and pass down the good and the lessons learned to the next generation.

    • Regret from Prioritizing Cleanliness Over Children's PlayFocus on personal values and needs, not external validation, to avoid regret later in life. Seek wisdom from the elderly and learn from experiences, rather than constantly striving for perfection.

      Focusing too much on external validation and comparing ourselves to others can lead to regret later in life. The speaker shares an anecdote about a 94-year-old woman, Dolores, who regretted prioritizing a clean house over allowing her children to play and make messes. The speaker encourages seeking wisdom from the elderly to gain perspective and understanding that many things we value or feel guilty about as parents may not matter in the end. The speaker also touches on the modern dynamic of demonizing losing and the importance of adapting to micro losses in life. Instead of focusing solely on winning, the speaker suggests asking children what they learned and focusing on improvement. In essence, the speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing our own values and needs over external validation.

    • Emphasizing personal growth and learning from experiencesEncourage children to focus on personal growth and learning from experiences, rather than on winning or losing. Support their passions and help them become the best versions of themselves.

      Focusing on personal growth and learning from experiences, rather than on winning or losing, can help children build self-pride and resilience. The speaker emphasizes that there's no losing in life, only opportunities to learn and improve. Parents should help their children discover their passions and support them, rather than forcing them into specific paths or demonizing certain interests. The speaker shares his own experiences of learning valuable lessons from failures and setbacks, and expresses concern about the current trend of pushing children into narrowly defined careers or sports at young ages. Ultimately, the goal should be to help children become the best versions of themselves, not to mold them into predetermined roles.

    • Help kids discover their unique passionsEncourage exploration, support journey, and allow kids to find happiness and success in their own way

      Parents should encourage their children to explore a range of interests and not force them into a single sport or activity based on their own delusions or expectations. Instead, parents should expose their kids to various things, both virtually and in person, and help them find their unique "life's task" or passion. This may mean tough love and encouraging them to learn work ethic and how to sell their skills if they choose an unconventional path. The goal is to help children discover what makes them happy and successful, even if it doesn't align with societal norms or the expectations of their parents. Additionally, parents should understand that their children may find their passions in unexpected places, and it's important to support them in their journey rather than trying to mold them into a specific mold.

    • Nurturing Environment for Children's SuccessEncourage children with patience, belief, and strong work ethic. Balance pushing and exploration. Focus on relationships and internal qualities.

      Creating a supportive and nurturing environment for children is crucial for their success, even if they don't thrive in a particular situation. It's essential to be patient, believe in them, and help them find new circumstances. However, avoiding guilt and judgment is key. The world is changing, and children who express independence should be encouraged with a strong work ethic. Finding the right balance between pushing them and allowing them to explore on their own is important. Remember, the way we measure our lives in the future will be by the relationships we have, especially with our children. It's essential to align our priorities today with what truly matters in the long run. Avoid focusing on trivial matters and instead, celebrate their efforts and achievements that are within their control. Affirmation should be given for qualities that are not dependent on external factors, such as hard work, determination, and kindness.

    • Praising efforts over accomplishmentsFocusing on a child's character and progress, not just accomplishments or looks, helps build self-esteem and accountability.

      Focusing on a child's efforts and character rather than their accomplishments or physical attributes is essential for their development. Praising their progress and resilience in the face of mistakes is crucial for building their self-esteem and helping them become accountable adults. Parents should also strive to communicate effectively and honestly with their children, acknowledging their weaknesses and modeling adult behavior. Additionally, it's essential to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and it's important to help children understand the consequences of their actions while maintaining a loving and supportive environment. When disagreements arise between parents, it's essential to approach the situation with understanding and empathy, ensuring that children receive consistent messages and guidance. Ultimately, the goal is to help children develop a strong sense of self-worth and the skills they need to navigate life's challenges.

    • Nurture your child's individualityEncourage children's unique traits, act as gardeners, and foster self-confidence for their best development.

      Every child is unique and their destiny is not predetermined by their DNA or circumstances at birth. Parents should act as gardeners, helping their children grow into their true selves while removing obstacles, rather than trying to force them into a specific mold. It's essential to understand and accept who they are and encourage their individuality, as opposed to trying to make them into what we want them to be. This approach fosters self-confidence and happiness, allowing children to develop into the best version of themselves. Additionally, it's important to remember that many successful people in various fields might have regrets about paths not taken. So, it's crucial to support and love our children for who they are, rather than pushing them towards a particular career or goal just to fulfill our own desires or insecurities.

    • Parental love and support shape children's self-esteem and growthParents play a vital role in fostering genuine self-esteem by encouraging children to discover their unique talents and providing unconditional love and support.

      Unconditional love and support from parents are crucial for children's self-esteem and personal growth. However, it's essential to distinguish between genuine self-esteem and manipulated or externally influenced self-esteem. Every person has the potential to excel in something, and it's our responsibility as parents to help them discover their unique talents. Children will naturally gravitate towards their interests if we provide them with opportunities to explore. It's essential to avoid creating unrealistic expectations and conditional love based on societal pressures and our own insecurities. Instead, we should cherish the time we have with our children, recognizing that they will grow up and eventually leave our side. The importance of love and intentional parenting cannot be overstated, as it lays the foundation for their emotional well-being and future success.

    • Regretfully missing an event for a new book releaseA new book by Ryan Holiday, 'The Daily Dad,' is valued by the speaker for its importance and worth checking out once available.

      That the speaker, who is promoting a new book by Ryan Holiday titled "The Daily Dad," expresses his deep regret for missing an important event due to the book's release. He emphasizes the value of the book and encourages listeners to check it out once it's available on platforms like Amazon. The speaker, who is likely a guest on a podcast or radio show, signs off by thanking the audience and expressing his pleasure at having been a part of the conversation. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for the book and the importance he places on it underscores the significance of the message within its pages.

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    WANT THE FULL EPISODE? Check out yesterday's episode Ep.88 I Spencer Klavan I Deciding to Save the West, or download it directly using this link.

    Spencer Klavan joins the show to discuss the modern crises that threaten Western civilization and the decisions required to overcome them.

    Aristotle’s lasting influence on modern decision-making.
    The pseudo-religious tendencies of Stoicism.
    The 5 modern crises that threaten the fabric of our civilization.

    Order your copy of Spencer’s book, “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

    Join us on Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
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    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002

    Instagram: @sklavan
    Twitter: @spencerklavan
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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spencer-klavan-0a963631/
    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456
    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002
    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-heretics/id1513602173

    Spencer Klavan is a scholar, writer, and podcaster who has harbored a lifelong devotion to the great works and principles of the West. After studying Greek and Latin as an undergraduate at Yale, he spent five years at Oxford University to earn his doctorate in ancient Greek literature. Now an editor at the Claremont Institute, he has written for many outlets, including The Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times, City Journal, Newsweek, the Claremont Review of Books, The Federalist, The American Mind, and The Daily Wire.

    His most recent work sounded the alarm on the cultural decline of the Western world, titled “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”. Spencer’s deep understanding of the roots of Western civilization makes him a trustworthy guide for navigating our evolving culture, and what we can do to help. His analysis: The situation is dire. But every crisis we face today we have faced—and surmounted—before.

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    This is the original workshop link to register which I'm sure will put you in touch for the next stages of the process:


    The book: 

    Which I've just remembered that Gloria Steinem edited! So there you go fill circle - two white exceptions I can think of... 

    Methods Blog:

    Link for the image to go with this podcast:

    Splinchign explained : https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Splinching

    960 The Voice of Truth

    960 The Voice of Truth

    In your life, where does the voice of truth come from? Whose whispers gain your greatest attention?

    Maybe it's the constant failures and short-comings.

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    Maybe it's the faults of your past. 

    Maybe it's your own belief that you're never good enough.

    Why is it that we hang out with our stumbles and failures questioning our worth?

    Never once did God hesitate when He created you; fearfully and wonderfully made, knowing every hair on your head.

    Yet where is the voice of truth?

    Is it the naysayers, the badgers, the mockers? Is that where your voice of truth is being solidified and defined?

    I want you to really think about whom you are putting your trust in.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ The Voice of Truth!

    REFLECTION: Today, I want you to reflect on these three questions.

    1. Where is the voice of truth coming from?
    2. What is the voice of truth telling you?
    3. How are you using the voice of truth in your life?

    If you are hearing God, the only voice of truth, then you know you are loved, given a gift of salvation, and grace for your life's journey.

    That's the voice of truth you need to be listening to.

    Not the negative CRAP, the doubts and drama of others, and not the daily sagas of self-centered mindsets. 

    It's all about control, earthly control. What happened to Heavenly control?

    Let God wash away the torment of lies that threaten your greatness He's creating within you.

    Let it go! Let God have it all!

    Give Him your heart.
    Dedicate your life to glorify Him.
    Rejoice with the voice of truth.

    As you go out this week...

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    May God bless you this week in all your steps, in all your endeavors. Seek His guidance. Praise His name. The voice of truth!


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson