
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace your unique obsessions and geekinessIt's okay to be passionate and slightly odd about something, as it adds to our individuality

      Embracing our unique obsessions and geekiness makes us who we are. According to Kate Cocker from the Volley network, being a geek about something means knowing it intimately and obsessing over it. It can bring us joy and make us unique. For instance, Kate is obsessed with communication and positivity, while her daughter is a Taylor Swift superfan. These obsessions define them and make them who they are. It's okay to be passionate and slightly odd about something, as it adds to our individuality. Therefore, today and every day, we should embrace the things we love the most and let it make us who we are. If you'd like to interact more with this community and access exclusive content, consider joining the Everyday Positivity Patreon community at patreon.com/forward/everydaypositivity.

    • Believe in yourself and trust your abilitiesBelieve in your abilities and trust yourself to overcome challenges, focusing on strengths and learning from experiences

      That no matter what challenges you face, you have the ability to overcome them. It's important to remember that you have 100% got this. Confidence in your abilities is key to success. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the obstacles in front of us, but by focusing on your strengths and believing in yourself, you can tackle anything that comes your way. Don't let fear or self-doubt hold you back. Trust in your abilities and have faith that you'll make it through. Remember, every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn and grow. So, take a deep breath, stay positive, and keep pushing forward. You've got this!

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    Julie DeLucca-Collins is the Founder and CEO of Go Confidently Services and the host of the popular Casa DeConfidence Podcast. Julie is also the best-selling author of the Confident You. Julie helps women business owners launch or grow their businesses by creating simple habits to achieve goals, make a profit, and change lives. Julie is a dreamer, a traveler, a visionary, an adventurer, a risk-taker, a loving wife, daughter, best auntie ever, and doggy momma. Julie has been a lover of books, an activist, philanthropist, and, most of all, a supporter of women and their dreams. She has been an executive for 20 plus years. Julie started working with a life coach ten years ago and loved how it propelled her further into living a life she loves and had imagined. Her goal is to help others reimagine their life. She has extensive experience in leadership skills, Life Coaching, and a vast history of assisting people in finding success. Her individualized positivism approach helps identify and attain your goals. Julie holds coaching certifications as a Holistic Coach, Cognitive Behavioral Techniques Coach, and Mindfulness coach, and meditation teacher certification. She is also certified as a Social Emotional Learning Facilitator and has completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification.





    Thinking about creating and growing your own podcast but not sure where to start?

    Visit GrowYourShow.com and Schedule a call with Adam A. Adams!

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    You’ll also hear how these three shifts impacted things at home for me, my kids and my spouse. It has made all the difference to let go of busy and focus on intentionality in my work and home life. I hope you can find ways to implement these strategies for more purposeful action in yours.


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    In case you’re new to the Devoted Dreamers Podcast, here are a few other episodes you may enjoy:

    Ep 115: Four Opportunities You’ll Find on the Way to Your Dream, with Christa Hutchins

    The #1 most-loved episode from Jan 2021:

    Ep 182: [Solo] Staying True to the Woman God Made you to Be, with Merritt Onsa

    The #1 most-loved episode of all time:

    Ep 130: How to Turn Up the Volume on Truth, with Charlena Ortiz



    Join us in the Devoted Dreamers Facebook group and share what this episode brought up for you, how you’re asking God for help with this, and anything we can be praying about for you as you pursue Him and your dream with all your heart.


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    195 || [Solo] 3 Commitments to Make Before Spending Money to Pursue Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

    195 || [Solo] 3 Commitments to Make Before Spending Money to Pursue Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

    Do you feel ready, like really ready, for big things to happen with your dream?

    Maybe you’re weighing the pros and cons of hiring a coach who could help you leap over the hurdles in your way. Or investing in a course that’ll provide resources you lack and a supportive community to push you out of your comfort zone. Or there’s that program with the built-in accountability that will finally fill in your knowledge gaps and motivate you to get going on the road to your dream.

    If you have debated any choice that would require a financial investment as you launch your dream (show of hands: who’s researching 501(c)3 status right now?) I want you to hit pause on those plans for a moment and take a listen to this episode about the three commitments you need to put at the top of your list FIRST!

    You’ve undoubtedly heard how important it is to first put on your oxygen mask before helping your child or the person next to you on the plane. Because if you can’t breathe, you’re not going to be able to help someone else who needs it!

    It’s the same with your dream.

    God has given you a vision for investing in others, serving a community, filling a need—whatever it is, but if you run headlong into the dream without tidying up your own house first or without properly ordering the position of your heart, mind, and spirit, then the road ahead will be harder than it needs to be. And you’ll likely end up spending unnecessarily on “solutions” that weren’t meant to solve the issues of the heart.

    Listen in for the three commitments you need to make (or at the very least start praying about and making progress toward them) before you get super serious about investing in your dream.


    I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode. Join me in the Devoted Dreamers Facebook group to chat about it, or if you listen and decide you’re well on your way in these three areas and you’re ready to consider dream coaching, sign up for a no-obligation Discovery Call here.



    I mentioned some other episodes you may want to check out next:

    And some solo episodes from 2019:

    CHECK OUT THE SHOW NOTES: https://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/195

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