
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding sunshine in challengesRecognize challenges as natural part of life, use right mindset and tools to cope, and emerge stronger

      Positivity is not about ignoring life's challenges, but rather about finding the sunshine in the rain and making rainbows. The fifth pillar of positivity is about acknowledging that life brings cracks and difficulties, but with the right mindset and tools, we can cope and become more resilient. I, Kate Cocker, have experienced my own rainstorms, where I took on too much, neglected my boundaries, and found myself feeling overwhelmed and tired. However, by recognizing these challenges and finding ways to cope, I was able to push through and emerge stronger. Making rainbows is not about pasting a smile over life's cracks, but rather about understanding that they are a natural part of life and that we have the power to get through them.

    • Finding Silver Linings in Challenging TimesDuring tough times, focus on personal growth and the valuable lessons learned to turn challenges into opportunities for happiness and stronger relationships.

      Even during tough times, there are valuable lessons to be learned. As the speaker reflects on her own experiences, she realizes that she's become braver and more courageous as a result of facing challenges. She's learned how to have difficult conversations without resorting to confrontation and how to draw clear boundaries. She's also discovered that some of her relationships are stronger than she thought. The speaker encourages us to look at our own challenging situations from a positive perspective, asking ourselves what we can learn and how we can grow. By focusing on the positives and the lessons, we can turn even the rainiest days into opportunities for personal growth and happiness. So, when life feels tough, remember to cast sunshine on it and look for the rainbows that come from the challenges.

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    Episode 21: From Struggle to Strength: Unearthing Your Inner Resilience

    We all face struggles in our lives, but have you ever wondered why we need them?


    How can we face our struggles with gratitude and foresight? And why would we want pain for ourselves when life is already hard enough?


    These are some of the questions we explore in this thought-provoking episode on the importance of facing challenges and embracing pain as opportunities for growth.


    I also share a personal story of a difficult time in my life that became a pivotal moment of growth and self-discovery. By embracing challenges and recognizing them as stepping stones to becoming better versions of ourselves, we can approach them with gratitude and love.


    Remember, the more we share our struggles and stories, the better we become as humans. So, feel free to share this episode with your friends and loved ones who may benefit from its powerful message.


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    When Life Throws You Challenges, DO THIS! | Kute Blackson

    When Life Throws You Challenges, DO THIS! | Kute Blackson

    In this week’s episode, I am joined by Kute Blackson.

    Kute Blackson offers a fresh, bold look at spiritual awareness for a whole new generation. 

    Born in Ghana, West Africa, Kute’s multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father has spanned four different continents. His unique lineage lay the foundation for his approach to breaking down barriers and unlocking an individual’s true gifts and greatness.

    Though Kute was raised all over the world, he had always dreamed of life in America. As if by kismet, he won a green card just after finishing school in London. He came to America alone just months later, with no connections or prospects. 

    When Kute arrived in Los Angeles, all he had to his name were two suitcases and the dream of seeking out the spiritual and self-help icons who had inspired him when he was a boy.

    Kute quickly learned that the “outside-in” approach favored by so many in the personal development space had to become an inside-out approach. So he decided to create his own method—a process that liberates the individual and the true self at the core and then pushes those gifts outward into the universe. This helps the individual get in touch with who they really are. It is a process of breaking free—so that the individual can live, give, and share the truest expression of their self. This is what Kute calls “Liberated Living.”

    Key Points

    • Surrender's deeper meaning unveiled
    • Kute's internal debate against his father’s path

    • Encounters that reshape life's journey

    • The profound impact of death's reality
    • Embracing surrender as the path to freedom
    • Learning to listen to life's deeper calling

    Best Quotes

    07:51 - 07:59

    • "At 18, that's when I would say the foundation of my life was set, because I felt my soul calling me to go to America."

    08:34 - 08:41

    • "I think sometimes what your soul guides you to do doesn't always make sense to your mind."

    15:06 - 15:15

    • "It has a awakening effect on one's consciousness, a healing effect in one's nervous system. And so I heard about the Camino 900 kilometers."

    15:30 - 15:38

    • "All of a sudden I see this guy, and this is how faith works. This is how when you are following your soul, the universe supports you."

    23:55 - 24:11

    • "You might not think you're making a difference, but you are. And I had a conversation with a guy in the Camino that he doesn't know. He's still impacting my life 20 years later."

    31:43 - 31:52

    • "The truth is, we're all going to die. You will die. You are gonna die. None of us know when that moment will happen."


    For more about Kute visit: www.kuteblackson.com
    For more about his book “The Magic of Surrender” visit: https://kuteblackson.com/get-book/

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    Welcome To The Nathan Markley Show - Trailer

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    Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this enlightening journey. Subscribe to The Nathan Markley Show on your favorite podcast platform and stay tuned for our next episode. Thanks for listening, and get ready to unlock your potential with each story being a stepping stone to your next big breakthrough.

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    #16: Breaking Free from the Corporate Mold: A Journey to Starting a Law Firm with Andrew Zihmer

    #16: Breaking Free from the Corporate Mold: A Journey to Starting a Law Firm with Andrew Zihmer

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    During our conversation, we explore the challenges Andrew faced while transitioning from a corporate job to self-employment and how he achieved work-life harmony through careful planning and goal-setting. We also discuss strategies for maintaining productivity and resilience while pursuing goals outside of a corporate job, such as using ninety-day maps and seeking accountability through coaches.

    It’s time to propel your own self-employment journey!


    (0:00:00) - Breaking Free From the Corporate Mold

    (0:09:57) - Resilience and Efficiency for Success

    (0:22:28) - Achieving Self Employment Success

    Chapter Summaries:

    (0:00:00) - Breaking Free From the Corporate Mold (10 Minutes)

    In this episode, we explore the journey of breaking free from the corporate mold and starting a law firm. Andrew, shares his story of transitioning from working in corporate to joining his wife Tracy in starting their own law firm. Andrew discusses the challenges they faced and the importance of creating a plan, setting milestones, and working in 30, 60, and 90-day sprints to achieve work-life harmony. He emphasizes the importance of taking risks and making tough decisions, and how this can lead to greater rewards and a more fulfilling life.

    (0:09:57) - Resilience and Efficiency for Success (13 Minutes)

    In this part of the conversation, we delve into strategies for maintaining productivity and resilience while pursuing goals outside of a corporate job. Andrew shares the concept of ninety-day maps and emphasizes the importance of setting clear milestones and seeking accountability through coaches or public commitments. We also discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by Andrew's law firm during the pandemic and his goals for the future, which include increased delegation and shifting to an executive leadership role. Connect with Andrew on Instagram and LinkedIn to stay updated on his journey

    (0:22:28) - Achieving Self-Employment Success (1 Minute)

    In this segment, we express our gratitude for the opportunity to discuss self-employment and the importance of surrounding oneself with motivated individuals. As we continue to explore the path to self-employed success, remember that it's a journey filled with challenges, but with focus, action, precision, and strategy, you can achieve your goals. Join us for more inspiring conversations and valuable insights to propel your own self-employment journey

    Connect with Andrew Zihmer






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    Double Down On This Investment…. You!

    Double Down On This Investment…. You!

    Let's talk about investing in yourself. I'm not talking about buying luxury cars or extravagant vacations; I'm talking about investing in your growth, your development, and your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

    Picture it as planting a seed that grows into a forest of accomplishments. When you invest in yourself, you're sowing the seeds of true personal wealth and abundance. It's like creating a savings account for your own development, one that yields dividends far beyond monetary gains.

    The most remarkable investments you can make aren't in stocks or real estate; they're investments in yourself. By embracing personal and professional growth, you're making a commitment to your own future.

    In this episode I share:

    • The 5 reasons why investing yourself is so important
    • The 5 questions you can ask yourself to assess where you are at with this on your own journey

    Whether it's expanding your knowledge through education, nurturing your physical and mental well-being, building a strong network, fostering meaningful relationships, or daring to take calculated risks – each investment contributes to your own personal capital.

    Remember this: You are the finest investment you can ever make. Your potential is boundless, and the returns on this investment will span a lifetime. When you invest in yourself, you're setting the stage for lasting success and fulfillment.


    Wanna learn more about how to work with Farrah? Book a FREE 1:1 Discovery Call HERE.


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