
    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Santino expresses past collaborations and feelings of underutilization with Marc MaronAndrew Santino shares past collaborations with Marc Maron, expresses feelings of underutilization, but holds no grudges

      During this episode of Whiskey Ginger, Andrew Santino welcomed Marc Maron as his guest, expressing his admiration for him. Santino shared that they have a history of collaborations, including table reads for Maron's projects. However, Santino mentioned that he no longer participates in these favors due to feeling underutilized. Maron had once asked Santino to fill in for Jesse Plemons during a table read, but Santino felt that his contributions were not acknowledged properly. Despite this, Santino emphasized that he holds no grudges and continues to respect Maron's work. The episode also featured Santino promoting his upcoming tour dates and encouraging listeners to purchase merchandise and access exclusive content through his Patreon page.

    • Speaker values practicality and authenticity in possessionsSpeaker prefers functional items, cautious about spending, fears financial instability, and values ownership over debt.

      The speaker values practicality and authenticity in his choices, especially when it comes to his possessions. He prefers functional items, like his old work shoes, over fashionable ones, and is cautious about spending money due to a fear of financial instability. He also shared a story about his father's friend, who was encouraged to spend his wealth before it was too late. The speaker identified with this fear and prefers to own things outright rather than incurring debt. He is not interested in trendy or expensive items for the sake of status, and instead focuses on the purpose and usefulness of what he owns.

    • Friendship and Finances Don't Always MixPersonal connections don't ensure trustworthiness or financial success, be cautious and make informed decisions.

      While having personal connections can be beneficial, they don't guarantee trustworthiness or financial success. The speaker shares a story about a family friend who used their relationship to potentially swindle him out of money. Despite the friend's mother being the speaker's mother's best friend, the friend still tried to take advantage of him. The speaker also mentions his own caution with money due to his father being easily swayed into bad financial decisions. Ultimately, personal connections should not be the sole basis for trust and financial decisions. It's important to be vigilant and make informed decisions, regardless of the relationships involved.

    • The Value of Letting Go of Past PossessionsEvaluating the worth of keeping past possessions and considering the benefits of letting go can lead to emotional and physical freedom.

      Holding onto material possessions from the past may not necessarily hold value in the present or future. The speaker shares his personal experience of getting rid of old items and the fear of what would happen to them if he were to pass away. He also discusses the example of artist John Baldessari, who infamously burned his entire art collection in a symbolic act. The speaker reflects on the potential value of keeping old calendars and notebooks, which can serve as a reminder of past experiences and help jog memory. However, he acknowledges that these items may not have monetary value and can take up physical and emotional space. The conversation highlights the importance of evaluating the worth of keeping possessions and the potential benefits of letting go.

    • From dishwasher to comedian: The speaker's journeyAnyone can share their voice and work affordably with Squarespace, regardless of past experiences.

      The comedy scene in the 1980s was different from what it is today, with headliners making substantial living through door deals, which seemed unfathomable to the speaker who had worked various jobs before focusing on comedy. He started working at a young age, from a bagel joint to McDonald's and even a coffee shop, where he interacted with famous comedians like Dave Chappelle and Louis C.K. The speaker found humility in these experiences, especially when he had to work as a dishwasher. Now, with the ease of creating a website using platforms like Squarespace, anyone can share their voice and work, regardless of their past experiences. The speaker emphasizes the simplicity and affordability of Squarespace, which allows users to create beautiful websites and even sell products with built-in marketing tools. So, if you're looking to create a platform for your ideas, consider using Squarespace for a free trial and save 10% off your first purchase with the offer code "whiskey." Ultimately, the speaker's experiences in the past gave him a unique perspective and appreciation for the hard work that goes into various jobs, which he brings to his comedy and encourages others to share their voices and creations with the world.

    • Finding comfort and connection through various meansDiscovering small joys can significantly improve mood and outlook, whether through music, shared experiences, or material possessions.

      People find comfort and connection in various ways, especially during challenging times. For some, it's through music, podcasts, or performing, while for others, it's through shared experiences or material possessions. Regardless of the method, these moments of escape or self-expression can provide a sense of relief and even lead to unexpected interactions or personal growth. The speaker's experiences in college, from working in food services and dealing with judgment to finding joy in a new car, demonstrate this idea. Ultimately, the little things that bring us happiness, whether it's a renamed dish or a shiny new car, can have a significant impact on our mood and outlook.

    • Personal Emotional Reactions to Insignificant EventsThe speaker's intense emotional responses towards seemingly insignificant events can lead to frustration and a sense of everything being overwhelming. He has a history of damaging items and has accepted this pattern as part of his personality.

      The speaker experiences intense emotions towards seemingly insignificant events, leading to frustration and a sense of everything being overwhelming. He shared stories of his experiences with coffee filters, watermelons, and a lost water bottle top. He admitted to damaging items he owns quickly and not spending money on things due to his attachment to them. The speaker also mentioned his past use of nicotine gum but has been quit for the past two years. Despite the recurring pattern of damaging items and the emotional response, he seems to accept it as part of his personality rather than attempting to change it.

    • Personal struggles with nicotine addiction and fondness for old smoking habitsDespite quitting cigarettes, the speaker still battles nicotine addiction through lozenges and cigars, and holds nostalgic feelings towards the old days of smoking in public places.

      The speaker shares a personal history of using various forms of nicotine, including lozenges, snus, and cigarettes, and even falling asleep with them in his mouth. He expresses a fondness for the old days when smoking was more commonplace, such as on airplanes and in bars. Despite quitting cigarettes, he still struggles with nicotine addiction through lozenges and cigars. He acknowledges the stigma of being a stranger in cigar communities and prefers to keep a low profile when visiting them. The speaker also mentions his love for exploring new cities and experiencing their unique food offerings when on tour.

    • Family Support and Creative PursuitsFamilial support can significantly impact one's creative pursuits, even when some family members may find certain aspects offensive. Unexpected sources of support can also emerge, leading to personal growth and exploration of new experiences.

      The speaker's relationship with his family, particularly his mother, played a significant role in shaping his interest in art and comedy. Growing up, his mother was supportive of his creative pursuits, even when his parents were less engaged. However, when the speaker's comedy career took off and he began using explicit language, some family members found it offensive and distanced themselves. Despite this, the speaker continued to perform and found support from unexpected places, such as his father. The conversation also touched on the speaker's friendship with Chris O'Connor and their shared interest in exploring new experiences, including museums and art exhibits. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of familial support and the role it can play in fostering creative interests and personal growth.

    • Careless Approach to Craft Can Lead to Disastrous OutcomesPreparation and consistency are crucial for success in any industry, even in the face of occasional mistakes or poor performances.

      A careless approach to one's craft, especially in the entertainment industry, can lead to missed opportunities and potentially damaging performances. The speaker shares examples from his own experience of winging it during live performances, which sometimes resulted in disastrous outcomes. However, he also emphasizes that these experiences didn't significantly harm his career due to the accumulation of reputation and the understanding that not everyone is watching every performance closely. Ultimately, the importance of preparation and consistency in one's work is highlighted as crucial for success.

    • Navigating industry relationshipsBuild strong relationships, even with entry-level individuals, to succeed in the entertainment industry. Avoid alienating them and focus on maintaining a positive attitude despite setbacks.

      Navigating the entertainment industry requires a balance between asserting oneself and being respectful to those starting out, even if they may seem insignificant at the time. The speaker shares his own experiences of tanking at a roast and having regrettable actions, such as sleeping with a publicist, which negatively impacted his career. He also discusses the importance of understanding the industry dynamics and the potential for those in entry-level positions to rise through the ranks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not alienating these individuals and instead focusing on building strong relationships, even if they may not seem valuable at first. Ultimately, the ability to navigate these relationships and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of setbacks, is crucial for success in the entertainment industry.

    • Maron's raw comedy style leaves network executives unsureBe mindful of how your actions and words in one context can impact perceptions in another, especially in professional settings.

      The line between a comedian's on-stage persona and their real life can sometimes be blurred, leading to misunderstandings and unintended consequences. Marc Maron shared an experience where his raw, angry comedy style during an audition left network executives unsure of his suitability for the role. This incident highlights the importance of being aware of how one's actions and words can be perceived in different contexts, especially in professional settings. Additionally, it underscores the challenge of maintaining a separation between art and life, particularly for comedians who draw heavily from their personal experiences for their material.

    • A comedian's worst nightmare: a disastrous gigComedians can have off nights, but it's important to stay focused and give the audience a good show, even when things go wrong.

      Performing stand-up comedy can be a terrifying and isolating experience, even for experienced comedians. Mark shared a story about a particularly disastrous gig he had around 2007, shortly after his divorce. He was booked for a co-headlining gig with Tom Papa, but Tom ended up leaving early due to Mark's poorly received set. Mark stayed on stage, trying to salvage the situation, but the audience was unresponsive. He drove home with a friend in the pouring rain, replaying the disaster in his mind. The experience was a reminder that even successful comedians can have off nights, and that the pressure to perform can be overwhelming. Despite the difficulties, Mark emphasized the importance of staying in the moment and giving the audience their money's worth, even when things aren't going well.

    • Finding common ground with audiencesMiscommunication with audiences can lead to a failed performance. Adapt to different audiences and find common ground to connect.

      Communication and understanding are key to a successful performance. The speaker shared an experience where he failed to connect with an audience due to a lack of common ground. He tried to discuss topics that resonated with him, but the audience had different interests. This miscommunication led to a disastrous performance and a strained relationship with the event organizer. The speaker also mentioned the importance of having a reliable team and being honest about the outcome of a performance, even if it's not what was expected. Ultimately, the experience served as a reminder of the importance of adapting to different audiences and finding common ground to connect with them.

    • Finding comfort in intimate venuesPerformers prefer smaller shows for comfort, control, and audience support, while accepting necessary COVID-19 safety measures

      The performer expressed his preference for performing at smaller, intimate venues over larger, more high-pressure events, such as outdoor shows or large comedy club main rooms. He felt more comfortable and in control in these settings, and appreciated the reciprocation and support from the audience. The performer also expressed his acceptance of the current COVID-19 safety measures, including vaccination passports, as a necessary part of returning to performing in public. Overall, the performer's experience and perspective highlights the importance of finding the right performance environment for individual comedians and the role of audience support in creating a successful show.

    • Comedian's negative experience with improv comedy clubsDespite feeling unwelcome and underappreciated, comedian chose to focus on smaller, independent comedy clubs where he felt more at home and connected with his audience.

      The comedian's experience with improv comedy clubs was not positive. He felt unwelcome and underappreciated, leading him to avoid performing there. The club's booking policies and lack of support for up-and-coming comedians further solidified his disdain. Additionally, the corporate aspect of improv was off-putting to him, and he felt that his audience didn't align with that of improv. The experience left him feeling used and unappreciated, leading him to refuse opportunities to perform at improv clubs and eventually fire an agent who pushed for those opportunities. Ultimately, the comedian's preference was for smaller, independent comedy clubs where he felt more at home and where his fans were more likely to attend.

    • Struggling in the Entertainment Industry despite ConnectionsStay true to oneself, create opportunities, and value authentic relationships for success in the entertainment industry.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable and nepotistic, making it challenging for some talents to advance without connections or favoritism. The speaker shared his personal experience of struggling to get booked or represented despite having powerful management, often due to favoritism towards other clients. However, he eventually found success by creating his own visibility through a fluke, and now values authentic relationships with his agents and management. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and not being desperate or crazy in the pursuit of success. He also acknowledged that sometimes, it depends on what one is willing to do and the opportunities one creates for oneself. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of perseverance, authentic relationships, and self-reliance in the entertainment industry.

    • Reflecting on a successful stand-up career and exploring new opportunities in actingThe speaker, having found success and a 'groove' in stand-up comedy, is now interested in the challenges of acting, including structuring hours and using callbacks.

      The speaker believes the second half of their career will involve more acting than stand-up comedy, as they have found success and a "groove" on camera. They feel they have achieved most of what they can as a stand-up and are now interested in exploring new challenges, such as structuring hours and using callbacks. The speaker also mentions their appreciation for the interviewer's show and their shared tradition of ending episodes with a word or phrase spoken directly to the camera. The speaker expresses their enjoyment of whisky and makes several humorous comments throughout the conversation. Overall, the speaker seems to be reflecting on their career and considering new directions while maintaining a lighthearted and entertaining tone.

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    Preacher Lawson
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    Benny Blanco

    Benny Blanco
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    Chris Distefano
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    Approval and Attention Seeking: Looking Outside of You To Feel Good Enough

    Approval and Attention Seeking: Looking Outside of You To Feel Good Enough

    As children, our sense of worthiness hinges on the approval, attention, validation, and protection of others. When we do not receive the consistent, maternal warmth every child needs to develop the psychological sense that we are enough, we matter, and that we are good, and acceptable even when we make a mistake or do not always behave as our parents prefer, this mystical connection to the self is fractured. 

    In this space, our survival brain and even the root chakra, operate from a place of survival. Rather than live from our hearts, embracing ourselves as works in progress, without self loathing and internal self-abuse, we develop hypervigilance codependency traits and are soaked in insecure attachment issues. All these effects are normal, considering being raised to feel alone, invisible, abandoned, and detached from the authentic self. 

    On the road to personal development, spiritual healing, and living an authentic life, all serious truth seekers find themselves questioning the thoughts, emotions, patterns, and behaviors that inhibit their spiritual growth. If you are here, and you are learning to become more objective about how you show up in the world, that's incredible. It may also be painful. However, to grow we must all confront what we feel, why we feel what we feel, and how the past organically recreates itself in our future, all outside conscious awareness. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano will help you explore how you show up in the world and reveal signs that indicate you might be stuck, living out unhealed childhood patterns by seeking approval and attention outside of yourself. Awareness is necessary for spiritual healing, personal growth, and living a conscious, authentic life, so buckle in Dear Ones. 

    Lisa has created a private Membership for those who are ready to ascend the patterns of the past and who understand that real healing can only happen at the subconscious level. Join Lisa and her healing private community here.
