
    Megyn's Trump Interview Next Week, and Potential New Murdaugh Trial, with Ric Grenell, Mike Baker, Jonna Spilbor, and David Wohl | Ep. 622

    enSeptember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Megyn Kelly to Interview Donald Trump for First Time in Seven YearsMegyn Kelly will interview Donald Trump for the first time since 2015, covering various topics and committed to an open conversation despite criticism from some.

      Megyn Kelly will be interviewing former President Donald Trump next week for the first time in seven years. The interview will be available on SiriusXM on September 14th and will later be released on various podcast platforms. Kelly emphasized that she is not a sycophant or a never-Trumper and that the interview will cover a variety of topics. She acknowledged that the left has reacted negatively to her announcement, but she remains committed to conducting an open and honest conversation with the former president. The interview comes after Trump's appearance at the Charlie Kirk Turning Point event, where he and Kelly had a friendly interaction. Despite the criticism from some quarters, Kelly expressed her belief that Trump has a natural magnetism and that he is a complex figure who cannot be reduced to a one-dimensional caricature.

    • Media oversimplification of complex individualsBuilding relationships and moving past criticisms are essential for effective communication, but media often reduces complex figures into one-dimensional caricatures. Journalists should be able to handle criticism themselves while holding others accountable.

      It's disingenuous for the media to reduce complex individuals into one-dimensional figures. This was discussed in relation to Trump, but it applies to all public figures. The speaker emphasized the importance of building relationships and being able to move past criticisms. In the context of journalism, the speaker criticized those who build careers on criticizing others but cannot handle criticism themselves. The speaker also commented on the current political climate where public figures, including journalists, seek to be in the limelight and cannot hide behind anonymity. The discussion also touched on the poor poll numbers for President Biden, with a large percentage of Americans wanting someone other than him as the Democratic nominee. The speaker expressed his skepticism towards Mike Pence's recent criticisms of Trump, given that he was Trump's vice president.

    • Predictions and criticisms about the 2024 presidential raceThe speaker discusses dissatisfaction with candidates, the importance of everyday issues, potential Democratic unity candidate Gretchen Whitmer, media focus on superficial aspects, and a more moderate swing state candidate as a better choice for Democrats.

      The speaker expresses a common sentiment about presidential races, where people express dissatisfaction with the candidates and wish for alternative options. They believe that everyday issues like gas prices and affordability are more concerning to voters than trans issues or abortion. The speaker predicts that the Democrats may replace Joe Biden with Gretchen Whitmer as their unity candidate due to her popularity and the desire for a female president. They also criticize the media's focus on superficial aspects of candidates, such as appearance, and the manipulation of the Democratic National Convention to choose their preferred candidate. The speaker also acknowledges Kamala Harris's weaknesses and oratory abilities but suggests that a more moderate candidate from a swing state, like Michigan or Wisconsin, would be a better choice for the Democrats.

    • California media's failure to vet politiciansThe California media's lack of thorough vetting of politicians allows them to avoid accountability until they reach the national stage, impacting the ongoing Republican party debate and the representation of everyday Americans.

      The lack of thorough vetting of California politicians, particularly those who rise to the national level, is a significant issue. The California media has been criticized for failing to scrutinize these politicians, allowing them to avoid accountability until they reach the federal stage. Meanwhile, there is an ongoing debate within the Republican party regarding the future direction of the party. Some, like Mike Pence, argue for a return to conservative principles, while others, like Donald Trump, have embraced populism. Regardless of the ideology, both sides aim to represent the interests of everyday Americans and reject the influence of elites. The California media's failure to hold politicians accountable and the ongoing debate within the Republican party highlight the importance of staying informed and engaged in political discourse.

    • Republican Party's Shifting Voter DemographicsThe Republican Party is gaining support among nonwhite, working-class voters, eroding the Democrats' historical advantage. Biden's policies and rising prices have contributed to this trend, but the White House still has time to change perceptions before the election.

      The Republican Party is experiencing a significant shift in voter demographics, particularly among nonwhite, working-class voters without a college degree. The New York Times reports that Biden's support among these groups has dropped significantly, and this trend could lead to a political realignment that erodes the Democrats' historical advantage among working-class voters of all races. The Times also notes that Biden's foreign policy and economic policies, which have led to rising grocery and gas prices, have contributed to this shift. Mike Pence, a potential Republican contender, may struggle to address this trend in his argument for the direction of the party. Jim Messina, who ran Barack Obama's campaign, argues that the economic fundamentals are strong and that the White House still has time to change perceptions about the economy before the November election. He also recognizes abortion as a key motivating issue.

    • Key battleground states for abortion rightsDemocrats see winning key states like Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina as crucial for protecting abortion rights, while Republican policies on the issue could harm their chances in these states.

      The Democratic Party sees the protection of abortion rights as a crucial issue and believes they have a chance to win key states like Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina in the upcoming elections. Jim Messina, a Democratic strategist, emphasized the importance of these states and mentioned that Biden's path to victory is centered around them. However, there are concerns about Trump's influence and the independence of these states. Some Republicans, like DeSantis, are pushing for policies that could alienate suburban women, such as restrictive abortion laws and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. These policies could potentially harm the Republican Party's chances in these key states. The ongoing debate within the Republican Party about these issues could ultimately benefit the Democrats, as they position themselves as more inclusive and supportive of individual rights.

    • Governor Ron DeSantis' controversial stance on LGBTQ+ adultsGovernor Ron DeSantis faces criticism for perceived offensive rhetoric towards LGBTQ+ adults, particularly trans adults, and efforts to limit their autonomy and access to spaces, which has led to a decline in support from some donors and raised concerns about his stance on equality.

      Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, has been criticized for his rhetoric towards LGBTQ+ adults, particularly trans adults, which some perceive as offensive and radical. His statements, such as denying the possibility of transgender individuals becoming women, and his efforts to keep biological men out of women's spaces, have raised concerns about his stance on adult autonomy and equality. These views, combined with his past lack of charisma and his shift towards social conservative policies, have reportedly led to a decline in support from some donors and contributed to his perceived implosion in the presidential race. However, it's important to note that opinions on DeSantis' policies and character vary widely, and some continue to view him as a strong policy maker despite these criticisms.

    • Allegations of misconduct by clerk of court in Alec Murdock caseJurors claim clerk attempted to influence verdict and remove defense-leaning jurors, potentially threatening the impartiality of the jury system and raising concerns for outside influences on court proceedings.

      The impartiality of the judicial process came under scrutiny in the Alec Murdock case due to allegations of misconduct by the clerk of court. Three jurors have signed affidavits stating that she attempted to influence their verdict and tried to remove defense-leaning jurors. This raises concerns about the sanctity of the jury system and the potential for outside influences. If these allegations are proven true, a new trial for Murdock may be granted. The long-term implications for the jury system and the potential for monetary gain influencing jurors and court personnel require further discussion.

    • Potential new trial for Alec Murdock due to jury tampering allegations against clerkAllegations of jury tampering against a clerk in the Alec Murdock trial could lead to a new trial and potential charges against the clerk herself.

      The allegations against Becky Hill, the clerk involved in the Alec Murdock trial, could lead to a new trial due to potential jury intimidation and tampering. If these allegations are proven, it would not only result in a new trial for Murdock but also a trial for Becky Hill herself. The defense attorneys are planning an investigation, and Murdock's lawyers have requested a federal investigation into the matter. The clerk's actions, if true, would represent a significant breach of judicial procedure, as she reportedly instructed jurors not to be misled by evidence presented by the defense and had private conversations with the jury foreperson. These allegations have opened up a can of worms that could potentially impact numerous verdicts in the past. The next step would be an evidentiary hearing to determine the validity of these allegations.

    • Jury clerk's alleged misconduct during Murdoch trialJury clerk Rebecca Hill allegedly pressured jurors, denied them breaks, and provided false info to the judge, potentially influencing the outcome of the trial.

      During the Murdoch trial, jury clerk Rebecca Hill allegedly pressured jurors to reach a quick verdict, denied them smoke breaks, and furnished false information to the judge about a juror, ultimately resulting in that juror's removal. The defense team now claims that Hill targeted this juror due to her belief that the juror might vote to acquit. The controversy surrounding Hill's actions raises questions about her influence on the jury and the potential motivation behind her alleged misconduct. Some speculate that she may have been motivated by the opportunity to write a book, but this has been disputed. Regardless, the clerk's role in the trial and her apparent ability to influence jurors without detection is a concerning issue. The clerk's book, "Behind the Doors of Justice: The Murdoch Murders," and its release during the trial further fueled suspicions about her motivations. The defense team's allegations against Hill remain under investigation.

    • Juror's Desire for Fame and Influence Could Be Questioned in New TrialJuror Meghan may have sought fame and influence by writing a book about the Murdock trial and later recanting her verdict. If granted a new trial, she could face perjury charges. Alec Murdock, currently serving life sentences, may testify and present new evidence.

      The juror in question, Meghan, may have had a desire for fame and influence when she wrote a book about the Murdock trial and later recanted her verdict. This desire could have motivated her to make false claims and potentially influence the outcome of the trial. If the court of appeals grants a hearing for the defense team's motion for a new trial, Meghan may have the opportunity to defend herself. However, if she is found to have lied, she could face perjury charges. Another important point is that Alec Murdock, who is currently serving two life sentences for the murder of his wife and son, may have had to testify in his own defense during the first trial due to inconsistencies in his initial statements to law enforcement. If there is a new trial, his lawyers will have the opportunity to present new evidence and arguments to the jury. The jurors who have recanted their verdicts have hired a lawyer before speaking with the defense team, suggesting that they may be prepared to defend their actions.

    • Jurors' private conversations may have influenced trial outcomeNewly discovered juror conversations could lead to a new trial if it's proven they impacted the verdict

      The jurors involved in the Alec Murdock trial may have potentially violated jury rules and pressured each other to reach a unanimous verdict. This could lead to grounds for a new trial if it can be proven that the outcome may have been different without this improper pressure. The jurors' private conversations, which included instructions to "watch Alec closely" and warnings about being misled, were recorded under oath and are considered material to the defense as they directly related to the reception of Alec Murdock's testimony. These conversations were not previously known to the defense during the trial and have the potential to change the outcome if the newly discovered evidence is considered likely to do so.

    • Court clerk's comments on jury misconduct raise concernsJury impartiality and decorum are crucial. Court clerks should avoid making public comments about jury proceedings to maintain fairness and prevent potential biases.

      The role of a court clerk in maintaining jury impartiality and decorum came under scrutiny in a recent case discussion. The clerk, who is typically present during counsel and judge discussions outside the jury's presence, made public comments about a jury's alleged misconduct, which could potentially influence the jury. This incident raised concerns about the need for clearer jury instructions and potential conflicts of interest. Meanwhile, the sentencing of a Proud Boys leader to 22 years in prison for his role in planning the January 6th Capitol riots sparked a debate about the application of justice and the double standard in handling protests and riots. While some protesters received significant financial settlements, others faced lengthy prison sentences for similar actions. The inconsistency in the application of justice and the implications for law enforcement and public order were discussed.

    • Donald Trump's criminal trials: Political and historicTrump's criminal trials, including those related to classified documents and election interference, are politically motivated and could lead to pardons. Trump plans to testify, but trials may not occur before 2024 election. Trials' timing suggests political influence.

      The criminal trials against Donald Trump, including those related to the classified documents and election interference, are expected to be politically motivated and could potentially result in pardons for those involved once Trump assumes office again in 2025. Trump has indicated that he plans to take the stand in his own defense, which could make for historic and intriguing trials. However, given the political nature of the cases and the potential for delays through legal challenges, it's unlikely that any of these trials will take place before the 2024 election. Trump's state of mind and testimony could be relevant, but it remains to be seen whether he will actually take the stand or if his defense teams will be able to delay the trials. The timing of these cases, including the election interference case and the Stormy Daniels hush money case, suggests that they are intended to influence the political season. Overall, these trials are shaping up to be a significant and complex part of the political landscape in the coming years.

    • Georgia trial faces significant delaysThe complexity of the Georgia trial and potential appeals may result in unreasonable delays, while Russia's actions in Ukraine can have far-reaching consequences for the global food supply chain.

      The ongoing trial of Donald Trump in Georgia, scheduled for October, is facing significant delays, which is unfair and burdensome for all parties involved. The complexity of the case, including potential appeals and associated issues, is likely to extend the trial beyond a reasonable timeline. Additionally, Mike Baker, a former CIA covert operations officer and host of the President's Daily Brief podcast, discussed the wider implications of the Ukraine conflict, highlighting how Russia's actions, such as blocking Ukrainian grain exports, can have far-reaching consequences for the global food supply chain. The focus should shift towards pragmatic discussions about potential settlements, acknowledging that Putin is unlikely to relinquish control over Crimea.

    • Geopolitical challenges and the need for strong leadershipEffective crisis management is crucial in addressing geopolitical challenges and the potential consequences of inaction or misjudgment can be severe.

      As the world faces ongoing conflicts, such as the one between Ukraine and Russia, and the growing alliances between countries like Russia and North Korea, the importance of strong and responsive leadership cannot be overstated. The recent past has seen Russia turning to North Korea for weapons and resources, and China's potential involvement in joint military exercises with Russia and North Korea. Meanwhile, the withdrawal from Afghanistan two years ago, marked by the loss of American lives and the abandonment of allies, serves as a reminder of the importance of effective crisis management and the potential consequences of inaction or misjudgment. The events discussed highlight the need for vigilance and a robust national security strategy in the face of complex geopolitical challenges.

    • Hunter Biden's gun charge overshadows potential money laundering allegationsDespite ongoing investigation, potential money laundering allegations against Hunter Biden and his family have been overlooked by media and DOJ. President Biden's acuity and age raise concerns, and lack of term limits in politics is a topic for discussion.

      While Hunter Biden is expected to be indicted for a gun charge this month, the larger issue of potential money laundering allegations against him and his family seems to have been overlooked by the media and the DOJ. The defense team for Hunter Biden is considering arguing that preventing a drug user from owning a weapon is unconstitutional, which could conflict with the White House's stance on gun control. The failure to address this issue is astounding, especially considering the evidence and the length of time the investigation has been ongoing. Meanwhile, President Biden's acuity and ability to perform his responsibilities have become a concern for both Republicans and Democrats. The lack of term limits in politics is also a topic that needs serious discussion, as age should not be a barrier to retirement or replacement in other fields. The president's recent premature departure from a Medal of Honor ceremony and the White House's attempts to spin the incident as planned are further examples of the need for transparency and honesty in politics.

    • Mike Baker expresses gratitude towards SiriusXM for commitment to free speechMike Baker praised SiriusXM for their unwavering belief in free speech and open debate, contrasting it with the interference from 'scared, spineless cowards' in the news world.

      Mike Baker expressed his gratitude towards Megyn Kelly and SiriusXM for their support and commitment to free speech and open debate. Baker, who will continue hosting his show on SiriusXM after signing a new contract, praised the company for their unwavering belief in honest and provocative discussions. He contrasted this with the "scared, spineless cowards" in the news world who may interfere with editorial decisions. Baker's appreciation for SiriusXM and its values was evident throughout the conversation, and he thanked listeners for joining him on his mission with the brand.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Trump BLOWS UP his OWN DEFENSE after Supreme Court Hearing

    Trump BLOWS UP his OWN DEFENSE after Supreme Court Hearing
    On this episode of the MeidasTouch Podcast: The Supreme Court hears arguments on Trump’s ballot disqualification as Trump blurts out that Jan 6 was indeed an insurrection; Trump gets crushed in a devastating ruling rejecting his claims of presidential immunity; Republicans rack up a series of losses in a humiliating week; President Biden is exonerated in his documents case as the Republican special counsel takes gratuitous jabs at him; and more! Ben, Brett, and yes, Jordy, are here to break it all down! Thanks to our sponsors! Armra: Head to TryArmra.com/meidas or enter promo code: MEIDAS to receive 15% off your first order Miracle Made: Go to TryMiracle.com/meidas and use code meidas to claim your free 3 piece towel set and save over 40% off! Beam: Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to ShopBeam.com/meidas and use code MEIDAS Lomi: Head to lomi.com/meidas and use the promo code MEIDAS to get $50 OFF your Lomi. Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Meltdown Begins Over Last Night’s Elections (Ep 1771)

    The Meltdown Begins Over Last Night’s Elections (Ep 1771)
    The left wing is losing their minds over the elections last night. In this episode, I address the latest fairytales and conspiracy theories being promoted. Also, I discuss the exposing practice of surveilling you where you work.  News Picks: Go Woke, Go Broke: Disney's 'Positive' Rating Plummets to 33%. Your boss may have a file on you. The Biden “truth minister” must explain this. Canceled: Senate Dems Nix ‘Disinformation’ Hearing After Embarrassing Jankowicz Videos Surface. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The fight over AP African American Studies

    The fight over AP African American Studies
    The College Board piloted an AP course on African American Studies. Then, after conservative pushback, it debuted a revised curriculum. But the group insists it’s not caving to political pressure. This episode was produced by Siona Peterous and Hady Mawajdeh, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Patrick Boyd, and edited by Matt Collette and Noel King, who also hosted. We had help with today’s show from Sarah Darville, national managing editor for Chalkbeat.  Transcript at vox.com/todayexplained Support Today, Explained by making a financial contribution to Vox! bit.ly/givepodcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices