
    Minority Harm with Dr Hooman Noorchashm

    enApril 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging Orthodoxies in the Medical FieldDr. Norchatan advocates for civil debates and prioritizing healing the nation through ethics, reason, science, and empathy, questioning the system's tolerance for harm to minority subsets for the majority's sake.

      Dr. Homer Norchatan, a brilliant MD and PhD with appointments at various prestigious institutions, challenges orthodoxies in the medical field, particularly regarding vaccines. His perspective was shaped by a personal experience involving his wife's injury. He believes that the focus should be on healing the nation by recovering the center through ethics, reason, science, and empathy, and engaging in civil debates. He questions the system's ability to tolerate harm to minority subsets of people for the sake of the majority. This conversation highlights the importance of considering diverse perspectives and having science-based debates in our democracy.

    • Historical discrimination against minorities in medicine through majority benefitDespite the importance of safety in medicine, market-based economies and democracies prioritize majority benefit, often leading to oversight of safety concerns and potential harm to minorities

      The concept of majority benefit, which has historically led to discrimination against minorities, has also crept into medicine. My late wife, Amy Reed, a Harvard Medical School faculty member, had an undiagnosed uterine cancer that was converted into a stage 4 cancer due to a medical practice called morsellation. This practice spreads cancer instead of removing it when an unknown cancer is present. This happened to 1 in 3 to 400 women, yet gynecologists assumed these fibroids were benign. Amy and I engaged in activism and were successful in changing the practice. However, in contrast to the vaccine industry, which has strong federal protections, we didn't face the same challenges. I now view evidence-based medicine through the lens of efficacy (majority benefit) and safety (minority harm). Unfortunately, the market-based economy and democracy prioritize majority benefit, leading to safety being overshadowed. Thus, efficacy and majority benefit often dominate over safety in medicine.

    • Prioritizing benefits and profits over perfectionHuman efforts prioritize benefits and profits, even if imperfect, as seen in vaccine industry's liability protection. Striving for perfection is unrealistic, focus on managing and minimizing risk.

      Our system prioritizes and protects things that benefit the majority and make money, even if they're not perfect. This is exemplified in the vaccine industry, where companies were given liability protection due to the unavoidable risks associated with vaccines. This paradoxically removes incentives for companies to make vaccines safer, as they are already protected from liability. The concept of harm inherently involves the idea of avoidability, and as humans, we strive to manage and minimize risk. Despite this, the idea of achieving perfection and eliminating all risk is unrealistic. Instead, we should focus on managing and minimizing risk to the best of our abilities.

    • Considering Minority Harm in Vaccine PoliciesEnsure minority rights are respected to maintain societal stability, acknowledge and address concerns to build trust, and provide accurate information for informed decisions.

      It's important to consider the potential harm to minorities in society and ensure their rights are not ignored, as doing so can cause instability and potentially lead to a societal breakdown. The speaker emphasizes the need for careful consideration of minority harm, using the example of vaccine injuries and the potential for marginalization of those affected. They also stress the importance of acknowledging and addressing legitimate concerns, rather than dismissing them or labeling those raising them as "anti-vaxx" or "crazy." The speaker's perspective comes from a place of supporting vaccination efforts. However, they believe it's crucial to provide individuals with accurate information so they can make informed decisions about their own health and risk. The speaker's letter to the FDA serves as an example of this approach, as the letter expresses support for vaccination efforts while also raising concerns about minority harm and the importance of addressing them.

    • Assessing COVID-19 vaccine risks for different age groupsOlder adults should prioritize getting vaccinated against COVID-19 due to higher risk, while younger individuals may consider natural infection for potential immunity and vaccine risks

      The assessment and decision-making around getting vaccinated against COVID-19 should consider different age groups and their varying levels of risk. For individuals under 55, the risk from COVID-19 is relatively low, and there's an argument for not getting vaccinated due to potential vaccine risks and the possibility of acquiring more robust immunity from natural infection. However, for older adults, particularly those over 55 and especially those over 75, the risk from COVID-19 is significantly higher, and getting vaccinated becomes crucial. This ethical dilemma raises questions about individual responsibility and potential harm to others. Additionally, there's uncertainty about the vaccine's ability to prevent transmission and the long-term effectiveness of vaccines. Ultimately, each person must weigh the risks and benefits and make an informed decision based on their unique circumstances.

    • Respecting Patient Autonomy and Considering Risks of Natural InfectionsPatient autonomy is vital, but ignoring the risks of natural infections leading to dangerous variants can be detrimental. Vaccinations help prevent the spread of less harmful strains, potentially reducing the likelihood of more virulent and deadly strains emerging.

      The principle of patient autonomy in medical ethics is crucial, and no one should be forced into medical treatments against their will. However, the idea that natural infections are safer and won't lead to dangerous variants is misguided. Every naturally infected person acts as a factory for new mutations, and the worst mutations might come from vaccinated individuals due to the selective pressure of wiping out less harmful strains. This could lead to more virulent and deadly strains emerging. It's essential to consider the potential risks and benefits of both natural infections and vaccinations when discussing public health policies.

    • Interplay of selective pressures and mutation sources in pandemicsIn pandemics, the interplay of selective pressures and mutation sources can result in an overwhelming diversity of mutants, with natural immunity providing more robust protection but raising ethical concerns.

      In the context of evolution and pandemics, selective pressures and the source of mutations interact and influence each other. While selective pressures play a significant role in the selection of new variants, the source of mutations can also become dominant depending on the circumstances. In a pandemic scenario, the sheer number of potential hosts for mutations may outweigh the influence of any particular selective force, leading to an overwhelming diversity of mutants. Natural immunity, gained through infection, provides more robust and durable protection against various strains compared to vaccines. However, the cost of population-level natural immunity raises ethical concerns regarding the potential harm to vulnerable individuals.

    • Cost of Natural Immunity vs VaccinationWhile natural immunity offers robust protection, the cost in terms of mortality is significantly higher compared to vaccination. A balanced approach that includes real risk assessments and early intervention could lead to better outcomes.

      While natural immunity from a virus like COVID-19 can provide robust protection, the cost of achieving a population naturally immune through the disease is significantly higher in terms of mortality compared to vaccination. The COVID-19 disease kills a minority subset of people, approximately 0.5%, while the vaccine harm number is likely around 0.05% or 0.01%. Both methods have their risks and benefits for different groups. However, the speaker argues that the US has experienced a higher mortality rate due to a deliberate resistance to therapeutic drugs and early intervention. Instead of focusing solely on vaccination or the disease, a more balanced approach that includes real risk assessments and early intervention could lead to better outcomes. The speaker also criticizes the NIH's focus on anti-replication agents and vaccines at the expense of anti-inflammatory therapies, which they believe is a significant mistake.

    • Focus on vaccines ignores other treatment options, raises safety concernsThe current pandemic response, with a sole focus on vaccines and ignoring other treatments, poses safety concerns, particularly for minority groups, due to ongoing infections and potential harm to those naturally infected.

      The current approach to the COVID-19 pandemic in America, including the focus on vaccines without considering other treatment options, has been a disaster. The blame for this lies with Dr. Fauci for ignoring anti-inflammatory therapies. The unprecedented deployment of the vaccine during an ongoing outbreak, where a significant portion of the population is already infected, raises safety concerns, particularly for minority groups. The vaccines are powerful and can activate the immune response to attack various tissues in the body, potentially causing harm to those who are naturally infected. It's crucial to assess the risks before vaccinating these individuals. The speed of the vaccine development is impressive, but indiscriminately vaccinating a large population with ongoing infections could lead to deadly errors.

    • Vaccinating People with Natural Infections: A Dangerous OversightMillions are vaccinated with natural infections, vulnerable populations at risk, demand screening before vaccination, censorship of concerns, potential anaphylactic reactions not adequately addressed, importance of transparency and thorough testing.

      Millions of people are being vaccinated despite carrying natural infections, which is a clear and present danger. This issue is not being adequately addressed by governments, regulatory bodies, or vaccine manufacturers. The clinical trials did not assess people with recent or asymptomatic infections, especially vulnerable populations like the elderly and those with cardiovascular diseases. The American consumer, who is one of the most empowered in history, should demand screening before vaccination to prevent indiscriminate vaccination of those with natural infections. However, this issue is being censored, and those who speak out about it risk being shut down. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for anaphylactic reactions in individuals who have been previously exposed to certain vaccine components, but these concerns have not been adequately addressed by regulatory bodies or vaccine manufacturers. These issues highlight the importance of transparency and thorough testing in the vaccine development and distribution process.

    • Investigating vaccine complications is crucial for large populations and those with pre-existing conditionsThoroughly investigating potential vaccine complications, including the use of forensic analysis, is essential for ensuring vaccine safety in large populations and those with pre-existing health conditions. Open and rational discourse on vaccine safety is also important, along with considering individual health histories when assessing risks.

      The discussion highlights the importance of thoroughly investigating potential vaccine complications, particularly when dealing with large populations and those with pre-existing health conditions. The speaker emphasizes that the incidence of harm may be higher than anticipated, and that proper testing and analysis are crucial to identifying potential links between vaccines and adverse events. The speaker also suggests that current surveillance systems may not be sufficient for detecting these links, and that a more thorough forensic analysis, including the search for viral DNA and protein in tissues and body fluids, could provide valuable insights. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the need for open and rational discourse on vaccine safety, as well as the importance of considering individual health histories when assessing vaccine risks. For those who suspect they may have had a past coronavirus infection but do not have antibodies, the speaker suggests looking for other potential signs or undergoing further testing to determine their status.

    • Uncertainty about past COVID-19 infection or vaccination status? Get vaccinated for peace of mindIf unsure about past COVID-19 infection or vaccination status, get vaccinated to boost immunity and ensure protection against the virus.

      If you've had a COVID-19 infection over a year ago and you're unsure if you've had the virus or if you've been vaccinated since then, it's recommended to get at least one dose of the vaccine. According to Dr. UHman, animal studies suggest that the viral antigens start to clear around 8 months after infection. However, some people may not produce IgG antibodies even after an infection, so getting vaccinated can help force the production of these antibodies. It's also worth noting that some people may need two shots of the vaccine if their antibodies are waning. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of science, reason, and ethics in understanding COVID-19 and making informed decisions about vaccination. Dr. UHman emphasized the nuances of the virus and the importance of ongoing discussion and research.

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