
    Money Confessions: I’m Scared That I’ve Lost The Ambitious, Hard Working Part of Myself

    enMarch 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Investments with ShareSite and Girls That Invest's 'Money Confessions'ShareSite's investment platform offers comprehensive tools for portfolio management and tracking, while Girls That Invest's 'Money Confessions' series provides a platform for listeners to share personal financial experiences and seek advice.

      The investment platform, ShareSite, offers a comprehensive solution for managing and tracking investment portfolios, with features such as support for over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, integration with over 200 platforms, and detailed performance metrics and reports. The platform's user-friendly interface and special deals for annual premium plans make it an attractive option for investors looking to streamline their investment experience. Meanwhile, in the world of Girls That Invest, the hosts, Sim and Sonia, have introduced a new series called "Money Confessions" to provide a platform for listeners to share their financial experiences and challenges. The hosts expressed their excitement for this new series as it allows them to connect with their audience on a deeper level and provide more personalized advice. A listener wrote in to share her experience of losing her drive and ambition during the pandemic and how she's struggled to get back into her hustling mindset. The hosts acknowledged the challenges of adapting to new circumstances and encouraged the listener to explore new ways to find motivation and purpose in her life. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of finding tools and resources to manage finances effectively and the value of sharing personal experiences to learn and grow together.

    • Comparing herself to peers and feeling inadequateIt's normal to feel uncertain and anxious about career and finances in your twenties, but remember everyone's journey is unique and there's no set timeline for achieving goals. Focus on building skills and gaining experience while also living the lifestyle you love.

      Feeling anxious and uncertain about your career path and financial situation in your twenties is a common experience. The person in this conversation, who has been living a relaxed lifestyle while traveling and studying abroad for the past three years, is now feeling the pressure to get back into a more ambitious mindset and build a promising career. She is comparing herself to her peers and feeling inadequate due to a lack of notable accomplishments. It's important to acknowledge and validate these feelings, as societal expectations and comparisons can be overwhelming. It's also important to remember that everyone's journey is unique and there's no set timeline for achieving certain goals. To move forward, the person in this conversation may want to focus on building skills and gaining experience through internships or other opportunities, while also continuing to travel and live the lifestyle she loves. It's a balancing act, but with determination and persistence, she can make progress towards her goals.

    • Comparing ourselves to others can lead to feelings of inadequacyFocus on your own accomplishments and the value you bring, rather than comparing yourself to others.

      Comparing ourselves to others, especially in terms of career progression and income, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and averageness. This is a common experience, especially for young adults in their twenties and thirties. The goalposts constantly shift as we meet new people and expand our horizons, leading us to feel like we're falling behind. However, it's important to remember that everyone is on their own unique journey, and comparing ourselves to others doesn't do us any good. Instead, we should focus on our own accomplishments and the value we bring to our businesses and communities. For business owners, every transaction represents the culmination of hard work, dedication, and commitment to customers. It's essential to remember the significance of our efforts and the impact we make, rather than getting caught up in comparisons.

    • Accept contactless payments easily with Stripe's tap to pay on iPhoneStripe's tap to pay on iPhone enables businesses to accept contactless payments without additional hardware, increasing revenue, expanding reach, enhancing customer experience, saving time and resources, and benefiting those looking to scale quickly.

      Stripe's tap to pay on iPhone offers a game-changing solution for businesses of all sizes to easily accept contactless payments without additional hardware. This not only increases revenue, expands reach, and enhances customer experience but also saves time and resources with a quick setup. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to scale quickly and stay flexible. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the importance of aligning personal values with lifestyle choices. The speaker shared her personal journey of transitioning from a hustle culture mindset to embracing slow living and traveling. She questioned whether it's possible for someone to have it all - a fulfilling career and a meaningful personal life. The speaker suggested that it's possible, but it might require adjusting values or finding a better balance between the two aspects of life. Jay Shetty's story was mentioned as an example of someone who went through a similar transformation, leaving his corporate career to live as a monk and later returning with a new perspective. The speaker acknowledged that the listener might be experiencing a similar conflict and encouraged them to consider their values and priorities carefully. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of flexibility, alignment of values, and utilizing technology to streamline business operations.

    • Discovering joy and satisfaction through introspection and values alignmentThrough introspection, journaling, and therapy, find what truly brings joy and align with personal values for a fulfilling life. Remember, decisions aren't final and can be adjusted as we grow and change.

      Finding happiness and living a fulfilling life involves introspection and alignment with personal values. When faced with inner conflict, it's essential to identify what truly brings joy and satisfaction. This may require deep reflection, journaling, and even shadow work to uncover repressed parts of oneself. The definition of success and ambition should also be examined to ensure it aligns with personal values. Additionally, it's important to remember that decisions are not final, and people are allowed to change their minds and adjust their paths as they grow and evolve. Therapy can be a valuable resource in this process. Ultimately, living a life that aligns with personal values leads to inner peace and reduced conflict.

    • Exploring opportunities to align with values and career goalsDedicate time weekly to research and explore opportunities, address underlying causes of fear, and make positive changes towards desired life.

      Making decisions, especially major life changes, can be daunting, and it's natural to feel uncertain and fearful about the future. However, it's important to remember that you're not locked into your decisions forever. If you end up in a situation that doesn't serve you, you can always make adjustments. To help alleviate the fear and uncertainty, try dedicating some time each week to researching and exploring opportunities that align with your values and career goals. This can help you feel more in control and less stressed about making the "right" decision. Ultimately, the key is to identify and address the underlying causes of your fear or discomfort, whether it's a lack of confidence, fear of failure, or concern about money. By doing so, you'll be better equipped to make decisions that align with your values and bring you closer to the life you want to live. Remember, you have the power to take small steps towards your goals and make positive changes in your life.

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    Follow Personal Finance Club on Instagram

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Jason reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 


    Be sure to follow the Trading Secrets Podcast on Instagram & join the Facebook

    Listen to Trading Secrets on Spotify here.


    Host: Jason Tartick

    Voice of Viewer: David Arduin

    Executive Producer: Evan Sahr


    Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.



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    Produced by Dear Media.

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    Note to All Readers: The information contained here reflects the views of AllianceBernstein L.P. or its affiliates and sources it believes are reliable as of the date of this podcast. AllianceBernstein L.P. makes no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of any data. There is no guarantee that any projection, forecast or opinion in this material will be realized. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The views expressed here may change at any time after the date of this podcast. This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. AllianceBernstein L.P. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. It does not take an investor’s personal investment objectives or financial situation into account; investors should discuss their individual circumstances with appropriate professionals before making any decisions. This information should not be construed as sales or marketing material or an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument, product or service sponsored by AllianceBernstein or its affiliates.
    The [A/B] logo is a registered service mark of AllianceBernstein, and AllianceBernstein® is a registered service mark, used by permission of the owner, AllianceBernstein L.P.
    © 2022 AllianceBernstein L.P.

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    • How you can educate yourself on what’s happening around you and take action if you choose

    Links discussed in episode:
    COVID-19: The Great Reset https://www.amazon.com/COVID-19-Great-Reset-Klaus-Schwab/dp/2940631123/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1622762401&refinements=p_27%3AKlaus+Schwab&s=books&sr=1-1



    Dr. Steve’s Links:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/180healthsolutions/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/180FamilyChiropractic
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjMdqm4VTXSm0iAtoyFk09A

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    This episode is part 1 of the interview.

    You’ll learn about:

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    Dr. Gregory Kelly is a naturopathic physician, Director of Product Development at Neurohacker Collective, and author of the book Shape Shift.


    He was the editor of the journal Alternative Medicine Review and has been an instructor at the University of Bridgeport in the College of Naturopathic Medicine, where he taught classes in Advanced Clinical Nutrition, Counseling Skills, and Doctor-Patient Relationships.


    His areas of special interest and expertise include nootropics, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, weight management, and the chronobiology of performance and health.


    You can learn more about neurohacking here:

    Website: http://www.neurohacker.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neurohacker/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neurohackercollective


    If you enjoyed this episode, learned something new, had an epiphany moment - or were reminded about a simple truth that you had forgotten, please let me know by leaving a review and a comment!

    I’m always open to suggestions – maybe you have a specific topic in mind that you would love to learn more about or you know someone who would be a fantastic guest for this show – leave a comment and let me know!

    Oh, and make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss out on any of the amazing future episodes!


    If you’d like to connect more, you can find me here:

    Website: www.wiredforsuccess.solutions

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wired_for_success/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/claudia.garbutt.1

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudia-garbutt/


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    The American CREAM is all about you & your money!
    We teach you how to redefine "The American Dream" on YOUR terms in a way that actually works for you!
    CREAM stands for Credit Realestate Entrepreneurship Assets & Mindset

    Watch this video and other financial education and empowerment videos on Hyacinth’s YouTube channel

    Join #theCREAMtribe a community of people committed to stepping up their money game through resources, education, and support.
    FB: The CREAM Tribe
    IG: The CREAM Tribe

    Visit our websites for more helpful information and resources:

    Feel free to call our office for a one-on-one 305-825-1444

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