
    Navigating Data and Insights in Marketing with Thierry Ngutegure

    enApril 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring different opportunities and trusting instinctsUnconventional career paths can lead to discovering one's true passion, even if it means deviating from a linear path.

      Following a linear career path may not always lead to finding one's true passion. Thierry Noguturi, an award-winning marketer and our first male guest on the Girls in Marketing podcast, shared his unconventional career journey. He initially pursued a degree in biological sciences but soon realized it wasn't for him. Instead, he discovered a love for understanding people and their motivations. Thierry's curiosity led him to various jobs, including being a rep and eventually discovering data journalism. He applied for a job at Epiphany, an agency in Leeds, knowing little about earned media, PR, or SEO. His story highlights the importance of exploring different opportunities and trusting one's instincts to find fulfillment in one's career. Additionally, Thierry emphasized the significance of mental health in the marketing industry and shared his experiences.

    • Fusing Data and Creativity in MarketingCombining data analysis with creativity enables marketers to create emotionally resonant ads, build deeper connections with consumers, and succeed in the digital age.

      Data and creativity are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. The speaker's experience demonstrates that individuals with a strong background in data analysis can be highly creative, as they possess the ability to connect seemingly unrelated information to create something new. In today's data-driven world, it's crucial for marketers to understand people better than ever before. By combining data analysis with creativity, marketers can create compelling narratives and advertisements that resonate with consumers on an emotional level. The speaker emphasizes the importance of translating data into stories that help us understand each other better and form deeper connections. Marketers, as storytellers, have a responsibility to delve into human psychology and consumer behavior to create ads that evoke emotions and leave lasting impressions. Ultimately, the fusion of data and creativity is essential for building successful brands in the digital age.

    • Bringing data into marketing and understanding human psychologyUse data as a tool to tell better stories and inspire creativity in marketing departments by understanding their KPIs.

      Data and psychology are closely interconnected in marketing, and everyone can contribute to marketing regardless of their background or education. The current generation is focused on content creation and marketing due to our ability to communicate more than ever before. Marketing is a vast field that includes various aspects like content creation, data analysis, SEO, PR, and more. It all stems from understanding human psychology. Data should not be intimidating, but rather seen as a tool to tell better stories. A good storyteller can make use of data effectively, even if they are not technically proficient in data analysis. Agencies and companies often work in silos, but the role of someone who infuses and inspires is to go into each department and understand their key performance indicators (KPIs) and support them with data. By doing so, we can create more effective and creative marketing campaigns. The phrase "infuse and inspire" refers to the idea of bringing data into each department and using it to inspire and enhance their work, rather than having departments work in isolation and then trying to piece things together afterwards. By focusing on the end goal and the desired outcome, we can use data to inform and improve our marketing efforts.

    • Using Data and Creativity Together in MarketingData and creativity can enhance each other in marketing strategies. Understanding audience demographics and interests can inspire narratives, while data adds depth to PR strategies with industry insights. Collaboration between teams can lead to more resonant campaigns using tools like Content Intelligence.

      Data and creativity can work hand in hand to create effective marketing strategies. From an influencer marketing perspective, understanding the core audience demographics and interests can help create compelling narratives. Data can also be used to add depth to digital PR strategies by providing industry insights and statistics. By collaborating across different marketing disciplines, teams can benefit from each other's expertise and create more resonant campaigns. A great example of this is the use of Content Intelligence, a tool that combines data and creativity to ensure marketing assets resonate with the target audience. By tagging and tracking various elements in images, teams can determine which elements are most effective for different age groups and adjust creative accordingly. This collaborative approach not only benefits the campaign but also provides valuable insights and tools for each team involved.

    • Data-driven marketing: Combining creativity and insightsData enhances human understanding in marketing, allowing for more effective targeting and communication. Analyzing both successful and unsuccessful efforts provides valuable insights.

      Data-driven creativity in marketing is a powerful combination that can significantly impact businesses, especially when used effectively with a deep understanding of the audience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being meticulous and aware of marketing efforts, as even seemingly simple ads can have complex processes behind them. Data is a valuable tool for marketers to build a narrative and understand their audience on a deeper level, allowing for more effective targeting and communication. However, it's important to remember that data is just a means to an end and should be used to enhance human understanding, rather than replacing it entirely. Additionally, it's crucial for businesses to recognize the value of both successful and unsuccessful marketing efforts, as both can provide valuable insights when analyzed through the lens of data. Overall, the use of data in marketing allows for a more informed and intentional approach, leading to more meaningful connections with audiences.

    • Combining Data and Creativity in MarketingData enhances creativity in marketing, inspiring campaigns and measuring success for ongoing growth.

      Data and creativity are powerful when combined in marketing. The speaker shares her admiration for teams whose creativity leaves her in awe, but recognizes the importance of measuring and repeating that process to make it less mentally intensive. She cites examples of inspiring campaigns from other agencies and her recent experience at Journey Further, where she discovered the potential of data to enhance creativity, rather than just support it. The speaker emphasizes that learning and growth are ongoing processes, even for those in established roles.

    • Continuous learning and growth are crucial in life and careerFocus on roles that allow growth, aim for percentage of job requirements, use Google Trends, Glimpse, and social listening tools, and monitor brand health with the YouGov Brand Index.

      Continuous learning and growth are essential in any stage of life or career. It's important to remember that no one knows everything, and it's impossible to reach that goal. Instead, aim for roles where you can grow and develop, even if you don't meet all the requirements. When it comes to applying for jobs, focus on the percentage of the criteria you can fulfill rather than the exact number of years of experience required. Moreover, using various tools and platforms to collect data and inform campaigns and creativity is crucial in the marketing industry. Google Trends is a simple yet effective tool to understand search trends and patterns over time. Another useful tool is Glimpse, which displays the actual search volume for a trend, providing a more accurate understanding of popularity. Social listening tools like Sprout Social, Tagger, and Highport are also essential for monitoring social media conversations and trends. Lastly, the YouGov Brand Index is a brand health tracker that monitors brand awareness and impressions, allowing you to stay updated on public perception and respond to any potential issues promptly.

    • Using data to enhance storytellingApproach storytelling with a narrative first, then look for data to support or disprove it. Use tools like brand perception analyzers for SEO purposes.

      Data can be used to support a story or campaign, rather than being the sole driving force behind it. The speaker shared her approach to using data, which involves coming up with a narrative first and then looking for data to either prove or disprove it. This method helps to avoid being overwhelmed by data and ensures that the story remains the focus. The speaker also mentioned her experience with using different tools, including a tool for analyzing brand perception, which she finds particularly useful for SEO purposes. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of using data in a meaningful way to enhance storytelling and campaign creation.

    • Focus on the story first, let data inform narrativeTo avoid burnout, prioritize storytelling over data analysis, and create inspiring work environments.

      While data is important in journalism and storytelling, it's essential to focus on the overarching story rather than getting too fixated on specific angles. The speaker shared that they prefer to go with the story first and then let the data guide the narrative, rather than the other way around. They also emphasized the importance of putting oneself in inspiring environments and avoiding monotonous data analysis in Excel for extended periods. Furthermore, the speaker opened up about their personal struggle with burnout, admitting to being a "yes man" and overcommitting to tasks due to societal pressure to keep up with the fast-paced marketing industry. This ultimately led to late nights, missed deadlines, and a negative impact on their work and relationships. To avoid burnout, the speaker encourages focusing on the story first, then letting the data inform the narrative, and being mindful of the environments we work in. It's crucial to remember that while data is essential, it should not overshadow the importance of the story and our well-being.

    • Protecting Peace and Prioritizing CommitmentsEfficiency is important but don't overlook self-care and mental health. Effective mental health campaigns include awareness-raising efforts and direct action to reach and support marginalized communities.

      Striving for efficiency can lead to constant work and burnout, and it's important to protect your peace and prioritize your commitments. Additionally, campaigns raising awareness about mental health issues, particularly in marginalized communities, are valuable, but it can be challenging to reach those who need it most. A recent campaign by Shout, "Don't Hide Your Unhappy," addressing mental health disparities among young black men, is a great example of awareness-raising efforts. However, it's crucial to consider how to effectively reach and engage those communities for maximum impact. Direct action, such as providing resources and support, can also make a significant difference.

    • Authenticity and representation in campaignsInvolve the community in content creation, normalize discussions on important issues, and be honest about various topics, including mental health and imposter syndrome.

      Authenticity and representation are key elements in creating impactful campaigns, especially when addressing underrepresented communities. The speaker emphasized the importance of involving the community in content creation and being honest about various topics, including mental health and imposter syndrome. A successful example of this approach is the campaign surrounding the return of the Netflix series "Top Boy," which normalized conversations about mental health, access, bias, and prejudice within the same feed as the show itself, featuring idolized actors and actresses. This approach not only creates a targeted and relevant campaign but also inspires and normalizes discussions on important issues.

    • Connecting existing concepts for new ideasEmbrace the power of connection to generate unique business ideas by combining existing concepts instead of striving for complete originality.

      Creativity isn't about coming up with something entirely new, but rather connecting seemingly unrelated ideas or inspirations to form something unique. Steve Jobs, an influential figure in business and technology, emphasized this perspective when he stated that creativity is the ability to connect two independent things. Therefore, when brainstorming business ideas or campaigns, don't stress about creating something entirely original. Instead, focus on combining existing concepts in a new and innovative way. This approach not only reduces pressure but also opens up a world of possibilities. So, embrace the power of connection and let your creativity flow! Remember, the best ideas are often a kaleidoscope of various influences. Keep this in mind and continue exploring new ideas. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share it with your friends, rate us on Apple Podcasts, follow us on Spotify, and watch the video version on YouTube. We have many exciting things coming up, and we'd love for you to get involved. Stay tuned!

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to leave a rating and review as it helps The Girls in Marketing Podcast become even better.

    We’ll see you next week for another great episode.


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    You can follow Areej here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/areejabuali/

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    Thank you for all your support recently, it means the world to us! We'll see you next week with another fantastic episode with the founder of one of the biggest marketing communities around...

    See you next week,

    Girls in Marketing Team

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    If you want to see more guests like Lauren on the podcast, please go like and subscribe to our podcast as it really helps us out.

    This is a great episode with Lauren, if you enjoy it make sure to share it with your marketing friends.

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    Check out Kingsbridge to find out more about insurance: https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 🤝

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    Hopefully, this is an insightful episode for you to see how vanity and actionable metrics can be used within your marketing.

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    Girls in Marketing

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    • Having an untraditional route into marketing

    A huge thank you to Richard for coming to Liverpool to record the podcast. We hope you enjoy this episode, if you did please leave a review and follow our page 🤩

    Make sure you check out our podcast sponsor, Hostinger, for your new website host here: https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 🧑‍💻

    See you next week for another team episode!

    Girls in Marketing Team

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    Welcome back to another episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we are diving into your marketing confessions. Back in March, we hosted an IRL event in London and we had a confessions box for our community to take part in it’s safe to say you didn’t hold back… From the hilarious to the heartfelt, we'll be unpacking your stories, sharing our own experiences, and offering expert insights from The Girls in Marketing Team along the way.

    A huge thanks to our podcast sponsors Hostinger and Kingsbridge Insurance!

    Find out more about Hostinger: ⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here: ⁠⁠https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 If you enjoy this episode (or we featured your confession), make sure you share the love on social media and leave us a review of how you enjoyed the podcast episode.

    We’ll see you in next week’s episode for a podcast episode with a marketer from a very popular bank 🏦💸

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    The Adanola Approach: Perfecting Your Performance Marketing with Lily Thistlewood, Head of Performance Marketing at Adanola | Prev The Very Group

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    Welcome back to The Girls in Marketing Podcast!

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of performance marketing with a true trailblazer, Lily Thistlewood, the Head of Performance Marketing at Adanola.

    Adanola is one of the hottest brands right now and the athleisure brand has taken the fashion world by storm.

    Join us as we sit down with Lily to understand the secrets behind Adanola's remarkable success in performance marketing.

    From running her own marketing agency to working for big brands like The Very Group, Lily’s career experience is something we can all learn a lot from.

    This episode discusses:

    • What is performance marketing?
    • Working at Adanola
    • Agency vs. In house roles
    • The shift from small to big businesses

    If you want to see more guests like Lily on the podcast, make sure you leave a rating as it helps us out more than you’d imagine.

    See you next week for another team episode!

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