
    Now There's Pence Classified Docs, and Harry's Media Obsession, with Amala Ekpunobi, Evita Duffy, and Valentine Low | Ep. 478

    enJanuary 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Pence joins list of politicians with classified docs at homeFormer VP Pence admitted to having classified documents, raising questions about inconsistent enforcement and potential motivations.

      Former Vice President Mike Pence has joined the list of politicians found to have had classified documents at their residences after denying doing so. During an appearance on The Megyn Kelly Show, Amala Eko and Federalist writer Evita Duffy Alfonso discussed the situation, expressing their views on the hypocrisy of Pence's earlier statements and the potential motivations for his recent disclosure. They also mentioned the lack of consistent enforcement of rules regarding handling and securing classified information after leaving office. The conversation highlighted the ongoing issue of former presidents and vice presidents having classified documents at their homes and the implications for political reputation and potential investigations.

    • Trump team's handling of classified documents and mislabeled shootingsFormer President Trump's team failed to promptly report the discovery of classified documents, leading to accusations of a cover-up. Simultaneously, some politicians and media figures incorrectly labeled recent mass shootings as hate crimes, causing unnecessary fear and division.

      The handling of classified documents by former President Trump's team and the subsequent response from the White House and law enforcement agencies raises questions about transparency and proper protocol. Trump's personal lawyers discovered the documents but did not initially notify the proper authorities, instead contacting the White House. The White House then alerted the National Archives, which later contacted the Department of Justice. The delay in reporting and the initial lack of communication with justice authorities have led to accusations of cover-up and dishonesty. Additionally, recent mass shootings in California have sparked heated rhetoric from some politicians and media figures, labeling the incidents as hate crimes before sufficient facts were available. However, it was later determined that neither shooting was motivated by hate or white supremacy as initially suggested. The lack of correction or clarification from those who made the initial accusations has fueled concerns about the spread of misinformation and the potential for inflammatory language to incite fear and division.

    • Media's initial narratives can perpetuate harmful stereotypesInitial media narratives on breaking news stories can be misleading, ignoring actual identities and motivations, and perpetuating stereotypes. It's crucial to question initial narratives and consider complexities and nuances.

      The media's initial narrative on breaking news stories can be misleading and perpetuate harmful stereotypes, even without factual evidence. In the case of recent shootings, the initial focus on white supremacy ignored the actual identities and motivations of the shooters, who were of Asian descent. Meanwhile, cities with strict gun laws and supposedly race-conscious politicians, like Oakland, California, have seen crime spikes and violence disproportionately affecting minorities. The focus on gun control and decriminalization of certain crimes may inadvertently embolden criminals and leave law-abiding citizens vulnerable. It's essential to question initial narratives and consider the complexities and nuances of each situation.

    • Chicago Residents Express Deep Concerns over Safety Amid Soaring Crime RatesDespite Mayor Lori Lightfoot's claims, Chicago residents feel unsafe due to record-breaking crime rates and lack of support from the mayor, leading to calls for increased police presence and concrete solutions.

      Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is currently trailing in the mayoral race, and her struggle may be due in part to the city's soaring crime rates. With a record number of murders in 2021, residents are expressing deep concerns about their safety, particularly in traditionally dangerous neighborhoods. Many feel that Lightfoot has not done enough to address the issue and have turned against her. A black police officer even shared his concerns about the lack of support from the mayor during BLM protests and vaccine mandates, leading to a loss of officers and an increase in violence. Despite Lightfoot's claims that the city is safer since she took office, many residents disagree and are calling for more concrete solutions, such as increasing police presence and enforcing laws. The Chicago machine's corruption may also play a role in Lightfoot's potential defeat.

    • Crime Surges in NYC Subway System, Contrasting Giuliani and Bloomberg ErasSince 2020, 21 murders have occurred in NYC subway system, a sharp increase from 2008-2019. This crime wave causes trauma for residents and drives young people to leave cities for safer areas.

      New York City has experienced a significant increase in crime, particularly in the subway system, over the past few years. This is a stark contrast to the relatively safe period during the mayoraltenures of Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. The latest statistics show that there have been 21 killings in the subway system since 2020, which is more than the combined total of 20 murders recorded between 2008 and 2019. This increase in crime has led to traumatic experiences for residents, such as Fox News weatherman Adam Klotz, who was beaten up while trying to protect an elderly man from a group of teenagers. The lack of effective action from current political leaders to address crime has led many young people to leave major American cities like New York and Chicago for places that offer a better quality of life. Unfortunately, even cities like Atlanta, which are trying to address crime by investing in law enforcement, are facing unrest from privileged individuals who engage in destructive protests.

    • Protests in Portland: Violence and ChaosProtests in Portland have escalated into violent clashes, causing injuries, deaths, property damage, and chaos. Despite claims of fighting for social justice, these actions are counterproductive and only highlight the need for law enforcement.

      The ongoing protests in Portland, Oregon, have escalated into violent clashes between Antifa activists and law enforcement, leading to injuries and deaths. These protests, fueled by privileged individuals from various parts of the country, have resulted in significant property damage and chaos. The actions of these protesters, who claim to be fighting for social justice, are proving to be counterproductive and only further highlighting the need for law enforcement. The situation is a reminder that violence and destruction are not effective means of creating positive change. The individuals involved in these protests, many of whom are highly educated, are demonstrating a misguided sense of activism and are ultimately hurting the cause they claim to support.

    • Recognizing the Consequences of Property Destruction and ViolenceBoth property destruction and violence have serious consequences and should be acknowledged and addressed to maintain peace and safety.

      The lines between property destruction and violence can be blurred, but it's essential to recognize that both have serious consequences. During protests, some individuals may engage in acts of property destruction, while others may resort to violence against people. It's crucial not to dismiss either group as insignificant or harmless. The example of Antifa protesters causing significant damage in Kenosha, Wisconsin, demonstrates the destructive power of property destruction. Similarly, the denial of violence against property does not diminish the harm caused to communities and individuals. It's essential to acknowledge and address all forms of violence, whether against property or people, to maintain peace and safety.

    • The Blurred Line Between Victim and AccuserFalse accusations can have serious consequences and it's important to approach allegations with nuance and avoid jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information.

      The line between being a victim and taking control of one's own sexuality can be blurred, leading to misunderstandings and false accusations. In the case discussed, a social media influencer named Amala claimed that a man was harassing her at the gym, leading to his public shaming. However, it was later revealed that Amala herself was the one recording and sharing explicit content online, and she was falsely accusing the man. This incident highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of consent and the potential consequences of false accusations. Furthermore, the discussion also touched upon the larger cultural context of victimhood and the impact of organizations like Time's Up, which aimed to support women who have been harassed or assaulted in the workplace but faced criticism and controversy due to their handling of high-profile cases. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these issues with nuance and to avoid jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information.

    • Criticism of Time's Up for Favoring DemocratsDespite its mission to support those affected by sexual harassment and assault, Time's Up has faced criticism for appearing partisan and failing to help those accusing Democrats. This has led to a loss of credibility and a focus on trendy activism rather than lasting change.

      The Time's Up organization, which was created to support those who have experienced sexual harassment and assault, particularly in the entertainment industry, has been criticized for being partisan and failing to help those who accused Democrats of such misconduct. This became evident during the allegations against prominent Democrats like Governor Cuomo and President Biden, where the organization reportedly sided with them despite calls for action. Critics argue that the organization's focus on partisan politics undermined its mission and caused it to lose credibility. Additionally, some argue that movements like Time's Up and Me Too have become momentary trends, focused on virtue signaling rather than lasting change. This has led to a lack of support for those who don't fit the narrative or who are not on the "right side" of the woke agenda. It's important for individuals to seek out good legal representation and not rely on organizations that may be corrupted by politics.

    • Prince Andrew's Scandal with Epstein: Ghislaine Maxwell Casts Doubt on Authenticity of PhotoPrince Andrew is reconsidering his settlement with Epstein's accuser as Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's former partner, questions the authenticity of a controversial photo. Maxwell's support for Prince Andrew may not hold much weight due to her felony conviction.

      The Prince Andrew scandal involving his association with Jeffrey Epstein and the allegations of sexual misconduct continue to make headlines, with Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's former partner, casting doubt on the authenticity of a photograph of Prince Andrew with one of Epstein's accusers. Prince Andrew is reportedly considering retracting his settlement with the accuser. Despite their long-standing friendship, Maxwell's support for Prince Andrew regarding the photograph may not carry much weight, as she is a convicted felon. The authenticity of the photograph has been questioned for some time, but no concrete evidence of its falsity has been presented. The scandal has been a significant stain on the royal family for years, and Prince Andrew's attempts to reopen the settlement could further complicate the situation. The debate around the #MeToo movement and the role of organizations like Time's Up in handling allegations continues to be a topic of discussion, with some criticizing the organization for turning their backs on women in need based on partisan politics.

    • Questions about Ghislaine Maxwell's role in Jeffrey Epstein's crimesGrowing suspicions about Ghislaine Maxwell's knowledge of Epstein's alleged crimes, debate over Epstein's death, and Prince Andrew's consideration of undoing settlement with Virginia Giuffre, but no legal grounds for him to do so.

      The ongoing saga surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's death and the involvement of Ghislaine Maxwell and Prince Andrew raises serious questions about the dynamics behind the revelations and the motivations of those involved. Despite Epstein's reportedly large social circle and Maxwell's close association with him for years, there are growing suspicions that she may have known more about his alleged crimes than she has let on. The debate continues about whether Epstein was murdered or committed suicide, with experts providing conflicting opinions based on the available evidence. Prince Andrew, who has been accused of having sexual encounters with a minor, Virginia Giuffre, has reportedly been considering undoing the settlement agreement he reached with her. However, as a lawyer, it's clear that he has no legal grounds to do so. The prince has been relying on the advice of his legal team, but it seems that the best course of action for him would be to face the allegations head-on rather than trying to avoid them. Ultimately, the truth that has already been revealed is damning enough, and further secrets may not change the situation significantly.

    • Prince Andrew's Settlement with Virginia Giuffre Influenced by Small Circle of AdvisorsPrince Andrew's decision to settle the sexual assault case was likely influenced by his advisors, not the royal family or pressure from the queen during the jubilee. The evidence against Andrew is not definitive, and proving fraud, duress, mistake, or accident to overturn the settlement would be challenging.

      The decision of Prince Andrew to settle the sexual assault case brought against him by Virginia Giuffre was likely influenced by his small circle of advisors, rather than pressure from the queen or the royal family. The evidence against Andrew is not definitive, and the credibility of Giuffre's testimony has been questioned due to inconsistencies in her earlier statements. To overturn the settlement agreement, Andrew would need to prove it was obtained through fraud, duress, mistake, or accident. The royal family's involvement in the settlement was minimal, and the idea that they pressured Andrew to settle to avoid scandal during the queen's jubilee is not supported by the evidence. Additionally, Valentine Lo discussed the well-documented bullying allegations against Meghan Markle, which predates her Oprah interview and was not a fabricated attempt to malign her character.

    • Allegations of Meghan's bullying at Buckingham Palace were not a conspiracyTwo personal assistants reported Meghan's bullying behavior to HR and superiors, one assistant broke down in tears, and a former employee wrote an email detailing Meghan's actions to Prince William's private secretary, leading to a toxic working environment for some staff members.

      The Buckingham Palace allegations of bullying against Meghan Markle were not a conspiracy, but a response to victims wanting their stories heard before Oprah Winfrey's interview. The victims, including two personal assistants, reported Meghan's behavior to HR and their superiors, with one assistant even breaking down in tears after an encounter with Meghan. Jason Knauf, a former employee of William, Kate, and Harry, wrote an email to Prince William's private secretary, Simon Case, detailing Meghan's bullying behavior towards staff members. These reports, along with testimonies from other staff, paint a picture of a toxic working environment where Meghan's behavior left some employees feeling physically and emotionally distressed. The staff members were not "snowflakes" but rather dedicated individuals who were deeply affected by Meghan's actions.

    • Meghan and Harry's Relationship with the Royal Family: More Complex Than PortrayedInitially positive, the relationship between Meghan and Harry with the royal family soured, with accusations of manipulation, bullying, and obsession with press coverage from both sides.

      The relationship between Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, and the British royal family was not as simple as portrayed in the media. At the beginning, there were mutual positive feelings, but things turned sour, and people close to Harry and Meghan accused her of being manipulative and a bully. Harry, in his book, paints Meghan as a kind and generous person, but reports suggest she could be difficult as well. Meghan's handling of her press coverage and her participation in a biography about Harry and Meghan have been subjects of controversy. Harry's obsession with his own press and his standing in the royal family is another significant revelation from the book. Despite the initial positive intentions, the situation deteriorated, leading to acrimony and accusations.

    • Prince Harry's longstanding dislike for mediaPrince Harry's intense dislike for media, rooted in his mother's tragic past, intensified in his relationship with Meghan, leading to a cycle of negative attention.

      Prince Harry's intense dislike for media coverage and his sense of victimhood predated his relationship with Meghan Markle. According to Valentine Low's book, Harry has had a deep-seated hatred and mistrust of the media due to his experiences with the media's treatment of his mother, Princess Diana. While his brother, Prince William, has learned to cope with the media and come to an accommodation, Harry's black-and-white perspective led him to obsessively seek corrections for any perceived inaccuracies in media coverage. This obsession with media coverage and victimhood mentality intensified when he met Meghan, and the two fed off each other, leading to a spiral of negative attention.

    • Prince Harry's mistrust towards courtiers and media fueled by privilege and limited shelf lifePrince Harry's memoir paints a negative picture of the media and his family, but it's crucial to consider the full context of events, including positive media coverage of Meghan Markle and instances where Harry's perspective may have been skewed.

      Prince Harry harbored a deep-rooted mistrust towards the courtiers from other royal households and the media, fueled by his obsession with making the most of his privileged position and limited shelf life as a royal. He constantly tested loyalty among his staff and had a passion for using his platform to do good, as seen in the creation of the Invictus Games. Harry's choice of Meghan Markle, an American actress, was not an accident but rather a desire for another social climber who could navigate the media. Despite his complaints about the media and his family in his memoir, Spare, there were instances of positive coverage of Meghan that Harry overlooked. For example, when Meghan went on an away day with the Queen, the media coverage was not as negative as Harry described. Harry's perspective on the media and his family was often negative, and his memoir reflects this, but it's essential to consider the full context of events.

    • Their own actions and grievances fuel negative media perceptionPrince Harry and Meghan Markle's negative media coverage is largely self-inflicted due to their continued complaining and negative portrayal of the royal family, leading to a drop in approval ratings.

      Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's negative perception in the media is largely due to their own actions and their inability to move past their grievances. Despite generally positive coverage in the press following their Oprah Winfrey interview, their continued complaining and negative portrayal of the royal family has led to a significant drop in approval ratings in both the UK and the US. Comparisons have been drawn to Camilla, who endured similar media scrutiny but managed to rehabilitate her image over time by staying above the fray and focusing on her work. The upcoming coronation of King Charles III may provide a test case for how the public will receive Harry and Meghan if they attend, but it's unlikely they will be welcomed with open arms given their recent behavior.

    • Reconciliation between Royal Family and Harry and Meghan uncertainThe royal family's reconciliation with Harry and Meghan is uncertain due to past disputes and potential lack of privacy during peace talks. Trust in Harry's ability to keep conversations private has been compromised, making immediate reconciliation unlikely. The next move might be allowing time for emotions to settle before discussions.

      The reconciliation between the royal family and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is uncertain due to past public disputes and the potential lack of privacy during peace talks. The idea of immediate reconciliation may not be feasible as some family members may need time to process their emotions. The next move might not be peace talks, but rather allowing time for feelings to settle. The public's trust in Harry's ability to keep conversations private has been compromised due to past media leaks. Despite these challenges, there's an invitation for reconciliation. Ultimately, whether or not the family will reconcile and attend the coronation remains to be seen. Tomorrow on the show, Victor Davis Hanson and Mike Pompeo will be joining to discuss various topics.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Kirk- https://45books.com/

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

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    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Howard Blum, author of "When the Night Comes Falling," to discuss new details about Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger's conversations with his father on their cross-country road trip after the massacre, how his father may have suspected his son's involvement, new details about his behavior at Washington State University, whether Bryan Kohberger was casing the Idaho murder victims' house or having an internal conflict about it, Blum's reporting about who the target of the attack really was, the possibility Kohberger had seen the victim before, what the surviving roommate of the Idaho college murders Dylan Mortensen saw and texted with her other roommate at the time, theories on why she didn't call the police right away, Kohberger's older sister's suspicions of him, and more. Then Erick Erickson, author of "You Shall Be as Gods," joins to discuss how Biden and Trump are preparing for the important first debate on Thursday, whether Trump will be able to keep his composure, Trump's success in previous debate, the importance of creating a moment the audience will remember, CNN host Kasie Hunt cutting the mic of a Trump spokesperson who mildly criticized her colleagues, why debate moderators are subject to criticism, the left's instincts to silence those they disagree with, the lack of spirituality and faith in America and around the world, turning to government over religion, how to reverse the negative trends, and more.


    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    E115: The AI Search Wars: Google vs. Microsoft, Nordstream report, State of the Union

    0:00 Bestie intro!

    1:49 Report about US involvement in the destruction of Nordstream pipelines, breaking away from the military-industrial complex

    28:26 Bestie refresh!

    33:13 The AI Search Wars: Microsoft presses hard, Google's rough week

    45:06 Sundar's next move: How should Google counterpunch? Google's troubled business model, will we see successful lawsuits over training data?

    1:12:41 Will generative AI commodify enterprise SaaS? If so, what happens to VC returns?

    1:31:14 Disappointing State of the Union, precarious situation between debt, taxes, and entitlements

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