
    Olivia O'Brien EXPOSES the Music Industry & Her Celeb Situationships

    enMarch 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected connections through social mediaSocial media can lead to meaningful relationships, even if they start online and may not involve frequent in-person interactions. False rumors and public scrutiny are common challenges for women in the public eye, but the positive aspects of these connections can outweigh the negatives.

      Social media connections can lead to unexpected and meaningful relationships. The podcast host shares how they connected with singer-songwriter Olivia O'Brien through social media, despite having only met in person once many years ago. The host expresses their admiration for Olivia and shares stories of how they became aware of her online presence and eventually reached out to her. The conversation also touches on the challenges women face when their relationships are scrutinized in the public eye, as Olivia shares her experiences with false rumors about her past relationships. Despite the challenges, the host emphasizes the positive aspects of their connection and the impact it has had on their lives.

    • Perceptions and Expectations in RelationshipsOur perceptions and expectations of people based on their public image or celebrity status can impact our relationships with them. It's important to look beyond superficial impressions to truly get to know someone.

      Our perceptions and expectations of people based on their public image or celebrity status can greatly impact our relationships with them. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of dating someone she had a crush on based on his public persona, only to find that their in-person connection was different. She also discusses her own insecurities and how they have affected her relationships. Another theme that emerges is the power dynamic in relationships, particularly when one partner is a celebrity or perceived as more attractive. The speaker acknowledges that this dynamic can be challenging and can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and a need to impress. She also mentions her struggles with body image and self-acceptance, which have contributed to her feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of human connections and the importance of looking beyond superficial impressions to truly get to know someone.

    • The lasting impact of bullying on self-perceptionBullying can deeply affect a person's self-esteem and confidence, leading to long-term emotional damage. It's crucial to address bullying in schools and society to prevent further harm.

      Bullying can have a profound and lasting impact on an individual's self-perception and confidence. The speaker shares her experience of being bullied throughout her school years, particularly in high school, and how it made her feel like an outcast and a "freak." She describes how the bullies' reactions from her only fueled the bullying, making her a target for even more ridicule. The speaker also mentions the role of social media in amplifying the bullying through Ask FM, where she was subjected to anonymous hateful comments. Despite the trauma she experienced, she acknowledges the importance of therapy in working through her feelings and learning to value herself. The speaker expresses sadness for her daughter having to go through the same experience, and her frustration with the perpetrators, who continue to make fun of her to this day. Overall, her story highlights the damaging effects of bullying and the importance of addressing it in schools and society as a whole.

    • Overcoming Bullying: Forgiveness and Self-CareForgiveness and self-care are crucial for personal growth after bullying experiences. Identify and avoid toxic relationships, lean on supportive friends, and learn from age and experience to move on.

      Forgiveness and moving on from past bullying experiences can be challenging, but it's important for personal growth. Many people, especially women, have shared their experiences of being bullied in high school and how those memories can resurface years later. Some people may choose to let go and forgive, while others may hold onto the trauma. The passage highlights the importance of having a good support system of friends and the ability to identify and avoid toxic relationships. The speaker shares her experiences of dealing with bullies in high school and later in life and how she has learned to forgive and move on. She also talks about the importance of age and experience in understanding and dealing with bullying. Overall, the passage emphasizes the importance of self-care, forgiveness, and surrounding oneself with positive relationships in overcoming the negative experiences of bullying.

    • Challenges women face maintaining privacy in dating livesWomen in the public eye, especially in music, face constant scrutiny and judgment for their dating lives, making it difficult to keep personal relationships private.

      Women in the public eye, especially those in the music industry, often face scrutiny and judgment based on their dating lives. Olivia O'Brien shared her experiences of being constantly associated with her past relationships, despite trying to keep her personal life private. She mentioned that male songwriters might also face similar issues, but it seems more prevalent for women. O'Brien also discussed her past relationship with Logan Paul, explaining how their relationship was an open secret due to their public appearances together. Despite the attention, she maintained that she and Paul remained friends and that he was ready for a serious relationship, which she was not. Overall, the conversation highlights the challenges women face when trying to maintain their privacy in the public eye, particularly regarding their dating lives.

    • Formative experiences and self-perceptionOur past experiences can shape our self-perception, but self-acceptance and overcoming insecurities are key to living a fulfilling life.

      Our experiences in life, especially during formative years, can significantly shape our lives and perceptions of ourselves. The speaker shares her experiences of feeling unwanted and unloved in her younger years, which led her to believe she was not normal or worthy of love. These feelings carried into adulthood, making her hesitant to commit to relationships. She also shares how she tried to fit in by wearing certain brands or styles but always felt like she was doing it wrong. Now, she embraces her uniqueness and no longer stigmatizes herself for being different. The speaker's journey highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the power of overcoming past traumas and insecurities.

    • Appreciating Musical Theater but Doubting Broadway PerformanceDespite her love for musical theater, the speaker has concerns about her voice and the demands of Broadway, having experienced challenges with vocal preservation and financial sustainability in her touring career.

      The speaker, who has a background in theater but not to the extent of being called a "theater kid," holds a deep appreciation for musical theater. She admires those who are deeply involved in it and enjoys watching musicals. However, she harbors doubts about her ability to perform in Broadway due to concerns about her voice and the intense demands of the job. She has had vocal lessons but finds it challenging to preserve her voice during live performances. Her experiences include going on headline tours before the COVID-19 pandemic and having to cancel shows due to unforeseen circumstances. The speaker also mentioned that she funds her tours herself and usually breaks even, making only some money from merchandise sales. Additionally, she finds meet and greets as a singer challenging due to the potential strain on her voice.

    • Navigating Communication and Perception in Personal and Professional RelationshipsEmpathy, resilience, and authenticity are crucial in effectively communicating and avoiding hurtful words or actions in personal and professional relationships.

      Communication and how it's perceived can be a source of anxiety and fear for some people. The speaker shares her fear of being perceived as mean or rude due to her sarcastic nature and resting bitch face. She also discusses her experiences with the music industry, including being signed at a young age, becoming independent, and dealing with unexpected changes and letdowns. Despite these challenges, she continues to pursue her passion for music and prioritizes avoiding hurting others' feelings. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of empathy, resilience, and authenticity in navigating personal and professional relationships.

    • Navigating financial challenges in the music industryArtists may face unpredictable finances in the music industry, often leaving them in a position to lose money due to label decisions and revenue distribution. Financial literacy and control are crucial for success.

      The music industry, particularly record labels, can be unpredictable and financially challenging for artists. The speaker shared her experience of a transitional period during her time with a label, where new leadership couldn't start until the next year, and they didn't have enough funds to complete her album as planned. She also mentioned that labels keep most of the revenue generated from artists' streaming, leaving them in a position where they could potentially lose money. The speaker's father, who served as her business manager, advised her to leave the label due to the financial strain. Additionally, the label's decisions on singles and release dates were subject to change, leaving the artist feeling like she was constantly fighting against something. Going independent allowed her to understand the financial responsibilities and the importance of paying producers and other collaborators. She emphasized the importance of doing things legally and ethically, even if it meant delaying releases or taking on additional costs. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of financial literacy and control in the music industry.

    • Staying true to creative vision despite criticism or limitationsAuthenticity in creativity can lead to success, even with financial or critical limitations

      Embracing one's unique style and creativity, even if it's considered low budget, can lead to success. The speaker shared her experience of receiving negative comments about a low budget video she made, but she chose to lean into it and embrace the vibe, rather than trying to make it look more polished. She also discussed her journey of making music, starting from humble beginnings and facing criticism, to eventually gaining recognition and success. Despite facing insecurities and financial limitations, she continued to create and express herself authentically. This authenticity paid off, as her music eventually gained popularity and led to a record deal. The speaker's story highlights the importance of staying true to one's creative vision, even in the face of criticism or limitations.

    • Co-writing a Song and Splitting Publishing RightsCollaborating on music involves sharing rights and finding a lawyer to navigate the business side is crucial.

      Creating music involves collaboration and sharing of rights. In this conversation, the speaker discussed co-writing a song with another artist and splitting the publishing rights 50-50. They also mentioned how they found their lawyer on social media and how he helped them navigate the business side of music. The speaker expressed that they were happy with their publishing rights and the experience, but they didn't own the master record because the other artist was signed to a label. They also mentioned the trend of artists collaborating on writing sessions and sharing writing credits. The speaker emphasized the importance of having a lawyer and being careful about maintaining the idolization of artists they admire.

    • Exploring Creativity and Self-AcceptanceCreativity and self-acceptance are essential for personal growth and artistic expression. Overcoming self-doubt and vulnerability through introspection and emotional connection can lead to valuable experiences and growth.

      Creativity and self-exploration are valuable and worth pursuing, no matter the challenges or self-doubt that may arise. The speaker expressed admiration for the interviewee's songwriting abilities and encouraged them not to let anyone discourage them from writing. The interviewee shared their own experiences with writing, acting, and method acting, emphasizing the importance of relaxation and emotional connection to characters. They also discussed their struggles with self-image and body image issues, which they addressed through acting exercises that required introspection and self-acceptance. Despite feeling vulnerable and emotional during these exercises, the interviewee acknowledged the benefits of the process and the importance of being open to new experiences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of creativity, self-exploration, and self-acceptance in personal growth and artistic expression.

    • Transformative acting class journeyActing class helped her confront anxieties, meet new people, and improve on-screen presence. Inspired by resilient international students, she aspires to be in film/TV and values friendship.

      The acting class experience for this individual has been a transformative journey, helping her to confront her deep-rooted anxiety and insecurities. The class, which includes international students, has provided a platform for her to meet new people and form connections. Despite her initial reluctance to be on camera, she aspires to be in film or TV, and is working on improving her on-screen presence. The experience of living alone for the first time has been isolating, but the class offers a welcome respite from that solitude. The international students, who face additional challenges in adjusting to a new country and language, have inspired her with their determination and resilience. She values her role as a supportive friend and is open to auditioning for her own show, recognizing the unique perspective she brings to her writing.

    • The Power of Passion and Personal Experience in Creative PursuitsPassion and personal experience can fuel creative projects, from writing a TV show to acting in a production. Preparation and support are crucial, as is learning from successful writers and collaborating with professionals.

      Passion and personal experience can be powerful driving forces in creative pursuits, such as writing a TV show or acting in a production. The speaker shares her attachment to her craft and the importance of feeling prepared and supported in her studies. She also discusses the process of writing a screenplay, including the use of format and dialogue, and the inspiration she finds in her own experiences and stories. The speaker also expresses her admiration for successful writers who have written about what they know and her determination to follow in their footsteps. Additionally, she expresses her eagerness to collaborate with experienced professionals and learn from them. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of passion, preparation, and perseverance in creative endeavors.

    • Unexpected opportunities and last-minute changesAdapt to unexpected situations, stay optimistic, and remain open to future opportunities. Passion and dedication to learning can lead to unexpected benefits.

      Opportunities can be unpredictable and last-minute changes can occur. The speaker shares an experience of auditioning for a movie but not getting the role due to limited spots for American actors. She reflects on past experiences where friends have let her down last minute, and how she learned to adapt and make the best of unexpected situations. The speaker's passion for movies and film knowledge is also highlighted, showcasing her dedication to learning and expanding her skills. Despite not getting the role, she remains optimistic and open to future opportunities.

    • Discovering Missed Classics and Embracing New InterestsDespite financial responsibilities, this individual prioritizes experiencing new art and entertainment forms, including iconic movies and niche interests, and remains open to new experiences, expressing a deep appreciation for the joy and creativity they bring to life.

      The person being interviewed expresses a strong passion for various forms of art and entertainment, particularly movies and music, but has not seen some iconic films. They are determined to rectify this and make it a priority to watch these movies, even if it means seeking out investors for expensive projects. They also share a love for niche interests, such as consumer oranges, goggles, and the reality TV show "90 Day Fiance," which they are currently catching up on. Despite their financial responsibilities, they remain open to new experiences and express a deep appreciation for the fun and creativity that art and entertainment bring to their life. The interview also highlights their ability to adapt and prioritize their interests, as well as their genuine enthusiasm for sharing their passions with others.

    • Prioritizing Independence and Career Over RelationshipsThis individual values her freedom and career more than entering into a serious relationship, having encountered challenges in past relationships including ex drama and syncing periods.

      This individual values her independence and career highly, and isn't interested in entering into a serious relationship or moving for a relationship. She has had experiences with dating both men and women, but has found that relationships come with complications and challenges that she isn't currently prepared for. She identifies as bisexual but prefers not to label herself, as her attraction is based on the energy of the person rather than their gender. She has encountered challenges in dating, including ex drama and syncing periods, which have made full-on relationships difficult for her. Overall, she prioritizes her independence and career above entering into a relationship.

    • Speaker's personal experiences reveal the complexities of attractionPeople's romantic and aesthetic interests are driven by individual attractions, not generalizations about genders. Specific factors like edited videos or celebrity crushes can influence these attractions.

      The speaker's attraction to individuals, rather than generalizations about genders, drives their romantic and aesthetic interests. They have found themselves unexpectedly drawn to certain individuals based on specific factors, such as edited videos on social media or celebrity crushes on dating apps. The speaker also mentions their preference for men's forwardness in initiating relationships due to their passive approach. They have had success in meeting people on Raya, including Pete Davidson and an unnamed actor. Overall, the speaker's experiences demonstrate the complex and nuanced nature of attraction and the role that various factors can play in shaping it.

    • Online first impressions can be misleadingOnline connections may not accurately represent true character or compatibility. Build genuine connections in person.

      First impressions, especially through digital means like FaceTime, can be misleading and may not accurately represent a person's true character or compatibility. The speaker's experience of matching with someone online, having a seemingly successful FaceTime call, and going on a date, only to find out that their personalities were not compatible, highlights the importance of getting to know someone in person and taking the time to build a genuine connection. Additionally, the speaker's self-consciousness and nervousness during the date, leading her to feel uncomfortable and unsatisfied with her appearance, demonstrates the pressure and expectations that people can put on themselves during romantic encounters. Overall, this experience serves as a reminder to focus on building meaningful connections and not getting too caught up in initial attractions or appearances.

    • The fear of rejection and unwantedness in datingDating can bring up feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, but it's important to remember that rejection is natural and focus on self-care and open communication.

      Rejection and the fear of not being desirable can lead to intense self-doubt and negative thought patterns. The speaker in this conversation expresses her feelings of inadequacy after a date where the man did not initiate sexual contact. She also shares her experiences of going on multiple dates with different people, only for things to fizzle out. The conversation reveals how the fear of being unwanted can be a significant source of anxiety and confusion, particularly when it comes to dating and relationships. It's important to remember that everyone experiences rejection, and it's a natural part of the dating process. However, it's essential to avoid dwelling on negative thoughts and instead focus on self-care and self-love. Additionally, it's crucial to communicate openly and honestly with potential partners to establish mutual understanding and compatibility.

    • Navigating uncomfortable advances and respecting boundaries in relationshipsCommunication and respecting boundaries are crucial in any relationship, and it's essential to wait for an appropriate partner instead of settling for societal norms.

      Communication and boundaries are essential in any relationship, especially romantic ones. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of feeling uncomfortable and confused due to a partner's persistent advances and sexual behavior that she didn't want. She also shared her past experiences and how she has grown and learned to wait for a more appropriate relationship instead of settling for someone older. The conversation also touched on the societal pressure and expectations, especially for young women, to date older men due to their perceived maturity. However, the speaker emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and not compromising personal boundaries for the sake of societal norms. The conversation also highlighted the importance of clear communication and respecting each other's boundaries in any relationship.

    • The artist finds inspiration from past experiences and emotions, especially heartbreakThe artist draws inspiration for her music from her personal experiences and emotions, particularly heartbreak, and her travels and encounters with intriguing individuals.

      The artist finds inspiration for her music through reflecting on past experiences and emotions, especially those related to heartbreak. She also shared stories about her travels and encounters with intriguing individuals, which have influenced her songwriting. Interestingly, she mentioned that London holds a special place for her, as she feels her best and most attractive there, despite having had a difficult experience in Paris due to her ex-boyfriend's father's shady dealings. The artist expressed that she feels more inspired to write when she is going through emotional turmoil, and she has a vast collection of unfinished songs from her past that she can tap into for inspiration. Overall, her music is heavily influenced by her personal experiences and emotions.

    • Pressure to stay in toxic relationshipsSurround yourself with honest relationships, trust your instincts, and don't let societal pressure keep you in a toxic situation.

      Sometimes people stay in toxic relationships longer than they should due to societal pressure or lack of knowledge about their partner's true character. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of unknowingly dating a cheater and feeling pressured by her social circle to continue the relationship despite growing suspicions. She ultimately discovered the truth and moved on, but the experience left her questioning the motivations of those who enabled the infidelity. It's important to surround oneself with honest and supportive relationships, and to trust one's instincts when something feels off.

    • Navigating Relationships with CelebritiesUnderstanding and accepting a partner's lifestyle and connections is crucial for healthy relationships. Dating in the public eye requires confidence and security from both parties.

      People's perceptions of relationships and celebrity status can lead to unhealthy and confusing dynamics. The speaker shares her experiences of dating individuals in the entertainment industry and how their status affected their relationships. She emphasizes the importance of being with someone who understands and accepts one's lifestyle and connections. The speaker also mentions the challenges of dating in the public eye and the importance of finding a partner who is confident and secure. Additionally, she discusses her interactions with various celebrities and the unexpected kindness she experienced from some of them. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of relationships in the context of fame and public perception.

    • Believing in her abilities despite setbacksActress Jocelyn keeps pursuing her dreams, staying open to opportunities and valuing experiences, even during rejections and setbacks.

      Despite not getting certain roles or facing rejection in her acting career, Jocelyn continues to believe in her abilities and remains open to opportunities. She acknowledges the competition and the odds, but remains honored to have even been considered for big projects. Furthermore, she values the experience of auditioning and meeting new people, even if she doesn't get the part. Additionally, Jocelyn expresses her love for singing and her excitement about potentially collaborating with others, showcasing her resilience and positive attitude towards her craft.

    • Overcoming self-doubt as a singerRecognize and challenge self-limiting beliefs, focus on strengths and achievements to boost confidence.

      Self-doubt and insecurities can hold us back from showcasing our talents, even if we have been successful in those areas. The speaker shared her experiences of feeling insecure about her singing abilities, despite being a professional singer with successful songs. She mentioned how she had carried negative feedback from her past and let it impact her confidence. The speaker also shared an instance where she compared herself to others and felt inferior, leading her to believe she was a bad singer. However, she acknowledged that her objective reality was different, as she had been told she was good and had evidence of her success. The speaker's story highlights the importance of recognizing and challenging our self-limiting beliefs and focusing on our strengths and achievements.

    • Feeling Out of Place with Celebrities: A Personal Struggle with Impostor Syndrome, OCD, and DepressionDespite struggles with impostor syndrome, OCD, and depression, a music lover continues to appreciate and engage with the world of celebrities, cherishing connections with famous figures.

      The speaker is a passionate music lover and fan, who feels starstruck and intimidated by celebrities, despite having known many of them for years. She struggles with feelings of inadequacy and impostor syndrome, especially in social situations where she feels out of place or outshone by others. The speaker also has OCD and depression, and has experienced the challenges of receiving accurate diagnoses for her mental health conditions. She reflects on the complexities of mental health diagnoses and the potential for overlap of symptoms between different conditions. Despite her fears and insecurities, the speaker continues to appreciate and engage with the world of celebrities and music, and cherishes her connections with famous figures.

    • Personal stories of misdiagnosis and stigmatization in mental healthDespite the complexities of mental health and past misdiagnoses, it's important to keep trying new treatments and not let fear of side effects or past experiences hinder progress.

      The complexities of mental health and diagnosis make the journey to finding effective treatment a challenging one. The speaker shares their personal experiences with misdiagnosis, medication side effects, and the fear of trying new treatments due to past experiences. They also discuss the historical context of misdiagnosis and stigmatization of mental health conditions, particularly for women. The speaker's passion for old music and appreciation for the past reflects their longing for a simpler time, possibly influenced by their experiences with mental health and the fast-paced modern world.

    • Appreciating the Past and Its Influence on Modern Art FormsThe value of well-crafted items and the history they hold inspires modern art forms, such as music and fashion, and potential collaborations with idols bring excitement, but meeting them may lead to disappointment.

      The appreciation for well-crafted items and the influence of the past on current art forms, whether it be music or fashion, adds value and creates unique connections. The speaker expresses admiration for the craftsmanship of older items and the history they hold. Additionally, they acknowledge the influence of the past on modern music and the excitement of potential collaborations with idols. However, they also express concerns about meeting their idols and the potential for disappointment. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of preserving history and being inspired by it in our modern world.

    • Unexpected experiences in music industry shape artists' careersStay true to creativity and take risks, even in the face of challenges and intimidation, to succeed in the music industry

      The music industry can be unpredictable and challenging, with unexpected encounters and experiences shaping an artist's career. The speaker shares an experience of working with a producer who labeled her as rude, leading her to write a song with someone else. She expresses admiration for artists like SZA but feels intimidated and uncertain about collaborating with them. The speaker also discusses her independent music journey, sharing how she's working on new music and partnering with a distribution company to release it. Throughout the conversation, she emphasizes the importance of staying true to her creativity and not being afraid to take risks. Despite the challenges, she remains determined to continue making music and growing as an artist.

    • Artist's songwriting inspired by personal experiencesArtist's music draws from past relationships and experiences, using rhymes and references, but not always autobiographical

      The artist's songwriting is influenced by her personal experiences and relationships, including past crushes and exes. She often uses rhymes and references to connect different experiences, leading to confusion for some listeners. The artist acknowledges that her songs may be misinterpreted as being about specific individuals, but stresses that they are not always autobiographical. Additionally, she reflects on the age differences in some of her relationships and the societal norms surrounding them. Despite having experienced unhealthy relationships, she continues to draw inspiration from her experiences to create music.

    • The Allure of Fantasy in RelationshipsFantasizing about relationships can hinder us from seeing their true nature. Focus on present reality for informed decisions.

      The allure of fantasy in relationships can often blind us from seeing the reality of a situation. The speaker shares her experiences of clinging to the idea of a romantic relationship even when she didn't truly know the person involved. She acknowledges that this mindset stemmed from a need to prove her ability to be in a relationship, despite her preference for being alone. The speaker also highlights the difference between being in a real relationship and a situationship, where one never gets to experience the full intimacy and growth that comes with knowing someone fully. Ultimately, she encourages letting go of the fantasy and focusing on the present reality to make informed decisions about relationships.

    • Trauma and coping mechanisms in music industryPeople cope with trauma differently in music industry, some crave companionship while others withdraw, social media's impact is constant change, stay authentic to talents and passions

      Everyone processes trauma differently, and the way people cope and manifest their insecurities can vary greatly. For instance, some individuals may crave companionship to overcome their trauma, while others may withdraw and focus on self-sufficiency. Additionally, the rise of social media has significantly impacted the music industry, with artists using various platforms to promote their work and reach wider audiences. However, the landscape is constantly changing, and what worked in the past may not be as effective today. Ultimately, the key is to stay authentic and true to one's talents and passions, even when faced with challenges and setbacks.

    • Exploring diverse talents and passionsEmbrace your unique talents, pursue them with authenticity, and don't let fear or external validation hold you back.

      The individual in this conversation values creativity and self-expression through various forms of art, including music and writing. They have come to the realization that putting all their efforts into one area, such as music, can be limiting and potentially detrimental to their overall happiness and personal growth. Instead, they are embracing their diverse talents and passions, such as writing, acting, and learning new languages, to lead a more fulfilling life. This newfound confidence and willingness to put themselves out there has led to an increase in productivity and personal growth in the past few days, despite initial fears and insecurities. The individual's determination to explore their passions and not be held back by fear or external validation is a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing one's unique talents and pursuing them with authenticity and determination.

    • Speaker receives thoughtful and extravagant giftSpeaker was surprised and delighted by a thoughtful and extravagant gift including pink roses, a goodie bag, and a CD. The experience brought her joy and appreciation for the kind gesture, aligning with her love for old-school items.

      The speaker was surprised and delighted by the thoughtful and extravagant gift she received from someone she admires. The gift, which included large pink roses, a goodie bag filled with various items, and a CD, brought her great joy and excitement. She appreciated the effort put into the gift and felt grateful for the kind gesture. The experience was better than she could have imagined and left her feeling appreciated and loved. The speaker also mentioned her love for old-school items like CDs and gingerbread houses, and the thoughtfulness of the gift aligned with her preferences. Overall, the speaker expressed her gratitude and admiration for the person who gave her the gift and looked forward to sharing the experience with her friend Malibu.

    • From Intimidated to Excited: Speaker's Transformation in Friendship with OliviaThe speaker's friendship with Olivia has evolved from intimidation to excitement, and they express love, appreciation, and support for her success.

      The speaker, who was once intimidated by a friend (Olivia), now feels comfortable and excited about their friendship. They express their love and appreciation for Olivia and look forward to creating TikTok content together. The speaker acknowledges Olivia's rising fame and success, and they express their support and enthusiasm for her upcoming TV show. The conversation ends with a promise to reunite and create content, focusing on the joy and simplicity of their connection. The speaker's tone is heartfelt and sincere, emphasizing the importance of cherishing and nurturing friendships.

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    enMay 30, 2024

    Pokimane Addresses Cookie Controversy & Drama with Charlie MoistCr1TiKaL

    Pokimane Addresses Cookie Controversy & Drama with Charlie MoistCr1TiKaL
    On episode 82 of 'JUST TRISH'--the queen of streams Pokimane is here, and she's opening up like never before. For the first time ever, Poki finally addresses the controversy over her Myna cookies caused by xQc and Charlie (MoistCr1TiKaL / penguinz0). Plus, Poki also discusses her scary stalker experiences, and how the toxic Twitch drama inspired her to help uplift her fellow female creators.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enMay 28, 2024

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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-hosts Justin and Lauren! Have you ever heard someone say something so crazy you just have to stop and let your brain recuperate? Sometimes people say things and you're questioning if you heard them right.. well these stories are no exception. From a partner not being attracted to you after surgery to you MIL saying something terrible these stories are preposterous.. What're your thoughts?!

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