
    One Meat Plant, One Thousand Infections: Revisiting Achut Deng

    enJuly 15, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Coronavirus Outbreak's Impact on Vulnerable Communities: Achoo's StoryThe coronavirus pandemic disproportionately affects marginalized communities, particularly essential workers in crowded workplaces. Achoo's story highlights the challenges faced by single mothers and immigrants in balancing work and family responsibilities during uncertain and dangerous times.

      The coronavirus outbreak hit vulnerable communities hard, particularly meat processing plants where workers, like Achoo Dang, were essential yet at risk. Born in South Sudan and raised in refugee camps, Achoo came to America seeking a better life. She found work at Smithfield's pork plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as a shift lead in the conversion department. However, the nature of the work, with thousands of workers standing shoulder to shoulder, made social distancing nearly impossible. When the virus hit, Achoo, a single mother of three, was left to balance her responsibilities at home and at work amidst the uncertainty and danger. This conversation serves as a reminder of the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on marginalized communities and the importance of addressing their unique challenges.

    • A Sudanese orphan's journey to a new life and a career at Smithfield FoodsA Sudanese orphan overcame challenges to start a new life in America and find a fulfilling career at Smithfield Foods, demonstrating the power of second chances and human resilience.

      The interviewee's life was transformed when she was chosen for a program that relocated Sudanese orphans to the United States. She started a new life in America, worked various jobs, and eventually landed a job at Smithfield Foods in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At Smithfield, she began working as a wizard knife operator, responsible for trimming fat off pork on the factory floor. The company processes thousands of pigs per day and contributes significantly to the US pork industry. Despite the challenging nature of the work, the interviewee saw it as an opportunity to provide for herself and her family. The interview underscores the importance of second chances and the resilience of the human spirit.

    • Overcoming physical challenges for financial stability and family improvementStarting a new job with physically demanding tasks led to financial growth, allowing the speaker to improve her family's life and support extended family. Perseverance and dedication to the work led to advancement and higher wages.

      Enduring hardships and persevering through challenging physical labor can lead to financial stability and the ability to improve the lives of not only yourself and your family, but also those of others. The speaker in this discussion shares her experience of starting a new job at a meat factory and the initial physical discomfort she faced due to the unfamiliar demands of the work. Despite the pain and exhaustion, she continued to push through, eventually taking a nurse's advice to rotate jobs and reduce strain on her body. Over time, she advanced to a leadership role, working long hours and earning a higher hourly wage. With this newfound financial security, she was able to provide a better life for her children and even support her extended family in Africa. The speaker's dedication to her job and the impact it had on her life and the lives of others is what she takes pride in. The discussion also touches on the importance of considering the larger context of the work, as the food produced in the factory is sent to families and communities around the world. The speaker's reflection on the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of continuing to work, even during uncertain times, to ensure the production and distribution of essential goods.

    • Essential workers' resilience during the pandemicEssential workers adapted to the risks and prioritized their communities' needs, recognizing their crucial role in food production.

      Even during uncertain times, essential workers like the speaker continue to prioritize their jobs and the needs of their communities. The speaker's experiences of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, starting from Seattle and eventually at Smithfield, show how they remained resilient and continued to work despite the risks. The speaker's perspective shifted from a sense of insignificance to a sense of purpose when they realized the crucial role their work played in feeding the country. Despite the personal risks, the speaker chose to stay positive and continue working, trusting that their safety was in the hands of a higher power. The CEO's message of the importance of food production and the company's commitment to staying open reinforced the speaker's decision.

    • The importance of prioritizing health and safetyIgnoring potential illness signs can lead to serious consequences. Prioritize health and safety to protect yourself and loved ones.

      The importance of prioritizing health and safety was brought to light during the COVID-19 pandemic. The individual in this story continued to work despite potential exposure, only to later fall ill and face a prolonged quarantine. The financial strain of losing income during this time added to the emotional toll. It's a reminder that even though we may have obligations and responsibilities, our well-being should always come first. Ignoring the signs of potential illness can lead to serious consequences, both for ourselves and those around us. It's crucial to listen to the guidance of health officials and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

    • Challenges for Food Processing Sector Amidst COVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about worker safety and the sustainability of reopening food processing plants, impacting both the food supply chain and employees' wellbeing.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to various industries, including the food processing sector. The closure of large plants due to outbreaks among workers has raised concerns about the food supply chain and the wellbeing of the employees. For Achu, a mother and employee at one such plant, the situation has brought about a sense of fear and uncertainty. She shares her concerns about leaving her children behind if she falls ill, and the growing number of cases within her community. The closure of the Smithfield plant in South Dakota, where Achu works, has affected hundreds of workers and raised questions about the safety and sustainability of reopening. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of worker safety and the potential vulnerabilities of essential industries.

    • A refugee camp survivor shares her experience of balancing health and finances during the pandemicA survivor of a refugee camp highlights the importance of self-care and the power of one's voice during the pandemic, while the Trump administration reverses policies and faces scrutiny over data reporting.

      For many people, especially those facing financial pressures and health concerns, the priority shifts from health to finances as soon as they begin to feel better. Etude, a refugee camp survivor, shared her experience of balancing her health and financial needs while waiting to return to work after falling ill with COVID-19. She emphasized the importance of taking care of oneself to be ready for work once the company reopens. The Smithfield plant, where Etude worked, introduced new safety measures and reopened, allowing her to return. However, the federal investigation into the initial conditions at the plant continues. Etude's perspective on her experience has changed, and she now recognizes the power of her voice and is considering writing a book. In other news, the Trump administration has reversed a policy that would have forced international college students to leave the country if their coursework was entirely online. The administration is also bypassing the CDC to report coronavirus data to the Department of Health and Human Services, raising concerns about potential data manipulation. Finally, Jeff Sessions, a former US senator and attorney general, lost the Republican Senate nomination in Alabama to a political newcomer, Tommy Tuberville.

    • Effective Communication in Building Strong RelationshipsActive listening, empathy, and clarity are key components of effective communication. Bridging geographical distances with technology helps facilitate meaningful connections.

      Key takeaway from today's discussion is the importance of effective communication in building and maintaining strong relationships, whether in personal or professional contexts. We heard about the power of active listening, empathy, and clarity in conveying ideas and understanding others' perspectives. Additionally, the use of technology, such as video conferencing, can help bridge geographical distances and facilitate meaningful connections. Overall, the ability to communicate effectively is essential for fostering positive relationships and achieving common goals.

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    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    • Dr. Roman mentioned the app, Insight Timer, which she recommended to help in establishing or support a mindfulness practice.
    • We discussed Dr. Roman's own podcast, Emotions in Harmony (see below for more information).


    More about Dr. Roman and how to follow up with her:

    To learn more about Dr. Roman, you can visit her psychotherapy website, www.armoniaemocional.com, where you can also read more about the various services she provides.


    To listen to Dr. Roman's podcast, Emotions in Harmony (with episodes in both English and Spanish), you can visit the podcast’s website here or view it on iTunes. There she interviews experts on various topics related to emotional wellbeing, with some episodes in English and some in Spanish (appropriate for monolinguals and bilinguals alike!). 


    You can also find Dr. Roman on Facebook -Psic Carmen Roman- (where she regularly holds Facebook live discussions that you can tune in for), Twitter, or YouTube, and you can email her directly at carmen@ArmoniaEmocional.com.


    Stay in Touch!


    To make sure you don’t miss future episodes of Mindful Expat, you can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting app.


    To receive monthly summaries of podcast episodes and stay up to date on other announcements and resources, sign up for the Emotions in Harmony Newsletter! (When you sign up, you’ll also receive a free e-book about how Dr. Roman learned shamanism!)


    And, finally, if you’d like to get in touch and leave a voice message with a question or comment that may be played in a future episode, you can do so in the podcast website www.EmotionsinHarmony.com!


    Contacto con la Dra. Carmen Roman:

    Sitio web – www.emotionsinharmony.com

    Email  carmen@armoniaemocional.com

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DraCarmenRoman/

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    WhatsApp: 001 650 223 5980

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