
    Podcast Summary

    • Dealing with narcissistic people: Empowering strategies for navigating challenging relationshipsBy educating ourselves about narcissism and adopting a proactive mindset, we can effectively negotiate, set boundaries, and protect our well-being while dealing with narcissistic individuals.

      Dealing with narcissistic people can be challenging, especially when they are close to us or have a significant impact on our lives. While it may be recommended to end relationships with narcissists, it's not always practical or possible. However, there are strategies and tools that can empower us to navigate these relationships more effectively and protect our own well-being. It's important to educate ourselves about narcissism and understand how narcissists think and operate. By approaching the situation with knowledge and a proactive mindset, we can shift from a defensive position to an offensive one. With the right tools and strategies, we can negotiate, set boundaries, and even get what we want from narcissistic individuals while preserving our own power and sanity.

    • Dealing with Narcissists: Regaining Power and SanityUnderstanding narcissism's root cause allows you to assert your needs, diffuse their behavior, and create a life unaffected by their toxicity.

      Dealing with narcissistic people can be extremely draining and make you feel empty and alone. Narcissists have a deep internal emptiness and rely on external sources for validation and a sense of self-worth, often through material possessions or degrading and manipulating others. They constantly seek more, leaving those around them feeling depleted. If you've ever questioned your own sanity and felt like you were always to blame, it's important to recognize that narcissism is the root cause. However, there is hope. By learning the tools and strategies shared by Rebecca Zung, you can regain your power and sanity. You can diffuse a narcissist, assert your needs, and ultimately create a life where you are no longer affected by their toxic behavior.

    • Standing Up to Narcissists: Empowering Yourself and Protecting Your Well-beingBy recognizing narcissists' strategies and staying authentic to yourself, you can assert your power, maintain control over your life, and protect yourself from their manipulative behavior.

      Standing up to the narcissist in your life is possible and necessary for your own well-being. Recognizing their strategies and not getting sucked into their manipulative behavior is important. The key is to stand in your authentic power, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, and align yourself with your true self. By knowing who you are and being aligned with your purpose, you can have the strength to assert yourself and keep the narcissist at bay. It's about saying "go away, you have no power here" and not allowing them to control your life. Although it may not be possible to completely remove the narcissist from your life, understanding their different types and using strategies can help you maintain your power and protect yourself.

    • The Hidden Dangers of Narcissism: Recognizing Different Types and Protecting YourselfUnderstanding the traits and behaviors of covert and malignant narcissists is crucial for identifying toxic patterns and safeguarding yourself from their manipulation and harm.

      There are different types of narcissists, each with their own unique traits and behaviors. The covert narcissist is particularly dangerous because they are passive-aggressive and often present themselves as victims. They can be your doctors, lawyers, or even religious leaders, making it difficult for others to see their true nature. They may take credit for your work or make subtle jabs and comments that only you can pick up on. The covert narcissist seeks to manipulate and control behind a facade of niceness and kindness. On the other hand, the malignant narcissist has no problems ruining your life, resorting to extreme actions like false accusations or stalking. It is important to recognize these patterns and protect yourself from their toxic behavior.

    • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on NarcissismUnderstanding that narcissistic behavior is a result of childhood trauma can help us develop empathy and understanding towards individuals who exhibit such behavior.

      Narcissism is not something someone is born with, but rather a result of trauma experienced during childhood. Understanding the origin of narcissism is crucial because it helps us realize that these individuals do not choose to be narcissistic. The repeated trauma during childhood, such as emotional neglect or physical abuse, causes arrested development in the brain's emotional center, known as the limbic system. While the prefrontal cortex, responsible for reasoning and judgment, continues to develop, the emotional part of the brain lags behind. This lack of emotional control explains why narcissistic individuals can be unpredictable, irrational, and say mean things without remorse. Recognizing the impact of trauma on narcissism can enhance our empathy and understanding towards these individuals.

    • Understanding Narcissism: How Childhood Trauma Shapes BehaviorBy recognizing that narcissistic behavior stems from childhood trauma, you can navigate challenging situations and respond effectively, seeing their actions as a reflection of their past rather than personal attacks.

      Dealing with someone who exhibits narcissistic tendencies or full-blown narcissism is not your fault. Their behavior and emotional immaturity stem from childhood trauma, which leads to arrested development in the limbic system of their brain. Understanding this is crucial because it allows you to navigate difficult situations, such as courtrooms or negotiations, with these individuals. Rebecca Zung, an experienced attorney, provides a four-step proven approach to negotiating with narcissistic people and shares disarming phrases that work effectively. Additionally, it's important to note that narcissists are not born; they are made as a result of childhood trauma. This knowledge empowers you to handle these situations effectively and see their behavior as a product of their past experiences rather than personal attacks.

    • Understanding Narcissistic Behavior and Brain DevelopmentNarcissists may exhibit irrational behavior due to a disconnect in their brain. This understanding can help individuals cope with narcissistic individuals and make sense of their actions.

      Individuals with narcissistic tendencies or full-blown narcissism may exhibit irrational behavior or emotional immaturity. This can be attributed to a development disconnect between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system in their brain. When triggered, they can shift from normal functioning to survival mode, wherein the emotionally charged limbic system takes over. During this state, they may inflict harm, manipulate, and show little recollection or awareness of their actions. This phenomenon, known as narcissistic injury, can cause them to be blinded by their own actions and indifferent to the harm they cause. Understanding this brain development can be a life-changing revelation for both individuals dealing with narcissists and those trying to comprehend their behavior.

    • Understanding Narcissism: Empathy and Emotional ImmaturityBy recognizing that narcissists may have arrested emotional development, we can approach them with empathy and utilize strategies to diffuse their behavior effectively.

      Individuals with narcissistic tendencies may genuinely not remember their hurtful actions or words due to arrested emotional development. While some narcissists may intentionally manipulate and hurt others, many simply lack the emotional control to recall their behavior. It can be helpful to imagine them as emotionally immature, like an eight-year-old throwing a tantrum. Understanding that narcissists are made through childhood experiences can evoke empathy and help us regain our power when dealing with them. By tapping into empathy and recognizing their emotional immaturity, we can better navigate and diffuse situations with narcissists. Rebecca Zung's four-part strategy will provide valuable phrases to address and neutralize narcissistic behavior.

    • Understanding and Dealing with Toxic BehaviorRecognizing that someone's toxic behavior may stem from their own unresolved issues allows us to distance ourselves and adjust our approach to protect our own well-being.

      Understanding the root causes of someone's toxic behavior can empower us and help us stop taking it personally. Knowing that certain individuals with narcissistic tendencies may have an arrested emotional development due to childhood trauma allows us to see their irrationality and lack of emotional control as separate from ourselves. This understanding also highlights the importance of adjusting our communication and negotiation strategies when dealing with such individuals. Treating them as if we were negotiating with an eight-year-old having a tantrum helps us navigate their fear-based actions while standing in our own power. Recognizing leaky boundaries, where we allow things to happen instead of speaking up, is crucial for protecting ourselves from their manipulation.

    • Understanding Narcissistic Supply: The Fuel for the Narcissist's EgoRecognizing the signs of narcissistic supply and understanding its impact can help protect yourself from manipulation and control while dealing with narcissistic individuals.

      Narcissistic supply is what feeds a narcissist's ego and gives them a sense of value. There are two levels of narcissistic supply: the diamond level, which is all about image and includes things like wealth, status, and appearance; and the coal level, which involves degrading, manipulating, and controlling others to boost their own self-esteem. It's important to understand narcissistic supply in order to effectively deal with narcissism and protect yourself. Narcissists will go to great lengths to protect and defend their supply, even at the expense of their own children. Additionally, a key sign of narcissism is the use of triangulation, where they bond with others by gossiping and trashing other people. Once you recognize these behaviors as signs of narcissism and supply, you'll start to see it everywhere.

    • Understanding the Phases of a Narcissistic RelationshipEducating ourselves about narcissism helps us recognize manipulation tactics, spot warning signs, and establish healthier relationships.

      Understanding the three phases of a narcissistic relationship can help us identify and navigate toxic dynamics. The first phase, known as love bombing, is when the narcissist pulls you in by mirroring your desires and overwhelming you with flattery and attention. It can feel intoxicating and make you believe that you've found the perfect partner or friend. However, it's important to recognize that this behavior is a manipulation tactic used by narcissists to gain control. By being aware of this phase, we can better spot the warning signs and protect ourselves from falling into their trap. Educating ourselves about narcissism empowers us to break free from the cycle and establish healthier relationships.

    • The Unconscious Strategy of Love BombingNarcissists use love bombing to establish a quick and intense connection, but they may not even realize their own behavior patterns. Strong individuals who resist love bombing are less likely to attract narcissists.

      Individuals with narcissistic tendencies engage in love bombing without conscious awareness or intentional strategy. Love bombing refers to overwhelming displays of affection and grand gestures to quickly establish a deep connection. Whether in personal or business relationships, narcissists seek to lock their victims in through intense emotional manipulation. However, it is crucial to note that narcissists genuinely believe in what they express and may not even realize their own behavior patterns. This lack of awareness makes the situation even more dangerous, as they are essentially stuck in an emotional loop resembling that of an eight-year-old. Strong individuals who do not succumb to love bombing are less likely to attract narcissists, as they seek vulnerable targets.

    • The Manipulative Tactics of Narcissists: Creating Highs and LowsRecognizing the signs of narcissistic manipulation can empower victims to break free from toxic relationships and rebuild their self-esteem.

      Narcissists manipulate and deceive their victims by creating intense highs and lows in the relationship. They initially love bomb their targets, showering them with attention and affection to gain their trust and loyalty. However, once the victims are emotionally invested and have given them power or resources, the narcissist moves into the devalue stage. This is where the red flags start to appear, such as lies, manipulation, and broken promises. The narcissist exhales and relaxes, revealing their true nature. Victims often find themselves questioning their own worth and sanity, trapped in a toxic push-pull dynamic. This behavior is addictive and creates a trauma bond in the victim, similar to a physiological addiction. Knowing the signs and understanding the manipulation tactics can help victims break free and regain their sense of self-worth.

    • The role of inconsistency in addiction to substances and people.Inconsistent behavior, such as love bombing followed by discard phases, creates an addictive cycle in relationships with narcissistic individuals. Understanding this dynamic is crucial when dealing with them.

      Inconsistency plays a significant role in addiction, whether it's addiction to substances or addiction to a person. This idea is supported by a study done with monkeys and observed in the context of addiction and slot machines. The study showed that not receiving the reward consistently is what led to addiction. Similarly, in relationships with narcissistic individuals, the inconsistent behavior, love bombing followed by discard phases, creates an addictive cycle. The anticipation of love bombing becomes physiologically addictive, contributing to a trauma bond. Understanding this dynamic is crucial when dealing with narcissistic individuals. When faced with the discard phase, there are three options: stay, give the narcissist what they want, or fight back.

    • Breaking Free from Toxic Cycles: Building Confidence and Setting BoundariesOvercome the fear of being disliked, prioritize self-worth, visualize the narcissist as an eight-year-old in a tantrum, consciously pause and set boundaries to reclaim control over one's life and mental well-being.

      It is crucial to recognize and break free from toxic cycles of people-pleasing and manipulation. Rebecca Zung emphasizes the need to overcome the fear of being disliked and to prioritize one's own self-worth. Taking baby steps and celebrating small wins builds confidence in setting boundaries and standing up for oneself. Mel Robbins adds two powerful strategies: visualizing the narcissist as an eight-year-old in a tantrum to separate oneself emotionally, and consciously pausing to ask what one wants and is willing to give to achieve it. By understanding common patterns like gaslighting, victims can start reclaiming control over their lives and mental well-being.

    • Dealing with Narcissists: The Constant Battle for ControlNarcissists will go to extreme lengths to maintain control over others, and unless their source of supply is threatened, the cycle of manipulation will never end.

      Negotiating with narcissists can be incredibly challenging because they constantly move the goalposts to keep you manipulated and unsettled. Narcissists not only want to "win," but they also thrive on the power of seeing you squirm. This is why divorces with narcissists can drag on for years, as they derive a twisted sense of satisfaction from the ongoing conflict. It's important to understand that narcissists feed off a constant source of supply, and unless you can threaten something more important to them than the supply they get from manipulating you, the cycle will never end. This story of a $2 million apology highlights the lengths narcissists will go to continue exerting control.

    • Setting Boundaries and Taking Back Control in a Relationship with a NarcissistBy setting boundaries and not engaging with disrespectful behavior, you can free yourself from their control and protect your self-worth. Connect with your power and refuse to be disrespected.

      If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it is crucial to set boundaries and stop allowing disrespectful behavior. This can be the first step in freeing yourself from their control. Remember that their devaluation of you stems from your inherent value. Instead of defending yourself or justifying your actions, observe their behavior and let their hurtful words pass by you like a game of dodgeball. It can be challenging to hold a boundary and not engage when they barrage you with texts or yell at you, but there are phrases you can use to disarm them, such as "I agree with you," followed by "I agree that that's your opinion." The key is to connect with your power and not allow yourself to be disrespected, even if it may bring about narcissistic rage.

    • Establishing Boundaries: Dealing with Narcissistic IndividualsSetting boundaries is crucial when dealing with narcissistic individuals. It is important to establish clear expectations for mutual interactions and teach others how to treat us.

      Setting boundaries is crucial when dealing with narcissistic individuals. If someone feels like they are in harm's way, physically removing themselves from the situation may be necessary. It is important to remember that we teach others how to treat us, and establishing boundaries is key to preventing mistreatment. Rebecca Zung's SLAY method, which stands for strategy, leverage, anticipate, and you, offers a framework for negotiating and winning against narcissists. Developing a strong strategy begins with creating a specific vision of what we want from the relationship. Even when dealing with narcissistic family members, it is possible to define the relationship on our own terms and set clear expectations for mutual interactions.

    • Strategies for Dealing with a Narcissist: Leverage, Goals, and BoundariesIn order to negotiate successfully with a narcissist, have a clear vision of your goals, use documentation to hold them accountable, and assert your boundaries to prevent further manipulation.

      When dealing with a narcissist, having a clear strategy and leveraging your documentation is key. To negotiate with a narcissist, it is important to have a vision of what you want to achieve and not let yourself be manipulated. Create specific goals, like being able to peacefully discuss your child at a school function, and use this vision as your strategy. Leverage your leverage by using documentation to remind the narcissist of their previous statements and hold them accountable. This may involve ethically manipulating the manipulator by giving them something they want to get what you want. Remember, it is necessary to be on the offensive and assert your boundaries when dealing with a narcissist, as they are unlikely to leave you alone otherwise.

    • Dealing with Narcissists: Understanding and LeverageBy understanding narcissists and leveraging their tendencies, you can assert your needs while anticipating their tactics, ultimately gaining satisfaction and freedom through standing up to them.

      Dealing with narcissists requires understanding their tendencies and using leverage to your advantage. Recognize that they constantly seek ego fuel and be prepared to give them what they want, even if it's unpleasant. Document their actions and words to have evidence and leverage in confrontational situations. By supplying them with what they desire, you can create opportunities to assert your own needs and desires. Anticipate their tactics and be two steps ahead, tailoring your approach based on the type of narcissist you're dealing with. Finally, stand in your authentic power, adopt a winning mindset, and choose between being right and achieving victory. The satisfaction and freedom gained by standing up to narcissists far outweigh any challenges faced.

    • Reclaim Your Power and Rise Above ToxicityThrough Rebecca Zung's programs, we can learn to disconnect from toxic influences, reclaim our agency, and create a better life for ourselves, even in the face of challenges and narcissistic individuals.

      We have the power to define our own value and not give it away to toxic people or narcissism. Rebecca Zung's programs have empowered countless individuals to reclaim their agency and become powerful in their own right. It is a magical and transformative process that can be life-changing. By learning the tools, strategies, and scripts shared by Rebecca, we can become the "good witch" in our own lives, confidently raising our hand and saying, "You have no power here." We can disconnect from toxic influences and rise above their manipulative tactics. With these newfound abilities, we can create a better life for ourselves, regardless of the challenges we face, even when there's a narcissist involved. Remember, you are loved, believed in, and capable of achieving great things.

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    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    By the time you finish listening, you’ll have an entirely different approach to how you think about life. 

    This is one of the most profound and insightful episodes of all time on The Mel Robbins Podcast. 

    Joining Mel today is the renowned clinical psychologist and spiritual teacher, Dr. Shefali. 

    This conversation strikes deep into the core of what it means to be alive and the mistakes that you are likely to make in every relationship you have. 

    It is an invitation for you to really consider your own experience and how your parent-child relationship impacted you, including how you show up in your day-to-day life and how you do (or will) show up as a parent. 

    Dr. Shefali will help you break cycles and reparent yourself. She’ll give you the steps to find your authentic self and maybe even have a spiritual awakening. 

    And you’ll learn the BEST advice for raising kids (and supporting adult children) that Mel has ever heard. 

    Dr. Shefali received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University. She's an expert in family dynamics and is known as the pioneer of the conscious parenting movement. She specializes in the integration of Western psychology and Eastern philosophy and is a New York Times bestselling author of 7 books.

    Her simple words will change how you think about yourself, your life, and your relationships in a whole new way. 

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Shefali’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this enlightening episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

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    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next with Dr. Adam Alter, who is mentioned in today’s episode: 6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

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    You're going to want to share this conversation and all the juicy details with every one of your friends, and most importantly, your significant other.

    Great sex starts today.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Rena Malik’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same.

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    Before You Waste Time, Listen to This

    Before You Waste Time, Listen to This

    In today’s episode, you’re going to learn how to take back control of your time. 

    New research shows that you’ll spend 20 years of your life on your screens. 

    It’s time to stop wasting your time – and your life – and learn how to use technology in a way that works for you, your brain, and your body.

    Here to deliver the wake up call of a lifetime is Dr. Alok Kanojia, MD.

    Dr. Kanojia, also known as Dr. K, is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in modern mental health and the impact of technology on the brain. He is beloved by the millions of fans of his YouTube channel Healthy Gamer for his clear, no-nonsense advice about motivation, technology, and making the most of your life.

    You will be shocked by what Dr. K shares with you about:

    - Why you feel tired all the time.

    - The impact that looking at your phone in your has on your attention span.

    - Why you don’t want to do anything after binging hours of social media.

    - How to know if you truly have a problem with your technology.

    - The exact scripts to talk to someone whose phone, social media, or game use is concerning you. 

    This episode is a resource that you are absolutely going to want to share with everyone that you know.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Alok Kanojia’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this episode with NYU’s Dr. Adam Alter, that also discusses the impact of technology: 6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better.

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    Transform Your Life at Any Moment: The Surprising Science of Happiness

    Transform Your Life at Any Moment: The Surprising Science of Happiness

    Today, you’ll learn the surprising science of what creates a meaningful life, based on 8 decades of research.  

    This conversation is so profound that you might need to take a second listen. 

    Prepare to laugh, cry, and leave feeling empowered to find and create the happiness and connection that you want. 

    Because the truth is, you can transform your life at any moment. 

    There is nothing more important than this conversation. 

    Because by the time you are done listening, you will understand how one tiny step might just change how you think about your entire life. 

    Get ready to be blown away by the groundbreaking research and heartwarming stories that will prove just how powerful unexpected connections can truly be. 

    And more importantly, how you can start making them today. 

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love this conversation with Harvard’s Dr. Robert Waldinger: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness

    This episode is sponsored by our exclusive insurance partner, Amica.

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    How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    Do you want to know the secret to unlocking motivation in yourself or someone you love? 

    If you want to change any behavior for the better…. 

    Or if you’ve got someone in your life (don’t we all?!) who you wish would change… 

    Today’s episode is for you. 

    You’ll learn why guilt, pressure, fear, crying, threats, and ultimatums will not help anyone change, and there’s a scientific reason why. 

    Then, you’ll learn the 3 very specific tactics that inspire anyone to quickly change their behavior for the better, including specific scripts that you can use with even the most stubborn people.

    Teaching you today is #1 neuroscientist, Dr. Tali Sharot. She’s here to debunk the myths of behavior change and teach you how to make any change, big or small. 

    Dr. Sharot is a behavioral neuroscientist, professor at both University College London and MIT,  and the director of the Affective Brain Lab at University College London.

    Her research integrates neuroscience, behavioral economics, and psychology to study motivation and behavior change.

    By the time you finish listening, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to create any change you want.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Tali Sharot’s research, website, and social media click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this episode: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same.

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    311: How Family Dynamics Can Lead to Self-Betrayal W / Tanya Cole-Lesnick

    311: How Family Dynamics Can Lead to Self-Betrayal W / Tanya Cole-Lesnick

    Tanya Cole-Lesnick has been a psychotherapist (licensed clinical social worker) and coach since 1995. She received her master’s degree in social work from New York University after group therapy changed her life. She has extensive experience in outpatient hospital mental health, private practice, and wellness center settings. From those experiences over the years she has identified her most important focus—helping people to clear energetic clutter so they can focus on what matters most to them. She does this by helping clients to access and honor their truth, to change habits that don’t serve them, and to heal faulty narratives so that they are living in alignment inside and out. Her work revolves around a combination of intimate therapeutic groups and individual sessions, as the sharing of inner worlds and being human together in a safe space—collectively and individually—is an incredibly powerful combination that leads to lasting transformation. 


    In This Episode 

    • People pleasing and identity 

    • Learning to say “no”  

    • Second level boundaries 



    (Rewind): Don't Do THIS If You're In A Relationship With A Narcissist...

    (Rewind): Don't Do THIS If You're In A Relationship With A Narcissist...
    It's hard enough dealing with a toxic relationship, but it's even worse if you don't have a strong sense of boundaries to put up when you see behaviour you shouldn't tolerate.

    In this clip, Matthew, Stephen, Audrey, and Jameson discuss how to implement self-care to protect yourself when you have the tendency to sacrifice your needs for others.

    Follow Matt @thematthewhussey
    Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey


    ►► Stop Waiting and Start Creating the Happiness You Deserve NOW - Claim your spot on my Virtual Retreat, June 2 - 4, 2023 → MHVirtualRetreat.com

    30. One Way Street

    30. One Way Street

    For the Freudian Slip and to support us please go to our Patreon


    This week Katie and Helen look at the relationship between a Mother and Daughter in Law, and how the Daughter in Law is being scapegoated by her MIL for 'stealing' the son. 

    They look at where the boundaries are and how to change the dynamic.

    We're writing a book!! Sign up here for more information as it comes!

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    For the Freudian Slip and to support us please go to our Patreon

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    And to submit your own question, please email insightpodcastuk@gmail.com

    This episode is edited by Sam Atkinson you can contact him here.