
    Side Effects of Narcissists (with Candice Thompson)

    enMarch 06, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Narcissism: A Deep DiveEmpaths may attract narcissists due to their open nature. Recognizing narcissism can lead to liberation from toxic relationships. Distinguish between narcissism as a trait and disorder. Personal experience and research provide valuable insights.

      Understanding narcissism and dealing with narcissists can be a deep and complex process. Empaths, who are open and giving, often attract narcissists due to their nature. Candace Thompson, a comedian and researcher, shares her extensive knowledge on the topic, having experienced it herself and through research. Narcissism is an extreme form of self-love, and recognizing it in people in our lives can be shocking but also liberating. During this episode, listeners may realize they need to make decisions to protect themselves from toxic relationships. It's important to distinguish between narcissism as a personality trait and a full-blown narcissistic personality disorder. Both Candace and the speaker, as empaths, have gained insight into narcissism through personal experience and research. This episode is a deep dive into the topic and may be uncomfortable, but it could lead to valuable insights and decisions for the listeners.

    • The importance of narcissism for successBelieving in yourself and your abilities beyond societal limitations is essential for success. Narcissism is a tool to help overcome self-doubt and societal pressure, but it should not consume you.

      Having a healthy dose of narcissism is essential for success, especially in creative industries. Narcissism is not an all-or-nothing trait; it's a spectrum. It's the nerve to believe in yourself and your abilities beyond societal limitations. It's the confidence to pursue your dreams, even when others may doubt you. However, it's crucial not to let narcissism become a lifestyle, where you believe everyone admires you and validate your self-worth. Instead, it should be a tool to help you overcome self-doubt and societal pressure. Remember, having confidence in yourself and your abilities is not a bad thing, but it's essential to keep it in check and not let it consume you.

    • Understanding Narcissism: Prioritizing Self-NeedsNarcissism involves prioritizing one's needs over others, using tactics like manipulation and lies. It's essential to recognize potential narcissistic behavior and protect oneself from negative effects.

      Narcissism is a complex and often manipulative behavior where individuals prioritize their own needs and desires above others. They may use tactics such as manipulation, lies, gaslighting, and building trust to achieve their goals, often without the other person's awareness. Narcissism can take many forms and isn't always obvious or extreme. It's essential to understand that recognizing narcissistic behavior in oneself may indicate a lack of self-awareness, and true narcissists typically do not have this level of introspection. It's important to be aware of the potential presence of narcissism in our relationships and to protect ourselves from its negative effects. Narcissism can provide a temporary boost to our ego, but it can also lead to disruptive and harmful behavior towards others.

    • Self-love vs. Self-centerednessAcknowledge intentions and nuance in conversations, be mindful of language usage, and avoid creating false controversy for healthy relationships.

      Self-love is important, but it becomes unhealthy when it leads to putting others at risk for the preservation of one's own feelings. The speaker shares her personal experiences with self-centeredness and self-love, acknowledging the importance of intentions and nuance in conversations. She also mentions the challenges of miscommunication and the importance of being aware of language usage. The conversation touches on topics such as narcissism, self-awareness, and the potential for misunderstanding in text-based communication. The speakers emphasize the importance of being mindful of one's actions and intentions, and the need to avoid creating false controversy. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness and effective communication in building healthy relationships.

    • Understanding Gaslighting in Narcissistic RelationshipsRecognize manipulative behaviors like gaslighting from narcissists and set boundaries to protect oneself from emotional abuse.

      Dealing with a narcissist involves recognizing their manipulative behaviors, particularly gaslighting. Narcissists may feign awareness of their actions and even use attention-seeking tactics to keep you engaged. Gaslighting is a key component, as it involves making someone doubt their own perception of reality for the sake of the narcissist's lies. These toxic behaviors can make it difficult to distinguish between difficult individuals and full-blown narcissists. However, when manipulation and gaslighting become apparent, it's crucial to acknowledge the situation and take steps to protect oneself. Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation where a person makes someone doubt their own perception of reality for the sake of the narcissist's lies. Narcissists may feign awareness and even use attention-seeking tactics to keep you engaged in a cycle of toxic behavior. It's essential to recognize these patterns and set boundaries to protect oneself from the damaging effects of narcissistic abuse.

    • Understanding Narcissistic Behavior and Coping with Gaslighting from Family MembersEstablish boundaries, maintain distance, and find balance in dealing with narcissistic family members to avoid manipulative tactics like gaslighting. Recognize signs of gaslighting and seek self-preservation while maintaining honesty and openness.

      Recognizing and coping with narcissistic behavior, especially from family members, can be challenging. Gaslighting, a common tactic used by narcissists, involves denying or distorting reality to make the victim question their own sanity. It's essential to establish boundaries and maintain a certain distance to avoid getting swept into their manipulative tactics. Unfortunately, you can't escape family members, so finding a balance between honesty, openness, and self-preservation is crucial. This can be particularly difficult when dealing with a friend-turned-partner, as the dynamics of the relationship may change when intimacy is introduced. Understanding that narcissistic tendencies are not equitable and recognizing the signs of gaslighting can help individuals navigate these complex relationships.

    • Be Aware of Red Flags in Relationships: Los Angeles as the 'Galapagos of Narcissism'Stay vigilant for red flags in relationships, especially love bombing, as people may present different facets of themselves in different contexts, even in long-term acquaintances or family members. Keep asking questions.

      Los Angeles is often referred to as the "Galapagos of narcissism," and it's essential to be aware of red flags in various relationships, including romantic and familial ones. Love bombing, where someone pretends to be all about you immediately, is a common red flag. It can be particularly tricky when transitioning from a platonic to a romantic relationship, as you may think you know the person well. However, it's crucial to remember that people may present different facets of themselves in different contexts, and you don't fully know someone. Even long-term acquaintances or family members can have hidden agendas or secrets. Keep your eyes peeled for red flags, but remember that they may not be as concrete as you'd like, and it's essential to stay vigilant. As Paulo Coelho, the author of "The Alchemist," once said, "Never stop asking questions."

    • Staying Vigilant with Narcissistic IndividualsBe aware of manipulative tactics, set healthy boundaries, and communicate clearly to cope with narcissistic individuals and protect emotional well-being.

      While trusting people is important, it's also crucial to be aware of their intentions and actions. Narcissistic individuals may use manipulative tactics, such as love bombing, deflecting criticism, and centering themselves in situations, to seek constant attention and validation. To cope with such individuals, particularly in familial relationships, setting healthy boundaries is essential. This may involve limiting engagement, managing expectations, and communicating clearly. Remember, narcissistic behavior is characterized by a relentless pursuit of attention and validation, so staying vigilant and setting boundaries can help protect your emotional well-being.

    • Setting boundaries with toxic family membersUnderstand your limits, acknowledge negative impact, seek therapy, and prioritize emotional well-being.

      Recognizing and setting boundaries with toxic family members, particularly those exhibiting narcissistic behaviors, is a challenging journey of self-discovery. It's essential to understand your limits and stick to them, even if it means distancing yourself from a close relative. This process involves acknowledging the negative impact of their behaviors on you and dealing with the resulting emotional trauma through therapy. Narcissism is not treatable as a mental illness due to the narcissist's lack of recognition of their condition. While it's possible to maintain a superficial friendship, deep relationships are not recommended due to the self-centered nature of narcissists. Ultimately, prioritizing your emotional well-being is crucial, even if it means making difficult decisions.

    • Setting Healthy Boundaries with NarcissistsRecognize narcissistic behavior, establish healthy boundaries, and protect yourself from negative impacts. Cutting off toxic relationships is crucial for emotional well-being.

      While acknowledging the pain and potential root causes of narcissistic behavior, it's crucial to establish healthy boundaries and protect oneself from the negative impacts. Narcissists, who mask deep self-hatred with a grandiose exterior, often manipulate and hurt others. Their insecurities lead them to put on a facade, avoiding self-reflection. It's important to recognize the difference between healthy narcissism and full-blown personality disorders. Establishing boundaries, including cutting off toxic relationships, is essential for maintaining emotional well-being. Narcissists, even those at high levels of power, can be some of the most insecure individuals, and their manipulative tactics can be deceptive. Remember, setting healthy boundaries and protecting yourself is not an act of cruelty, but rather an act of self-love and respect.

    • Narcissistic individuals use busy schedules to manipulateBelieve and support victims of manipulation, regardless of race. Be cautious of potential predators.

      Narcissistic individuals can be destructive and manipulative, often using their busy schedules as a way to guilt others into complying with their desires. This was illustrated in a story shared about a man who tried to manipulate a woman into coming over despite her exhaustion, using the excuse of being a "very busy man." Unfortunately, when women of color speak out about such experiences, they can face backlash and be accused of trying to ruin the reputation of the entire race. The importance of believing and supporting victims was emphasized, as well as the need to be cautious and aware of potential predators. The speaker also shared a personal experience of meeting a comedian named Candace, who was a kind and genuine person in contrast to the narcissistic individuals discussed.

    • The Importance of Authentic FriendshipsAuthentic friendships, built on trust and open communication, are crucial for personal and professional growth. Prioritize honesty, understanding, and maintaining open dialogue to foster strong bonds.

      Authentic and genuine friendships, built on trust and open communication, are essential for personal and professional growth. The speaker, Amanda, emphasizes the importance of having a best friend and someone who has her back, especially as a black woman comedian in an industry that often limits representation. She values Candace's honesty and their ability to have difficult conversations, which has allowed them to form a strong bond. They both acknowledge the presence of narcissism within themselves but prioritize listening and understanding to maintain their friendship. The artists' sensitivity and passion for their craft necessitate open dialogue to ensure everyone is on the same page. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity, communication, and trust in forming meaningful relationships.

    • Perspectives on Jennifer Lopez's Motown TributeDespite disagreement with popular opinion, it's important to stand by beliefs and engage in respectful dialogue. Self-improvement and knowledge pursuit are valuable.

      Perspectives and experiences can greatly influence opinions, even on seemingly objective matters like evaluating a celebrity's performance. The speaker in this conversation expressed strong disagreement with the general consensus that Jennifer Lopez's Motown tribute was excellent, and faced backlash for it. The conversation also touched upon the complexities of race and identity, with the speaker arguing that Lopez, despite her Puerto Rican heritage, does not identify as black or Afro-Latina. The speaker's unwavering stance on this issue, despite pushback, highlights the importance of standing by one's beliefs and engaging in thoughtful and respectful dialogue. Additionally, the conversation underscores the value of self-improvement and the pursuit of knowledge, as the speaker has dedicated much of their life to these pursuits.

    • Recognizing Harmful BehaviorsWhile honesty is important, it doesn't excuse destructive behaviors. Recognize and address harmful actions to foster positive relationships.

      While honesty is important, it doesn't excuse harmful or destructive behavior. In the conversation discussed, the friend acknowledged that some people may be honest with themselves about their negative actions or traits, but that doesn't make them any less problematic or unacceptable. The friend also shared a personal story about a narcissistic ex-partner who claimed not to listen to songs by women, and how this revelation ultimately led to the end of their relationship. The friend saw this as an example of unawareness and a lack of consideration for others, which is a hallmark of narcissistic behavior. The conversation emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing harmful behaviors, and choosing to surround oneself with positive and healthy relationships.

    • Testing and strengthening friendships through unexpected situationsRecognizing and challenging harmful behaviors, self-reflection, communication, and standing up for what is right are essential in building and maintaining meaningful relationships.

      Friendships can be tested and strengthened through unexpected situations. The speaker shared a story about setting up a comedian who had made a racist comment to her, resulting in his embarrassment on stage. This experience showed the depth of their friendship and the speaker's willingness to challenge harmful beliefs. Another key takeaway is the importance of self-awareness and acknowledging biases, as well as the impact of internalized hatred and discrimination. The conversation also touched on the complexities of navigating relationships and the importance of recognizing and challenging harmful behaviors. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of self-reflection, communication, and standing up for what is right in building and maintaining meaningful relationships.

    • Living with a narcissist can make you feel disoriented and unsure of realityRecognize signs of emotional abuse by a narcissist, seek help, and protect your sense of reality.

      Being in a relationship with a narcissist can make you feel like you've lost control and agency over your own life. This can manifest in feeling unsafe, walking on eggshells, and questioning reality itself. Emotional abuse by a narcissist can leave you feeling disoriented and unsure of yourself, often leading to being labeled as "crazy" by the abuser. It's crucial to recognize these signs and seek help if you find yourself in such a situation. The clarity and certainty of your reality should never be manipulated or misused by someone else. If you feel that you're in a dream-like state, unsure of what's real, it may be time to leave the relationship. Remember, it's important to speak up and tell a friend if you notice someone exhibiting abusive behavior. O'Reilly Auto Parts, on a different note, offers professional expertise and knowledge to help you with any automotive needs you may have.

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    You can purchase Rebecca’s book, ‘SLAY the Bully: How to Negotiate with a Narcissist and Win’, here: https://a.co/d/bLWp5YZ


    Follow Rebecca Zung:

    Instagram: instagram.com/rebeccazung

    Webpage: rebeccazung.com

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    Xo Mel 


    Want me to answer your question on the podcast? Submit it here.


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    • 14:40: Do you have a friend who criticizes you? Listen to this.
    • 17:30: Make sure you are ready with THIS before you start your conversation.
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