
    (Rewind): Don't Do THIS If You're In A Relationship With A Narcissist...

    enMay 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Empathy towards others should not come at the expense of your own well-beingBe mindful of the balance between empathy towards others and self-care, as not letting your empathy negatively impact your own well-being can lead to manipulation and toxic cycles.

      While empathy towards others is important, it should not come at the expense of your own well-being. It's crucial to ensure that you're taking care of yourself as well, and not getting caught up in a toxic cycle where you're constantly putting others before yourself. Empathy extended outwards is beautiful, but it can become dangerous if you can't extend it back to yourself. This doesn't mean that you should always put yourself first, but rather that you should be mindful of the balance and not let your empathy negatively impact your own well-being. Manipulative individuals may use their past or your empathy to exploit you, so it's essential to be aware of this and prioritize your own needs as well. Remember, your empathy towards others should not come at the detriment of your own self-care.

    • Being empathetic can make us vulnerable to manipulationRecognize when empathy is being used as an excuse for harmful behaviors and set healthy boundaries.

      Being overly empathetic can make us vulnerable to people who exploit our kindness. Narcissistic individuals are particularly skilled at manipulating our empathy by sharing their past hardships, which can lead us to let down our boundaries and overlook their harmful behaviors. However, it's essential to recognize the difference between using our past as a context for understanding our present struggles and using it as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for our actions. By being aware of this dynamic, we can avoid falling into a toxic relationship pattern and learn to set healthy boundaries.

    • Empathy can be manipulated if not practiced with self-compassion and healthy boundariesEmpathy is valuable but requires self-compassion and healthy boundaries to avoid manipulation. Prioritize your own well-being to create a complete and healthy cycle of compassion.

      Empathy, while a valuable quality, can be manipulated by others if not practiced with self-compassion and healthy boundaries. Manipulative individuals may use our empathetic nature against us by sharing their past struggles or appealing to our sense of kindness. Conversely, they may weaponize our empathetic behavior by making us feel guilty for not being understanding enough. It's crucial to recognize this dynamic and prioritize our own well-being, as extending compassion to others without extending it to ourselves creates an incomplete and potentially harmful cycle. Empathy has no limits, and we can extend it to anyone, including those who treat us poorly. However, it's essential to remember that self-compassion is just as important as compassion for others. As Jack Kornfield wisely stated, our compassion for people is incomplete if it doesn't extend to ourselves. Avoid getting stuck in repetitive roles in relationships and prioritize setting healthy boundaries to protect yourself from emotional manipulation.

    • Empathy vs. Sacrifice in RelationshipsEmpathy doesn't mean sacrificing oneself or enabling harmful behaviors. Maintain boundaries and prioritize personal well-being.

      While empathy and love are important in relationships, it's crucial to distinguish between giving love and sacrificing oneself. Giving in to someone else's needs constantly, especially when they exhibit problematic behaviors like selfishness or addiction, can lead to an unhealthy dynamic. This dynamic can result in a cycle of enabling and repeating harmful patterns. Empathy should not equate to proactive forgiveness that allows the person to continuously harm us. Instead, it's essential to maintain boundaries and prioritize our own well-being. The danger lies in making excuses for their behavior, attributing it to their past or genetics, and using it as a justification to stay involved romantically. This dynamic can lead to a relationship with no limits, potentially causing significant harm.

    • Empathy vs. Healthy BoundariesEmpathy is important, but don't let it blur boundaries. Draw a line and assert healthy boundaries to protect yourself from further harm.

      While empathy is a valuable emotion, it's crucial not to let it blur the boundaries of healthy relationships. Empathy should not be used as an excuse to forgive and let destructive individuals back into your life. At some point, it becomes necessary to draw a line and assert boundaries to protect yourself from further harm. This means acknowledging that you cannot trust someone with your heart, time, energy, or future if they have proven to be untrustworthy. By maintaining a sense of compassion but not allowing for close, proactive empathy, you can prevent further damage to your life. Additionally, the speaker encourages considering attending their virtual retreat in June for personal growth and gaining valuable tools to start a fresh chapter in life.

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

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    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
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    In this conversation, Rebecca discusses topics like:

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    The link between narcissism and divorce.

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    The reason why a narcissist actually fears you.

    The definition of love bombing and why it’s so addictive.

    What the 3 phases of a narcissistic relationship are.

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    The 4-step process to getting your power back from a narcissist.

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    What to look for as signs that you are dating, engaged to, or married to a narcissist.


    You can purchase Rebecca’s book, ‘SLAY the Bully: How to Negotiate with a Narcissist and Win’, here: https://a.co/d/bLWp5YZ


    Follow Rebecca Zung:

    Instagram: instagram.com/rebeccazung

    Webpage: rebeccazung.com

    Watch the episodes on YouTube: https://bit.ly/45OWCNr

    Check out my book, The High 5 Habit: https://a.co/d/g1DQ8Pt

    Follow me:

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    Sign up for my newsletter: https://bit.ly/46PVnPs 

    Want more resources? Go to my podcast page at melrobbins.com/podcast.


    Narcissism, Death, and Expectations

    Narcissism, Death, and Expectations
    Dr Judy WTF (What the Freud) broadcasts every Thursday at 8:00 PM Pacific Time in the USA. You can see us live at www.UBNradio.com on Channel 2. It is a call in show. Get on the Couch with your Emotional Ouch USA – 323-843-2826 or Internationally – SKYPE – UBNradio2 The family wish is that the dying narcissist finally break down and apologize for all the abuse they inflicted in their lifetime. Don't hold your breath, most die as they live…with little remorse and little to no empathy. Narcissists are injured people who derive their narcissistic supplies from others. As they demean devalue and destroy the people around them, they also destroy the opportunity to be supported and loved at the end of their life. Remaining family members such as siblings are oftentimes left fighting amongst themselves, squabbling over family inheritance. We Shrunk That Tune, :Apologize” by Timberland