
    Pandemic Path to Transhumanism with Dr Tim Coles

    enMarch 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Myth of Free Will and Human EmotionsNeuroscientists and philosophers question the existence of free will and the nature of human emotions, warning that technology may manipulate them better than humans can understand themselves, potentially giving totalitarian regimes control over human behavior.

      According to neuroscientist DJ Coles and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari, advances in technology and science are raising questions about the nature of free will and human emotions. Harari argues that from a physical or biological perspective, free will is a myth, and feelings are just biochemical algorithms. He also warns that as technology advances, algorithms may be able to understand and manipulate human emotions better than humans can understand themselves, leading to a shift in authority from humans to algorithms. This could potentially give totalitarian or authoritarian regimes the capacity to control human behavior in subtle and complete ways. Transhumanism, the integration of machines and human beings, is seen by some, including the World Economic Forum, as a means to achieve such control and manage global populations. It's important to note that these ideas may be controversial and may be dismissed as paranoid by some. However, it's worth considering the implications of these technological advancements and the potential impact on individual autonomy and privacy.

    • The rise of authoritarian control through tech, finance, and pharmaTechno-fascism and biofascism are accelerating with the pandemic, as tech giants, financial institutions, and pharma companies consolidate power, threatening democracy and individual freedom

      The world is witnessing a shift towards authoritarian control through various vectors, including tech companies, financial institutions, and pharmaceutical industries. This trend, which some call techno-fascism or biofascism, has been building for decades, with figures like B.F. Skinner advocating for technological control over people. The pandemic has accelerated this process, with invasive medical procedures and data collection becoming the norm. Meanwhile, financial institutions like BlackRock and Vanguard have amassed immense power, buying up institutional shareholdings of major tech, pharma, and media companies, and profiting from chaos. Tech giants, once spun off from military research and development, have become monopolies, with CEOs amassing centibillionaire fortunes. Pharmaceutical companies have also captured regulatory bodies, leading to concerns about biased decision-making. This consolidation of power in the hands of a few unaccountable entities poses a threat to democracy and individual freedom.

    • The intersection of tech, gov, and corporate power over data and biologyEntities like Google, big pharma, and the WEF wield significant influence, using propaganda and mandates to maintain control over our data and biology, raising ethical concerns about the future of humanity

      The intersection of technology, government, and corporate power has led to a concerning level of authoritarianism and control over individual data and biology. This process began decades ago with projects like brain-machine interfaces and expanded after 9/11 with inflated budgets for intelligence agencies. Today, entities like Google, big pharma, and the World Economic Forum wield significant influence, using propaganda and mandates to maintain their power. Transhumanism, the push for human enhancement through technology, fits into this narrative as corporations privatize and control our data and even our biology, raising ethical concerns about the future of humanity. The World Economic Forum, despite its progressive rhetoric, serves as an ideological cover for this system, co-opting revolutionary leaders and creating a managerial class. Ultimately, the future of our data, our biology, and even our existence is at stake in this power struggle between individuals and these authoritarian entities.

    • Human Enhancement through Technology: Augmentation vs End of HumanityThe integration of technology into human life raises concerns about job displacement, censorship, and monopolistic power held by a few corporations as technology becomes increasingly invasive and biological, with potential societal challenges from automation and the need for managing populations affected by it.

      Transhumanism, the movement focused on human enhancement through technology, is divided into two main schools of thought: augmentation and the end of humanity. Technology is becoming increasingly invasive and biological, with examples ranging from mobile phones to potential brain implants. This trend, driven by the tech pharma complex, raises concerns about job displacement, censorship, and monopolistic power held by a few corporations. The World Economic Forum and tech leaders like Elon Musk discuss potential societal challenges arising from automation and the need for managing populations affected by it. The intellectual class, potential revolutionaries, and political leaders are being captured and absorbed into the system, creating a hierarchy of knowledge and maintaining control through fear of crises.

    • The Class Divide Overshadows Political IdeologiesNeoliberalism's roots in imperialism contradict its liberal values, the left's stance on big pharma has reversed, the internet's democratizing potential has been overshadowed by manipulation and control, and power dynamics shape the information landscape.

      The lines between traditional political ideologies have become blurred, and the distinction between those who identify as left or right is increasingly insignificant compared to the class divide. Neoliberalism, which is often misrepresented as a liberal system, has its roots in imperialism and is antithetical to true liberal values. The left's historical criticism of big pharma and distrust of corporate power has been turned on its head during the pandemic, leading many to question the motivations of those in power. The internet, once hailed as a democratizing force, has instead become a tool for emerging totalitarianism, with Wikipedia being a prime example. This supposedly neutral source of information is actually controlled by big corporations, including big pharma, and is used to redefine reality and systematically slander those who challenge the pharmaceutical paradigm. The result is a manipulation of information that serves the interests of the powerful few at the expense of the powerless many.

    • Manipulation of Wikipedia by Bots, Trolls, and CorporationsWikipedia's neutrality is compromised by biased editing from bots, trolls, and corporations, potentially influencing democratic structures and the spread of information.

      Wikipedia, despite being perceived as a democratic and free platform, is influenced by bots, trolls, and even paid PR people from corporations. These entities manipulate the editing process, creating a conflict of interest that normalizes biased information. Brilliant minds, including Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky, have fallen prey to this propaganda, especially during the pandemic when fear and dialectical thinking led many to support authoritarian measures from big pharma. The control mechanism lies in senior editing rooms, where disputes over new entries are resolved, often favoring corporate interests. This manipulation of information undermines democratic structures and highlights the need for critical thinking and skepticism towards sources of information.

    • Dangerous inversion of values in politicsPolitical climate obsessed with hating certain figures leads to suppression of democratic rights and freedoms, eroding nuanced debate and individual rights.

      The current political climate has seen a dangerous inversion of values, particularly within the Democratic Party. Instead of fostering dialogue and understanding, there has been a toxic obsession with hating certain figures, such as Donald Trump, which has led to the suppression of fundamental democratic rights and freedoms. This has resulted in an authoritarian environment where individuals are coerced into complying with mandates, such as vaccine requirements, under the guise of the greater good. The loss of nuanced debate and the erosion of individual rights is a concerning development, and it's essential to challenge these trends and return to the core values of freedom and dialogue. Additionally, it's crucial to question the motivations behind these mandates and ensure that they are grounded in sound reasoning and evidence.

    • Political Climate Driving Extremes: Fear and Lack of Critical ThinkingTo counter the rise of extremes, we need to find common ground, educate people, and reclaim democratic values through protests, community organizations, and raising concerns with corporations.

      The current political climate is driving people towards extremes due to fear and a lack of critical thinking, leading to the abandonment of traditional liberal democratic values. This is evident in the rise of right-wing politics and the acceptance of new totalitarian systems like vaccine passports, digital currencies, and facial recognition. To counter this, we need to find common ground and educate people about how we got here. Opportunities for change include public protests, raising concerns with corporations, and forming community organizations. The power of sustained protest has already shown success in dropping vaccine mandates in some countries. Ultimately, it's essential to come together and reclaim our democratic values, even if it means facing uncomfortable truths and taking action against the status quo.

    • Respecting individual rights and freedomsCoercion is counterproductive, respecting individual rights and freedoms is crucial even during disagreements, successful protests against mandates, and DJ Kohls' valuable perspective on complex issues.

      Respecting individual rights and freedoms is crucial, even during times of disagreement. DJ Kohls emphasized the importance of not coercing people into actions they don't want to take, such as protests or vaccinations. This perspective, he believes, has contributed to the successful protests against mandates and the subsequent rollback of some mandates. Kohls' insights into the current situation and his eloquent expression of his views make him an invaluable contributor to this podcast. We hope he will continue to join us and share his perspective as we navigate the complex issues of our time.

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Jeff Sharlet

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producers: Zack Travis and Sara Burningham