
    Part Two: George Lincoln Rockwell: The Most Racist American in History

    enMarch 13, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connectionsCreating meaningful social bonds and helping each other out during times of need brings positive change and personal growth.

      Building strong community connections can bring about positive change and prepare us for unexpected situations. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people in our neighborhoods to create meaningful social bonds and help each other out during times of need. Meanwhile, in a different context, the world of gambling offers an escape through games like The Godfather slot at chompacasino.com. However, it's crucial to remember that real-life connections and community building are essential for personal growth and resilience. On a darker note, it's important to acknowledge and learn from history, even if it involves uncomfortable topics. Robert Evans' podcast, Behind the Bastards, sheds light on the life and ideologies of George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of Neo-Nazism and inventor of holocaust denial. While some of the language used in the podcast may be disturbing, it's essential to understand the history and the harm caused by such beliefs. Lastly, finding joy in the little things, like a spring refresh at dd's discounts or the convenience of ZYN nicotine pouches, can make a significant difference in our daily lives. Embrace the spontaneity and convenience that these products offer while being mindful of their potential addictive properties.

    • George Lincoln Rockwell's Disruptive Tactics During MLK's Voter Registration DriveRacist tactics, such as 'n word day' and hate records, were met with resistance during MLK's voter registration drive, demonstrating deep opposition to hateful ideologies in the racially divisive Selma community.

      George Lincoln Rockwell, a prominent white supremacist during the 1960s, attempted to disrupt Martin Luther King Jr.'s voter registration drive in Selma, Alabama, through various racist tactics. His ideas included declaring a "n word day," hanging racist banners, creating a special menu for "jungle life," and distributing hate records. However, these plans were met with resistance from both the local authorities and business owners. Despite his extreme views, even the racially divisive Selma community found his actions unacceptable. This illustrates the deeply entrenched opposition to such hateful ideologies, even during a time of significant racial tension.

    • George Lincoln Rockwell's failed attempt to provoke Martin Luther King Jr.Rockwell's racist provocation towards King brought more attention and donations to the A & P, but failed to create chaos and instead highlighted the power of nonviolent resistance and the enduring impact of MLK's legacy.

      Despite George Lincoln Rockwell's efforts to create chaos and gain attention for the American Nazi Party (A & P) through racist provocations towards civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., the response from the community, particularly the Jewish American community, was not what he had hoped for. While some groups advocated for physical confrontation, most Jewish people preferred a different approach. The brief encounter between Rockwell and King at the courthouse, which was intended to discredit King, actually gained national attention and brought more donations to the A & P. However, it is important to remember the profound impact Martin Luther King Jr. had on civil rights and the world, and how his legacy continues to inspire and unite people. The persistence of hate speech and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, even decades after the Holocaust, underscores the importance of education and dialogue to combat intolerance and promote understanding.

    • Countering hate speech strategies in the pastThe Quarantine Strategy was effective in minimizing public confrontations and denying anti-Semites publicity in the 1940s but proved ineffective against new forms of media and provocative figures in the late 1950s.

      The strategies used to counteract hate speech and anti-Semitic activities have evolved over time. In the 1940s, the Quarantine Strategy was employed by the American Jewish Committee to minimize public confrontations and deny anti-Semites publicity. However, when new forms of media emerged in the late 1950s, this strategy proved ineffective against figures like George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party. Rockwell intentionally provoked violent reactions from opponents, including Jewish veterans, to gain mass publicity. The media coverage of these violent confrontations, in turn, increased the visibility of the Nazi Party. It's important to note that the Jewish community representatives did not threaten to boycott newspapers or television stations that reported on Nazis, as claimed by the Nazis. Instead, they urged media outlets not to cover Nazi events in an attempt to prevent the spread of hate speech. The success of the Quarantine Strategy in the 1940s and its limitations in the late 1950s demonstrate the importance of adapting strategies to address changing circumstances.

    • Extremist groups thrive on conflict and chaosUnderstanding extremist groups' tactics of creating conflict and chaos can help prevent falling into their trap, but confrontational tactics have limitations.

      Extremist groups, such as the Proud Boys, thrive on creating conflict and chaos to gain power and attention. As seen in historical examples like the American Nazi Party led by George Lincoln Rockwell, publicity from violent encounters can lead to increased donations and support. The Proud Boys' strategy is to provoke their opponents and create a sense of anger, which can ultimately benefit them. It's crucial to understand this dynamic and avoid falling into their trap, while also recognizing the limitations of confrontational tactics when dealing with such groups.

    • Leveraging Publicity for Financial Gain and Community ConnectionGeorge Rockwell used publicity to boost donations during a crisis, while Neighbor to Neighbor highlights the importance of community connections. Chumba Casino offers endless entertainment, Mint Mobile provides affordable wireless plans, and spring cleaning can lead to savings and clarity.

      George Rockwell, a protector during a notable event, recognized the power of publicity to boost his contributions and alleviate financial difficulties. He strategically announced rallies to generate media attention, leading to an influx of donations. This tactic is reminiscent of modern-day figures like Joey Gibson. Meanwhile, in a different context, Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building community connections in an uncertain world. On a lighter note, the fun-loving Ryan promotes Chumba Casino as a source of endless entertainment, while Mint Mobile offers an affordable alternative to expensive wireless plans. Lastly, the joy of spring cleaning can lead to unexpected savings and a renewed sense of clarity.

    • Controlling the Narrative and Starving Extremists of Media AttentionEffectively managing media attention can limit extremist influence by either amplifying their message or denying them publicity. Feinberg's 'quarantine' strategy against Rockwell proved successful in reducing his media presence and weakening his movement.

      Publicity and media attention are powerful tools in shaping public opinion and building political movements. The discussion between Rockwell and Feinberg illustrates this concept through their opposing strategies during the 1960s. Rockwell sought media attention to spread his message, while Feinberg aimed to deny him publicity to starve him of resources. Ultimately, Feinberg's "quarantine" strategy proved effective in reducing Rockwell's media presence and limiting his influence. This demonstrates the significance of controlling the narrative and the power of withholding attention as a means of countering extremist ideologies.

    • American Nazi leader's provocative tacticsLincoln Rockwell used a hate bus and blackface to spread hate and gain attention during the 1960s, serving as a reminder to stand against intolerance

      Lincoln Rockwell, a prominent American Nazi leader during the 1960s, employed provocative tactics to gain attention and spread hate. He used a "hate bus" with racist messages to harass civil rights advocates and even wore blackface during a protest by the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. These actions were intended to stir emotions and further his hateful agenda. Despite the shocking nature of these events, it's essential to remember that they are part of history and serve as a reminder of the importance of standing against hate and intolerance.

    • Rockwell's Provocative Tactics for White SupremacyRockwell used stunts, provocative speeches, and exploited racial tensions to gain publicity for his white supremacist agenda, paving the way for modern Neo-Nazi movement.

      George Lincoln Rockwell, the American Nazi Party leader, used stunts and provocative speeches to gain publicity and further his white supremacist agenda. An example of this was the hiring of Lloyd, a mentally ill man, to jump and make unintelligible noises during a public event, which was later used in propaganda materials. This tactic was successful in drawing attention and donations, but the American public's short attention span eventually led to waning interest. In 1966, during a time of racial unrest in the United States, Rockwell capitalized on the situation by stoking racial resentment at a housing development expansion in Chicago. He gave a speech at Marquette Park, where he coined the slogan "America First, White Power," which became a defining aspect of his white supremacist ideology. Rockwell's actions were part of a larger legacy that included Holocaust denial, college trolling, and the promotion of "brain pills." His tactics laid the groundwork for the modern Neo-Nazi movement.

    • Building stronger communities and personal growthInitiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor promote community connections and emergency preparedness, while ZYN offers a nicotine alternative for those looking to quit smoking. Historical discussions reveal the evolution of identity politics and the use of provocative language in political movements.

      There are various initiatives aimed at fostering community connections and personal growth. Neighbor to Neighbor, a volunteer network, encourages people to build stronger relationships with their neighbors and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, ZYN offers a nicotine alternative for those seeking to quit smoking, providing a new way to experience nicotine satisfaction. Lastly, historical discussions reveal the evolution of identity politics and the use of provocative language, such as "white power," in political movements. While some may find these topics controversial, it's essential to recognize the complexities and nuances behind them. Overall, these examples illustrate the importance of community, personal development, and understanding historical contexts.

    • Use of fear and resentment towards black people to radicalize whitesThe American Nazi Party's use of fear and resentment towards black people was more effective in radicalizing whites than promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, as seen during the Chicago open housing protest in 1966.

      The use of fear and resentment towards black people as a means to radicalize whites was more effective for extremist groups like the American Nazi Party than promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. This was evident during the Chicago open housing protest in 1966, where Martin Luther King Jr. and his marchers faced a violent attack from a large, radicalized crowd led by George Lincoln Rockwell. The event marked a significant victory for the American Nazi Party, despite not converting the masses into Nazis. Tragically, Rockwell's own life ended violently at the hands of one of his longest serving stormtroopers, John Patler, using a German Mauser pistol. The aftermath of Rockwell's death was also marked by controversy, as his followers attempted to give him a military funeral with Nazi uniforms and flags, which was denied. The story of Patler and his son's heartfelt essay provides a compassionate insight into the broken backgrounds of those drawn to such hateful ideologies.

    • Regretting Missed Opportunities in Civil Rights MovementGeorge Lincoln Rockwell's impact on hate groups and violent activities was extensive and long-lasting, inspiring future generations.

      George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, deeply regretted not being involved in the civil rights movement during his time. Despite leaving behind a modest estate, his impact on hate groups and violent activities was extensive and long-lasting. If he were alive today, it's debated whether he would align with the Republican or Democratic party, but it's clear he would have pursued a political career with charisma and smart branding. He may have even worked with figures like Roger Stone and Milo Yiannopoulos, despite potential differences in beliefs. Regardless, Rockwell's legacy continues to inspire and influence hate movements, making his impact on history undeniable.

    • The alt-right movement was used by some for personal gain, but figures like Rockwell and Bannon held genuine beliefsThe alt-right movement, while used by some for personal gain, was driven by genuine beliefs of figures like Rockwell and Bannon, who effectively promoted their ideologies and impacted politics and society.

      While figures like William Luther Pierce (William Lane Craig) and Milo Yiannopoulos may have used the alt-right movement for personal gain, individuals like George Lincoln Rockwell and Steve Bannon held genuine beliefs and were effective in promoting their ideologies. Rockwell, a known white nationalist, strategically used identity politics to appeal to a specific voter base, while Bannon, a clever political operator, believed deeply in his beliefs and influenced figures like Donald Trump. Although some individuals may use the movement for personal gain, the underlying ideologies and their impact on politics and society remain significant. If you're interested in learning more about the history of right-wing terrorism and the ideologies behind it, consider supporting my upcoming audiobook, "The War on Everyone," on GoFundMe.

    • Exploring various platforms for news and engaging contentSupport Somewhere News, connect with Neighbor to Neighbor, join Ryan at Chumba Casino, anticipate NFL season schedule, and purchase Leesa's eco-friendly mattress

      There are various platforms where you can access news and engaging content. Somewhere News, for instance, has a YouTube show, a podcast, and social media presence. Patreon.com/somewherenews is where you can support them. Doctor Mistercody and Katie Stoll are on Twitter.com as well. Neighbor to Neighbor is a California volunteer network that encourages building meaningful social bonds within communities. You can learn how to help at canebors.com. Ryan is a fun enthusiast and invites you to join him at Chumba Casino for free social casino games. NFL fans can look forward to the 2024 season schedule on NFL Network, ESPN 2, and NFL plus. Lastly, Leesa's natural hybrid mattress, a collaboration with West Elm, offers a good night's sleep while contributing to a greener tomorrow. Visit leesa.com/iheart to purchase.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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