
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Power of Connections and CreativityBuilding meaningful connections within communities brings hope and prepares us for challenges. Music and technology offer unique ways to connect and be creative.

      Building meaningful connections within our communities can bring hope and prepare us for challenges, as demonstrated by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network. Meanwhile, in entertainment, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" invites us to connect with her story and music. In a different realm, Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards shares his intriguing idea of experimenting with AI to generate unique combinations, like a Carly Rae Jepsen-Epstein hybrid. Despite the potential risks, he finds the concept intriguing. These examples remind us of the power of connections and creativity, whether it's in our neighborhoods, music, or technology.

    • Friendly conversations can influence future pathsEncounters with friends or mentors can inspire significant life choices, but it's important to respect individual autonomy and avoid over-influence.

      Encounters with friends or mentors can have profound impacts on shaping one's future paths, even if the significance of those encounters may be mythologized over time. Mengele's decision to pursue anthropology instead of dentistry, inspired by a conversation with a friend, led him down a path that would eventually contribute to horrific deeds. However, it's important to remember that we cannot predict the consequences of our actions or words, and we should not be overly influential in shaping others' choices. Instead, we should encourage and support them in their decisions, recognizing that they are ultimately responsible for their own paths. Mengele's story serves as a reminder of the power of inspiration, but also of the potential for misuse of that power. It's crucial to approach such situations with caution and respect for individual autonomy.

    • Nazi obsession with eugenics driven by belief in improving peopleThe Nazi regime's belief in eugenics was not based on Aryan superiority but on improving people through scientific guidance and removing 'degenerate' influences. Doctors played a central role in justifying sterilization and even killing in the name of racial health.

      The Nazi regime's obsession with eugenics and the perfection of the German race was driven not by a belief in Aryan superiority, but by a belief in making people "better" through scientific guidance and the removal of "degenerate" influences. This belief was deeply intertwined with the Nazi medical establishment, which held a central role in Hitler's vision for the future. Doctors were seen as essential to the Nazi regime, and their actions, such as sterilization and even killing, were justified in the name of preserving the health of the Volk or racial community. This perspective is important to understand as it distinguishes the Nazi ideology from simple racism and highlights the toxic and dangerous implications of the belief that humans can be "improved" through scientific means.

    • Individuals' complex roles in the HolocaustScientists and academics supported the Nazi regime with their knowledge, selectively using it to fit their beliefs, disregarding moral compasses and ethical standards.

      The Holocaust was not just about the actions of hardcore Nazis, but also about individuals, including scientists and academics, who selectively used their knowledge and expertise to support the Nazi regime's ideology, even if they didn't fully embrace it. Joseph Mengele, a prominent figure in the Holocaust, is an example of this complexity. He was influenced by his professors, some of whom were not committed Nazis, and even shielded Jewish scientists from persecution. However, Mengele cherry-picked their ideas to fit his own beliefs, disregarding their moral compasses and ethical standards. It's a reminder that the history of the Holocaust is nuanced and that individuals' actions during that time were not always black and white.

    • Mengele's Influence from University TeachersMengele admired his teachers, particularly Mollier, but failed to apply their teachings on body-soul unity to his cruel treatment of the dead. His adolescence, marked by isolation, loneliness, and a reliance on a car for socialization, could have been a coming-of-age story if not for his involvement in race science.

      Joseph Mengele, a notorious Nazi doctor, idolized his university teachers, particularly Siegfried Mollier, despite not adhering to their moral values. Mengele was deeply influenced by Mollier's teachings on the unity of body and soul, but failed to apply this concept to his treatment of the dead. During his college years, Mengele's isolation and inability to form meaningful relationships led him to disguise his vulnerability with an air of superiority. This period of his life was marked by his reliance on a car to socialize and his loneliness, which he attempted to mask with cool impersonality. Despite these challenges, Mengele's adolescence could have been the subject of a coming-of-age novel if not for his involvement in race science. The complexities of Mengele's character, as depicted in the text, illustrate the intricacies of human behavior and the disconnect between intellect and morality.

    • Joseph Mengele's Early Career Influenced by Pro-Nazi PediatricianJoseph Mengele's relationship with pro-Nazi pediatrician Franz Hamburger introduced him to twin studies and euthanasia, shaping his future horrific medical experiments during the Holocaust.

      The early career of infamous Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele was influenced by his work with a pro-Nazi pediatrician named Franz Hamburger. This relationship began in 1934 and exposed Mengele to the concept of twin studies, which would become a lifelong fascination for him. Hamburger's clinic advocated for euthanasia and was involved in the murder of disabled children. Despite this dark history, Mengele's association with Hamburger provided him with valuable experience and knowledge that would later contribute to his horrific medical experiments during the Holocaust. Moving on to a lighter topic, there's an exciting deal for those who enjoy mobile games. Monopoly Go offers endless entertainment with new challenges, tournaments, and rewards. Download it for free on the App Store and Google Play to discover something new every time you play. Lastly, let's discuss the importance of community connections. Neighbor to Neighbor is a California volunteer network that empowers individuals to build stronger bonds with their neighbors. In times of need or natural disasters, this organization can help you prepare and support one another. In conclusion, from the dark history of Joseph Mengele's early career to the exciting world of Monopoly Go and the importance of community connections, there's always something new to discover. Whether it's through history, games, or volunteering, take the time to explore and connect with the world around you.

    • The complex history of twin studies for hereditary illnesses and racial differencesDespite ethical challenges and errors, the study of twins for understanding hereditary illnesses and racial differences remains important for scientific progress.

      The study of twins, specifically for the purpose of understanding hereditary illnesses and racial differences, has a complex history. While such studies can yield valuable insights, the pursuit of these studies has often been met with ethical challenges and difficulties in obtaining sufficient research subjects. The case of Joseph Mengele, a prominent researcher in this field during the Nazi era, illustrates these challenges. Mengele's research, though scientifically presented, was controversial due to its focus on racial differences and the unscientific methods employed by some of his colleagues. Modern evaluations of his work have revealed significant errors and a lack of grounding in objective science. Despite these challenges, the pursuit of knowledge in this field continues to be of importance in understanding genetic and health-related differences.

    • Mengele's Unconventional Health Improvement and Nazi Career Turning PointJoseph Mengele's health improved through an unconventional method, then he joined the Nazi party due to academic opportunities in race science, despite his mediocre academic record.

      Joseph Mengele's health improved strangely after pushing himself to run until he bled. This unconventional method worked for him, despite the questionable origins of such a practice. Mengele's career took an unexpected turn when he met Irene Schonbin at the University of Leipzig Medical Clinic, and later received an appointment to work under Nazi doctor Otmar von Verschuer at the Reich Third Reich Institute For Heredity, Biology and Racial Purity. Twin studies were a significant focus during this era, with researchers believing heredity was the key to various human traits and imperfections. Mengele, under von Verschuer's mentorship, became a part of this research, which eventually led him to join the Nazi party in 1938. Despite his mediocre academic performance, Mengele's prior membership in the Stahlhelm granted him special consideration and party membership number 557-4974. This period marked a pivotal point in Mengele's life, leading him down a dark path in the realm of Nazi race science.

    • Determining Jewish Identity in the Nazi CourtsThe Nazi race courts were inconsistent and unpredictable, relying on the opinions of individuals rather than scientific evidence.

      The Nazi judicial system, specifically in determining Jewish identity, was a complex and inconsistent process. Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the "Angel of Death," was tasked with helping the courts decide who was and wasn't Jewish based on physical features. His methods were far from scientific, often relying on the opinions of himself and his assistants, leading to inconsistent rulings. Mengele's obsession with physical features, particularly jaws and ears, led him to spend hours examining evidence and making judgments. Despite his extreme racism, he often found that individuals were not full Jews, which points to the messy and inconsistent nature of the Nazi race courts. This is evident in a case where Mengele ruled that a man was a full Jew, but the court disagreed due to the man's claims of an Aryan father. Overall, the Nazi race courts were not based on rigorous scientific evidence, but rather on the opinions of individuals, making the process confusing and unpredictable.

    • Nazi racial science's inconsistency led Mengele to join the SS for a clearer racial hierarchyMengele joined the SS for a defined racial hierarchy, contrasting the inconsistency of Nazi racial science. Modern times offer precise and consistent targeted advertising, while initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor empower individuals to build bonds and prepare for emergencies, and therapy like BetterHelp offers a safe space for emotional processing.

      The inconsistency and arbitrariness of Nazi racial science had minor consequences for Joseph Mengele, leading him to join the SS in pursuit of a more defined racial hierarchy. This decision was significant, as the SS was evolving into a powerful state within a state dedicated to cultivating a Nazi racial elite. Doctors, including Mengele, joined the SS in greater numbers than any other vocation. Meanwhile, in a stark contrast, the precision and consistency of targeted advertising in modern times should not be questioned. The evidence, such as Monopoly Go's endless new features and tournaments, is undeniable. Furthermore, in the face of uncertainty and disconnected communities, initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor aim to empower individuals to build meaningful social bonds and prepare for emergencies. Lastly, therapy, like BetterHelp, offers a safe space to process emotions and maintain personal well-being, making it an essential tool for navigating life's challenges.

    • Doctors in the SS: Unexpected ProfessionsDuring Nazi Germany, doctors were disproportionately represented in the SS, with women having to undergo rigorous tests to marry SS members.

      During Nazi Germany, doctors were significantly more likely to join the SS than any other profession, with a rate seven times higher than normal employed German males. This may be surprising given that Germany had one of the most advanced medical systems at the time. Hitler was also an early adopter of radio technology, making him akin to a podcast host of his era. In the SS, members were required to get a blood group tattoo, but Mengele, a notable SS member, did not comply due to his vanity. To marry an SS man, a woman had to pass various tests, including physical attributes deemed desirable for the "racial elite." This insight sheds light on the complexities and intricacies of the SS, challenging simplistic views of the organization.

    • Racial purity and SS hierarchyDuring the Nazi era, SS membership required racial purity and confirmed ancestry, limiting opportunities for those unable to prove their lineage.

      During the Nazi era, racial purity was a significant factor in determining an individual's worth and eligibility for certain privileges within the SS. In Irene's case, she was assessed to be primarily of Nordic race with some Dinaric influences, but her ancestry could not be sufficiently confirmed due to her grandfather's birth out of wedlock. This prevented her and her husband, Mengele, from adding their names to the Sippenbuch der SS, which was a genealogical clan book and a source of great honor within the SS. Mengele, despite his promising scientific career, joined the Waffen SS in July 1938, demonstrating the importance of racial purity and lineage in the SS hierarchy. The inability to prove ancestry led to significant limitations, even for those deemed racially desirable.

    • Mengele's Thirst for KnowledgeNotorious Nazi doctor, Joseph Mengele, demonstrated a strong dedication to his research despite preparing for and carrying out heinous war crimes.

      Joseph Mengele, a notorious Nazi doctor, had a strong dedication to his field of study even as he prepared for and carried out heinous war crimes. Before the invasion of Poland, Mengele served in the German military and continued his research on earlobe differences between races and congenital heart defects. He expressed frustration over the lack of autopsy subjects to fully prove his theories. As horrific as it may be, Mengele's thirst for knowledge would soon be satiated through the atrocities committed against innocent people. It's a chilling reminder of the depths some individuals will go to in the pursuit of their beliefs, no matter how morally reprehensible they may be.

    • Building stronger community connectionsEncouraging acts of kindness and support, Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community building. Lucky Land Slots offers daily bonuses for a casino experience and chance to win cash prizes.

      Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community building through acts of kindness and support. Whether it's helping a neighbor in need or enjoying leisure activities together, the goal is to create stronger connections within your community. On a different note, Lucky Land Slots offers the excitement of a casino experience with the chance to win cash prizes. While it's important to remember the age restriction and terms and conditions, the platform provides daily bonuses for free play. Lastly, imagining and planning ideal community additions, such as a wine country, surfing waves, a Redwood forest, and ski slopes, showcases the potential for continuous growth and improvement in a community, much like California, which is known as the ultimate playground for its diverse offerings.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Podcast Banner Background Image: Ivan Mercado (Unsplash - Free Creative Commons Usage)

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