
    Part Two: TB Joshua: The Evangelical Pastor Who Built His Own Hell

    enFebruary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Seizing Opportunities for a ComebackDespite challenges, there are resources for education, financial growth, and personal growth through art.

      No matter what challenges you may be facing in your personal or professional life, there's always an opportunity for a comeback. Whether it's earning a degree that makes you proud or growing your finances, there are resources available to help you make the most of your second chance. Purdue Global, backed by Purdue University, offers a chance for a comeback through education for working adults. Similarly, Navy Federal Credit Union provides opportunities for financial growth and stability. And sometimes, taking a break to immerse yourself in art, like the Amy Winehouse biopic "Back to Black," can offer a much-needed perspective shift. Remember, it's not about the country or circumstances you're in, but the choices you make and the opportunities you seize.

    • Cult leaders use titles to reinforce power and controlT.B. Joshua, a charismatic cult leader, used the title 'daddy' to manipulate and control vulnerable followers, including a homosexual English woman named Ray, who died as a result of his abuse.

      Many cult leaders, including T.B. Joshua, adopt titles or nicknames that reinforce their power and control over followers. T.B. Joshua, who was known as "daddy" to his young female followers, is an example of this manipulative tactic. Ray, an English woman who traveled to Nigeria to see T.B. Joshua in the early 2000s, was one of his followers. She was a strict Christian who had seen videos of his miracles and wanted to witness them firsthand. However, Ray was also homosexual, and she believed that her sexuality was immoral. In the religious environment she was raised in, she wanted to pray away her homosexuality. This desire for spiritual purity made her even more vulnerable to T.B. Joshua's manipulation and control. The essential horror of this situation is that T.B. Joshua, who claimed to perform miracles, used his power to exploit and harm his followers, including Ray, who ultimately died as a result of his abuse.

    • Nigerian Preacher Exploited Vulnerabilities of Different BackgroundsT.B. Joshua manipulatively targeted individuals struggling with their identities and promised miraculous solutions, while also appealing to the hopes and dreams of poor communities, creating a lucrative business based on deceit and exploitation.

      T.B. Joshua, a Nigerian preacher, exploited the vulnerabilities of people from different backgrounds by promising them miraculous solutions to their problems. He targeted individuals struggling with their identities, particularly those in the LGBTQ community, and marketed himself as a powerful figure who could "fix" them. Simultaneously, he appealed to the hopes and dreams of poor communities by promising prosperity. By understanding the cultural nuances of both Western and Nigerian audiences, Joshua effectively lured people to his church, creating a lucrative business. This manipulative approach, though effective, was rooted in deceit and exploitation.

    • Religious leader used deception for followers' trust and devotionNigerian religious leader manipulated followers with false promises of miraculous healings and demanded a significant portion of their income, often using placebos or drugs to trick people into believing they had been cured.

      T.B. Joshua, a popular religious leader in Nigeria, used deception and manipulation to gain the trust and devotion of his followers. He promised miraculous healings and cures, often using placebos or drugs to trick people into believing they had been cured. In some cases, he even drugged sick people without their knowledge and claimed credit for their recovery. He also demanded a significant portion of his followers' income, promising that it would ensure God's blessings. Over the years, he perfected these tactics, relying heavily on the belief in miracles and the desperation of those seeking healing. This manipulation not only harmed individuals but also perpetuated the suffering of those in need by diverting resources and attention away from real solutions.

    • Religious exploitation and HIV healing scamReligious leaders can manipulate vulnerable populations by deceiving them with false promises of healing, ultimately leading to financial gain. Accessible healthcare and critical thinking are essential to combat such exploitation.

      The use of misinformation and manipulation in religious contexts, as seen in the case of the Nigerian prophet TB Joshua and his HIV healing scam, is a form of exploitation that targets vulnerable populations. By deceiving people into believing they have HIV and then curing them, the church was able to gain their trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to financial gain. This is a particularly egregious example of how those in positions of power can manipulate reality to their advantage, regardless of the level of education or resources available to those being deceived. It's a reminder that such deceit and exploitation can occur anywhere, and it's crucial to remain vigilant against it. Additionally, the case highlights the importance of accessible healthcare and the dangers of relying on alternative sources for medical information.

    • Affordable deals from Mint Mobile and Cedar Point contrasted with T.B. Joshua's manipulationBe cautious of charismatic leaders who manipulate and exploit, while enjoying affordable offers from trusted brands

      Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans starting at $15 a month with high-speed data and unlimited talk and text on the nation's largest 5G network. Meanwhile, Cedar Point invites visitors to save on admission, parking, and all-day drinks with a special bundle. However, a disturbing contrast emerges when we delve into the story of T.B. Joshua and his followers. Many young women, lured by the promise of spiritual growth, were instead subjected to sexual abuse and control, with some even being forced into abortions. This dark side of Joshua's power and influence highlights the importance of questioning authority and being aware of potential manipulation.

    • T.B. Joshua's Compound: A Secretive and Dangerous CultT.B. Joshua's compound functioned as a cult where he exercised total control, leading to imprisonment, trafficking, sexual assault, forced abortions, and severe punishments.

      T.B. Joshua's evangelical Christian compound functioned as a cult where he exercised total control over his followers, including imprisonment, trafficking, sexual assault, and forced abortions. This was not a clean and competent facility, but rather a secretive and dangerous place where women were punished for getting pregnant after being raped. Joshua believed that abortion was wrong but saw it as necessary to maintain his own power and control. Victims, including Jessica Kamu from Namibia, were locked away for years and forced to undergo multiple abortions, which could have been fatal. Joshua's temper led to severe punishments, including forced isolation and physical abuse with chains and electrical cables. The compound's residents were also subjected to strict rules, waking up early and staying up late, and forced physical labor. This is one of the most unsettling cult stories, showcasing a level of severity and depth of control that goes beyond typical cult behavior.

    • Hidden Abuses in T.B. Joshua's ChurchT.B. Joshua's Nigerian church hid strict control, abuse, and violence towards members, with confiscation of passports, strict phone access, and competition for Joshua's attention. The Nigerian government supported the church, making speaking out against abuse dangerous.

      T.B. Joshua's religious community in Nigeria, though perceived as a normal church by many, involved a significant level of control, abuse, and even violence towards its members. Living conditions were strict, with followers kept under close surveillance, sleep deprived, and isolated from the outside world. Men were used to abuse women and other men, and competition for Joshua's attention was fierce. Former disciples reported confessions, passport confiscation, and strict permission for phone calls or emails. The community had various levels of security and control, with the closest followers living in the most secure facilities. The Nigerian government, in turn, allowed T.B. Joshua and his followers special privileges due to the economic benefits they brought to the country. Speaking out against the abuse was dangerous due to the authorities' support of the church. This complex situation remained hidden from the public until a BBC investigation in 2024 revealed the truth, leading to attacks and detainment of those who spoke out.

    • Using charities as a shield for alleged abusesControversial Nigerian religious leader T.B. Joshua reportedly used charitable donations to protect himself from international condemnation, while also engaging in unethical practices to maintain control locally.

      T.B. Joshua, a controversial Nigerian religious leader, used charities as a shield to protect himself from potential international condemnation for alleged human rights abuses within his church. He reportedly engaged in bribery and other unethical practices to maintain control locally. However, Joshua was also known for his generous charitable donations and scholarships. The complexity of his operations suggests he may have been inspired by observing other predatory organizations. Former followers claimed this was part of a plan to make any attack against him seem as a threat to charitable funds helping people in Africa. Despite the ethical concerns, Joshua's charitable work did bring significant aid to many.

    • Allegations of Sexual Abuse and Cover-ups in a Nigerian Religious CompoundPopular religious leader T.B. Joshua faced accusations of sexual abuse and cover-ups, with estimates suggesting thousands of victims. Despite resistance, he continued to spread miracles through videos with new verification requirements. The scandal raised questions about power dynamics and accountability in religious organizations.

      T. B. Joshua, a popular Nigerian religious leader, was accused of trying to cover up allegations of sexual abuse and running a prison-like compound where women were raped and abused. He used secrecy and manipulation to deceive his followers, with estimates suggesting thousands of victims over the years. Despite resistance from Nigerian regulators and other Pentecostal leaders, he continued to spread miracles through videos, albeit with new verification requirements. The response from the Pentecostal community was more muted than expected, with some supporting the ban on unverified miracles. The scandal raised questions about the power dynamics and accountability within religious organizations and the challenges of regulating such entities.

    • Nigerian Ban on Miracles: Unintended ConsequencesThe Nigerian ban on miracles may not effectively address concerns, as religious leaders can adapt and spread messages through technology, and some see it as an infringement on religious freedom.

      The ban on miracles in Nigeria, while intended to target specific individuals like T.B. Joshua, can have unintended consequences and may not be effectively enforced due to the power of modern technology and the ability of individuals to adapt and pivot to new platforms. Some religious leaders support the ban for ethical reasons, while others see it as an infringement on their religious freedom. The use of social media and digital video has allowed T.B. Joshua and others to continue spreading their messages to large audiences, making it challenging for authorities to control the spread of controversial religious practices. Ultimately, the ban may not be an effective solution to addressing the concerns it aims to address. Instead, a more nuanced approach that focuses on education and transparency may be more effective in protecting consumers from potential harm.

    • TB Joshua's Influence and ControversiesTB Joshua's religious following and business acumen led to global influence and mass crowds, resulting in controversies and tragic incidents.

      TB Joshua's religious following and business acumen led to astronomical growth and controversies. By the mid-2010s, his Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) had branches worldwide and millions of followers. He was influential, with visits from African leaders. Joshua sold prayer cloths and holy water, claiming healing properties, and held free distribution events that led to chaotic stampedes, resulting in deaths and injuries. Joshua's tactics, inspired by hype and scarcity, resembled Black Friday sales culture, causing mass crowds and unexpected tragedies. Despite the controversies, his popularity continued to grow.

    • Religious leaders' impact during crises: A mixed bagReligious leaders can aid during crises but also spread false info, as seen with TB Joshua and Ebola

      Religious leaders, even those with significant influence, can have a mixed impact during times of crisis. TB Joshua, a well-known Nigerian pastor, demonstrated this during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Initially, he canceled healing sessions and sent aid, but then he also distributed anointing water with claims it could cure Ebola. This action potentially spread false information and could have worsened the situation. On a lighter note, the discussion also touched upon the fun and engaging aspects of Monopoly Go, a mobile game, and the importance of staying informed through sources like The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily.

    • Predictions of Nigerian Prophet T.B. JoshuaT.B. Joshua, a Nigerian prophet, has made predictions about global disasters and terrorist attacks, some of which came true but others were off the mark or made beforehand. Critics claim he manipulates media to make it seem like predictions were made before events. His predictions cause panic and fear, but accuracy is debated.

      T.B. Joshua, a Nigerian prophet, has made numerous predictions about terrorist attacks and other disasters around the world. Some of these predictions came true, but others were off the mark or made long before the events occurred. Critics argue that he sometimes manipulates the media to make it seem like he made predictions before an event, when in reality he made them after. Despite this, Joshua maintains that his predictions are accurate and requires a "spiritual understanding" to interpret them. His predictions have caused widespread panic and fear in various countries, including Ghana and France, where he predicted terrorist attacks that later occurred. However, his prediction of a Hillary Clinton victory in the 2016 US presidential election was inaccurate. Joshua has also used his gift of prophecy to engage in pranks, such as predicting a terrorist attack in Ghana that caused widespread panic but ultimately did not materialize.

    • Alleged false prophecy and dangerous building practicesReligious figures hold significant power and influence, but their predictions should be scrutinized. Unchecked wealth and power can lead to dangerous building practices and put people at risk.

      T.B. Joshua, a prominent religious figure in Nigeria, was accused of predicting a massacre at a soccer stadium that would result in the deaths of thousands. However, it was later revealed that the prediction was a hoax. Despite this, Joshua continued to amass wealth and build a large compound with questionable construction methods. The building, which was initially intended to be four stories tall, was eventually expanded to six stories without proper permits or adherence to building codes. This could potentially put thousands of people at risk. The incident highlights the power and influence of religious figures, as well as the potential dangers of unchecked wealth and power.

    • 2014 Synagogue Church building collapse resulted in 116 confirmed deathsIgnoring warnings of instability, obstructing rescue efforts, and spreading conspiracy theories led to criminal negligence and no action taken against the church due to bribes.

      The 2014 collapse of T.B. Joshua's Synagogue Church of All Nations building in Nigeria resulted in a significant loss of life, with at least 116 confirmed deaths and potentially more unverified. Warnings of the building's instability were ignored, and during the aftermath, the church attempted to obstruct rescue efforts and spread conspiracy theories to deflect blame. The church was found culpable for criminal negligence in a coroner's inquest, but no action was taken due to bribes paid to local officials and reporters. The tragic event underscores the importance of prioritizing safety and transparency, especially in religious institutions, and the potential consequences of disinformation and obstruction during times of crisis.

    • The Unexpected Death of TB Joshua and the Future of His ChurchDespite debates over the cause of TB Joshua's death, his church remains active under his wife's leadership, but may be fading into irrelevance.

      TB Joshua, a prominent Nigerian religious leader and founder of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), was unexpectedly deceased on June 5, 2021, at the age of 57. Despite his massive following and wealth, it is debated whether Boko Haram, an extremist group in Nigeria, was capable of carrying out an aerial bombing on the capital of Lagos, which could have been a possible cause of his death. Regardless, TB Joshua never faced justice for any alleged crimes. After his death, there were concerns about the future of SCOAN, but it remains active. TB Joshua's wife, Evelyn, took over the church, but it may be on its way to fading into irrelevance. The speaker expresses skepticism about the idea of karma playing a role in TB Joshua's death, and the general consensus is that the "bad guys" often seem to win. The speaker also promotes his own podcast and colloidal silver products during the conversation.

    • Stay informed and empowered with Michigan Chronicle Digital DailySubscribe to Michigan Chronicle for authentic black community news and JCPenney for stylish and comfortable clothing options during spring season

      Staying informed, connected, and empowered within Detroit's black community can be achieved through subscribing to the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, while JCPenney offers stylish and comfortable clothing options for all body types and sizes during the spring season. The Michigan Chronicle provides an authentic perspective and elevates black voices and stories, making every headline tell the community's story. Meanwhile, JCPenney values fashion for everyone and ensures a perfect fit for various body types, offering a wide selection of brands that prioritize style and comfort. Whether it's staying updated on community news or refreshing your wardrobe, both the Michigan Chronicle and JCPenney cater to the unique needs and experiences of their audiences.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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