
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the transformative power of education, affordable services, and addressing past mistakesInstitutions must evolve, learn from past mistakes, and prioritize the safety and well-being of their members.

      While various institutions and organizations may have their flaws and complex histories, it's essential to acknowledge and address the most egregious issues. In this discussion, we touched upon the transformative power of education with Purdue Global, affordable wireless services with Consumer Cellular, and the inclusive fashion offerings at JCPenney. However, we also delved into the darker side of the Boy Scouts of America, highlighting their past policies excluding LGBTQ+ individuals and their failure to prevent sexual abuse. Although some of these issues may seem changeable over time, enabling rape is an unforgivable act that cannot be overlooked or excused. It's crucial for institutions to evolve and learn from their past mistakes while prioritizing the safety and well-being of their members.

    • Boy Scouts' troubled past and potential issuesDespite efforts to address past issues, the Boy Scouts' history of racial, gender, and outdated beliefs, along with thousands of reported cases of child rape, may be insurmountable.

      The Boy Scouts organization, founded in 1910, has a troubled past with issues related to race, gender, and outdated beliefs. However, these issues could potentially be addressed if the organization acknowledged and confronted them head-on. The real reason the Boy Scouts may be unsalvageable, though, is the mass rape of children within its ranks. Thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of boys have been raped, creating a cycle of abuse and predation due to the nature of early childhood sexual violence. This alone is likely grounds for destroying the organization. The Catholic Church faces similar issues. A personal anecdote shared by the speaker involved a gay Boy Scout who was terrified of being kicked out, illustrating the damaging impact of the organization's policies. Encountering someone with a different life experience can be a catalyst for critical thinking and recognizing when one is wrong about important issues.

    • Personal experiences and encounters can broaden beliefsOpen-mindedness is crucial for challenging and expanding beliefs. The Boy Scouts' ineligible volunteer system illustrates the importance of considering real-life experiences and effective systems to protect those in our care.

      Personal experiences and encounters with diverse perspectives can challenge and broaden our ideological beliefs. The Boy Scouts of America's ineligible volunteer system, which began in the 1910s, serves as an example of this concept. The system was initially established to keep track of adults who did not meet the organization's standards, not necessarily those who harmed children. However, a subset of this group, referred to as the "p files" or "perversion files," contained records of individuals accused or convicted of child molestation. Despite the existence of these files, the BSA did not effectively screen potential volunteers, leading to numerous cases of abuse. This history highlights the importance of open-mindedness and the potential consequences of adhering too strictly to ideologies without considering real-life experiences and the need for effective systems to protect those in their care.

    • Boy Scouts' inadequate handling of child molestation casesThe Boy Scouts kept files on child molestation cases but failed to prevent future abuse as they did not report perpetrators to the police

      For decades, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) kept files on child molestation cases within their organization, but these files were not effective in preventing abuse. The files contain distressing accounts from victims, and some cases involved perpetrators with a history of criminal behavior. In one illustrative case, a troop leader named Stephen Field was found to have abused a scout and had a pattern of sexually inappropriate behavior. Despite this, the Boy Scouts did not report him to the police but instead removed him from the organization. The files, while better than doing nothing, were insufficient as a barrier to the assault of boys within the Boy Scouts of America.

    • Boy Scouts' inadequate handling of child abuse allegationsThe Boy Scouts failed to prevent known offenders from rejoining, putting children at risk. Stricter policies and procedures are needed to protect kids.

      The Boy Scouts' handling of allegations and reports of child abuse was inadequate and irresponsible during the time period discussed in the text. The Boy Scouts failed to effectively monitor and prevent known offenders from rejoining the organization, allowing individuals like Steve Field to continue working with children despite multiple reports and allegations of inappropriate behavior. This lack of action and accountability is unacceptable, especially given the organization's mission to protect and support young people. The story highlights the need for stricter policies and procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of children in organizations like the Boy Scouts.

    • Historical trust between law enforcement and organizations leads to inaction on child abuse casesThe cultural trust between law enforcement and organizations may result in delayed justice for child abuse victims and requires more transparency and accountability.

      The institutional trust and connections between law enforcement and organizations like the police and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have historically led to a lack of serious action against child abusers within these groups. This was the case in Steve's story, where the sheriff's department did not take action against a known child molester, Fields, for over 20 years. Even when child pornography was discovered, the BSA sent the evidence to the police with a request for discretion, which the police honored. This cultural trust and reluctance to tarnish these organizations may have resulted in a delay in justice for victims of child abuse. The story also shows that while not all cops are complicit in enabling child molestation, the issue of child abuse within organizations requires more transparency and accountability.

    • Exposing the Boy Scouts' cover-up of sexual abuseBelief in an institution or organization shouldn't blind us to moral compromises or systemic issues. Speak up and shed light on uncomfortable truths.

      Individuals and institutions may turn a blind eye to controversies or systemic issues due to their belief in the institution or organization, even if it involves moral compromises. This was evident in the discussion about the Boy Scouts and the cover-up of sexual abuse cases. The book "Scouts Honor" by Patrick Boyle, published in 1994, was a pioneering work in exposing the issue, but it wasn't until recently that the extent of the problem became mainstream knowledge. The discussion also highlighted the importance of speaking up and shedding light on such issues, as well as the value of products and services that support transparency and truth. The mention of Monopoly Go served as a reminder that there's always something new to discover and that it's important to stay informed and not ignore issues, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.

    • BSA's Failure to Protect Children from Known AbusersThe Boy Scouts of America failed to protect children from known child molesters due to a lack of comprehensive screening and limited access to a blacklist of known abusers.

      The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) failed to protect children from known child molesters and abusers for decades. The BSA maintained a blacklist of known abusers since 1971, but the access to this list was limited to a few people at the top, and there was no system in place to check new volunteers against it. As a result, many child molesters were able to rejoin the organization and continue abusing children. For instance, a convicted child molester named Field, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for abusing 13-year-old boys, was able to deny knowing about the blacklist when interviewed by the LA Times, even though he had been on it since 1971. This case, along with others, highlights the systemic failure of the BSA to prioritize child safety over the convenience of allowing anyone to join the organization. The lack of a comprehensive screening process and the limited access to the blacklist made it easy for child molesters to slip through the cracks and continue harming children.

    • BSA failed to protect children from known molestersThe Boy Scouts of America failed to adequately protect children from known child molesters within their organization, prioritizing the protection of adults instead.

      The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) failed to adequately protect children from known child molesters within their organization. Instead, they gave some of these individuals second chances, even after they had been convicted of child molestation. This was evident in the case of a scout leader named Dunlap, who was arrested and convicted of abusing a 9-year-old cub scout in 1986, 13 years after being removed from the scouts for similar offenses. The BSA had a file on Dunlap, but they only added a note to it indicating that he had been convicted again of child molestation. The organization's policy seemed to favor believing the accused molester over the child. The LA Times reported that in some instances, the BSA gave alleged molesters probation and only required periodic updates on their behavior if the evidence of molestation was extremely weak. In cases where the evidence was strong, the files were sometimes not destroyed, and it appears that some of these individuals went on to abuse again. The BSA's job is to protect children, but their actions suggest that they prioritized protecting adults instead. This is a serious failure that puts children at risk.

    • BSA's Inadequate Handling of Child Abuse AllegationsThe BSA's history of giving second chances to known or suspected pedophiles resulted in repeated instances of child abuse, emphasizing the importance of stricter policies and accountability to protect children.

      The Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) handling of child abuse allegations against their leaders was inadequate and failed to protect children from known pedophiles. The discussion revealed several instances where the BSA gave second chances to convicted or suspected pedophiles, allowing them to continue working with children without proper monitoring or consequences. One such case involved a man who threatened to break a child's penis and was still given a second chance due to his status as an Eagle Scout and the son of a pastor. This pattern of enabling pedophiles continued, with another staffer being physically restrained from visiting a molested scout but still allowed to work with children. The failure to adequately address these cases led to repeated instances of abuse, highlighting the need for stricter policies and accountability to ensure the safety of children in the organization.

    • The Boy Scouts' mishandling of child sexual abuse casesDespite numerous allegations, the Boy Scouts failed to provide adequate resources for investigating child sexual abuse cases, allowing predators to continue working with the organization

      The Boy Scouts of America have a history of mishandling cases of child sexual abuse, as exemplified by the cases of men like Slusher who were allowed to continue working with the organization despite allegations of molestation. The detective in Boulder County noted that almost every boy scout in certain troops had been approached sexually by Slusher, but the police did not have the resources to interview all of the victims. The Boy Scouts continued to offer probation and suspension to prominent men accused of abuse until 1988, and the organization's practices, such as the existence of a "Sea Org," raised red flags. The Boy Scouts' handling of these cases is a stark reminder of the importance of taking allegations of child sexual abuse seriously and providing adequate resources for investigating such claims.

    • Importance of thorough background checks and vetting processesOrganizations must prioritize the safety and well-being of their members by conducting comprehensive background checks and vetting processes, even for individuals in positions of trust. Neglecting this responsibility can lead to serious consequences.

      Background checks and thorough vetting processes are essential for organizations, especially those involving children. The discussion revolved around Snagajob, a platform that helps businesses fill various positions, and a disturbing historical incident involving a Boy Scout leader named Richard Stengler. Stengler was convicted of tying up and molesting boys in the 1970s but was reinstated after serving probation. He continued his abusive behavior for decades, even after being reported and reinstated. The incident raises concerns about the importance of proper background checks and the potential consequences of overlooking red flags. Organizations must ensure the safety and well-being of their members by taking a proactive approach to hiring and vetting individuals, especially those in positions of trust.

    • BSA Leadership's Failure to Report Child Sexual Abuse CasesDespite numerous cases of child sexual abuse within the Boy Scouts of America, leaders failed to report suspects to law enforcement or the public, prioritizing expansion over child safety.

      The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) leadership, including former heads Wayne Brock and Robert Mazuca, had a history of mishandling cases of child sexual abuse within their organization. Both Brock and Mazuca had dealt with suspected abuse cases during their tenures as local and regional executives, but failed to report the suspects to law enforcement or the public. This pattern continued even as the number of known cases of child sexual abuse in youth organizations was increasing. Despite this, BSA did not require criminal background checks for volunteers until later. The cases involving Brock, Mazuca, and others, including the notorious "Stinger," illustrate a troubling pattern of prioritizing expansion over child safety.

    • BSA's Delay in Implementing Background Checks for VolunteersDespite numerous cases of child molestation and cover-ups, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) did not require criminal background checks for their volunteers until 2008, leading to thousands of men with criminal histories joining the organization and further abuse.

      The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) did not require criminal background checks for their volunteers until 2008, despite numerous cases of child molestation and cover-ups dating back to the 1980s. The BSA lobbied against state laws requiring background checks and argued that it would be too expensive and provide a false sense of security. As a result, thousands of men with criminal histories of child molestation were allowed into the organization, leading to further abuse. This was recognized as a problem as early as the late 1980s, but the BSA continued to prioritize avoiding responsibility and the appearance of cost over the safety of children. The failure to implement background checks contributed to a significant scandal and damage to the organization's reputation.

    • BSA's Response to Child Sexual Abuse AllegationsThe Boy Scouts of America were accused of child sexual abuse throughout the late 20th century, with the organization often blaming victims and their families instead of taking responsibility. They even attacked victims in court and allowed abusers to remain in positions of trust, leading to numerous lawsuits and millions in damages.

      The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) faced numerous allegations of child sexual abuse throughout the late 20th century, with the organization often blaming the victims and their families instead of taking responsibility for their actions. In some cases, the BSA even went as far as to attack the victims and their families in court, claiming they had failed to provide adequate supervision. This behavior continued even after the BSA was aware of the issue, with one scout master admitting to abusing multiple boys but continuing to lead troops and even being defended by the organization in court. The victims and their families were often blamed and shamed, while the abusers were allowed to remain in positions of trust. These actions led to a flood of abuse claims against the Boy Scouts, with the organization being found liable for millions in damages in several high-profile cases.

    • BSA Faced Sexual Abuse Allegations and Lobbied Against Expanding Statute of LimitationsThe Boy Scouts of America faced a wave of sexual abuse allegations, leaving many victims unable to bring charges against their abusers due to statutes of limitation. The organization lobbied against bills to expand these limits, arguing against holding them accountable for past actions.

      The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) faced a wave of sexual abuse allegations, with hundreds of files being made public and leading to numerous victims coming forward. Many victims were unable to bring charges against their abusers due to strict statutes of limitation. State lawmakers proposed bills to expand the statute of limitations, but the BSA spent significant resources on lobbying against these bills. The organization argued that it was unfair to hold them responsible for actions that occurred decades ago and involved different leadership. However, the BSA's history of enabling and defending sex abusers had not changed significantly since its founding, making it difficult for some to separate the past actions from the present organization. The victims sought justice and a chance to protect future generations from similar abuse. The argument over statute of limitations and accountability for historical abuse remains a complex issue.

    • Boy Scouts Sexual Abuse Crisis: Unprecedented Numbers of Victims Come ForwardIn 2019, it was estimated that 7,819 adult volunteers and staff members had sexually abused boys in the Boy Scouts, potentially harming up to 12,254 victims. In the following year, over 100,000 alleged victims came forward, leading to bankruptcy and revelations of sold wildlands turned into housing developments to pay for legal fees.

      The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) faced an unprecedented crisis when it was estimated in 2019 that as many as 7,819 adult volunteers and staff members had sexually abused boys, potentially harming up to 12,254 victims throughout its history. However, this was just the beginning. In the following year, over 100,000 alleged victims came forward, claiming they had been sexually assaulted as children in the Scouts. The organization filed for bankruptcy, and in the aftermath, it was revealed that they had sold wildlands they had previously stewarded to developers, turning pristine wilderness into housing developments to pay for legal fees. The story of the Boy Scouts is a deeply troubling one, with an endless parade of abusers and a lack of redemption or accountability. The situation is a grim reminder of the devastating consequences of institutional failure to protect children.

    • Finding comfort and care in everyday lifeFrom epic films to simple pleasures, and healthcare services, there are numerous ways to prioritize self-care in daily life.

      There are various ways to find moments of comfort and care for oneself in the midst of a busy life. Wes Ball's new film, "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," offers an epic journey of an ape fighting for a future for apes and humans, providing a cinematic escape for audiences. Meanwhile, taking a simple pause with a Keebler Sandy's cookie can bring comfort and joy. Additionally, CVS Health is committed to making healthier living more accessible through their wellness destinations, virtual care, in-home evaluations, and mental health services. Lastly, BetterHelp provides online therapy, making mental health support more accessible and affordable for everyone. Overall, these offerings encourage taking care of oneself, whether through entertainment, comfort food, or healthcare.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Morrison encourages listeners to assess people without allowing titles or roles to create a false sense of security. She cites an example of a ministry leader who had children stay at his home overnight. If the behavior is inappropriate for someone without the title or role, it is inappropriate and deserves further investigation.

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    • Someone who insists on access to children without supervision
    • Someone who resists background checks or other protocols for safety
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    We discuss the need for background checks as well as the need to remain vigilant of the fact that not all predators will be caught by a background check. Morrison recommends state and FBI background checks for due diligence.

    Lori highlights the need to err on the side of safety because abuse cannot be undone.

    Visit theunlovelytruth.com to access Lori's podcast, get resources, and check out her book.

    Get Tina Yeager's FREE Upcycled Inspirational Flip Book template at upcycledbook.com and craft a gift of weekly inspirations for yourself, family members, or special people in your life.
    We would like to invite you to join The True Crime Mission Fields Program, a life-changing opportunity exclusively joining Christians who have married faith and true crime.
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    Dianna's Quote

    Connect with Dianna:

    Resources Mentioned

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