
    Part Two: The Young, Evil God of Death: Reinhard Heydrich

    enJuly 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with Neighbors and Building CommunityConnecting with neighbors and building community brings social bonds and prepares for unexpected events. Try joining local volunteer networks, participating in social activities, or shopping at inclusive fashion retailers.

      Building and strengthening community connections can bring numerous benefits, from creating meaningful social bonds to preparing for unexpected events. Dr. Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, which emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors and growing your community. Meanwhile, Judy found her own escape and community through jumbacasino.com, while Greg Gerstner's involvement in AARP volunteer events helped him maintain an active social life and ensure his happiness lasts a lifetime. Additionally, JCPenney's inclusive fashion offerings provide stylish and comfortable options for all body types, making it a go-to destination for spring wardrobe refreshes. During a podcast recording, Robert Evans shared his fascination with the Zoom recording lady, acknowledging the importance of consent and transparency in recording situations. Matt Lieb, a comedian and podcaster, discussed the challenges of covering Reinhard Heydrich's life in a podcast episode, highlighting the importance of thorough research and careful consideration when tackling sensitive historical topics.

    • Heydrich's Role in Nazi CrimesHeydrich, as the head of the CIA and state department under Hitler, played a significant role in the consolidation of Nazi power through coups and genocides, and as police commissioner, he instilled fear and control through violence against political enemies, primarily communists and social democrats, although Jews were also targeted.

      Reinhard Heydrich, as the head of the CIA and the state department under Hitler, was responsible for numerous crimes against humanity, including coups and genocides. His actions led to the consolidation of the Nazi party's power, and he played a significant role in the destruction of checks against their rule. In April 1933, Heydrich was appointed as the police commissioner under Heinrich Himmler, and his job was to arrest and torture political enemies, primarily communists and social democrats. While Jews were not the Nazis' primary focus at this stage, there was still violence against them. Heydrich gleefully related stories of Jewish men being beaten and humiliated. The goal was to instill fear and maintain control.

    • The Holocaust was not an inevitable outcomeThe Nazis' redefinition of protective custody enabled mass arrests and the development of concentration camps, ultimately leading to the Holocaust's horrific atrocities.

      The Holocaust was not an inevitable outcome from the beginning of the Nazi regime. While there was a willingness to harm and even kill Jews, the final solution of genocide was not a foregone conclusion. The idea evolved over time, and it was not until the period discussed that the Nazis began to seriously plan and implement the mass extermination of Jews. This was facilitated by the redefinition of protective custody, which allowed for mass arrests without judicial review and the development of the concentration camp system. The existence of this power, even with the supposed goal of protecting people, was exploited by the Nazis and ultimately led to the horrific atrocities of the Holocaust. It's a chilling reminder of the dangers of granting excessive power to law enforcement and the potential consequences when that power is misused.

    • Competition for Supremacy at DachauTwo dismissed men, Heidrich and Eich, saw the concentration camp as their chance to matter, leading to a place of fear and brutality where they competed for supremacy and inflicted unspeakable horrors

      The Dachau concentration camp, located in the town of the same name, became a place of horrors under the leadership of men like Heidrich and Eich. These individuals, who had nothing before Nazism and had disgraced themselves, saw the regime as their only chance to matter. They competed to see who could be the most brutal, leading to the camp becoming a place of regular beatings, arrests, and even murder. The Nazis, including Himmler, believed in separation of responsibilities, with Heidrich in charge of deciding who went to Dachau, and Eich in charge of running the camp. Both men had been dismissed from the military for bad behavior and saw the concentration camp as their opportunity to excel. The result was a place of fear and brutality, where the competition for supremacy led to unspeakable horrors.

    • The duality of power: terror and legitimacyBelief in an existential struggle can lead to terrible crimes, as those in power use terror to eliminate perceived enemies while maintaining a veneer of legitimacy.

      The mindset of those in power, driven by a belief in an existential struggle and the justification of any means necessary to win, can lead to the perpetration of terrible crimes. Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi official, used terror as a weapon against his perceived enemies, but also sought to maintain order and legitimacy in the eyes of the public. This duality is evident in his treatment of high-profile critics like Thomas Mann, whose property and citizenship were seized, and in his efforts to eliminate political opposition more broadly. The success of Heydrich and his allies in Bavaria led to their expansion of power and control over the Prussian Gestapo, consolidating their grip on the Nazi regime. This dynamic, rooted in a sense of being under constant threat and the need to eliminate perceived enemies, can be seen in various contexts, including modern political movements.

    • The Night of Long Knives: Eliminating the SA and Rising to PowerHeinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich exploited the Night of Long Knives to eliminate the SA, gain power, and secure personal wealth, marking a significant turning point in Nazi state development.

      During the Nazi regime, Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich orchestrated the Night of Long Knives in order to eliminate Ernst Rohm and the SA, allowing the SS to gain power and independence. This event marked a significant turning point in the development of the Nazi state, as the SA, once a major source of Nazi power, was dissolved and replaced by the more pragmatic and effective SS. Additionally, Himmler and Heydrich took advantage of the situation to secure their own power and wealth, receiving loans from wealthy Nazi party members that they did not intend to repay. Despite his newfound wealth, Himmler was uncaring towards his family, even turning down their requests for loans. This cold and callous behavior towards his own mother adds another layer to the evil legacy of this infamous historical figure.

    • Digital Platforms Offer Unique Rewards and ExperiencesFrom timed events with bonuses to building real-life community connections, digital platforms provide diverse rewards and experiences. Raytheon, despite controversies, offers unique military technology.

      There are various digital platforms offering unique rewards and experiences. Monopoly Go, for instance, provides timed events with bonuses for players to discover new rewards like stickers, emojis, and unique playing pieces. Neighbor to Neighbor, on the other hand, focuses on building real-life community connections through volunteer work and disaster preparedness. The Godfather slot game at champacasino.com offers a chance to test your luck in a shadowy world. Lastly, Snagajob serves as an all-in-one solution for hiring high-quality hourly workers. Meanwhile, Raytheon, an evil corporation mentioned in a recurring bit, has been accused of orchestrating violence in international countries for profit. Despite this, they continue to promote themselves as inclusive and supportive of various communities. The knife missile, one of their inventions, is designed to minimize collateral damage, making it a unique yet controversial contribution to warfare. Overall, these platforms offer various rewards, experiences, and services, while Raytheon serves as a reminder of the complexities and controversies that can exist within large corporations.

    • Heydrich's role in expanding Nazi persecutionHeydrich's consolidation of power in German intelligence led to a shift from targeting political opposition to persecuting internal racial and religious groups, ultimately contributing to the Holocaust.

      Reinhard Heydrich's consolidation of power in the German intelligence apparatus led to a shift in the definition of enemies from political opposition to internal racial and religious groups, ultimately contributing to the justification and implementation of the Holocaust. This transformation was not a foregone conclusion when Hitler came to power, but Heydrich's public arguments and careerist motivations played a significant role in expanding the scope of persecution. Despite initial successes in eliminating political opposition, Heydrich argued that the struggle against Germany's enemies was far from over, identifying World Jewry, Freemasonry, and political priests as the new threats. This reorientation of the Gestapo's activities marked a decisive phase in the Nazi regime's efforts to eliminate perceived enemies, setting the stage for the Holocaust.

    • Hitler and his allies used Nazism as a tool for powerHitler and his top lieutenants, including Heydrich and Eichmann, used the ideology of Nazism to justify their actions against perceived enemies, but their primary motivation was a desire for power.

      Hitler and his top lieutenants, such as Heydrich, used the ideology of Nazism as a tool to increase their personal power and clout. While they may have believed in some elements of the ideology, it was secondary to their desire for power. Heydrich, in particular, saw various groups, including Freemasons, communists, and Catholics, as internal enemies, often framing them as agents of Judaism. He and his men, including Adolf Eichmann, were known for their "utter hardness" and were instrumental in maintaining the German police in a permanent state of emergency. Their role was to organize and carry out plans of action against these perceived enemies, earning them the nickname of "whips in the senate." The ideology of Nazism served as a justification for their actions, but it was ultimately a means to an end for these power-hungry individuals. The result was the second antisemitic wave in Nazi Germany, marked by mass violence against Jewish people and businesses, which Hitler and his allies sought to prevent due to its negative economic and social consequences.

    • The Nuremberg laws mark the first legal justification for Jewish persecution in Nazi GermanyThe Nuremberg laws targeted Jews based on ethnicity, defined new restrictions, and set the stage for escalating violence and discrimination against Jews in the years leading up to WWII.

      The Nuremberg laws were a significant step forward in the systematic persecution of Jews under the Nazi regime, marking the first legal justification for their oppression. The laws aimed to categorize and define Jews based on their ethnicity rather than religion, and targeted those with even distant Jewish ancestry. Reinhard Heydrich, a key figure in implementing these laws, believed they did not go far enough and pushed for stricter measures, including monitoring financial transactions and immigration policies. Despite internal debates within the Nazi party over methods of persecution, the ultimate goal was to force Jews to leave Germany, with some supporting organized violence and others advocating for legal means. The Nuremberg laws laid the groundwork for the escalating violence and discrimination against Jews in the years leading up to World War II.

    • Nazi leaders recognize economic harm of violent anti-Semitic actions and formulate Nuremberg LawsDuring a crucial meeting, Nazi leaders acknowledged the economic damage caused by violent anti-Semitic acts and established the Nuremberg Laws, the foundation for systematic Jewish persecution, marking a pivotal step towards the Holocaust.

      During a pivotal "how to do racism" meeting in the mid-1930s, Nazi leaders recognized the economic harm caused by violent anti-Semitic actions. This recognition led to the formulation of the Nuremberg Laws, the first legal basis for the systematic persecution of Jews and a significant step towards the Holocaust. Heinrich Himmler, a prominent Nazi figure, attempted to establish a neo-pagan SS philosophy at the time, but it was not widely adopted. Despite this, Heydrich, who was one of the 22% of the SS following Himmler's beliefs, used the meeting to assert his authority on Jewish affairs and establish himself as the leading Nazi voice on the Jewish question. This meeting marked a significant turning point in the Nazi regime's approach to Jewish persecution.

    • Building strong community bondsConnecting with neighbors, leveraging volunteer networks, and hiring from extensive talent pools can foster meaningful relationships and prepare for challenges. Spring cleaning can lead to cost savings, while standing up for beliefs in difficult times is crucial.

      No matter how uncertain or disconnected the world may feel at times, there are resources and communities that can help foster meaningful connections and prepare us for challenges. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds with those living around us. On the other hand, Snag A Job offers an extensive talent pool for businesses looking to hire high-quality employees. In our personal lives, simple actions like spring cleaning can lead to unexpected cost savings, as demonstrated by Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans. However, history serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for our beliefs, even in the face of persecution, as seen in the story of the Jehovah's Witnesses during the Holocaust. These stories highlight the power of community, resilience, and the importance of staying true to our values.

    • German concentration camps evolved into places of mass murder under Heydrich and HimmlerHeydrich and Himmler transformed concentration camps into death camps, despite their financial wealth and callous disregard for human suffering, driven by their racial ideology.

      The German concentration camps, particularly under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich, evolved from detention centers into places of mass murder during the Holocaust. Heydrich, who was initially a supporter of the concentration camp model, rarely visited these camps and left their management to others due to political tensions. While the Germans did not invent concentration camps or the race science used to justify them, they did innovate the death camps. Despite their growing wealth, Heydrich and other high-ranking Nazis continued to complain about financial hardships, showcasing their callous disregard for human suffering. Their initial impressions of each other at a Nazi event were based on their perceived Aryan looks, highlighting the racial ideology that fueled the Holocaust.

    • Nazi Intelligence Gathering at a Berlin BrothelThe Nazis used a brothel as a hub for intelligence gathering, employing high-class women to lure and record conversations with military officers, Nazis, and foreign dignitaries.

      Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi officer, used a brothel in Berlin as a hub for intelligence gathering during the late 1930s. He allowed the SS to take over the brothel and fill it with wiretaps, hiring high-class German women to lure and record conversations with German military officers, Nazis, and foreign dignitaries. The targets were not necessarily loyal to Hitler, and the brothel served as a valuable source of information for the Nazi regime. This operation, known as the "best little whorehouse in Texas," showcases the depths of deception and manipulation employed by the Nazis to maintain control and gather intelligence. Despite Heydrich's personal connections to Hitler and his increasing responsibility for the Jewish question, he was not a close friend and remained on the periphery of Hitler's inner circle.

    • Anschluss chaos: Jews resisted, international community stood byThe Anschluss of Austria in 1938 led to Jewish chaos and desperation, with resistance and international inaction, resulting in widespread violence and continued Nazi persecution.

      During the Anschluss of Austria in 1938, the Nazi regime under Heydrich confiscated Jewish property and forced them to leave the country, creating chaos and desperation among Jews. However, the process was met with resistance as many Jews couldn't leave fast enough, and those who couldn't afford to were forced out of Germany and into countries like Poland, which also rejected them. The situation was further complicated by the fact that the international community did nothing to intervene. Amidst this turmoil, Herschel Greenspan, a Jewish man living in Paris, was driven to despair and shot and killed a Nazi politician, Ernst vom Rath. In response, the Nazis orchestrated spontaneous national riots against Jews, leading to widespread violence and destruction. Despite the chaos, the Nazis continued their campaign against Jews with impunity.

    • The Night of Broken Glass: A turning point in the persecution of Jews in Nazi GermanyThe Night of Broken Glass in 1938 was a violent pogrom against Jews, resulting in widespread destruction of their businesses and homes. Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi officer, organized the event and later led efforts to expand restrictions against Jews, including the yellow star and access to public places, marking a significant escalation in the Holocaust.

      The Night of Broken Glass, also known as Kristallnacht, was a turning point in the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. During this night in 1938, Jewish businesses and homes were destroyed, and thousands of Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi officer, was one of the organizers of this violent pogrom. However, the Night of Broken Glass was a disaster for the Nazis, as it brought them negative international attention and damaged the economy. In response, Heydrich called for a meeting to regain control and proposed expanding the restrictions against Jews, including forcing them to wear a yellow star and restricting their access to public places. Despite initial resistance, Heydrich's persuasive abilities led to his being put in charge of purging the German Reich of Jews, marking a significant escalation in the Holocaust. The question of whether the Holocaust was planned from the beginning or evolved over time remains a topic of debate, but it's clear that the Night of Broken Glass was a pivotal moment in its implementation.

    • Heydrich's Role in Nazi Brutality: Architect of the EinsatzgruppenHeydrich, a high-ranking Nazi officer, expanded the Einsatzgruppen, special task groups, to exterminate Polish intellectuals and Jews. He provided them with a list of 61,000 people to be arrested and executed, marking the beginning of the Nazis' brutal and indiscriminate violence.

      Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi officer, was instrumental in turning Hitler's racist ideologies into brutal policies. He was the architect behind the Einsatzgruppen, special task groups responsible for rounding up and exterminating entire classes of people deemed undesirable or carriers of unwanted ideologies, such as Polish intellectuals and Jews. During the invasion of Poland, Heydrich expanded the Einsatzgruppen and gave them the task of exterminating specific classes of Polish society. He provided them with a massive index of 61,000 people to be arrested and executed. Heydrich's men were given explicit orders to neutralize threats, including saboteurs, partisans, Jews, and the Polish intelligentsia. The mass killings began even before the invasion, with the burning down of a synagogue and the massacre of hundreds of Jewish women, children, and civilians. Heydrich's concern was not just with eliminating ideological enemies but also with preserving property. The Einsatzgruppen's actions marked the beginning of the Nazis' distinctiveness as a regime, setting them apart from other authoritarian regimes of the time with their brutal and indiscriminate violence.

    • Heydrich's Role in Planning the Groundwork for the HolocaustHeydrich played a key role in planning the Holocaust, including the failed Madagascar Plan, while also pursuing personal interests. The gradual escalation towards genocide involved a series of steps.

      Reinhard Heydrich's crimes during the early stages of World War II went beyond property crimes and political purges. He was instrumental in planning the groundwork for the Holocaust, including the Madagascar Plan, an ultimately failed attempt to relocate Jews to Africa. Simultaneously, Heydrich pursued personal interests, such as becoming a fighter pilot and dealing with his own marital infidelities. Despite the ongoing ethnic cleansing, there was not yet a clear commitment to the death camps, indicating a gradual escalation towards genocide. The process of getting ready for genocide involved a series of steps, with Heydrich and other commanders ramping up their efforts. The debate over Heydrich's affair with one of his subordinates, Schellenberg, and the potential poisoning incident remains unclear, but it highlights the complexities and intrigues of the Nazi regime.

    • The Holocaust: A Result of German Conquests and Inability to Handle Acquired PopulationsThe Holocaust, a tragic event during WWII, resulted from Nazi successes, leading to mass shootings, gas vans, and death camps, causing mental strain for perpetrators but not stopping them from fighting for the Reich.

      The Holocaust, a significant part of the atrocities committed during World War II, was a result of the Nazis' successful conquests and their inability to handle the large number of Jews and other undesirables they acquired. This led to the implementation of the "Final Solution," with orders from high-ranking officials like Hermann Goring to figure out how to carry it out. The process began with mass shootings, which were later supplemented by mobile gas vans and death camps. The mental strain of carrying out these atrocities led to high rates of suicide, alcoholism, and decreased morale among the perpetrators, causing problems for the German military. Despite their awareness of the horrors they were inflicting, most Nazi soldiers continued to fight for the Reich.

    • The Wannsee Conference: Planning the 'Final Solution'The Wannsee Conference led to the creation of death camps, resulting in the extermination of approximately 9 million people, making it the fastest and most cost-effective method of genocide in history.

      During the Wannsee Conference in 1942, top Nazi officials discussed and planned the "final solution" to the "Jewish question" in Europe. While some Wehrmacht members spoke out against the atrocities and went AWOL, the majority were aware of the horrors being committed in their name. The conference led to the creation of death camps, which exterminated approximately 9 million people, making it the fastest and most cost-effective method of genocide in history. Reinhard Heydrich, who was instrumental in the planning of the "final solution," was later assassinated by Czech soldiers in 1942. Despite his role, the majority of the deaths occurred after his demise. Heydrich's brutal tactics, such as the establishment of the Theresienstadt camp ghetto and the use of Protectorate Special Courts, aimed to suppress resistance and maintain productivity for the German war effort. The efficiency of the death camps proved to be the solution the Nazis were looking for, as they were able to kill large groups of people quickly and effectively.

    • Heydrich's Death and its ConsequencesHeydrich's reckless actions led to his death and devastating reprisals, resulting in thousands of innocent lives lost and a significant impact on the Holocaust.

      Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi officer, met a gruesome and undeserved death due to his own recklessness, but his assassination led to devastating reprisals against innocent civilians. Heydrich's death was believed to be caused by a deadly infection from horsehair upholstery in his car after a grenade blast. Privately, Hitler saw Heydrich's actions as foolish, but publicly, he was mourned as a hero. The assassination resulted in mass arrests and executions, with thousands of people, including children, losing their lives. Despite his status as a notorious Nazi, Heydrich's death served a crucial role in the Holocaust, making him a significant figure in history. Overall, Heydrich's story serves as a reminder of the tragic consequences of war and the importance of making wise decisions, even in the face of danger.

    • The Debate over Who was the Worse Nazi Leader: Heydrich or HitlerHeydrich, known for his role in the Holocaust and chilling demeanor, is considered by some to be worse than Hitler due to his ruthless efficiency and lack of opposition.

      Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi official and architect of the Holocaust, is considered by some to be the embodiment of human evil due to his role in orchestrating mass genocide. His death, which came at the hands of Czech partisans, was seen as a cause for celebration by some, despite the horrific nature of his demise. Heydrich's good looks and charisma made him an effective leader, and his ability to rally support from various agencies made him a formidable force. Some argue that he may even be worse than Hitler due to his ruthless efficiency and lack of opposition. Ultimately, the debate over who was the worse Nazi leader is a complex and nuanced one, but Heydrich's role in the Holocaust and his chilling demeanor make him a particularly frightening figure in history.

    • The casting of Kenneth Branagh as Hitler in 'Conspiracy' was effective and controversialThe film 'Conspiracy' effectively illustrates the complexities of the Holocaust through compelling dialogue, character development, and the portrayal of Hitler as an appealing figure, despite controversy from some scholars.

      The controversial casting of Kenneth Branagh as Hitler in the movie "Conspiracy" was effective in portraying the Nazi leader as an appealing and charismatic figure, which aligns with historical accounts of how some Nazis saw Hitler's physical appearance as desirable. The film, which primarily takes place in a single location and focuses on a pivotal meeting, is compelling and illustrates the banality of evil through the character of Eichmann, who meticulously takes notes that contribute to the machinery of the Holocaust. The controversy surrounding the film comes from some Holocaust scholars, but it is a valuable and thought-provoking piece that sheds light on the complexities of the historical events. Additionally, the film's limited settings demonstrate the power of storytelling through dialogue and character development.

    • Supporting Community During Difficult TimesDuring a heatwave, donate to cooling stations like Free Fridge of Salem. Build social bonds within your community through networks like Neighbor to Neighbor.

      Community and helping others in need are important. During the discussion, the speaker mentioned various initiatives to support those in need during a heatwave in Salem, Oregon. They encouraged listeners to donate to the Free Fridge of Salem, which sets up cooling stations for people without air conditioning. The speaker also highlighted the importance of building social bonds within one's community through Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network. Additionally, the speaker shared some light-hearted moments about getting lucky, promoting Luckyland Casino. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of coming together as a community to support each other during difficult times and to create meaningful social connections.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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