
    Perfect New Year Guide: Motivation, Set Goals & Create Your Dream Life

    enJanuary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on the Past Week and Looking Forward to the New YearJaiden reflects on her past week with family and meeting Rihanna, shares her current obsessions, emphasizes goal manifestation, and sets intentions for decluttering, meditating, and transitioning into the new year.

      The New Year is a time for motivation, reflection, and setting goals. Jaiden, the podcast host, shared her experiences from the past week which included spending time with family during Christmas and meeting Rihanna. She also mentioned her current obsessions, which are oil-based cleansers, planning for the new year, and watching old Big Brother seasons. Jaiden emphasized the importance of manifesting her goals and shared her dream of being on Big Brother. Her goals for the week include decluttering, meditating, and transitioning into the new year gradually. She concluded by affirming that this year will be the year she becomes the highest version of herself.

    • Embrace the new year with self-love and gradual changeSet inner goals, find a supportive friend, take consistent steps towards your goals, and listen to motivational podcasts for support during your self-love and healing journey.

      The new year is an opportunity for growth and change, but it's important to approach it gradually and consistently. Affirming self-love and setting inner goals are key components of this process. Finding a supportive friend to hold you accountable can make the journey more exciting and effective. Remember, transformation takes time and effort, and it's essential to take each step towards your goals every day. Don't expect overnight results, but keep moving forward, and eventually, you'll reach your dream life. Lastly, listening to motivational podcasts, like the one mentioned, can provide valuable insights and support during your self-love and healing journey.

    • Take action to create the life you wantStarting now, don't wait for perfection or the perfect moment to take action towards your goals. Launch fast and perfect later.

      You have the power to create the life you desire, and there's no better time to start than the present. Wishing for things to be different won't make it so; instead, take action to make positive changes. Perfection is an unattainable goal, and waiting for the perfect moment to start can hinder progress. Instead, launch fast and perfect later. For instance, starting a podcast without perfect equipment or beginning a workout routine without new equipment can lead to great rewards. Remember, every moment is precious, and time flies, so don't waste it on excuses. Your determination and effort will always be rewarded, even if the outcome isn't exactly what you anticipated. So, don't wait for the perfect setup or situation to take action – execute your plans now and watch the positive changes unfold.

    • Reframe goals as achievementsApproach goals with reflection and gratitude, break down large goals into manageable steps, and believe in your ability to accomplish anything within a year.

      When setting new year's resolutions, it's important to reframe your goals as achievements you've already accomplished. By doing so, you'll approach them with a mindset of reflection and gratitude, rather than feeling overwhelmed or uncertain. The speaker shares her personal experience of turning a difficult situation into a year of growth and achievement. She emphasizes that hardships can be used as motivation, and encourages us to believe in our ability to accomplish anything within a year. The key is to break down large goals into manageable steps, and to begin incorporating new habits into your routine gradually. Remember, the power to change your life lies within you, and every day is a new opportunity to start fresh. But keep in mind, nothing will change unless you put in the effort.

    • Focus on internal positivity despite external circumstancesCreate positive habits, focus on the good, and share positivity to uplift yourself and others

      No matter what your current circumstances may be, you have the power to make the most of your situation by focusing on your mindset and uplifting yourself and others. This year is about having discipline and creating positive habits, such as a morning routine and maintaining a positive attitude. Even if your external life may not be ideal, you can still make the internal part of your life the best it can be. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life and sharing your love, motivation, and happiness with others, you can create a domino effect of positivity and happiness in your own life and the lives of those around you. Remember, there is always someone who would trade places with you, so make the most of the opportunities you have and strive to become the highest version of yourself.

    • Create the version of yourself for 2024Embrace positivity, prioritize self, believe in yourself, and surround yourself with positivity to shape your life for the better in 2024

      This new year presents an opportunity for each of us to shape our lives anew. Instead of focusing on the negatives, we should find the positives and use them to attract more positivity. We have the power to create the version of ourselves we want for 2024 – customizing our routines, bank accounts, friendships, and daily habits. It's essential to prioritize ourselves and focus on what serves us best, without trying to impress others. Believe in yourself as your number one motivator and remember that everything in life, good or bad, ultimately comes down to how we react and take action. Surround yourself with positivity by unfollowing negative influences and creating a life that brings you joy. The time to start is now – this is your year to impress yourself and live your life as you wish.

    • Embrace the new year with enthusiasmMake the most of the new year by seizing opportunities, embracing challenges, and taking care of yourself

      As we begin a new year, it's important to remember that we have the power to shape our experiences and make the most of this fresh start. The speaker expresses her excitement about the year ahead with her loved ones, encouraging everyone to stay busy and beautiful in their own unique ways. This message emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities, embracing new challenges, and maintaining positivity and self-care throughout the year. It's a reminder that each day presents new possibilities, and we have the ability to make this year meaningful and fulfilling by staying engaged in life and taking care of ourselves. So, let's embrace the new year with enthusiasm, determination, and a commitment to staying busy yet pretty.

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

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    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


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    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

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    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:

    - NEW: Productive Day In My Life: WATCH


    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram


    - Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 


    - Tiktok: Jadyn's Tiktok


    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Amazon


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    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

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    - Instagram: @Jadynhaileyy & @BusyYetPretty


    - Youtube: Jadyn's YouTube


    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn


    - Outfit Details: My Closet


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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront