
    Pilots Sue CDC Over Mandates with Janviere Carlin

    enApril 05, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Pilots Challenge Federal Transport Mask Mandate in LawsuitA group of pilots, including those from JetBlue, Southwest, American Airlines, and PSA, have filed a lawsuit against the federal transportation mask mandate due to health concerns and potential dangers to aviation safety.

      A group of pilots, led by John Viera Carlin, have come together to challenge the federal transportation mask mandate in a lawsuit due to health concerns and potential dangers to aviation safety. This group, which includes pilots from JetBlue, Southwest, American Airlines, and PSA, formed through mutual connections and shared concerns, and they found strength in their collective experiences and perspectives. Despite the challenges and potential consequences, these pilots felt compelled to take a stand and advocate for their beliefs. The group kept the lawsuit small to avoid becoming "unruly," but they could have involved more airlines and individuals. They educate each other through personal networks and by sharing resources, and some members have faced harsh consequences for speaking out against the mask mandate.

    • Pilots Challenge Mask Mandate in Court: Health and Regulatory ConcernsPilots argue mask mandate lacks proper enactment, conflicts with state regulations, and raises concerns over effectiveness and informed consent. They seek to use their expertise to challenge the mandate and eliminate it for all.

      The pilots in the lawsuit object to the mass mandate for both health reasons and regulatory issues. They argue that the mandate was not properly enacted, violates states' rights, and conflicts with their regulations under the Federal Aviation Regulations. The pilots also raise concerns about the effectiveness of masking and the lack of informed consent for emergency use authorization. The administrative procedure act, which sets out the procedures regulatory agencies must follow to promulgate regulations, is not applicable to Congress, leaving regulatory officers like Tony Fauci with significant power and limited accountability to public opinion. The pilots hope to use their unique perspective as aviators to resolve the issue and eliminate the mask mandate for everyone.

    • Lack of transparency and accountability in mask mandates during COVID-19 pandemicRegulatory agencies bypassed democratic safeguards, including public comment periods and hearings, during mask mandate decisions, undermining their legitimacy and public trust.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic response, there was a lack of transparency and accountability in the decision-making process, particularly regarding mask mandates. Regulatory agencies are required by law to follow specific procedures, including publishing proposed rules, conducting impact statements, and undergoing public comment periods and hearings. However, these steps were bypassed, leaving no room for public scrutiny or challenge. One individual, Tony Fauci, held significant influence and made contradictory statements about the effectiveness of masks without proper scientific justification or public debate. The absence of these democratic safeguards is concerning and undermines the legitimacy of public health directives. It is crucial that regulatory agencies adhere to established procedures to ensure that regulations are in the best interest of society as a whole.

    • Union's stance on mask-wearing on planes despite scientific evidenceUnions like AFA push for mask-wearing on planes despite scientific proof of cabin air safety and CEO support, citing control as potential reason.

      Despite the majority of the public and industry professionals supporting the removal of masks on planes due to the proven safety of cabin air and HEPA filters, some individuals and unions, including the Association of Flight Attendants (APA), continue to advocate for mask-wearing due to a desire for control. This stance is despite the support from CEOs, 17 congressmen, 21 state attorneys, and multiple lawsuits against the CDC. The speaker also mentioned experiencing harassment from management despite the CEO's letter supporting their position. The speaker expresses confusion as to why some individuals and unions continue to push for mask-wearing in this context.

    • Inconsistency and confusion in mask mandates during air travelDespite the importance of mask wearing for health and safety during air travel, inconsistent and contradictory policies can lead to frustration and non-compliance. Clear communication and consistent implementation are key to ensuring a safe and comfortable travel experience.

      The inconsistency and contradictory nature of mask mandates during air travel, as discussed by the speaker, can lead to frustration and confusion among passengers and aviation personnel. The speaker shares their personal belief that a majority of people would choose to remove masks due to discomfort, and they have experienced backlash for their stance. However, they also acknowledge the importance of maintaining health and safety regulations for pilots and passengers. The speaker suggests finding ways to comply with regulations while also ensuring personal comfort, such as hydrating and taking mask breaks when possible. They also point out the inconsistency of mask requirements during different stages of travel, which adds to the confusion. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the need for clear and consistent communication and implementation of mask policies to ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience for all.

    • FAA leaves mask policies to airlines, causing chaos in the skiesThe absence of a clear and consistent mask policy on aircraft has resulted in over 4,000 incidents in 2021 alone, causing stress for pilots and flight attendants and leading to social tensions between passengers and crew members.

      The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has left the implementation of mask policies on aircraft up to individual airlines, with only specific oxygen requirements having been mandated. The FAA has not mandated mask use for pilots, and there have been thousands of incidents related to masking causing chaos in the skies, and over 4,000 of those incidents occurred last year alone. These incidents put undue stress on pilots and flight attendants, making their jobs more challenging than necessary. The lack of a clear and consistent mask policy has led to social tensions and conflicts between passengers and crew members.

    • Mask mandate in aviation creates communication and safety challenges for pilotsMasks make it difficult for pilots to understand ATC instructions and detect potential safety issues, some pilots have lost medical certificates due to vaccine side effects, and JetBlue has stricter masking rules for unvaccinated pilots, creating uncertainty and potential conflict.

      The mask mandate in aviation creates significant challenges for pilots, both in terms of communication and safety. The masks can make it difficult to understand ATC instructions or detect potential safety issues like alcohol on passengers. Additionally, some pilots have lost their medical certificates due to vaccine-related side effects, and the industry is grappling with how to handle these issues. JetBlue, specifically, is taking a wait-and-see approach to the vaccine mandate, but the company's manuals already require stricter masking rules for unvaccinated pilots. This creates uncertainty and potential conflict over masking policies in the cockpit. The lawsuit filed against the mask mandate is seen as a cornerstone issue that could potentially lead to broader changes in aviation policies. The vaccine issue is another complex challenge facing the industry, with reports of injured pilots and uncertainty around how management will respond.

    • Legal Action Against Mask Mandates and Discriminatory PracticesA group is taking legal action against mask mandates and discriminatory practices by the CDC and TSA. Supporters can visit bit.ly/masklawsuit for updates and get educated on their rights.

      A group of individuals, including John Deere, are taking legal action against mask mandates and other discriminatory practices by the CDC and TSA. They have set up a GoFundMe page and are working on multiple lawsuits. Listeners who are interested in supporting this cause can visit bit.ly/masklawsuit and follow updates from Lucas Wall, who is leading the coalition Americans Against Mask Mandates. The speaker encourages everyone to get educated on their rights and exercise them peacefully when necessary. It's important for everyone to get involved, especially if you have kids, as these issues can have long-term consequences. The speaker also expressed gratitude for the work of the guests on the podcast and the hope they provide in the face of challenging times.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

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    Episode #109

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    You'll Learn:

    How did the pandemic impact Nick and Susan's sense of identity and self-perception?- The pandemic caused them to feel a loss of identity due to the lack of familiar mirrors reflecting their sense of self.


    What were some challenges faced by frontline workers during the pandemic?- Frontline workers felt isolated but did not have the luxury of being able to stay home like others.


    How did they feel about reentry into normal life after isolation?- Reentry into normal life feels challenging and requires small steps of adjustment.


    How did the pandemic affect their creativity?- The pandemic led to periods of sluggishness in her creative thinking.


    How did their perspective on time change during the pandemic?- They believe that our relationship to time would have changed regardless of the current situation.


    How did the pandemic impact people's friendships and social activities?- Many people are questioning their friendships, social activities, and career choices during this time.


    What do they believe will be more prevalent in the future?- They believe that integration will be more prevalent in the future.believes that integration will be more prevalent in the future.


    How did the pandemic force people to look within themselves?- The pandemic forced people to look within themselves and realize that is where they always end up.


    How did the pandemic affect Nick's  awareness and presence?- He feels more alive and aware now, especially during the COVID era.


    What is the importance of embracing the unknown in the creative process?- Embracing the unknown is the beginning of curiosity and creativity. 


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.