
    Podcast Summary

    • Waking up early brings unexpected benefitsWaking up early enhances energy, improves sleep, and fosters productivity and self-improvement.

      Waking up early has unexpected benefits for the host, including better energy throughout the day and improved sleep quality at night. Despite her initial resistance to becoming a "responsible adult," she has come to enjoy the feeling of productivity and self-improvement it brings. Additionally, the importance of having a professional website was never clearer to her after realizing the impact it has on selling a product or brand. In this episode, she encourages listeners to check out Haagen Dazs' new dulce de leche bar, Squarespace for website creation, and Bumble for finding compatible relationships. Despite missing an episode last week due to work-related issues, she's back and more committed than ever to providing entertaining and relatable content for her audience. Podcasts have become her go-to source of human connection when she's alone, and she's grateful for the opportunity to share her experiences and thoughts with all of you.

    • The comfort of podcasts vs the importance of practicality in personal spacesPodcasts offer personalized social connection and comfort, while the importance of practicality in personal spaces, like accommodations, should not be overlooked.

      Podcasts provide a form of social connection without the exhaustion and pressure of in-person interactions. The speaker enjoys listening to podcasts because they can control the experience, with the ability to pause or change the topic. Additionally, they find comfort in the voices and stories shared, even if the content isn't always particularly interesting. However, the speaker had an unexpected experience during a recent vacation when they rented an Airbnb designed more as an art piece than a functional living space. The lack of privacy and uncomfortable living conditions made for an unpleasant experience, highlighting the importance of considering practicality alongside aesthetics when choosing accommodations. Overall, podcasts offer a convenient and customizable form of social engagement, while the importance of privacy and comfort in personal spaces was emphasized through the speaker's experience.

    • The importance of privacy during personal functionsAccess to private spaces is crucial for certain functions to ensure comfort and well-being

      Privacy is essential for some personal functions, like going number 2. The speaker shared her experience of being unable to poop during a trip where bathroom options were limited and lacked privacy. She tried various methods, including an outdoor toilet, but couldn't overcome her need for privacy. The speaker emphasized that she has no issue with pooping around others in general but found the lack of privacy during the trip beyond excruciating. This experience highlights the importance of having access to private spaces for certain functions and how it can impact our comfort and well-being.

    • Unexpected mishaps can lead to memorable experiencesUnexpected situations, even if they involve mistakes or mishaps, can create memorable experiences and add to the overall adventure.

      Unexpected situations can lead to memorable experiences, even if they involve mistakes or mishaps. For instance, during a trip, Emma and Olivia accidentally dropped a pizza on the floor after attempting to retrieve it with paper towels instead of oven mitts. Despite the mishap, they still ate the pizza in front of everyone due to their hunger. Another instance was when Emma and another group member both clogged the outdoor toilet, leading to a humorous situation where everyone blamed each other. In a different context, Emma learned to unconsciously pose for Instagram photos to make her lips appear bigger, leading to accusations of lip injections. These experiences, while not ideal, added to the overall adventure and memories of the trip.

    • Recognizing the illusion in social mediaSocial media presents a curated and often false representation of reality. Acknowledge the artistry in the illusions, but remember it's not real life. Avoid comparing yourself to others' seemingly perfect lives.

      Social media presents a carefully curated and often false representation of reality. The speaker acknowledges her own use of editing tools to enhance her Instagram photos, specifically addressing the editing of her body parts. However, she also emphasizes that social media is not real life and that there's an art in creating an illusion. She encourages appreciating the aesthetic and dreamy aspects of social media, as long as one is aware that it's not a reflection of reality. The speaker also mentions the potential harm of comparing one's life to the seemingly perfect lives portrayed on social media. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing the difference between social media and real life and the need to appreciate the artistry in the illusions presented on social media platforms.

    • Appreciating the artistry and creativity of Instagram while acknowledging the honesty and reality behind the scenesEmbrace the balance of curating an illusion on social media for enjoyment and inspiration, while staying honest about the reality behind it.

      While social media, specifically Instagram, can sometimes present an illusion of perfection, it's important to remember that there's a human behind the curated images. Appreciating the artistry and creativity of Instagram, while also acknowledging the honesty and reality behind the scenes, can lead to inspiration and balance. Dion, a friend mentioned in the discussion, is an excellent example of this balance, as he shares deep and real experiences alongside his beautiful Instagram photos. It's essential to remember that creating an illusion on social media is not inherently damaging, but the honesty and transparency are crucial components. This idea of curating an illusion on social media for enjoyment and inspiration, while still being honest about the reality, has been a personal interest of the speaker since they were 15. Squarespace and Walmart are sponsors of the podcast, and they offer tools and resources for creating a strong online presence, whether it's a website or a wardrobe upgrade.

    • Unexpected events are a normal part of lifeAs we grow older, we may prioritize close relationships over large social groups, finding balance between being social and spending time with loved ones, while also taking care of ourselves and belongings.

      Sometimes unexpected events, like losing an earring or cracking a phone, can occur even during a relaxing trip. These incidents may cause inconvenience and discomfort, but they are a normal part of life. Another key takeaway is that as we grow older, we may find ourselves prioritizing the company of a few close people over socializing with larger groups. This shift can bring contentment and fulfillment, but it's important to remember that everyone's needs and preferences are different. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between being social and spending time with loved ones, while also taking care of ourselves and our belongings.

    • Navigating the Transition into AdulthoodIt's normal to feel unprepared and scared during the transition into adulthood, but having a support system and finding someone who brings positivity can lead to growth and memorable experiences.

      It's okay to prioritize your needs for self-care, even if it means being alone for a while. The speaker emphasizes that everyone goes through the transition into adulthood and independence, and it's normal to feel unprepared and scared. However, having a support system is crucial, and leaning on loved ones during this time can make all the difference. Additionally, the speaker shares that being ready for a relationship is not about wanting one at that moment, but rather finding someone who brings joy and positivity into your life. The journey into adulthood may be filled with uncertainty and fear, but with the right mindset and support, it can also bring about incredible growth and memories.

    • Understanding the reasons behind wanting a relationshipSeek relationships based on mutual feelings and compatibility, not desperation for comfort or affection. Be content being single before entering a relationship.

      It's important to be honest with yourself about why you want to be in a relationship. If you're seeking a relationship out of desperation for comfort or affection, it may not be a healthy or sustainable situation. Instead, look for a relationship based on mutual feelings and compatibility. Additionally, remember that true comfort and safety can come from within oneself or from a healthy relationship. It's essential to be content being single before entering a relationship, ensuring that you're making the decision based on genuine feelings and not out of desperation.

    • Healing from past relationship issuesTo overcome trust issues, focus on healthy relationships, learn from past experiences, be honest with oneself, and give potential partners a chance based on their actions.

      Overcoming trust issues in relationships requires being in a healthy relationship. Trust issues can stem from past experiences and can make entering new relationships difficult. However, the only way to unlearn these issues is through experience in a healthy relationship. It's important to remember that even if a relationship ends, one can survive and learn from the experience. It's also essential to be honest with oneself about red flags and not let trust issues dictate relationship decisions. Additionally, not all relationships come with red flags, and it's important to give potential partners a chance if there are no obvious warning signs. Overall, being ready to start dating means being content with being alone and only entering a relationship when it feels natural and right.

    • Struggling with personal and professional insecuritiesIt's normal to have doubts and insecurities, but remember everyone experiences things differently and celebrate individuality.

      Everyone has their own struggles and insecurities, whether it's with social media platforms they dislike but can't quit, long-term projects that leave them feeling uncertain, or personal issues related to identity and self-worth. The speaker shared her experiences with hating Twitter but loving it for podcasts, feeling disconnected from her work after putting so much time into it, and dealing with internalized sexism and homophobia. She emphasized the importance of remembering that everyone experiences things differently, and that just because you've been working on something for a long time doesn't mean others have. Additionally, she encouraged embracing individuality and understanding that everyone's sexuality and gender are unique and valid. It's normal to have doubts and insecurities, but it's important to remember that these things are a part of who we are and should be celebrated, not hidden or judged.

    • Embracing IndividualityFocus on treating others well, contributing positively, expressing authenticity, self-acceptance, and kindness towards self and others to define identity. Don't let external judgments or societal pressures dictate self-worth.

      Identity goes beyond superficial aspects such as gender or sexuality. Who we are as individuals is defined by how we treat others, contribute to the world, and express ourselves authentically. It's essential to focus on these aspects and not let external judgments or societal pressures dictate our self-worth. Additionally, being kind and accepting towards ourselves and others, regardless of differences, is crucial. The speaker encourages embracing individuality and not allowing anxiety or external factors to hinder personal growth. When faced with uncertainty or anxiety, it's important to reflect inward, focus on self-care, and remember that everyone goes through pivotal moments in their lives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting external factors define who we are.

    • Embracing life's stages and making the most of itEmbrace life's stages, let go of past traumas, surround yourself with the right people, be kind, and find joy in daily life.

      As we grow older, we go through various stages of life and experience shifts in our perspectives and priorities. For some, this may mean a desire for more solitude and a smaller social circle, while for others it may mean a renewed energy for connection and new experiences. Regardless, it's important to remember that we only have one life and should strive to make it the best it can be. This means letting go of past traumas and learning to trust and surround ourselves with the right people. It also means being kind, understanding, and minding our own business while still finding joy and fun in our daily lives. As the speaker wisely puts it, "Let's just make it one big party."

    • Respecting Personal Preferences and ChoicesPeople have unique comfort levels and preferences, and it's important to respect them, whether it's in choosing experiences or physical appearances.

      People have unique preferences and comfort levels when it comes to experiences and physical appearances. The speaker shared her disinterest in space exploration due to her fear and discomfort, while acknowledging her lack of interest in certain activities like skydiving and roller coasters due to potential risks. She also discussed her evolving perspective on cosmetic enhancements, having once felt insecure and jealous, but now recognizing the importance of transparency and individual choice. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of respecting personal preferences and being open about choices, whether it's choosing to explore the depths of the ocean or enhancing one's physical features.

    • Expressing Feelings and Needs in RelationshipsBe honest about feelings and needs, approach difficult conversations with care, prioritize self-love and care, and encourage healthy relationships for everyone's sake.

      It's important to be honest about our feelings and needs, especially when it comes to our relationships and personal well-being. If someone wants to make a change, like getting a nose job or addressing toxic family dynamics, they have the right to do so. In the case of the latter, it's crucial to approach the conversation with care and respect for the parents' role in raising us. We can express how their conflict is negatively impacting us and encourage them to work on improving their relationship for everyone's sake. It's essential to remember that as their child, we have the right to a happy and healthy living environment. Additionally, the speaker encourages listeners to prioritize self-love and care, as well as extending that care to others. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of open communication and respecting each other's needs and feelings.

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    • Authenticity, vulnerability and why being yourself is actually what you crave and what the world needs more of.

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    Enjoy today's episode where Sari D dives deep into her personal opinions of how we can fairly move forward together in this crazy lil thang we call life.

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    PS - don't let no one steal yo sunshine! 

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