
    Potential Biden Bribery Revelations, and Power of Faith, with Dennis Quaid, Peter Schweizer, Will Witt, and Caroline Downey | Ep. 599

    enAugust 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Testimony reveals Biden's access to power used in business dealingsNew evidence suggests Joe Biden's influence was leveraged in Hunter Biden's business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma, contradicting previous denials from the Biden camp.

      Key takeaway from the testimony of Hunter Biden's former business associate, Devin Archer, before Congress is that the vice president's access to power was leveraged in business dealings. Archer testified that Hunter Biden introduced him to his father, Joe Biden, and business partners, suggesting that the vice president's influence was used to showcase access. Furthermore, Burisma executives reportedly pressured Hunter Biden to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired, who was investigating financial irregularities related to the company. This pressure was passed on to Joe Biden, who ultimately fired the prosecutor after a quid pro quo arrangement. This new evidence contradicts the Biden camp's consistent denial of any involvement in Hunter Biden's business dealings and adds weight to allegations of influence peddling.

    • Evidence of a potential quid pro quo between Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and BurismaStrong indications suggest Hunter Biden received payments from Burisma in exchange for official actions by Joe Biden, including Hunter's lack of expertise, sudden placement, and timing of prosecutor's firing, as well as ethical concerns from frequent father-son communications and lack of transparency from the Biden administration.

      There are strong indications of a quid pro quo arrangement between Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Burisma, involving official actions by Joe Biden in exchange for payments to Hunter Biden. The evidence includes Hunter Biden's lack of expertise in the industry, his sudden placement on Burisma's board, and the timing of the prosecutor's firing. Furthermore, Hunter Biden's claims of frequent communication with his father during business meetings raise ethical concerns. The Biden administration's dismissal of the allegations as baseless and lack of transparency regarding the financial dealings of the Bidens fuel suspicion. The second question that needs answering is why Joe Biden allowed his son to join Burisma's board despite the ongoing investigation into the company for corruption. No clear answer has been given to this question, and it is a crucial point of inquiry. The inconsistencies and contradictions in the testimonies and statements from the involved parties add to the complexity of the issue, making it essential for further investigation.

    • Hunter Biden's Business Dealings: Contradictory Narratives and Ethical ConcernsHunter Biden's business dealings with CEFC involved a $5M transfer to his account instead of Hudson West, contradicting claims of no involvement. Allegations of access to Joe Biden in exchange for money raise ethical concerns.

      During the discussion, it was revealed that Tony Bobolinski was involved in a company, Hudson West, which was supposed to receive $5,000,000 from CEFC. However, Hunter Biden arranged for the money to be transferred to his personal account instead, without Tony's knowledge. This contradicts the narrative that no one in the Biden camp was aware of Hunter's business dealings. Furthermore, it was highlighted that the media's role in reporting on this issue has been questionable, with some outlets downplaying the significance of Hunter's interactions with his father. The most concerning aspect, however, is the allegation that Hunter Biden was providing access to his father in exchange for money, making Joe Biden's denial of any involvement in his son's business dealings questionable. The media's role in holding those in power accountable and providing accurate information has been criticized. Ultimately, the discussion raised serious questions about the ethical implications of these business dealings and the potential for conflicts of interest.

    • Biden family business deals with foreign entities before donationsConcerns about foreign entities investing in Biden family businesses pre-dated political donations, with access to powerful political figures a significant factor in these deals

      There have been concerns about foreign entities investing in businesses associated with the Biden family, and these transactions took place before any donations or fundraisers. The access to powerful political figures was a significant factor in these business deals. For instance, Hunter Biden's association with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, was based on his last name and his father's position as Vice President. Despite claims of providing legal services, it appears that Hunter Biden received large payments for his involvement in these businesses. Furthermore, the media's attempts to downplay the significance of these revelations, using the context of the Biden family's personal tragedies, should not overshadow the potential ethical concerns. The ongoing investigation is expected to reveal more evidence regarding Joe Biden's personal financial benefits from his son's overseas business dealings.

    • Biden family business dealings and corruption concernsPerceived lack of investigation into Biden family's foreign business dealings raises questions about two tiers of justice in the US, potentially fueling distrust in the criminal justice system and contributing to societal decay.

      The discussion highlights concerns over potential corruption and national security risks involving the Biden family's business dealings with foreign entities, particularly those tied to Chinese intelligence. The shifting narratives regarding Hunter Biden's actions and the perceived double standard in investigations between political figures fuel growing distrust in the criminal justice system. The lack of serious investigation into these matters by the Department of Justice raises questions about two tiers of justice in the US. The historical precedent suggests that the collapse of civilizations often follows when the criminal justice system is perceived as corrupt and favoring select individuals. The importance of maintaining divided government to ensure transparency and accountability cannot be overstated.

    • Disrespectful behavior by women's soccer team towards USAFormer player Carly Lloyd criticized team for lackluster play and disrespectful actions, including refusing to sing anthem and put hands over hearts. Post-2020, some players prioritized political activism over winning for US, leaving Americans feeling disconnected and uninterested in team's success.

      The women's soccer team's performance at the recent competition has been disappointing, with many players showing a lack of respect for the USA and its fans. Carly Lloyd, a former player, criticized the team for their lackluster play and disrespectful behavior, particularly their refusal to sing the national anthem or put their hands over their hearts. The team's decline in performance started post-2020, when some players, like Megan Rapinoe, began prioritizing political activism over winning for the United States. The team's celebration of mediocre results and focus on woke issues has left many Americans feeling disconnected and uninterested in their success. The team's behavior reminds some observers of the Republican Party, which is perceived as being full of losers who are content with mediocrity and the erosion of American values.

    • Trend of Glorifying Mediocrity and Devaluing ExcellenceDuring a basketball loss discussion, America's trend of glorifying losing and devaluing excellence was highlighted. In politics, Dr. Fauci may have lied to Congress about funding gain-of-function research, which has serious implications for truth and accountability in leadership.

      There seems to be a concerning trend in America where losing or being mediocre is glorified, while excellence and courage are being devalued. This was highlighted in a discussion about a basketball team's loss and the subsequent criticism they faced. Meanwhile, in the world of politics, there has been a revelation that Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key figure in the US response to the COVID-19 pandemic, may have lied to Congress about funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute. This research involves making viruses more lethal or contagious. Fauci denied funding such research and its occurrence at the Wuhan Institute, but recently unredacted emails suggest otherwise. Senator Rand Paul is now pushing for criminal charges against Fauci for these alleged lies. The implications of these events highlight the importance of truth and accountability in leadership, especially during times of crisis.

    • COVID-19: Was it caused by reckless scientific research?Concerns have been raised about the role of dangerous research experiments in the Wuhan lab, funded by the US, and the suppression of those speaking out against the natural origin narrative. Accountability and investigation are necessary, as well as addressing the issue of elderly politicians unable to effectively perform their duties.

      The COVID-19 pandemic may have been caused or exacerbated by reckless scientific investments in dangerous research experiments, specifically in the Wuhan lab in China, which lacked proper safety protocols. This research was funded by the United States despite concerns and evidence of safety issues. Additionally, those who spoke out against the narrative that the virus naturally emerged from animals were suppressed and silenced. Accountability for these actions is necessary, and the extent of the gain-of-function research and its role in the pandemic should be fully investigated. Another concern is the increasing number of elderly politicians, such as Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden, and Dianne Feinstein, who are unable to effectively perform their duties due to age. This raises questions about when it is time for them to step down and allows the country to be represented by individuals who are capable and healthy.

    • Discussing the need for younger leaders in government and concerns about lobbying and aging politiciansThe speakers emphasized the importance of having younger leaders in government to stay connected to the current pulse of the country and perform at their best. They also expressed concerns about the influence of lobbying groups and the potential decay of mental and physical abilities in older politicians.

      The discussion touched upon the idea of having younger leaders in government due to their supposed connection to the current pulse of the country and their ability to perform at peak capacity. The speakers also expressed concerns about the influence of lobbying groups and the potential decay of mental and physical abilities in older politicians. Additionally, Dennis Quaid, a legendary actor and musician, joined the conversation to discuss his new gospel album and how his faith has influenced his life and work. The speakers also mentioned their ongoing strike as actors against streaming services.

    • Actors and writers face challenges in the streaming era for fair compensationThe entertainment industry is uncertain with residuals becoming less clear-cut, strikes, and lack of reporting on viewership numbers. Dennis Quaid finds comfort in faith and music.

      The entertainment industry, particularly actors and writers, are facing challenges in adapting to the streaming era and securing fair compensation for their past work. Residuals, which were once a reliable source of income, are becoming less clear-cut in the streaming landscape. The industry is currently in a state of uncertainty, with strikes and a lack of reporting on viewership numbers adding to the confusion. Meanwhile, Dennis Quaid has found solace in his faith and music, releasing a gospel album titled "Fallen" to share his spiritual journey with a broad audience.

    • Actor's journey with addiction and spiritual awakeningDespite fame and success, addiction is a real struggle that requires help and honesty in relationships is crucial

      Actor's life story is a complex mix of experiences, including a struggle with addiction. During the 1980s, he went through a phase of using cocaine, which was seen as acceptable in the industry at the time. However, he had a wake-up call and checked himself into rehab. His spiritual journey led him to rediscover his faith in Christianity and Jesus became his personal savior. He went through several marriages and relationships, some of which included partners who were using drugs without his knowledge. Despite these challenges, he eventually found love again and is now happily married. His experiences serve as a reminder that no matter how successful or famous one may be, struggles with addiction are real and require help. His story also highlights the importance of honesty and communication in relationships.

    • The Importance of Authenticity and Intellectual Connection in RelationshipsAuthenticity, open communication, and intellectual connection are essential for building a meaningful and fulfilling relationship, regardless of age differences.

      An authentic and open relationship brings immense joy and fulfillment, even in the face of life's adversities. The speaker cherishes his relationship with his partner, who is not only intellectually stimulating but also an equalizer due to their age difference. They value honesty and open communication, which makes their bond stronger than ever. The speaker admires her intelligence and youthful spirit, which keeps him engaged and optimistic about their future. Despite their age difference, they find common ground and enjoy each other's company, traveling between Los Angeles and Nashville. The speaker also expresses his desire to have children, believing that they will bring even more love and joy into their lives. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of authenticity, open communication, and intellectual connection in building a meaningful and fulfilling relationship.

    • Parenting in the Entertainment IndustrySuccess in entertainment depends on talent and hard work, strong family relationships, and open communication are crucial, and addressing addiction and mental health issues is essential.

      Despite having famous parents, a child's success in the entertainment industry depends largely on their own talent and hard work. The father in this conversation shared his experience of letting his son pursue his dreams on his own terms, despite initial reservations due to the challenges and potential risks involved in the industry. He expressed pride in his son's achievements and emphasized the importance of a strong family relationship and open communication for raising well-adjusted children. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the prevalence of addiction and mental health issues in the entertainment industry and the importance of addressing these issues to prevent tragedies.

    • Exploring the potential for a spiritual reawakeningDespite declining popularity, faith and spirituality offer joy and connection during uncertain times, encouraging personal relationships with God and inspiring others through music and stories.

      The speaker believes that despite the decline in faith and spirituality's popularity, especially during times of chaos and uncertainty like the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a potential for a spiritual reawakening. He shares his personal experiences of contemplating life's big questions and finding joy and connection through faith. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of maintaining one's joy and having a personal relationship with God. Through music and sharing stories, the speaker hopes to inspire others to reconsider the role of spirituality in their lives.

    • The Parent Trap: A Pivotal Moment in Dennis Quaid's CareerDennis Quaid's contrasting connection with Laura and her old soul, Lindsay Lohan's youthful talent, and his own father experiences made 'The Parent Trap' a significant film in his career.

      The connection between actors Laura and Dennis, as portrayed in their film "The Parent Trap," was a natural one due to their contrasting personalities and ages. Dennis, who felt an attraction to Laura's old soul, saw potential in their relationship. Meanwhile, Lindsay Lohan's exceptional talent at a young age left a lasting impression on Dennis, making "The Parent Trap" a pivotal moment in his career. The film not only gave him a new lease on life after a challenging period, but it also showcased his ability to bring complex father-son stories to life. Additionally, Dennis shared that his own experiences with his father influenced his acting and resonated with audiences. Overall, "The Parent Trap" stands out as a significant film in Dennis' career, highlighting his versatility and ability to connect with both his co-stars and audiences.

    • Decline in Young People's Patriotism Concerns SpeakerThough young people's patriotism is low, the speaker believes America's love for country will return, drawing parallels to past challenges and emphasizing the importance of honoring those who served and respecting diverse viewpoints.

      There's a decline in patriotism among young people, with only 18% of those aged 18-29 feeling patriotic compared to 85% a decade ago. This concerns the speaker, who believes that America's love for country will return, as it has in the past during challenging times. They draw parallels to historical events, such as the Iran hostage crisis and the 1970s, when America seemed to be in decline but then came back stronger. The speaker expresses faith that the pendulum will swing back and that the current divisiveness and political correctness will give way to a renewed sense of pride in America. They also emphasize the importance of honoring those who have served and sacrificed for the country. Despite political differences, the speaker encourages respect for all viewpoints and a return to productive dialogue.

    • Dennis Quaid's Focus on Uniting PeopleDennis Quaid uses themes of faith, family, and patriotism to bring people together, focusing on movies and music instead of politics.

      Dennis Quaid, through his films and interviews, is making an effort to bring people together despite political differences. He believes that the political climate is becoming less polarized and the pendulum is swinging back towards the middle. Quaid's approach is to focus on themes of faith, family, and patriotism, which resonate with a wide audience. He acknowledges that people may not want to hear actors express their politics openly and instead chooses to approach the topic in a more subtle way. Quaid's movies, such as the upcoming "Megan," and his gospel album, "Fallen," have been well-received by his fans. The interview ended with a promotion for Quaid's upcoming film and a plug for his album. The Megyn Kelly Show aims to provide a platform for open and honest conversations without an agenda or fear.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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