
    Putting Down Your Bricks & Concerned for Loved Ones' Health

    enMarch 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Supporting loved ones through challengesEmpathize, understand, and encourage independence in loved ones dealing with college, health, or self-neglect issues.

      Supporting loved ones through challenges, whether they're in college, dealing with health issues, or neglecting their own well-being, requires empathy, understanding, and encouragement towards independence. A mom shared her concern about her freshman son's financial struggles and health concerns, another couple discussed their different sleeping schedules, and a wife expressed her worry about her husband's self-neglect. The Doctor John DeLoney Show offers a platform for real people to share their stories and find solutions together. Whether it's figuring out how to help your college-aged child become more independent, dealing with relationship issues, or addressing mental health concerns, the show provides valuable insights and advice.

    • Encouraging Students to Use College Resources Instead of Escaping with Video GamesParents and guardians should encourage students to utilize mental health counseling, study skill services, and academic support to overcome challenges and improve work ethic, instead of relying on video games or other distractions.

      Video games can be a way for students, especially freshmen, to disconnect and numb out during challenging times, such as the pandemic and remote learning. This can lead to a lack of engagement with academic resources and poor grades. It's important for parents and guardians to encourage their children to take advantage of the various resources available to them at the college level, such as mental health counseling, study skill services, and academic support. These resources can help students develop the necessary skills to overcome challenges and improve their work ethic, rather than relying on escapism through video games or other distractions. Additionally, it's crucial for students to acknowledge their deficiencies and actively seek out help instead of avoiding the issue.

    • Advocating for Children's Mental Health in CollegeParents should push for more counseling resources, set boundaries, and encourage responsibility while being supportive.

      Parents should advocate for their children's mental health needs by pushing for more counseling resources at their universities and setting boundaries for their behavior. The speaker, a parent herself, emphasizes the importance of not accepting long waitlists for counseling services and encouraging students to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. She also advises against continuing to fund negative behaviors and instead setting high expectations. The speaker shares her experience of witnessing the transformative impact of a university's counseling center that adapted to serve a larger student body. Ultimately, she encourages parents to be supportive but firm in their approach, recognizing that their children are capable of learning new skills to overcome challenges.

    • Setting boundaries for children during the pandemicParents should encourage academic pursuits, healthy habits, and social connections for their children. Video games are a temporary escape, but should not replace essential aspects of a child's life. Open conversations and support from parents are crucial, and schools can provide effective learning experiences to help students cope.

      Despite the challenges and unusual circumstances brought about by the pandemic, it's crucial for parents to set boundaries and encourage their children to engage in activities that promote their overall well-being. This includes academic pursuits, healthy habits, and social connections. Video games, while a temporary escape, should not replace essential aspects of a child's life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of parents having open conversations with their children about their struggles and offering support and guidance. Additionally, schools have a role to play in providing engaging and effective learning experiences to help students cope with the stressors of the pandemic. Ultimately, the goal is to help children navigate this difficult time while setting them up for success in the long run.

    • Understanding and prioritizing each other's needsEffective communication and compromise are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship, even when partners have different needs and schedules. Acknowledging and respecting each other's needs can deepen the connection and improve overall well-being.

      Effective communication and understanding each other's needs are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship, even when schedules and preferences differ significantly. The speaker and his wife, for instance, have different sleep requirements and nighttime routines, which led to a communication issue. However, they managed to find a compromise by prioritizing each other's needs and adjusting their schedules accordingly. The husband realized that he needed more sleep to function optimally, while his wife craved quality time and conversations before bed. By acknowledging and respecting each other's needs, they were able to improve their communication and deepen their connection. This experience highlights the importance of empathy, compromise, and prioritizing each other's well-being in relationships.

    • Setting boundaries for healthy relationshipsEffective communication and setting a consistent bedtime routine can help couples build a stronger bond by prioritizing sleep and quality time, while understanding each other's needs and approaching conversations with a focus on mutual benefits.

      Effective communication and setting boundaries are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship, especially when it comes to managing time together. The speaker shares his experience of struggling with unstructured time spent with his wife and the importance of identifying individual needs and setting a consistent bedtime routine. By having open conversations and understanding each other's requirements, they were able to create a balanced schedule that prioritized both sleep and quality time. The speaker emphasizes the importance of approaching these conversations with a focus on mutual needs rather than burdens and encourages setting aside dedicated time for connection. The takeaway is that by structuring time together and communicating effectively, couples can build a stronger bond and ensure that they are meeting each other's emotional and physical needs.

    • The Power of Intentional Rest and Letting GoIntentional rest can improve relationships and overall well-being. Recognize and let go of past burdens to live lighter and present.

      Intentionality and prioritizing rest can significantly improve relationships and overall well-being. The speaker shares his personal experience of staying in bed until 10 o'clock for 30 days and the positive impact it had on his relationship with his partner. He also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and letting go of the "bricks" or burdens we carry from our past that negatively affect our mental, emotional, and relational health. By deciding not to carry these bricks anymore and seeking support in letting them go, we can live lighter and more present in our daily lives.

    • Identifying specific sources of past traumaAcknowledge and address the root causes of trauma to heal and move forward, focusing on self-healing and leaving behind unhealthy relationships.

      Healing from past traumas involves acknowledging and specifically identifying the sources of pain, rather than generalizing and hating broad concepts like churches or families. Being honest about the root causes of trauma, whether they stem from children or adults, is essential for processing the hurt and moving forward. It's important to remember that not everyone who caused harm intended to do so, and focusing on the past can waste valuable energy. Instead, focus on healing and leaving behind the bricks in your backpack that no longer serve you. If you encounter dangerous or abusive relationships, it's crucial to recognize and remove yourself from those situations.

    • Sharing past traumas with trusted individuals or professionalsDiscussing past traumas with trusted individuals or seeking professional help can provide new perspectives and help control thoughts and reactions.

      Processing past traumas and negative experiences requires the support of others. After identifying and acknowledging the bricks in your backpack, it's essential to share them with trusted individuals or seek professional help. By discussing these experiences, you can gain new perspectives and learn to control your thoughts and reactions. Remember, old memories and intrusive thoughts can be challenged by practicing self-awareness and developing a new identity. The goal is not to erase the past, but to learn from it and grow as a person. Seek support, notice how your body reacts, and practice saying "no" to the old demons that try to hold you back.

    • Struggling with a spouse's unhealthy habitsDealing with a spouse's health issues and unhealthy habits can be a source of anxiety and concern, ultimately individuals have the power to make choices for their health.

      Being married to someone who doesn't prioritize their health can be a source of anxiety and concern, especially when their habits are negatively impacting their life and the lives of their family. The speaker in this conversation has been dealing with her husband's severe asthma, smoking, and other unhealthy habits for three years, which have led to multiple hospitalizations. She has tried various approaches to express her concerns, but her husband's response is always understanding but no action is taken. The speaker feels powerless to change her husband's behaviors and fears the future implications for their family. It's important to recognize that ultimately, individuals have the power to make choices for their own health and well-being. The speaker acknowledges that her husband may have underlying issues contributing to his choices, but the consequences are clear. The conversation highlights the challenge of balancing love and concern with powerlessness and the difficult decision of whether to accept the situation or take more drastic measures.

    • When a partner doesn't love themselves enoughEncourage self-care, set boundaries, seek professional help, and prioritize well-being to improve relationships and prevent diseases of despair.

      When a partner doesn't love themselves as much as their significant other does, it can be heartbreaking. This situation is not unique and affects many spouses and partners across the country. The best course of action for someone in this position is to prioritize self-care and set boundaries. Seeking professional help to process emotions is also recommended. Declaring and enforcing non-negotiable boundaries, such as no smoking or drinking inside the house, can create a healthier environment for both the individual and their children. The speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding for those struggling with self-love and encourages them to seek help and prioritize their well-being. The situation may not have an immediate solution, but taking small steps towards self-care and setting boundaries can lead to long-term progress. Blaming, criticizing, and complaining do not solve connection-level issues and can contribute to diseases of despair, such as long-term suicide. The speaker encourages anyone struggling to reach out for help and support.

    • The pain of neglecting personal growth in a relationshipReflect on personal value, make changes to prevent being left behind in a relationship, and don't let past relationships define future happiness.

      No one should let themselves be left behind in a relationship. The song "Heartbreak Station" by an unspecified eighties or nineties hair metal band, highlights the pain and regret of watching a loved one leave, caused by neglecting personal growth and self-worth. The lyrics, "She took the last train out of my heart," symbolize the loss of a relationship due to personal stagnation. Men, in particular, are encouraged to reflect on their value and make changes to prevent being left at the station. The passing of days and the fading of memories should serve as motivation to start anew and not let past relationships define one's future.

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    78. Scientific Approaches to Resolving Trauma and Optimizing Brain Function | Liliam Llanos

    Liliam Llanos is a trauma resolution coach who works with individuals on trauma resolution and trains other coaches and practitioners in scientific approaches to trauma resolution. 


    Working on trauma resolution has helped Liliam feel a sense of optimism for the future and stability in her day to day life. But before she could even do the work of trauma resolution, she had to recognize that what she was experiencing was a trauma response. With this knowledge and understanding of what was happening, she was able to learn how to revisit these memories and rewire her brain to have a healthier and more productive response.


    We discuss how to recognize when you’re having a trauma response and some tips to resolve and rewire your responses.

    Find Liliam Llanos on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/innergymaster

    Schedule a free call with Liliam: https://bit.ly/FreeCallwithLiliam


    Get the full show notes and links to all the resources mentioned at keeptalkingrevolutionpodcast.com/ep-78

    More about Sharon:

    Free Guide, “Five Key Elements of a Productive Conversation”: keeptalkingrevolution.com/5elements

    Schedule a Relationship Reset Session: keeptalkingrevolution.com/resetsession

    Follow Keep Talking Revolution on Instagram: instagram.com/keeptalkingrevolution

    87. Am I Hyperindependent?

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    EP06: On Boundaries and Accountability, Part 1

    EP06: On Boundaries and Accountability, Part 1

    Sarah Rice and Therapy Jeff are back with the first half of their two-part conversation on boundaries and accountability. This first episode is all about defining, understanding, setting, communicating, and respecting boundaries.

    Jeff breaks down why setting boundaries can be really difficult and how we might gaslight ourselves into thinking our desire to set boundaries is asking for too much. But really, a boundary can be a "gift or a little map" to tell someone else how to be a good friend, lover, co-worker, or family member (because boundaries aren't just for romantic partners).

    Sarah and Jeff model a caring, loving way to set boundaries, and Sarah shares her "Relationship Mad Libs" which is a template you can use when you need to establish a boundary in your life.

    We also get introduced to Sarah's superhero alter ego that she calls in to do the hard stuff. Her name is Rogue Carbonara, and she's a boundary-setting badass.

    We want to hear about your superhero alter ego! They're your favorite superhero combined with your greatest weakness. Jeff's is He-Man Algebra, but we're still workshopping that one.

    Listen to more podcasts like this: https://wavepodcastnetwork.com

    We want to hear from you! Let us know what's on your mind:

    Jeff's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@therapyjeff

    Jeff's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therapyjeff

    Sarah's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imsarahrice

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