
    Q&A: Bobby Gruenewald, YouVersion Founder

    en-usJuly 09, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • From limited resources to successful innovationInnovation doesn't require vast resources, but a problem to solve and determination to make the most of available resources.

      Innovation often stems from individuals with a unique perspective and the ability to turn challenges into opportunities, even with limited resources. Bobby Gruenewald, an innovative leader and entrepreneur, shares his experience of starting and selling tech companies in his late teens and early twenties, demonstrating the power of creativity and execution. He emphasizes that innovation doesn't require vast resources but rather a problem to solve and the determination to make the most of what's available. This perspective resonates with the discussion on the 4 essential qualities of innovative leaders in the previous episode, which included having a problem to solve and working with limited resources.

    • Born from a problem and a crazy ideaConstraints can lead to innovative solutions and failure is a necessary part of the process.

      Having a willingness to fail, identifying a problem to solve, and having a crazy idea are key components to creating something impactful, even with limited resources. The idea for the YouVersion Bible app was born out of a desire to engage with scripture consistently and a problem of finding an interface that fit with a busy lifestyle. With limited resources, the team creatively sought out relationships to overcome obstacles and eventually brought the idea to life, impacting millions of lives. This story demonstrates that constraints can often lead to innovative solutions and that failure is a necessary part of the process.

    • Learning from FailureBeing open to failure and willing to learn from it can lead to innovation and success. Admit when an idea isn't working and evaluate reasons for failure to pave way for improvement.

      Failure is an essential part of innovation. The speakers shared their experience of creating YouVersion, a popular Bible app, and how their initial attempt failed despite their initial vision and investment. They acknowledged the failure early on and were willing to shut it down, which led them to evaluate the reasons for its failure. One key discovery was that people were using their smartphones more than their computers, leading them to redesign the website to be mobile-friendly. This failure paved the way for the success of YouVersion. It's important to be willing to admit failure and learn from it, rather than clinging to an idea that may not be working. Many of the most innovative ideas are born from the ashes of previous failures.

    • From failure to success: Embracing the unexpectedFailure can lead to great opportunities. Embrace the 'what if' mindset and take risks to innovate, even with limited resources and no prior experience.

      Sometimes failure can lead to great opportunities. The speaker shares a story about developing a Bible app for the iPhone, which started as a last-ditch effort to salvage a project before it failed. By embracing a "what if" mindset and taking a risk, they were able to create something that revolutionized how people engaged with the Bible. With limited resources and no prior app development experience, they turned to a 19-year-old team member with a passion for Apple. The app was a success beyond their wildest expectations, with 83,000 downloads in the first weekend alone. Today, the organization has grown, and the team is dedicated to continuing to innovate and make the Bible accessible to people in new and meaningful ways. The story serves as a reminder that sometimes the most successful projects come from taking risks and embracing the unexpected.

    • Leveraging Volunteers for SuccessThe YouVersion Bible App thrives with a team of 35 full-time employees and over 1000 volunteers, demonstrating the power of community engagement in large-scale organizations.

      The YouVersion Bible App, despite being one of the largest and most successful apps in the world, is run by a team of just 35 full-time employees, with over 1000 volunteers contributing to its success. This innovative approach to leveraging the wisdom, time, and capacity of volunteers demonstrates that even large-scale organizations can thrive with a collaborative and engaged community. Looking to the future, the app is continuing to innovate, with a new feature called Bible Lens. This tool uses image recognition technology to connect users with verses that resonate with their everyday lives, by recognizing objects in photos and providing relevant scripture. This new feature aims to help users see the connection between scripture and their world in a more meaningful way, and further demonstrates the app's commitment to providing the best possible experience for its global user base.

    • Focus on the next step, not the endingStarting a project doesn't require having all resources or a clear end goal. Focus on the present and make adjustments as needed to attract the right people and resources.

      Starting a project, no matter how big or small, doesn't require having all the resources or a clear end goal in sight. The Bible App story is a great example of this. The creators took each step one at a time, leveraging their resources and relationships to move forward. They didn't let the overwhelming nature of the ending prevent them from taking the next step. Instead, they focused on the present and made adjustments as needed. So, for those feeling stuck with limited resources and unsure of how to move forward, remember that each step brings you closer to attracting the right people and resources. Don't be discouraged by the ending; focus on the next step. And if you could go back in time and give advice to your younger self, the Bible App creators suggest saying nothing at all. Instead, trust the journey and the unexpected opportunities that come with it.

    • Empowering leadership: recognizing and acting on team members' ideasEffective leaders recognize and empower team members' ideas, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration. Humility and presence are crucial qualities for leaders to embody.

      Effective leadership involves recognizing and empowering the ideas and contributions of others, even if those ideas don't originate from the leader themselves. Bobby G. Wald, the leader of an organization that provides a free Bible app, emphasized this during a podcast interview. He shared how he didn't come up with every great idea for the organization but rather identified and acted on ideas from his team. He also emphasized the importance of being present and faithful in each step of the journey, even if the destination is uncertain. Wald encouraged listeners to follow him on social media to keep up with his story and leadership. Additionally, he was praised by the interviewer for being an empowering leader who created an environment where people can thrive. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of humility, trust, and empowerment in effective leadership.

    • Authenticity is key in leadershipBe true to yourself as a leader and people are more likely to follow you. Subscribe, rate, review, and share the podcast on iTunes and social media for more resources.

      Authenticity is key in leadership. Craig Groeschel emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself rather than trying to be someone else. He encourages listeners to be real leaders and shares that people are more likely to follow those who are genuine. To support the podcast, listeners are invited to subscribe, rate, and review it on iTunes and share it on social media. Additionally, they can check out Craig's five favorite episodes and receive a leader guide to facilitate team discussions at life.church/favorite5. Remember, be yourself and lead authentically.

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