
    Reby Hardy Talks Married Life with Matt Hardy & Raising a Gothic Baby

    enJanuary 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • From Wrestling to Motherhood: Rebi Pardee's JourneyRebi Pardee, a former wrestling superstar and content creator with 2 million TikTok followers, shared her journey from wrestling to motherhood. She acknowledged the importance of recognizing the feminine side of strong women in wrestling and opened up about her struggles with infertility and unexpected pregnancy.

      Miss Rebi Pardee, a content creator with over 2 million followers on TikTok and a former wrestling superstar, shared her journey from her wrestling days to becoming a mother of four. During their conversation, Trish reminisced about her admiration for Rebi and how she wished to be like her. They talked about their shared past in wrestling and how Rebi was unsure if she was speaking to the right person. Rebi shared that she was initially unsure if Trish was confusing her with someone else due to their similar backgrounds. Trish expressed her envy towards Rebi and other wrestlers for their put-together appearances. She also acknowledged the importance of acknowledging the feminine side of strong women in wrestling. Rebi revealed that she wrestled for TNA for three years and got pregnant unexpectedly after years of trying. She shared her experience of finally getting pregnant after years of infertility issues. Trish also shared her own struggles with infertility and how she was finally able to have her children. The conversation ended with Rebi sharing that she has been pregnant or nursing for almost 10 years. Overall, the conversation was a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the feminine side of strong women and the challenges they face in their personal lives.

    • A woman's desire for control and autonomy in her pregnancy and birth experienceDespite facing challenges in previous pregnancies, a woman contemplates having another baby due to her strong desire for control and unique birth preferences, considering unconventional settings like outdoor births.

      The speaker, who has been pregnant multiple times and experienced challenging pregnancies, is considering having another baby despite the difficulties, as she feels drawn to the idea and desires control over her birth experience. She has even considered having an outdoor birth, which she attempted but was unable to carry out due to a rainstorm. The speaker also mentioned her desire for autonomy and being in control of her decisions, which led her to consider unconventional birth settings. Additionally, she shared her experiences of having four children without any help from nannies or outside assistance, except for her father who lives on their compound. The speaker's unique perspective on pregnancy and birth, as well as her desire for control and autonomy, sets her apart from the average pregnant woman.

    • Navigating the Challenges of FameFame brings unique challenges, requiring adaptability and resilience. Interactions with fans, confrontation, and new environments can be handled with lessons from wrestling and embracing vulnerability.

      Fame comes with unique challenges, whether it's dealing with fans, handling confrontation, or adjusting to a new environment. The speaker, who grew up in New York and is now living in a less populated area, reflects on her experiences and how she's learned to navigate them. She shares stories of her interactions with fans and her wrestling background, which has helped her become more confrontational when needed. Despite her tough exterior, she acknowledges her softer side and how she's grown as a person. The conversation also touches on the speaker's singing abilities, which were discovered during her time on off-Broadway. Overall, the conversation highlights the duality of fame and the importance of being able to adapt to different situations.

    • Pop culture influences naming decisionsPop culture and personal experiences can deeply impact the decision to name a child, with influences ranging from TV shows to family names and long-standing traditions.

      The power of nostalgia and popular culture can deeply influence personal experiences and decisions, especially when it comes to naming children. The speaker shared how the Netflix show "Wednesday" and the character's name Evermore, inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, influenced her decision to name her daughter Wednesday. She also mentioned how her husband's family name Moore and the gothic theme further influenced the name choice. Additionally, the speaker discussed how her husband's long-time wrestling career and the name Hardy, inspired by the name Barty Hardy, influenced the decision to name their son Bartholomew. The speaker also expressed how the recognition from Netflix and the unique experience of receiving the acceptance letter added to the excitement and significance of the name choices. Overall, this conversation highlights the impact of pop culture and personal experiences on important life decisions.

    • Balancing Wrestling Dreams and RisksWrestling offers opportunities but comes with potential dangers and lifestyle sacrifices. Families must weigh the benefits against the risks.

      Wrestling, while providing opportunities and dreams for some families, can also come with significant challenges and negative aspects. The speaker shares her personal experience of wanting her children to follow in her husband's footsteps but feeling apprehensive due to the potential dangers and lifestyle sacrifices. She acknowledges the allure and opportunities that came her way through her involvement in wrestling and Playboy, but also recognizes the cultural shifts and changing perspectives on these once-iconic brands. Ultimately, she grapples with the complexities of balancing dreams and aspirations with the potential risks and consequences.

    • Unexpected wedding photos lead to Playboy feature and career boostLife's unexpected turns can lead to remarkable achievements with the right mindset and determination

      Sometimes luck and unexpected opportunities can lead to remarkable achievements. The speaker, who grew up in a small town in Queens and married young, shared how her wedding photos ended up being discovered by a photographer who then arranged for her to be featured in Playboy magazine. This unexpected event kickstarted her career and led to further opportunities, including being crowned "Miss Howard Stern" in 2009. Despite her unconventional start, she was able to market herself effectively and use her experiences to build her stardom. It's a reminder that life can take unexpected turns, and with the right mindset and determination, even seemingly ordinary moments can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

    • A porn star's campaign unexpectedly leads to a radio gig for the speakerThe speaker's involvement in a porn star's campaign, driven by spite, led to an unexpected opportunity to appear on Howard Stern's radio show.

      The speaker's unexpected involvement in a porn star's campaign helped her win a role on Howard Stern's radio show. The speaker had always dreamed of being a porn star but never pursued it due to concerns about weight and privacy. The porn star, who was campaigning against a rival, enlisted the speaker's help and used her fanbase to rally votes. The speaker was initially hesitant but ultimately won the role due to the porn star's spite. The speaker had interacted with Howard Stern several times and had a good experience with him, despite his infamous outlandish on-air persona. The speaker was surprised by the contrast between Howard's professional demeanor off-air and his provocative on-air persona.

    • Persistence and self-promotion in modeling industryIn the modeling industry, persistence and self-promotion were crucial before social media. Now, with social media, brands approach models with established online presence.

      Persistence and self-promotion were crucial factors for success in the modeling industry before the social media era. The speaker shared her experience of reaching out to brands and opportunities herself, even without representation, which opened doors for her. She emphasized that hustling and constant effort were necessary to stand out and get noticed. Now, with the rise of social media, things have changed, and full-time moms like her have less time to dedicate to reaching out to brands directly. Instead, brands often approach them due to their established online presence. The speaker also highlighted the importance of being adaptable and embracing new opportunities, as evidenced by her successful gothic baby brand and book collaborations.

    • Meeting Malibu, a talented and personable child influencerEncountering Malibu, a child influencer with a deep connection to performing and creativity, left a lasting impression on the speaker due to her authenticity and shared interests.

      The little girl, Malibu, has a deep connection with performing and creativity, likely influenced by her parents. Her unique signature and outgoing personality are evident, making her an exceptional and personable child. The encounter at the event left a lasting impression on the speaker, who admired Malibu's authenticity and shared interests in creativity, aesthetics, and the gothic culture. The conversation also revealed the speaker's long-standing appreciation for the influencer's content, which began around 2013. Overall, the experience of meeting Malibu and reconnecting with the influencer brought about a sense of excitement and nostalgia.

    • Discovering a Haunted Mansion-Themed NurseryCreating a unique, personalized living space can bring joy and excitement, even if it's unconventional.

      Creating a unique and personalized living space, no matter how unconventional it may seem, can bring joy and excitement to one's life. The speaker in this conversation was initially surprised to discover that a long-followed social media influencer had built a haunted mansion-themed secret playroom in her nursery. The speaker was captivated by the creativity and detail put into the space, which included a fireman's pole, a crawl space, and a colorful playroom. The influencer had designed the addition to her house with these features in mind, and the process took only six months to complete. Despite initial confusion and skepticism from her builder, the influencer was fully committed to having a mantle and hidden nooks in her baby's nursery. The contrast between the dark, gothic nursery and the colorful playroom was a deliberate choice, reflecting the influencer's love for both bright colors and the overall aesthetic of her home. The conversation highlights the importance of following one's personal vision and creating a living space that brings happiness and excitement, even if it deviates from the norm.

    • A woman's 10-year journey to create themed rooms in her homePassionate homeowner transforms her house into a unique, themed space over a decade, expressing creativity and resourcefulness despite challenges and budget constraints.

      This individual has a deep passion for creating unique and themed spaces in her home. From a Minecraft room to a haunted mansion space, every corner of her house is thoughtfully designed to reflect her personal interests. This project, which she's been working on for over a decade, is a labor of love that she continues to tackle, with no end in sight. Despite the challenges and the time commitment, she finds joy in the process and the opportunity to express her creativity. Even though her husband is budget-conscious, she prefers to handle the renovations herself, demonstrating her dedication and resourcefulness. While some may see her home as an eccentric display, she views it as an extension of her brand and a reflection of her family's competitive and creative spirit.

    • A Traveling Entertainment FamilyDespite challenges, this family finds joy in their unconventional lifestyle as a traveling entertainment act, with their love for performing and staying together outweighing any negatives.

      Fame and entertainment run in the family for this interviewee, extending even to their young daughter. The interviewee's background is in wrestling, a profession often associated with the carnival circuit. They share that their family is essentially a traveling entertainment act, and their daughter's newfound recognition is just another addition to their unconventional lifestyle. The interviewee expresses that their family's love for performing and staying together outweighs any potential negatives, such as school trauma or the occasional challenges of being on the road. Ultimately, they find joy in the unique experiences that come with their line of work and the opportunity to be a family while pursuing their passions.

    • A girl's journey of marriage and self-discoveryGrowing up as a girl involves unique challenges and societal pressures, which can lead to complex experiences including marriage and self-discovery. It's essential to understand and address these complexities to promote healthy growth and development.

      Growing up as a girl can be a complex and challenging experience, filled with both joy and trauma. The speaker shared her personal story of getting married at a young age, which was influenced by her volatile relationship with her mother and societal pressures. Her mother, in an attempt to help herself, facilitated the marriage to a man whose family disapproved of their relationship. The speaker went through the process of converting to his religion, but ultimately realized it wasn't the right path for her. Looking back, she recognizes the traumatic nature of the experience, despite the romantic notion of young love. This story highlights the unique challenges girls face and the importance of understanding and addressing the complexities of their experiences.

    • The Complexities of Relationships and Personal ChoicesPeople make choices based on their circumstances and priorities, even if those choices may not align with societal norms or personal values. Honesty and self-awareness are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships.

      People make choices based on their circumstances and priorities at the time, even if those choices may not align with societal norms or personal values. In this conversation, the speaker recounts her experience of being in a marriage where her partner was unfaithful and involved her in a plan to hide it from her parents. She later learned that he had moved on and ghosted her, leading her to feel betrayed and jealous. However, she shared that she has since come to terms with the situation and no longer feels the need to be jealous. She emphasized the importance of communication and being true to oneself in relationships. The speaker also mentioned that her ex-husband had learned from his mistakes and had become more cautious in his relationships since then. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of relationships and the importance of honesty and self-awareness.

    • Pink-themed wedding and love for memoriesThe speaker's love for pink led to a pink wedding dress and themed dressing room. She values memories and continues to work on multiple projects to avoid regret and live a fulfilling life.

      The speaker's love for pink, inspired by Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde," led her to have a pink wedding dress and a pink-themed dressing room. She values the memories and content created from her wedding, despite having a busy schedule with multiple jobs. Her fear of regret and intensity to be productive drives her to take on numerous projects and consider having another baby. She works in pinball design, creating custom themes for private collectors and companies, and has had successful collaborations with brands like Jim Beam. Despite her exhausting lifestyle, she continues to push herself to complete projects and live a fulfilling life without regrets.

    • Childhood traumas shape pregnancy decisionsIndividual experiences and past traumas can greatly impact one's perspective on pregnancy and childbirth, leading to unique decisions and preferences.

      Personal experiences and past traumas can significantly impact one's perspective and decisions, particularly when it comes to sensitive matters like pregnancy and childbirth. The woman in this conversation shared her experiences of undergoing medical experiments as a child, which left her with deep-rooted fears and mistrust towards hospitals and medical settings. This, in turn, influenced her decision to have her children at home with the help of a birth team. Her positive experiences with pregnancy and enjoyment of the process contrasted with her intense fear of contractions and the medical setting, highlighting the complexity and individuality of people's feelings and experiences.

    • Childbirth and Body Image: A Personal JourneyEmbrace the natural changes of motherhood and respect individual choices in childbirth and body image.

      Childbirth experiences and body image can be complex and deeply personal. The speaker shares her apprehension towards water births due to fear, but acknowledges the benefits and respects those who choose to have one. She also discusses her past struggles with societal pressure around body image and weight loss after pregnancy, which led to a complex relationship with food. Despite these challenges, she emphasizes the importance of embracing the natural changes that come with motherhood and keeping the memory of one's body alive. The speaker's honesty about her experiences highlights the need for open conversations around the realities of pregnancy, childbirth, and body image.

    • Impact of societal pressures and personal experiences on food and body imageSocietal expectations and personal experiences can lead to toxic thought patterns and unhealthy coping mechanisms regarding food and body image. Support systems and self-acceptance are crucial in overcoming these challenges. Media and societal norms significantly impact body image and self-perception, particularly during childhood and adolescence.

      Societal pressures and personal experiences can significantly impact an individual's relationship with food and body image, leading to toxic thought patterns and unhealthy coping mechanisms. The speaker shared her personal struggle with food addiction, which worsened during her postpartum period, and how she felt the need to hide it due to societal expectations. She also highlighted the importance of support systems and self-acceptance in overcoming these challenges. The conversation also touched upon the impact of media and societal norms on body image and self-perception, particularly during childhood and adolescence. Ultimately, the discussion emphasized the need for greater awareness and understanding of these issues and the importance of creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals struggling with food and body image issues.

    • Misunderstanding Family Authenticity on Social MediaRaising a child is unpredictable and capturing desirable moments requires quick reactions. Negative stereotypes and judgments towards alternative lifestyles can be frustrating. Embrace individuality and appreciate the complexities of family life.

      The speaker finds it strange and odd when people perceive her family and her social media content as a deliberate gimmick or orchestrated spectacle, rather than an authentic representation of their daily lives. She emphasizes that raising a child is unpredictable and that capturing desirable moments requires quick reactions and seizing opportunities. The speaker also expresses frustration with negative stereotypes and judgments towards alternative lifestyles, especially those involving gothic aesthetics. She highlights the importance of acceptance and understanding, and the fact that wealth does not guarantee a happy childhood. Ultimately, the speaker's perspective encourages embracing individuality and appreciating the complexities and uncertainties of family life.

    • Navigating Alternative Subcultures: Beyond Labels and StereotypesExplore and embrace the complexity and diversity of alternative subcultures, avoiding limiting labels and stereotypes. Self-expression and individuality are key, despite societal pressures and stigma.

      Labels and definitions can limit our understanding and expression of individual identity, particularly within the realm of alternative subcultures like gothic or emo. The speaker shares her personal journey of wanting to be alternative but not knowing what that meant, leading to exploration and experimentation with various styles and aesthetics. She also discusses the criticism and stigma faced for not conforming to certain expectations or stereotypes, both online and offline. Ultimately, she encourages embracing the complexity and diversity of alternative subcultures and avoiding the temptation to put oneself or others into neat boxes. The conversation highlights the importance of self-expression, individuality, and the challenges of navigating societal expectations and norms.

    • Navigating Online Criticism: Prioritizing Family and Personal ValuesLearn to let go of online negativity, prioritize family, and make choices based on personal values and circumstances.

      People have different ways of dealing with online criticism and the impact it has on their lives. Some choose to engage and defend themselves, while others prefer to ignore it and focus their energy on more important aspects of their lives, such as family. The speaker shares her personal experience of learning to let go of online negativity and prioritize her time and energy for her children. She also acknowledges the pressure to have children at a younger age and the challenges that come with having children later in life. Ultimately, she believes that everyone should make choices that align with their personal values and circumstances. The speaker also mentions the importance of self-reflection and understanding one's own motivations and needs in navigating online criticism and the broader societal expectations.

    • Perspectives on Birth Influenced by Societal Messages and FearsSocietal messages and fears can shape our perceptions of experiences like childbirth. Sharing diverse stories and lifestyles, even those considered unconventional, can be valuable and interesting to others.

      Our perspectives on various experiences, such as childbirth, are often influenced by societal messages and fears that we may not even be aware of. The speaker shared how her experiences with nature and the past influenced her perception of birth, and how she believes that sharing diverse stories and lifestyles, even those considered unconventional or glamorous, can be valuable and interesting to others. The speaker also expressed her concerns about sharing her true personality on reality TV due to the potential for drama and negativity. Despite this, she was appreciated for her refreshing and fun personality, which challenged stereotypes of mothers as perfect housewives.

    • A playful twist on classic Disney themesThe gothic baby brand started as a satirical video, but has since evolved into a unique and popular media franchise, blending dark themes with a playful spirit.

      The gothic baby voice and content came about organically during a quiet filming session for a satirical video, and has since evolved into a popular and unique brand. The gothic baby concept started as a playful twist on classic Disney princess themes, incorporating darker accents and a regal style. The creator expressed a desire to expand the brand into various media, such as books, movies, or TV series, and even dreamed of collaboration with Disney. She also mentioned the possibility of her gothic baby growing out of the style and transitioning to something else, but was open to the idea of adapting and creating new content. The creator's love for the gothic aesthetic was also reflected in her personal life, including her home theater setup and isolated location. Overall, the gothic baby brand represents a creative and unique expression of the goth subculture, blending dark themes with a playful and imaginative spirit.

    • Exploring the complexities of identity and heritageIdentity and heritage can be multifaceted, raising complex questions and societal expectations, especially in families with diverse backgrounds.

      Identity and heritage can be complex and multifaceted, as illustrated in the conversation between the speakers. They discuss their unique living situation, raising children, and the intricacies of determining their own and their children's heritage. The speakers express the challenges and curiosity surrounding their mixed backgrounds and the societal expectations of defining one's identity. Additionally, they share their experiences with gender reveals and the excitement and conflicting feelings that come with them. Overall, this conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of identity and heritage, as well as the importance of embracing the unknown and the excitement of discovery.

    • Embracing the Unique Journey of ParenthoodRespect and support each other's choices during pregnancy and parenthood. Everyone's journey is different, and it's essential to be empathetic, understanding, and happy for one another.

      Everyone's experiences with pregnancy, gender reveals, and parenthood are unique and personal. The speaker shared her feelings about gender reveals and the importance of being supportive and respectful towards each other's choices. She also discussed her own experiences with pregnancy, including the physical challenges and the importance of good nutrition. Despite the challenges, she expressed her excitement and joy for meeting new people and forming connections. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey is different, and it's crucial to be respectful and understanding towards each other's experiences. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of being happy and supportive during pregnancy, regardless of the gender of the baby. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and support during the journey of parenthood.

    • Unexpected connections through shared experiences or admirationAppreciate authenticity and find common ground with others, even in unexpected relationships

      Connections can form in unexpected ways, even through shared experiences or mutual admiration. This was evident in the speaker's interaction with another woman they admired, leading to a deep sense of connection and fondness. However, the speaker also acknowledged the challenges of navigating relationships, whether they be romantic or professional, and the complexities that can arise when the lines between reality and fiction blur. Ultimately, the speaker valued authenticity and the ability to find common ground with others, even in the face of potential drama or uncertainty.

    • Navigating relationships in wrestlingBuilding relationships is essential in wrestling, but can involve uncomfortable situations and clashing personal values. Adapting and navigating these challenges is crucial for success.

      The wrestling industry, like any other, is highly influenced by who you know and the relationships you build. This can involve navigating long-established rules and sometimes uncomfortable situations. For example, some wrestlers may require favors or expect certain behaviors, even if they are not contractually obligated. These expectations can clash with personal values, making it challenging for some individuals to succeed. Additionally, personal relationships can also play a role in storylines, potentially leading to unwanted attention and fan backlash. One interviewee shared how she refused to be involved in a storyline involving her boyfriend's ex, fearing the potential consequences and fan reaction. Ultimately, the ability to adapt and navigate these unique challenges is crucial for success in the wrestling industry.

    • Rebbi's story of adaptability and turning challenges into opportunitiesEmbrace change and take risks, even when uncomfortable or uncertain, and prioritize family in the pursuit of success.

      Rebbi's life is a testament to the power of adaptability and turning challenges into opportunities. From getting sued by the NFL for selling slutty Giants pictures during games to starting a radio show, Rebbi has continuously reinvented herself and found ways to make a living while staying true to herself. Her story highlights the importance of embracing change and taking risks, even when it's uncomfortable or uncertain. Additionally, Rebbi's focus on family and maintaining strong relationships throughout her various endeavors serves as an inspiring reminder of the importance of prioritizing loved ones in the pursuit of success.

    • Friendship and Shared ExperiencesFriendships bring joy and happiness through shared experiences and mutual admiration. Rebi Hardy's book signing event and future activities with her friend highlight the importance of cherishing these moments.

      The speaker expresses great joy and excitement about being present at a book signing event with her friend, Rebi Hardy, and her experiences with Hardy's family and dog, Malibu. The speaker also shares her dreams of future activities with Hardy, such as karaoke and a visit to North Carolina. The speaker's tone is enthusiastic and appreciative, reflecting the strong bond between the two friends. Additionally, the speaker mentions Rebi Hardy's other endeavors, including her presence on TikTok and potential reality show, and expresses her admiration for Hardy. Overall, the conversation conveys the importance of strong friendships and the shared experiences that bring joy and happiness.

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