
    Reclaim Yourself

    en-gbJuly 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Refocusing during tough timesDuring challenging times, ask 'What do I want?' to reclaim focus, make decisions aligned with desires, and maintain direction through journaling.

      During challenging times, it's essential to focus on what you want and need to help navigate through external pressures and internal emotions. When faced with problems, breakups, job dissatisfaction, or stress, it's crucial to reclaim yourself by asking, "What do I want?" This question provides clarity and helps you make decisions that align with your desires. By journaling your answers daily, you can maintain a sense of direction and ensure that every decision you make is yours to make. So, during tough times, take a moment to reflect on your goals and aspirations, and let them guide you towards a more fulfilling path.

    • Volley Network's messageThe Volley Network provides daily positivity and encouragement to help individuals maintain a positive mindset, reminding us to believe in ourselves and keep pushing forward despite challenges

      Each day, the Volley Network aims to provide positivity and encouragement to help individuals maintain a positive mindset. It's important to remember that we all deserve to live the life we want and have the ability to shine bright. The Volley Network is here to support and remind us of that. We all face challenges, but we have the power to overcome them with determination and a positive attitude. So, keep pushing forward, believe in yourself, and remember that you have 100% got this. The Volley Network will be here tomorrow and every day after that to bring you more motivation and positivity. Embrace the journey and keep moving forward.