
    Reprogramming our mindset to enjoy a more rewarding life

    enOctober 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Supporting Women with ADHD in ParentingThe 'Hyper Healing' book, authored by Abigail Kimpel, offers valuable insights and practical advice for women with ADHD in raising children with ADHD symptoms, with a focus on managing technology and finding balance.

      The ADHD Women's Well-being Podcast, hosted by Kate Moore, aims to support women with ADHD in improving their well-being and making intentional lifestyle choices. In this episode, Kate welcomed Abigail Kimpel, a special education teacher, college lecturer, private practice therapist for ADHD, and author of the book "Hyper Healing: The Empowered Parent's Complete Guide to Raising a Healthy Child with ADHD Symptoms." Abigail wrote the book as a resource she wished she had as a young parent, as she made many mistakes due to lack of guidance. The book covers various aspects of parenting a child with ADHD, and it's also beneficial for parents with ADHD. The podcast episode focuses on the relevance of the book for women with ADHD, as they are often the first generation to parent diagnosed children, and both parents need increased awareness. The book provides up-to-date information and advice, including managing technology, to help families find balance and calm.

    • Understanding the 'failure to launch' in women with ADHDIdentify and address the root causes of 'failure to launch' in women with ADHD, such as fear and self-doubt, to move forward.

      While the increased awareness and diagnosis of ADHD in children and adults can bring benefits such as self-compassion and understanding, it can also lead to lower expectations and a potential sense of being stuck. This notion of "failure to launch," or the inability to get started on new projects or goals, can manifest in women with busy families who feel overwhelmed and incapable due to their ADHD symptoms. Instead of assuming one is a failure, it's essential to identify the specific reasons that are preventing progress. In the case of a woman wanting to pursue horseback riding therapy, her fear of intimidation and self-doubt were the root causes. By recognizing and addressing these underlying issues, one can unstick themselves and move forward. It's crucial to remember that the stories we tell ourselves about our abilities and limitations are not always true, and with self-love and patience, we can overcome the obstacles that hold us back.

    • Impact of negative childhood comments on self-beliefParents and caregivers should avoid reinforcing limitations and instead encourage growth mindset to help children with learning differences build confidence and succeed in adulthood.

      Negative comments and expectations from childhood, often rooted in a lack of understanding about neurodivergence and learning differences, can significantly impact an individual's self-belief and ability to succeed in adulthood. Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in shaping children's beliefs about their abilities, and it's essential to avoid pigeonholing them into rigid roles. Even though it may seem loving and understanding, constantly reinforcing limitations can be damaging. By recognizing and addressing these patterns, parents can help their children build confidence and develop a growth mindset. Additionally, individuals with ADHD face unique challenges due to neurological differences, but with acknowledgement, self-awareness, and the understanding that belief systems can be changed, they can overcome these obstacles and thrive.

    • Understanding ADHD vs Building Healthy HabitsWhile ADHD can provide insight into challenges, focusing on healthy habits can lead to significant improvements in life.

      While ADHD is a real condition with identified symptoms, it's important to remember that it's not a definitive explanation for every challenge we face. Instead, focusing on building healthy habits can be just as impactful as understanding the neuroscience behind ADHD. The instant gratification personality often associated with ADHD can make forming habits difficult, but it also brings unique strengths like curiosity and flexibility. The neuroscience of ADHD is not as clear-cut as we once believed, and relying too heavily on a diagnosis can be an excuse for not taking action. By focusing on creating healthy habits, we can strengthen our brains and improve our lives, even if it's a slower process than we might hope. Ultimately, it's a balancing act between understanding our challenges and believing in our ability to overcome them.

    • No definitive brain scan for ADHD diagnosisThe diagnosis of ADHD is complex and ongoing, with research focusing on progress and personalized approaches rather than relying solely on brain scans or scientific proof.

      While there have been numerous studies on the neurological differences in individuals diagnosed with ADHD, a definitive brain scan for diagnosis does not exist. ADHD is believed to have a strong genetic component, but environmental factors and trauma can also play a role. The author of a 2017 study, which aimed to identify neurological differences in children with ADHD, acknowledged that the study did not provide enough evidence to diagnose ADHD based on brain scans alone. The focus should be on progress and figuring out what works best for individuals with ADHD, rather than relying solely on scientific proof or brain scans. Despite ongoing research, the diagnosis and understanding of ADHD continue to evolve, highlighting the importance of personalized approaches and continued exploration.

    • Environmental factors impact ADHD symptomsTrauma, neglect, socioeconomic status, and parenting styles can contribute to ADHD symptoms. A supportive environment is crucial for children with ADHD.

      Environmental factors, including war zones, excessive screen time, and lack of sleep, can contribute to ADHD symptoms. These symptoms are not a misdiagnosis but a list of behaviors that need addressing. Trauma, such as neglect or abandonment, can also impact brain development and potentially lead to ADHD. The intergenerational transmission of trauma through epigenetics is also a factor. Parenting styles and socioeconomic status can significantly impact a child's development, especially for those with ADHD. Success stories come from strong-willed individuals who manage to overcome their conditioning and upbringing. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the importance of a nurturing environment for children with ADHD.

    • Empowering Individuals with ADHDTaking care of oneself, acknowledging challenges as opportunities, creating a supportive environment, and using positive messaging can help individuals with ADHD thrive.

      The environment and self-empowerment play crucial roles in managing ADHD symptoms. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself and acknowledges that individuals with ADHD may not need to be superhuman to cope. Instead, it's essential to frame challenges as opportunities for growth and empower the person to overcome them. A supportive environment that emphasizes strengths and encourages perseverance can help individuals with ADHD thrive. The power of positive messaging, such as compliments, can also significantly impact brain development and self-confidence. The speaker's personal experiences and anecdotes highlight the importance of empowering individuals with ADHD to believe in their abilities and learn from their challenges.

    • Our brains focus more on negativityRecognize the value of compliments, focus on accomplishments, and break the cycle of generational criticism to overcome negativity bias and propel forward.

      Our brains are wired to focus more on negative comments than positive ones, a trait that may have evolved from our ancient past when survival depended on being able to quickly identify and respond to threats. This negativity bias can be detrimental if we let it define our self-perception, keeping us stuck in a cycle of self-criticism rather than allowing us to learn and grow. Instead, we should strive to acknowledge and appreciate the compliments and positive feedback we receive, using it as fuel for self-improvement rather than dismissing it. Additionally, breaking the cycle of generational criticism requires conscious effort and a shift in perspective. By recognizing the value of compliments and focusing on our accomplishments, we can overcome the negative biases that hold us back and propel ourselves forward.

    • Focusing on positivity in parentingModeling positive behavior, expressing pride daily, and focusing on compliments can improve relationships, boost self-confidence, and create a more positive family environment for children with ADHD.

      Focusing on compliments and positive reinforcement, rather than criticism, is essential for effective parenting, especially for parents of children with ADHD. Criticizing can trigger negative emotions and behavior, while positive reinforcement can encourage good habits and emotional growth. It's important to model this behavior for children and make a deliberate effort to focus on the positive, even during challenging times. This requires conscious effort as it goes against our natural tendencies, but the rewards are significant. Parents should aim to set aside time each day to reflect on what they are proud of and express it out loud, both to themselves and their children. This shift in focus can lead to improved relationships, increased self-confidence, and a more positive family environment.

    • Recognizing our worth beyond serving othersInvest in relationships that give us energy and care for our inner voice to prioritize self-worth, even if it's challenging. Seek help from professionals like Abigail at hybridhealing.org.

      It's essential for individuals, particularly women, to prioritize their inner voice and recognize their worth beyond serving others. This can be a challenging process, especially for those with a background of neglect or abuse. It's important to acknowledge that spending time with people who drain energy and do not make us feel loved and cared for is not serving ourselves or others. Instead, we should focus on building relationships with those who give us energy and share beautiful connections. This inner work is not easy, but the rewards are significant. It's essential to acknowledge that this process may not be easy if we haven't seen it modeled in our families. However, it's crucial to remember that this work is worth the effort, and it's never too late to progress and find our patterns to change them. Abigail, the speaker, offers her services through her website, hybridhealing.org, and works with parents and adults to help them uncover the layers causing pain and move forward in a healthier way. Her next book is coming soon, and she aims to reach out to more families in the future.

    • Helping Parents Navigate the Challenges of Raising a Child with ADHDParents of children with ADHD can access effective treatment options by being informed about alternatives and advocating with healthcare providers. Abigail Marsh's book provides valuable insights and practical strategies.

      Abigail Marsh, the author of "The Genius of Mindless Thinking," identified a gap in the healthcare system for affordable, high-quality treatment plans for children diagnosed with ADHD. Frustrated by the limited resources and information available to parents, she wrote a book compiling her entire plan to help parents navigate the challenges of raising a child with ADHD. Marsh emphasized the importance of being informed about alternative treatments and advocating for them with healthcare providers. She believes every parent, regardless of financial means, deserves access to effective treatment options. Listeners can purchase her book through the show notes for valuable insights and practical strategies. Remember, knowledge and awareness are powerful tools, especially when it comes to ADHD. Join the community on the ADHD Women's Well-being Pod Instagram page and consider leaving a review to spread the word.

    Recent Episodes from The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast

    Dyselxia and ADHD - The ALMIGHTY Connection!

    Dyselxia and ADHD - The ALMIGHTY Connection!

    Check out all of Kate's online ADHD on-demand resources here.

    Did you know that many people who have been diagnosed with dyslexia, even in childhood, may also be living with undiagnosed ADHD? ADHD and dyslexia are distinct conditions that frequently overlap, confusing the nature of these two conditions. It is (very cautiously) estimated that 30% of those with dyslexia have coexisting ADHD. Neurodiversity experts now believe that neurodivergence NEVER travels alone, meaning that there will always be at least another coexisting condition.

    So, if you have an ADHD diagnosis, there's a high chance of another overlapping neurodiversity, such as dyslexia, autism, dyscalculia and vice versa. ADHD doesn't cause dyslexia; it's simply a co-existing trait. Likewise, if you have a dyslexia diagnosis, get curious about whether ADHD may also be in the mix, especially if you have suffered from other issues such as overthinking, anxiety, RSD or PMDD.

    This week's guest is Natalie Brooks, founder of Dyslexia in Adults, a company that aims to help ambitious dyslexic adults thrive in the workplace.

    On this episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Natalie speak about:

    • Natalie's experience of growing up with dyslexia
    • Natalie's dyslexia and undiagnosed ADHD journey
    • The interplay of ADHD and Dyslexia
    • Looking at the intersectionality of neurodiversity
    • Taking a more holistic approach to diagnosis
    • How dyslexia shows up for different people
    • What you can ask for at work when you have dyslexia
    • Dealing with other people's expectations of you when you are Dyslexic
    • Natalie's dyslexic role models

    Get access to Natalie's free download: Decode Dyslexia at Work here >> https://dyslexiainadults.myflodesk.com/bwxf930nns

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    ADHD Addictive Behaviours, Compulsive Eating and Obesity

    ADHD Addictive Behaviours, Compulsive Eating and Obesity

    Today’s guest is Toni Russo, a specialist nurse with 20+ years of practice in obesity management. Toni was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago and is now passionate about creating more awareness around ADHD and obesity.

    In this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing episode, Toni and Kate speak about:

    • Toni's ADHD diagnosis story
    • How Toni's has tweaked her life since her ADHD diagnosis
    • The ADHD support group and connection Toni has found helpful
    • Why there could be a link between undiagnosed ADHD, the compulsion/addictive tendencies and obesity
    • The power of simple ADHD screening in different medical areas
    • Unhelpful comments from medical professionals and how to deal with them
    • How medical professionals can help their ADHD patients

    Access my all online ADHD Wellbeing resources here: adhdwomenswellbeing.co.uk

    What you Need Know About the ADHD Gut-Brain Connection

    What you Need Know About the ADHD Gut-Brain Connection

    Despite many of us feeling challenged by undiagnosed ADHD for most of our lives, there is also a way to thrive alongside our ADHD. On today's episode, I talk to Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas, known affectionately as "The Creative Scientist," a distinguished clinical neuroscientist and nutrition researcher in the UK.

    His expertise centres on the intricate gut-brain connection, drawing on a rich, real-world scientific foundation rather than purely academic pursuits. Dr. Miguel's academic journey includes degrees in Nutritional Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience, culminating in a Doctorate focused on Mental Health and the Gut Microbiome.

    Navigating life with ADHD and autism, Dr Miguel possesses a deep, personal understanding of the specific dietary needs of neurodivergent individuals. He emphasises the critical role of dietary choices in enhancing executive functioning, sensory processing, and emotional regulation.

    His philosophy is captured in his words: “By understanding and addressing the nuanced relationships between what we eat and how our brains operate, we empower ourselves to make choices that not only nourish our bodies but also support our neurodivergent minds in navigating daily tasks and interactions more smoothly.”

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Dr Miguel and Kate spoke about:

    • Miguel's journey to his ADHD diagnosis
    • Bringing a more feminine softer energy to science
    • The relationship between the gut and the Brain
    • ADHD and disordered eating
    • ADHD tendencies toward extreme behaviour
    • Having self-compassion around your diet and what you eat
    • How self-compassion can actually help your gut health
    • Identifying sources of rejection sensitivity dysphoria

    Dr Miguel offers personalized clinical consultations and has crafted a comprehensive course titled "Thrive with ADHD," available at drmiguelmateas.com/thrive-with-adhd-course. To discover more about his transformative work and offerings, visit drmiguelmateas.com or connect with him through social media for further insights.

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Fun, Failures and F**k Ups - Do what you LOVE and want to WORK hard for with Andrea McDowell

    Fun, Failures and F**k Ups - Do what you LOVE and want to WORK hard for with Andrea McDowell

    Join me for my new group coaching Ask Me Anything four-session programme beginning on 27th June - all details are here

    When we finally understand how our ADHD can help us to succeed, we can lean into it. But it can feel so challenging when we're in the dark and have no idea why we keep hitting the same obstacles.

    We discuss this on today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast with guest Andrea McDowell, who also says it sometimes involves winging it and pivoting, even when we're terrified we may fail. Andrea believes in saying yes, winging it and finding the team to help!

    After closing her original business, Andrea poured her heart and soul into her garden to support her mental well-being and give her something to focus on during this time. This eventually became her next venture, Dahlia Beach—a Plant Your Own Flower Garden based in Oxfordshire.

    During today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast episode, I chat with the inspiring Andrea all about:

    • Being a multi-passionate ADHD entrepreneur
    • Seeing gaps in the market
    • Owning our failures, why we shouldn't be afraid to fail and accepting the mistakes we make
    • Following our dreams with ADHD and harnessing our ADHD traits
    • Being a maverick and staying true to our convictions
    • Using hyper-focus to flourish and being brave in our choices
    • Discovering ADHD and Perimenopause
    • Using HRT to help her perimenopause symptoms
    • Admin breakdowns in business and finding people to help fill the gaps
    • Creating an ADHD-friendly business

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Using EFT Tapping to Help Ourselves AND Our Kids

    Using EFT Tapping to Help Ourselves AND Our Kids

    As many of you who have followed me for a while will know, EFT or tapping is something I talk about a lot!

    I began my training in 2019 and continue to use tapping on myself, my kids and many of my clients most weeks. I have combined EFT in many of my workshops, and I love making tapping as accessible as possible for all of my community.

    I'm always blown away by the results and how effective a short amount of tapping can be. And on this week's episode, I have Pearl Lopian, a Psychotherapist, EFT Master Trainer and Practitioner with over fifteen years of experience. Pearl is also my teacher and mentor and is a true expert in this field. Early on, I noticed how powerful using tapping can be for the ADHD brain and nervous system and I'm delighted to bring this powerful conversation to the podcast.

    If you're intrigued about using EFT for ADHD traits such as RSD, overwhelm, anxiety, self-doubt, stepping into your potential or overthinking, Kate has free tap-along videos here and lots of resources on her website here. Kate also wrote an article on ADHD and EFT for ADDitude, have a read here.

    Tapping is also wonderful for children and very safe.

    On this episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Pearl speak about:

    • What Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is
    • How you can utilise EFT in your daily life
    • Using EFT to help your ADHD children and loved ones
    • Calming the ADHD nervous system using tapping
    • Releasing trauma using tapping
    • Using EFT to aid your healing inner child work
    • How EFT can help your relationships

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    How to Live a Well Lived Life with Dr Gladys McGarey

    How to Live a Well Lived Life with Dr Gladys McGarey

    It's not often you get to seek the wisdom of a 102-year-old, but when it's a neurodivergent doctor and life coach, you know you're in for a profound conversation. She tells me her secrets to a fulfilled life of gratitude, acceptance and authenticity.

    I was absolutely honoured to speak with the inspiring and fascinating Dr Gladys McGarey, who was 102 years old at the time of her new book’s publication. I read her wonderful book, A Well-Lived Life, and loved every page and the spiritual wisdom she shared—I had many epiphanies after each chapter.

    After spotting the signs of a neurodivergent brain—she shares her dyslexia, learning, and education journey—I knew I had to reach out to her team and ask her to join the podcast!

    During our conversation, Dr Gladys shared her story of being held back in her early years of education due to undiagnosed dyslexia and how, through her different learning styles and curiosity, she is now recognised as a pioneer of the allopathic and holistic medical movements and a founding diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine.

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Retraining our Brains to Thrive: Chronic Conditions, Pain, Trauma and ADHD

    Retraining our Brains to Thrive: Chronic Conditions, Pain, Trauma and ADHD

    Join my Summer 'Ask Me Anything' ADHD Group Coaching programme here

    This week's guest is Ashok Gupta, who has dedicated his life and career to supporting people through chronic illness and trauma and helping them achieve their potential.

    Ashok suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome around 25 years ago when he was studying at Cambridge University. Through neurological research, he managed to get himself 100% better. He then set up a clinic to treat others and published the well-known neuroplasticity “limbic retraining” recovery program and app known as the Gupta Program in 2007.

    He has published several medical papers, including randomized controlled trials on Long Covid, ME/CFS, and fibromyalgia, showing that the treatment is effective, and he is continually researching these conditions

    On this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Ashok and Kate speak about:

    • Ashok's Chronic Fatigue story and recovery
    • Aspects of your surroundings that can affect chronic diseases
    • The importance of calming the nervous system
    • The body's fear response system
    • How your early childhood experiences or trauma can impact your fear response
    • Nature vs nurture on the brains development
    • Neuroplasticity and retraining our brains to thrive
    • How your fear and threat response could interplay with ADHD
    • Ashok's program to work on your neuroplasticity

    I speak about my conversation with Dr Jessica Eccles on this episode; here is the link if you'd like to listen back.

    Here is the ADHD Nervous System Regulation Series I mentioned in the episode

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Are you ready to make small shifts to create BIG changes?!

    Are you ready to make small shifts to create BIG changes?!

    If you don't know already, i'm so passionate about lifting up, empowering, supporting, guiding and cheerleading ADHD women and today, I share with you some passionate motivation for you if you're having a trickier time.

    • Are you sick of talking about changing your life yet not doing anything about it?
    • Perhaps you're in a constant state of overwhelm and don't know where to begin?
    • Maybe you've been recently diagnosed with ADHD and know this could be the beginning of writing a new chapter in your life?
    • Are you ready to make some significant life changes?

    If you're saying YES, this excerpt from my Tapping into Your ADHD Gold could be precisely what you need!

    If you enjoy this short episode, you can purchase the complete 'Tapping into Your ADHD Gold' masterclass here.


    if you want some summer LIVE accountability, support, connection and guidance, join my Live Group Coaching Summer Programme here!

    Stepping into our desires feels scary, especially when navigating a new understanding of brains. I hope this snippet from my 'Tapping into Your ADHD Gold' workshop may help you move from fear and frustration to freedom and flourishing.

    During today's episode, I talk about:

    • Unpacking the nervous system and fear
    • Feelings of fear of the body
    • Blocking success
    • Scarcity mentality
    • How our brain keeps us safe by not stepping into our desires/service
    • How we hold ourselves back
    • Reframing what we want to offer
    • Making money while being in our purpose
    • Protecting ourselves from old stories and beliefs
    • Cracking ourselves open, feeling fear and stepping out of our comfort zone
    • Failure and using it as our lesson
    • Resilience

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    The Spiritual Technology and Wisdom to Transform Lives

    The Spiritual Technology and Wisdom to Transform Lives

    Today, I'm sharing a very personal passion and deeply spiritual interest of mine, Kabbalah. I have been studying this transformational spiritual technology and wisdom on and off for over ten years but only recently have dedicated many hours to learning more to help me feel more at peace and purposeful in my life. It has also helped me with countless tools and practices to self-regulate, calm and profoundly accept myself while offering me different perspectives to feel more at peace with where I am right now. I use these shifts in my relationships and friendships, my business, my coaching clients and throughout daily my existence. To say it's been a life-changing shift is an understatement!

    And this week's guest is David Ghiyam, one of the teachers at the Kabbalah Centre and someone I have learnt a lot from. He has given over 20,000 hours of personal, spiritual, and entrepreneurial coaching and 1000 seminars utilizing the universal wisdom of Kabbalah. His passion is to bring value wherever he can to help others achieve a fulfilling life. He gave a MasterClass encompassing those teachings at www.KabbalahOne.com.

    David also hosts one of the world's top spiritual podcasts, Weekly Energy Boost, with over 2M downloads. David brought his experiences through helping others to co-found MaryRuth's () with his wife MaryRuth, a category leader in vegan liquid vitamins and gummies and a trusted brand among millions of parents for kids' health nationwide.

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and David speak about:

    • What Kabbalah is and how we can use it's tool in our daily life
    • How to use the Kabbalah practices as a neurodivergent person
    • Creating more clarity, certainty and self-compassion in our daily lives
    • How to take the pressure off yourself and self-regulate
    • Elevating and expanding our consciousness and creating more positive energy
    • Learning to welcome and appreciate the difficulties in your life
    • Re-framing anxiety in your life
    • How to let go of heavy energy such as guilt and shame
    • Tackling our limiting belief systems about your life
    • Understanding our different life challenges to help us transform, repair and grow

    You can find out more about David on his Instagram, @davidghiyam.

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    The TOP 5 Supplements to Take for ADHD

    The TOP 5 Supplements to Take for ADHD

    Join Kate's Live Group Coaching Summer Programme here!

    Are you curious about the best supplements for ADHD? If so, this week's episode will interest you!

    This week’s guest is Kelly Rompel. Kelly is a pharmacist, author, and Functional Medicine and Epigenetic Consultant. She is the author of “Don’t Tell Me To Relax”, host of the Rebel Whitecoat Podcast, and founder of Wildroots Wellness.

    Kelly's holistic approach combines her knowledge of pharmacy and science with her love for functional medicine, epigenetics, and energy healing.

    During this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom episode, Kate and Kelly speak about: 

    • How epigenetics can play into your ADHD
    • Genetic testing and ADHD
    • Foods and supplements you can incorporate to manage ADHD
    • Blood sugar level management
    • Helping our anxiety through diet change and lifestyle
    • Increasing GABA and serotonin levels
    • The BEST supplements for ADHD
    • Taking a holistic and well-rounded approach to your health
    • How Kelly came to learn about epigenetics

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Related Episodes

    Manage Children’s ADHD Symptoms Naturally with Dana Kay

    Manage Children’s ADHD Symptoms Naturally with Dana Kay

    The world has changed so much that even the food we eat can harm our health, but is there a way to prevent this, particularly for our children with ADHD? Join us as Dana Kay discusses how nutrition might help with ADHD symptoms. Listen in to find out what measures you need to take to restore peace and tranquility in your home.


    Key takeaways to listen for

    • How to tell if your child has ADHD
    • The food-first approach to reducing ADHD symptoms
    • ADHD nutrition for children: What to eat and what to avoid
    • Solutions for helping your ADHD-affected family thrive
    • Reasons why gut health is so important for adults and children
    • Is technology beneficial or detrimental to children with ADHD?


    Resources mentioned in this episode


    About Dana Kay

    Dana Kay is a Board-Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Practitioner, two times international best selling author and the CEO and founder of the ADHD Thrive Institute and the creator of the ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids program. As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child, but she also knows the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms.

    Dana has been featured in Forbes, Authority Magazine, Medium, Influencive, Thrive Global, and various others. She has also been a guest on multiple parenting and ADHD summits and podcasts. Her mission is to help families reduce ADHD symptoms naturally so that children with ADHD can thrive at home, at school, and in life.


    Connect with Dana


    Connect with Us

    To learn more about us, visit our website at www.18summers.com or email us at info@18summers.com. To get a copy of our book “The Family Board Meeting,” click here.

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    Benefits of Outdoor Play & Tips for Hiking with Kids

    I love being in nature! Turns out there are cognitive, social, emotional, and physical benefits of unstructured time outside. All those benefits are just out there waiting for our kids to claim. So let's get them out there! In this episode I outline what the research is saying about the importance of turning off electronics and playing outdoors. I also give some tips about how to make the most out of family hiking adventures. 

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    Shout out to all the parents and caregivers who spread their energy into multiple passions driven by the underlying human spirit. We are all in this together, dear listeners. We implore you this Friday to forward this clip to a person who might have hurt you or a person whom you might have hurt. Use it to start a dialogue; life is too short to hold a grudge forever. 

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    S04 EP2: No bath since Brexit...
    S04 EP2: No bath since Brexit...More (mis) adventures in parenting and beyond from Rob and Josh...Thanks to everyone who bought tickets for the live shows in January - both the Hackney date and the warm up shows sold out in minutes! If you want to be first in line for any potential future live dates, merchandise, and any additional show info then sign up to the mailing list here;parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com Enjoy. Rate and Review. ThanksxIf you want to get in touch with the show here's how:EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.ukTWITTER: @parenting_hellINSTAGRAM: @parentinghellA 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    TLP 235: Parenting Trends 2019, Part 2

    TLP 235: Parenting Trends 2019, Part 2

    What does the world have to say about gender norms and abortion, and how are Christians to respond? Join AMBrewster as he helps Christian parents correctly interpret the cultural trends around us.


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    Listen to the following episodes on Apple Podcasts by clicking the titles.

    The Four Family Loves, Part 1” (episode 128)

    Transgenderism is Child Abuse” (TLP Snippet 5)


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    Click here for Today’s Transcript.


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