
    Robert Greene || Strategy, Seduction, and the Sublime

    enDecember 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Refreshing spaces, wardrobes, and relationshipsClorox Scentiva revitalizes spaces, JCPenney empowers wardrobe choices, and Robert Greene explores dark human nature for effective relationships.

      Clorox Scentiva offers a refreshing cleaning experience with its coconut scent and effective cleaning power, making any space feel fresh and inviting. Meanwhile, JCPenney empowers individuals of all body types and sizes to refresh their wardrobe with stylish and comfortable options. The NBA playoffs represent excitement and intensity, while international bestselling author Robert Greene encourages acknowledging the dark side of human nature to navigate relationships and daily life more effectively. Additionally, Robert shared his condolences for the loss of Brutus, his longtime companion, and discussed his ongoing recovery from a stroke.

    • Exploring the depths of self and othersRadical realism encourages self-awareness, understanding others, and connecting with reality to gain a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it.

      A radical realist is a perspective that encourages self-awareness, understanding others, and connecting with reality. This approach involves illuminating one's own motivations, desires, and attachments, which can be lost as we grow older and conform to social norms. Radical realism also emphasizes the importance of understanding others, as we often operate in a deep social fog, misinterpreting their emotions and experiences. By applying this lens to ourselves and others, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it. This perspective, while not providing a complete grasp of reality, offers a more enlightened and powerful perspective than the average person's.

    • The degradation of empathy in a technological ageEmpathy, a crucial aspect of human connection, is a visceral, almost telepathic connection to others that goes beyond abstract mind-reading. It's a split between affective empathy and cognitive empathy, and its importance to our social existence is valued by the speaker.

      Our ability to deeply connect with others and understand their emotions and perspectives, or empathy, has been degrading due to the increasing availability of technological forms of entertainment. This loss of empathy can be seen as a disconnection from three realms: an understanding of the individual's psychology, the zeitgeist, and the historical social moment. Empathy, according to the speaker, is a visceral, almost telepathic connection to others that goes beyond abstract mind-reading. While some may argue that empathy can be precisely defined and measured, the speaker believes that this visceral connection is the essence of our social nature. It's important to note that empathy can be split into two parts: affective empathy, which deals with emotions, and cognitive empathy, which deals with perspective-taking. Understanding these distinctions can be useful in understanding the complexities of human connection. Despite criticisms and debates surrounding the concept of empathy, the speaker values this visceral connection and believes it to be crucial to our social existence.

    • The power of reality and imagination in personal growth and communicationRecognizing and integrating reality and imagination can lead to personal growth and effective communication. Imagination can be a powerful tool for understanding human nature and navigating complex relationships.

      Understanding the human need for both reality and imagination is crucial for personal growth and effective communication. While it's essential to be grounded in reality, our innate desire for fantasy and connection to larger-than-life experiences is deeply rooted in human psychology. Imagination can be a powerful tool for manipulation, seduction, and strategy, but it also serves to expand our perspectives and deepen our understanding of ourselves and others. Great authors like Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf demonstrate this through their works of fiction, which offer a unique insight into human nature. By recognizing and integrating these seemingly opposing forces, we can be more effective in our relationships and better navigate our complex world.

    • Understanding the role of deception in human interactionsHuman nature includes elements of deception and manipulation, and understanding their context is essential for effective communication and relationships.

      Human nature includes elements of deception and manipulation, which are deeply ingrained in our daily lives. Erving Goffman's approach suggests that we all act and wear different masks in various social situations. Even children learn to manipulate at a young age. While we may strive for authenticity, daily life involves etiquette and white lies that help us get along. The 48 Laws of Power, which some interpret as advocating deception, come from the perspective of someone who was once naive and innocent, but learned about manipulative behaviors in the work world. Integrating truth telling and deception requires understanding the context and recognizing that both have their place in human interactions.

    • Navigating Professional Relationships: Acknowledging Human Nature's Political AspectBe aware of professional dynamics, including ego and insecurity, while maintaining truth-telling in intimate relationships and for personal growth. Adapt to different people's egos and insecurities in the professional world, but be specific and clear when discussing complex topics.

      Navigating professional relationships involves acknowledging the political aspect of human nature, including people's egos and insecurities. This means being aware of dynamics such as not outshining the master, getting others to do the work while taking credit, and dealing with deception and manipulation in the business world. However, truth-telling is important, particularly in intimate relationships and when necessary for personal growth. It's essential to understand that wearing a mask and adapting to different people's egos and insecurities is often necessary in the professional world. The author emphasizes the importance of specificity and clarity when discussing complex topics, making it difficult to provide a definitive answer without referencing specific passages from the books.

    • Create a captivating experience through theater and illusionIncorporate theatrical moments and emotional depth into daily life to make the ordinary extraordinary and leave a lasting impression

      In our personal and romantic interactions, we can create a more captivating and poetic experience by intentionally adding elements of theater and illusion. This can be achieved through our appearance, language, and actions. Charismatic individuals harness their emotions and channel them in a focused and directed way, which in turn illuminates their inner light and makes them more appealing to others. By incorporating these theatrical moments and emotional depth into our daily lives, we can make the ordinary extraordinary and leave a lasting impression on those around us.

    • Channeling raw emotion for appealBeing able to control and channel raw emotions can make a person more appealing and connect with others on a deeper level, but knowing when to let go of a pleasant demeanor and be tough is crucial for navigating life's challenges.

      Charisma, whether it comes from deep emotion or hidden pain, can be harnessed and channeled to appeal to an audience. The ability to restrain and order raw emotion can make a person more appealing and connect with others on a deeper level. However, there are moments in life where being nice or pleasant all the time may not be effective. As Niccolo Machiavelli once said, "any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good." These moments require a person to be tough and resilient, and to play the "hardball game" when necessary. This balance between channeling raw emotion and knowing when to let go of a pleasant demeanor can help individuals navigate various aspects of life, whether in personal relationships or political situations.

    • Democrats need to be less nice and more strategicTo compete effectively against the Republicans, Democrats should learn to bend the rules and play the game strategically, without compromising morals completely.

      In order for the Democrats to effectively compete against the Republicans, they need to learn to be less nice and more strategic. The example of Mitch McConnell's blocking of Merrick Garland's Supreme Court nomination illustrates this point. The Democrats have been adhering to the norms and playing nice, but this approach has left them in a disadvantaged position. To counteract this, they need to be willing to bend the rules and play the game in a more Machiavellian way, without compromising their morals completely. This doesn't mean becoming as ruthless as the Republicans, but rather finding ways to neutralize their opponents' moves, such as gerrymandering or eliminating the filibuster. Additionally, using a mix of harshness and kindness, as Napoleon did, can be an effective motivational tactic. It's important for Democrats to understand that their public persona doesn't have to change, but their actions and behaviors may need to in order to be more effective in achieving their goals.

    • Understanding human nature's negative aspectsAccepting our complex nature, including negative traits, leads to self-awareness and authentic living

      Acknowledging and understanding our human nature, including its negative aspects, is essential for personal growth. Robert Greene discusses various facets of human nature that can lead to problems, such as narcissism, envy, and aggression. We often deny having these qualities, but they are deeply ingrained in our nature as social animals. Greene emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and accepting that we all share these common traits. Depression and anxiety can result from suppressing our true selves and constantly playing a role. It takes great energy to keep our dark side hidden, and at times, unpleasant behavior may leak out as a way to release inner tension. By embracing our complex nature and being honest with ourselves, we can live more authentic lives.

    • Accepting the Unwanted Parts of OurselvesRecognize and accept unwanted emotions, instead of suppressing them, to prevent repression and unexpected behavior. Strive for empathy and joy in others' success, rather than finding pleasure in their pain.

      Suppressing our natural impulses and emotions can lead to repression and unexpected behavior later in life. It's important to recognize and accept the unwanted parts of ourselves, rather than denying their existence. This doesn't mean we should always act on every impulse, but acknowledging them can help us channel that energy into productive outlets. Furthermore, instead of finding joy in others' pain (schadenfreude), we should strive for empathy and joy in their success (mitfreude). This ideal of sharing joy and empathy is a more noble human trait, according to the speaker.

    • Feeling joy for others' successEmpathy and positive thoughts towards others can improve our relationships and personal growth by influencing their behavior and creating a positive feedback loop.

      Empathy plays a significant role in our interactions with others and their good fortune. Instead of feeling envy or gloating when someone experiences success, we should strive to feel their joy and be genuinely happy for them. This not only benefits the other person but also improves our own well-being. The Pygmalion effect, a psychological phenomenon, demonstrates how our beliefs and feelings towards others can impact their behavior and ultimately influence our relationship with them. By practicing empathy and positive thoughts towards others, we can create a positive feedback loop that benefits both parties. Additionally, acknowledging and celebrating the potential in others can lead to remarkable transformations. Overall, empathy and positive thinking are powerful tools for fostering meaningful connections and personal growth.

    • Embrace the Dark Side for Creativity and GrowthAcknowledge and channel darker motivations for increased energy, creativity, and growth. Engage fully with work and people to tap into the highest form of therapy and transformation.

      Integrating our darker motivations with our healthy ones for work requires acknowledging and channeling the energy of the former, rather than suppressing it. The dark side contains more energy and creativity than the light side, and can be harnessed to produce superior work or art. To do this, we must engage fully with our work and with other people, getting outside of ourselves and our egoistic concerns. This level of integration allows us to tap into the highest form of therapy and growth, as we become more permeable to outside influences and less closed off from the world around us. By embracing the darker aspects of ourselves, we can transform them into sources of strength and inspiration.

    • The Sublime: Beyond Cultural Norms and Societal ExpectationsThe sublime invites us to explore the depths of humanity and the mysteries of the universe, transcending limiting circles and expanding our perspective through examining various facets of the sublime experience such as the cosmos and the evolution of life.

      The sublime, as a concept, refers to experiences, thoughts, and emotions that lie beyond the limits of our cultural norms and societal expectations. According to the speaker, the sublime was originally associated with death, representing a threshold or limit that we as humans are naturally drawn to explore. The speaker's upcoming book, "The Wall of the Sublime," aims to bring this concept back to earth and make it relevant to our daily lives. By examining various facets of the sublime experience, such as the cosmos and the evolution of life, the speaker hopes to help readers transcend their limiting circles and expand their perspective. Ultimately, the sublime represents a realm of thinking and acting that is freer and less limited, inviting us to explore the depths of our humanity and the mysteries of the universe.

    • Experiencing the sublime in everyday lifeMaslow's plateau experience encourages finding peace and wonder in the mundane, and the author's book 'Transcend' explores various aspects to incorporate these experiences into daily life

      The sublime, a concept often associated with awe-inspiring experiences, can be found in our everyday lives, not just during extraordinary moments or in far-off places. Maslow, a renowned psychologist, believed that accessing higher levels of transcendence involves experiencing the miraculous in the mundane. He called this the plateau experience, a meditative state where one can find peace and wonder in the everyday. The author's upcoming book, "Transcend," explores various aspects of the sublime, including childhood feelings, pagan religions, and the human brain's capacity for awe. The ultimate goal is to help readers incorporate these experiences into their daily lives, not just as intellectual concepts, but as emotional realities.

    • Exploring the importance of addressing anxiety and financial planningThrough books, mental health resources, and financial planning, we can reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being.

      Writing books, like the ones Robert shares, can provide valuable experiences and insights, helping to reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. During this podcast episode, Robert and Scott discussed the importance of addressing anxiety and the benefits of financial planning. Robert shared his upcoming books, "Transcendent Anxiety" and "Anxious," and encouraged listeners to explore Amen University for mental health solutions. Additionally, they highlighted the comprehensive health services offered by CVS Health. Overall, this conversation emphasized the significance of addressing mental health challenges, seeking knowledge, and utilizing available resources to enhance our lives.

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    naikan by Gregg Krech book cover.

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    Like this show? Please leave us a review here - even one sentence helps! Post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally!

    Key Takeaways:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:19 Getting through the tough days, weeks, and months in a relationship
    • 04:39 Principle #1: Think of the person as a dear friend
    • 08:32 Principle #2: Relationships should have non-negotiables and things you can be persuaded on
    • 13:25 Principle #3: Don’t respond out of your own insecurity and ego
    • 16:56 Principle #4: Don’t expect your partner to be like you in situations
    • 18:47 Principle #5: Don’t try to change them to be you
    • 20:46 Principle #6: Amplify who they are in bad times
    • 22:10 Principle #7: Do an intervention on yourself

    Achieve success in every area of your life with Jay Shetty’s Genius Community. Join over 10,000 members taking their holistic well-being to the next level today, at https://shetty.cc/OnPurposeGenius

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