

    enNovember 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From humble beginnings to a lucrative online businessA black dominatrix turned curiosity into a successful online business, finding pride in her power and quitting her job to focus full-time.

      Mistress Marley, a black dominatrix, transformed her life by turning her curiosity into a lucrative online business. Starting from humble beginnings, she was inspired by an article she read about financial domination and decided to give it a try. Initially apprehensive, she quickly realized that the men who sent her money were not seeking anything in return but rather deriving pleasure from the act of giving. Despite the stigma surrounding her profession, she found pride in standing tall in her power and quitting her job in fashion to focus on her online business full-time. This conversation serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of women, especially black women, to break free from societal norms and reclaim their worth.

    • Exploring the Power and Femininity of Being a DominatrixDominatrixes hold immense power and respect, embracing their femininity and setting scene direction. Misconceptions debunked, it's a luxury, not for the broke or seeking cheap thrills.

      Being a dominatrix goes beyond the stereotypical image of leather, whips, and chains. It's about embracing one's power and femininity, setting the direction in BDSM scenes, and being true to oneself. The dominatrix holds immense power and respect, which can be both empowering and subject to judgment. For some, it's an expression of loud feminine energy, while others might prefer a more subtle approach. The dominatrix's journey often begins with testing the waters, like accepting compliments and receiving financial compensation. These interactions can lead to more substantial transactions, such as purchasing essentials or even entire Amazon wish lists. The misconception that men who send money are dangerous stalkers is debunked, as those with financial means typically have more to lose and less reason to track down their dominatrixes. Ultimately, being a dominatrix is a luxury and not for the broke or those looking for cheap thrills.

    • Understanding worth and asserting desires in FINDOMWomen, especially, must assert self-worth and confidence in FINDOM. Rejections and setting boundaries are part of the process. Embrace self-worth and find alternative solutions when necessary.

      FINDOM (Financial Domination) is not for everyone, especially those who lack confidence or are broke. Women, in particular, need to understand their worth and ask for what they desire assertively. Speaking up for oneself is crucial, regardless of the man's wealth. Men, rich or poor, can manipulate insecurities. Walking into a room with confidence, knowing that you are the prize, is essential. Remember, it's okay to face rejections and set boundaries. No isn't always a bad thing, and it's important to find alternative solutions if necessary. As a dark-skinned black woman, embracing self-worth and being vocal about it is radical and necessary in a world that often undervalues us.

    • Embracing self-worth and femininity for powerSelf-acceptance, embracing desires, and inner strength are keys to holding power and asserting control, regardless of societal norms or labels.

      Women holding power, whether as a dominatrix or in any other capacity, requires self-acceptance and embracing one's worth, sexuality, and beauty. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not letting external factors, such as a man's response or societal judgments, impact one's self-worth. She also encourages women to tap into their femininity and embrace their unique desires, regardless of societal norms or labels. The speaker's spirituality, as a daughter of Oshun, plays a significant role in her self-acceptance and empowerment. By embracing her connection to this goddess, she feels a deep sense of purpose and inner strength, which enhances her ability to dominate and control her experiences with men. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-acceptance, embracing one's desires, and drawing on inner sources of strength to hold power and assert control in one's life.

    • Dominatrix as a Spiritual Leader and Advocate for ReparationsDominatrix uses her work to promote spirituality, identity, and social justice through her role as a spiritual guide and advocate for black empowerment, incorporating themes of reparations into her BDSM experiences.

      For this dominatrix, her work as a spiritual leader and her advocacy for reparations are deeply interconnected. She sees her role as not just a provider of BDSM experiences, but also as a spiritual guide and an advocate for black empowerment. Her use of reparations as a theme in her work came naturally, as she has always been deeply committed to her black identity and fighting against racial injustice. Her dominance also differs between white and black men, with her expressing more sadism towards white men due to historical power dynamics. With black men, she prefers to play on their egos and ignore them, recognizing that they cannot handle being ignored in the same way white men can. Overall, her work as a dominatrix is not just about power and submission, but also about spirituality, identity, and social justice.

    • Understanding the cultural context of BDSM power dynamicsRespect cultural and historical contexts in BDSM, have clear limits, and ensure consensual and safe practices.

      While consensual BDSM practices are about exploring personal boundaries and desires, it's essential to recognize and respect the cultural and historical contexts that may impact certain dynamics, especially those involving power imbalances and racial differences. The speaker shares her discomfort with seeing black men in submissive roles at kink events due to the historical connotations of slavery and servitude. However, she emphasizes that it's not her place to judge individual relationships, as long as they're consensual and safe. The speaker also highlights the importance of having clear limits, both for dominants and submissives, and the need to challenge assumptions about what dominants do and don't do. Ultimately, the goal is to create a safe and consensual space for all participants to explore their desires while respecting each other's boundaries and histories.

    • Discovering Unexpected Enjoyment in BDSMExploring new BDSM experiences can lead to unique sensations and fulfilling discoveries. Always prioritize safety and consent.

      Exploring new experiences in BDSM can lead to unexpected discoveries and enjoyment. The speaker shares how she initially had reservations about fire play and pegging but eventually came to love both. Fire play provided a unique sensation akin to a massage, while pegging offered an exciting and fulfilling experience. Public humiliation, another favorite kink of the speaker, helped her build confidence as a dominatrix. However, it's important to remember that BDSM can involve messy situations and strict protocols, such as cleaning out before sessions and considering public safety. Overall, the speaker encourages trying new things and finding joy in the unexpected.

    • Transforming Perceptions of Men and Their DesiresMen into dominance and submission role-plays come from all walks of life, challenging stereotypes, and love can take various forms, including financial support and devotion, redefining what love means in consensual power dynamics, and demand respect and care from partners.

      The way we perceive men and their desires can be transformed through the lens of dominance and submission role-play. The speaker discovered that men who are into such kinks are not limited to any specific demographic or lifestyle, but rather, they can be attractive, successful, and kind individuals. This realization challenged her previous beliefs about men and their motivations. Additionally, she emphasized that love can manifest in various forms, including financial support and devotion, and it's essential to redefine what love means in the context of consensual power dynamics. Ultimately, she encouraged women to demand respect and care, and not to waste time on unsupportive partners.

    • Exploring Dominance: Empowerment in the BDSM CommunityWomen can find empowerment in the BDSM community by expressing their power and desires, starting where they are, and setting boundaries with the right mindset and resources.

      The world of BDSM can be an inclusive and empowering community for women, regardless of their physical appearance or background. Contrary to popular belief, one doesn't need to conform to unrealistic standards or invest large sums of money to begin exploring their dominance. Instead, one can start where they are and learn as they go. It's essential to remember that experiencing abuse or misogyny doesn't necessarily mean one should turn to BDSM as a reflex response. Instead, these experiences should inform how one sets boundaries and protects themselves. The journey of dominance is a learning process, and it's essential to approach it with the right mindset and resources. The BDSM community offers a safe space for women to express their power and explore their desires, making it an attractive alternative to other forms of sex work that may be more exclusive.

    • Understanding the Reality of Dominatrix WorkDominatrix work requires transparency, effort, and a clear understanding of the industry's realities, including dealing with potential clients, setting boundaries, and navigating the stigma surrounding sex work.

      The adult industry, specifically dominatrix work, is a legitimate form of sex work that requires consistent effort and transparency. When entering this industry, it's important to understand that not everyone will pay, and it takes time to build a client base and establish a rate. Some clients may try to lowball or manipulate, especially if they sense a need for money. It's crucial to be transparent with potential clients about expectations and boundaries. The stigma surrounding sex work can lead to shame and judgment, but it's essential to recognize that money and love are not mutually exclusive. People who criticize those involved in the industry for seeking financial compensation are often the same ones who hold negative views towards sex workers. For those looking to explore dominatrix work further, it can be challenging to balance the desire for privacy and control over one's narrative with the need to reach a wider audience on clip sites or social media. Ultimately, it's a complex industry with rewards and challenges, and it's essential to approach it with a clear understanding of its realities.

    • Navigating societal stigmas as a dominant in the BDSM communityEmbrace self-acceptance and challenge societal norms to express personal identity in the BDSM community

      Societal stigmas can interfere with personal identity and expression, especially for individuals in unconventional roles like being a dominant in the BDSM community. The speaker, who became a public figure through her dom identity, shares her experience of how she navigated this intersection of her personal life and public image. She recounts discovering the speaker during her high school years through social media and eventually meeting her in person at a college homecoming event, where she exercised her dominant role by walking her sub on a leash. Despite facing potential judgment, she embraced her identity and took control of her narrative. This experience highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the resilience to challenge societal norms.

    • Controlling your narrative in the adult industryBeing transparent and authentic while mindful of potential risks is crucial in the adult industry. Consider consequences before sharing personal information.

      Controlling your narrative is crucial in the adult industry. A simple video can go viral and change your life in an instant. As the speaker shared her experience of unexpectedly gaining thousands of followers and unwanted attention, she emphasized the importance of being transparent and authentic, while also being mindful of the potential risks involved. The industry may not always be glamorous or financially rewarding, and it requires breaking down personal barriers and learning from various sources. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the potential consequences and determine if the risks are worth it. Remember, once something is out in the open, it can't be hidden, so being proactive about sharing your truth can help prevent unwanted exposure.

    • Navigating Stigmatized Communities as a Black WomanCommunity building is vital for individuals in stigmatized industries or marginalized groups to learn skills, gain knowledge, and find support. Black women in the dominatrix community face unique challenges due to gatekeeping and stigma, but advocacy and creating safe spaces can help overcome these obstacles.

      Creating and finding supportive communities is crucial for individuals, especially those in stigmatized industries or marginalized groups. The speaker, a public figure and dominatrix, shares her experience of navigating the dominatrix community as a black woman and the challenges she faced due to gatekeeping and stigma. She emphasizes the importance of community building, both for learning the necessary skills and knowledge, and for providing a safe space for open discussions and support. Despite the challenges, she continues to advocate for herself and others, creating communities to help newcomers avoid the same obstacles she faced.

    • A night of empowerment for dominant womenDominant women connect, learn, and enjoy at the Femme Don Ball, expanding knowledge, meeting like-minded individuals, and experiencing class and protocol.

      The Femme Don Ball is a unique and empowering event for dominant women, providing an elegant and welcoming space to connect, learn, and enjoy themselves. Despite the potential for drama and negativity in the dominant community, events like these offer opportunities to expand knowledge, meet like-minded individuals, and experience the pinnacle of class and protocol. It's essential for those interested in femdom to immerse themselves in the community from multiple directions and not rely solely on one source. Learning to keep personal achievements to oneself and focusing on personal growth, rather than comparing experiences to others, is crucial in the world of dominance. The Femme Don Ball is an excellent example of a supportive and enriching environment for women in the dominant lifestyle.

    • Managing Finances Safely OnlineBe aware of platforms' features for secure transactions, educate yourself on industry best practices, and maintain a professional online image to ensure financial safety.

      As a content creator or dominatrix, it's essential to prioritize safety and privacy when it comes to handling finances. The speaker expresses frustration with the scrutiny and cattiness surrounding the public display of financial transactions. However, she emphasizes the importance of being aware of various platforms and their features, such as Wishtender, which offers protection against chargebacks and international transactions. Additionally, it's crucial to educate oneself on best practices within the industry, like responding to financial gifts in a professional manner and being cautious of potential scams. Overall, the focus should be on creating a secure and efficient system for managing finances while maintaining a strong online presence.

    • Navigating the sugar daddy or dominatrix lifestyleApproach relationships with caution and self-control, learn transferable skills, and be open about your lifestyle.

      Navigating the sugar daddy or dominatrix lifestyle requires common sense, self-control, and being cautious of scams. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not being in a hurry or desperate for validation, and encourages transferable skills learned in these relationships to improve communication and control in all areas of life. She also shares her experiences with dating as a dominatrix and the importance of being open about her lifestyle with potential partners. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to approach these relationships with caution and self-awareness.

    • Respect, Understanding, and Support in Dominant RelationshipsA successful dominant relationship requires mutual respect, understanding, communication, trust, and the ability to shift power dynamics.

      A successful relationship between a dominatrix and a dominant partner involves mutual respect, understanding, and support. The dominatrix maintains her power and dominance, while the dominant partner recognizes and uplifts her. Communication and trust are essential, allowing both parties to express their needs and desires freely. The relationship dynamic can evolve, with moments of submission and dominance shifting based on the situation and the individuals involved. Ultimately, the success of the relationship depends on the compatibility and commitment of both partners.

    • Navigating Complexities of Being a Dominant WomanDominant women face challenges in relationships due to societal norms and men's reactions to their power. Finding partners who respect their dominance and understand BDSM is key.

      Being a dominant woman in relationships can be complex and challenging. Dominant women may encounter men who feel emasculated by their knowledge and power, leading to a complicated attraction. Dominant women often struggle to find partners who respect and don't interfere with their dominance, especially black men whose way of exerting dominance can border on bullying. Additionally, dominant women may enjoy being in the dominant role and being seen, but finding the right partner who understands and respects their dominance can be difficult. Most vanilla men don't understand or try to understand BDSM, and may react negatively if they find out about a woman's dominant nature. Dominant women may choose to keep their dominance a secret on dates and only reveal it when they feel it's appropriate or when they're experimenting. Ultimately, being a dominant woman requires mental strength and the ability to navigate complex social dynamics.

    • Expressing dominance in relationshipsThe speaker values asserting boundaries and dominance in relationships, even if it means being rude to disrespectful men, and is attracted to men who appreciate her boldness.

      The speaker expresses her unique approach to relationships and asserting boundaries, which includes dominance and rudeness towards men who disrespect her or her friends' boundaries. She shares that she's often attracted to men who are drawn to her boldness and dominance, even if they may label her as "devilish" or "ugly." The speaker also shares her perspective on marriage, stating that she doesn't aspire to it as she believes men primarily benefit from the institution. Overall, the speaker's words convey her confidence, assertiveness, and independence in relationships.

    • Understanding Financial DominationFemdom is a consensual, transactional relationship based on power exchange without sexual activity. Dommes derive pleasure from the power dynamic and control, and subs respect and serve their dommes.

      Financial domination, or femdom, is a consensual and transactional relationship where power and control are exchanged financially, without the expectation of sexual activity. The misconception that dommes must have erotic arousal from turning down men or denying them access to their bodies is unfounded. Instead, dommes are turned on mentally and emotionally by the power dynamic and the fulfillment of their dominance. It's essential for women interested in femdom to practice accepting compliments and gifts as a way to build confidence and establish boundaries. Consent is the foundation of any femdom relationship, and there's no requirement to engage in sexual activities or share intimate images. The real subs respect and understand the dynamic, focusing on serving their dommes and leaving once the session is over.

    • Women's Power to Manipulate RelationshipsWomen can use manipulation positively for self-empowerment and desired outcomes, not just negatively. Understanding this power and using it wisely can lead to improved relationships and experiences.

      Women have the power to manipulate relationships and interactions with men, not just for negative purposes but also for self-empowerment and achieving desired outcomes. Manipulation can take various forms, from using sensuality and beauty to using the power of suggestion. It's important to understand that manipulation is not always abusive or harmful, and it's a skill that can be used positively. Women should not shy away from using their power and learning how to manipulate conversations and situations in their favor. The speaker emphasizes that men often use their power negatively, and women can turn the tables by using their power to improve their lives and experiences. The journey of dominance is not always easy or glamorous, but the rewards can be fun and fulfilling. Setting clear goals and being particular about who and what one entertains can help make the journey more meaningful and enjoyable.

    • Believe in your brand and value yourself appropriatelyStart with a base price based on expenses, adjust as needed, compare less, collaborate, and believe in your worth for strategic growth

      When it comes to setting prices, especially in industries without standard rates, it's essential to believe in your brand and value yourself appropriately. This can mean starting with a base price based on your expenses and then adjusting as needed. It's also important to remember that comparing yourself to others can be misleading, as everyone's situation and brand are unique. Collaboration with others in your industry can also be beneficial, as it can lead to learning opportunities and potential partnerships. Lastly, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there to build your brand and grow in your industry. Remember, it's all about strategic growth and believing in your worth.

    • Discovering Confidence and Power in BDSMBeing a dominant in BDSM can lead to confidence and assertiveness in everyday life. Dominance doesn't mean bossing people around, but rather quiet confidence and knowing one's power. A unique and meaningful dynamic can form outside of BDSM encounters, allowing for both dominance and submission.

      Being a dominant in the BDSM community has helped the speaker gain confidence and assertiveness in her everyday life. However, it's important to note that dominance doesn't mean bossing people around or being mean. Instead, it's about quiet confidence and knowing one's power. The speaker also shared her favorite gift from a sub, which was a series of custom-drawn labels and frames, showcasing the unique dynamic and comfort she has with him. This dynamic allows them to be both dominant and submissive, as well as normal, outside of their BDSM encounters. The speaker met her favorite sub, Tati, unexpectedly when another sub flaked on her for a podcast interview. Tati arrived early, dressed impressively, and brought a $100 bill origami'd into a heart as a gift. Their encounter led to a successful interview and a strong connection based on mutual respect and boundaries.

    • Loyalty and respect in BDSM relationshipsMissus Marley emphasized the importance of loyalty and respect in BDSM relationships, sharing stories of a dedicated sub named Tati and her approach to finding committed subs for her sessions. She also encouraged respect for sex workers' time and resources and offered educational resources through her Patreon and Etsy shop.

      The importance of loyalty and respect in BDSM relationships was emphasized in this conversation with Missus Marley. She shared stories of her friends and a sub named Tati, who went above and beyond to support her, despite the long commute and personal challenges. Missus Marley highlighted Tati's respectful nature and his dedication to making things easy for her. This theme of respect and loyalty was also reflected in her approach to finding subs for her sessions, where she requires potential subs to follow specific protocols and demonstrate their commitment. Additionally, Missus Marley emphasized the value of education and affordability in learning BDSM, offering resources through her Patreon and Etsy shop. She encouraged respect for sex workers' time and resources and emphasized the importance of approaching them professionally. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of loyalty, respect, and dedication in BDSM relationships and the importance of education and professionalism in the BDSM community.

    • Empowerment in the Dominance Community for Black WomenBlack women in dominance community should demand respect and visibility, start conversations to build confidence, create more spaces for knowledge sharing, and overcome self-doubt to unlock rewarding experiences.

      Personal growth and learning in the realm of dominance requires self-reflection and preparation. It's important to understand why one wants to embark on this journey and to be open to conversations and experiences. Black women, in particular, should feel empowered to demand respect and visibility in this community. Practical steps, such as starting conversations with strangers, can help build confidence and lead to valuable experiences. Creating more spaces for black women to share knowledge and demystify dominance is crucial. Ultimately, the most challenging aspect is overcoming self-doubt and believing in one's worthiness. Once that hurdle is passed, the journey becomes smoother and more rewarding.

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    Sex Ed with DB, Season 4 Team:

    Creator, Co-Producer, Sound Engineer, and Host: Danielle Bezalel (DB)

    Co-Producer and Communications Lead: Cathren Cohen

    Graphic Illustrator: Andrea Forgacs

    Social Media Intern: Leslie Lopez

    Website: Alex Morton 


    Sex Ed with DB, Season 4 is Sponsored by:

    Clone-A-Willy, Aisle, FemmeFunn, Sweet Vibrations, ioba.toys, and Smile Makers Collection


    Love Sex Ed with DB? Email us at Sexedwithdb@gmail.com for comments and questions about what's coming up this season.


    About the podcast:

    Sex Ed with DB is a feminist podcast bringing you all the sex ed you never got through unique and entertaining storytelling, centering LGBTQ+ folks and people of color. We discuss topics such as intersex rights, abortion, dominatrixes, sex toys, queer sex ed, sex and disabilities, HIV, sex in entertainment, and more.


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