
    Shattering Wellness Elitism: Gunnar Lovelace’s Mission to Make Healthy Food Affordable For Everyone

    enNovember 02, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable organic food through Thrive MarketThrive Market offers discounted organic food with free US shipping and sponsors a free membership for a low-income family for every paid one.

      The intersection of the food crisis and the conscious consumer movement has given birth to innovative solutions like Thrive Market, which aims to make healthy, natural, and organic food more accessible and affordable for everyone. Founded by socially conscious entrepreneur Gunnar Lovelace, Thrive Market offers over 4,000 popular natural and organic food brands at discounted prices, with free shipping in the US. Additionally, for every paid membership, the company sponsors a free membership for a low-income family. With significant investment from influential figures like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, John Legend, Tobey Maguire, and Demi Moore, Thrive Market is poised for continued growth and success in addressing the need for affordable, healthy food options.

    • Entrepreneur Ganar Lovelace's mission: Make healthy living affordable for every American familyGanar Lovelace, with his socially responsible business Thrive Market, aims to make healthy living accessible and affordable for all American families, rooted in his personal values of social consciousness, eco-friendliness, and commitment to health.

      Entrepreneur Ganar Lovelace, with his socially responsible business Thrive Market, is working to make healthy living easy and affordable for every American family. This mission resonates deeply with Ganar's personal values, which include social consciousness, eco-friendliness, and a strong commitment to health. Ganar's journey began with an early Internet venture, Good Life, which aimed to create a directory of conscious, eco-friendly businesses. Although this company didn't quite make it, the relationships formed during that time have remained significant in Ganar's life. He has continued to be an influential figure in Ganar's personal and professional growth, shaping his perspective on nutrition and entrepreneurship. Ganar's unique background, rooted in both business acumen and spirituality, sets him apart as a leader in the health industry. His latest venture, Thrive Market, is poised to make a substantial impact on the socioeconomics of healthy eating for all.

    • From failure to success: Learning and growing from setbacksDespite setbacks, individuals can learn, grow, and create successful businesses by focusing on personal meaning and building sustainable enterprises with real revenue and assets.

      Even in the face of significant setbacks and challenges, individuals can learn from their experiences and use them to fuel personal growth and the creation of meaningful businesses. The speaker shares his journey from a failed business during the 2008 recession to the success of his current enterprise, Thrive, and his passion project, Love Heels. He also reflects on the importance of focusing on personal meaning and high impact in one's endeavors. Additionally, the conversation touches on the idea of market bubbles and the importance of building a sustainable business with real revenue and assets.

    • Cutting out intermediaries for successDirect-to-consumer models and disrupting middlemen lead to high-quality, affordable products and business success.

      Successful businesses in the 21st century, especially those in the online space, are about effective distribution and cutting out intermediaries. This was highlighted in a conversation about a business with an 80 million revenue run rate, which started as a bricks and mortar business but has since evolved into a direct-to-consumer model for healthy foods. The speaker emphasized the importance of using the internet to have a direct conversation with the world at scale and solving real problems or addressing issues that resonate with people. The speaker also shared personal experiences growing up on a hippie commune and running a food co-op, which influenced their current business model. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that disruptive businesses that cut out middlemen and provide high-quality products at affordable prices are likely to be successful.

    • Unconventional upbringings shape unique perspectivesDiverse experiences and unconventional education can lead to personal growth, empathy, and the ability to start businesses with a higher purpose

      Unconventional upbringings and experiences can lead to unique perspectives and personal growth. The speaker's diverse educational background, from learning various skills from family members to attending public school, shaped their empathetic nature. Despite facing challenges, they found compassion for those who don't fit in. Their college experience led them to start a software company, but later, they recognized the need for change and started a jewelry business with their mom, focusing on love and holistic living. Their profound realization of the origins of harmful behaviors and the interconnectedness of all things led them to shift their circumstances and create a business with a higher purpose.

    • Born out of Burning Man and Whole Foods, Thrive Market combines Costco's bulk buying and Whole Foods' health focus in a direct-to-consumer model.Thrive Market, a platform making healthy food accessible at lower prices, blends Costco's bulk buying and Whole Foods' health focus in a direct-to-consumer model, appealing to the universal trend of wellness.

      The idea for Thrive Market, a platform making healthy food accessible to everyone at lower prices, was born out of a personal experience at Burning Man and the overwhelming demand for wholesale access to healthy products. The concept can be seen as a modern blend of Costco and Whole Foods in a direct-to-consumer internet model. Health and wellness as a lifestyle trend has seen unprecedented interest from the average consumer, making it a powerful and universal organizing principle. Thrive Market is not only focusing on commerce but also investing heavily in content and media to guide consumers through the process of living healthier. The trend of wellness is no longer confined to specific communities but has become mainstream and transcends ideology.

    • Convergence of Wellness and AffordabilityThrive Market offers affordable, healthy food options through direct-to-consumer access and bulk purchasing, addressing affordability and convenience in the wellness movement.

      We're witnessing a cultural shift towards conscious consumerism in the food industry, driven by a growing awareness of the health crisis and the desire to align spending with values. This movement intersects with the reality of socioeconomic constraints, making affordable, healthy food options a priority. Thrive Market is an innovative solution, offering direct-to-consumer access to health food essentials at significantly discounted prices, making it possible for more people to make healthier choices. The membership model and bulk purchasing options address affordability and convenience, while the company's social mission further reinforces its commitment to making a difference. Overall, we're seeing the convergence of two worlds – the wellness movement and the reality of affordability – and companies like Thrive Market are leading the charge to make healthy food accessible to all.

    • Costco's membership model opens doors for small food producersCostco's membership model allows small food producers to sell directly to consumers, bypassing traditional retailers and steep price markups, providing access to unique and often cheaper products and empowering control over pricing and distribution.

      Costco's emergence as an alternative retail channel created an opening for a business model that allows companies to sell directly to consumers through a membership community, bypassing traditional retailers and their steep price markups. This model, which helps small food producers reach consumers without losing money, has become increasingly popular as natural and organic products continue to be a fast-growing segment of Costco's business. However, breaking into such a market can be challenging for small producers, as they often face high costs and competition from established players who hold all the cards in the traditional retail landscape. The complex intermediation process, involving manufacturers, distributors, brokers, and various fees, can significantly reduce the profits for food manufacturers. This model not only benefits consumers by providing access to unique and often cheaper products but also empowers small producers to retain control over their pricing and distribution.

    • Thryv's success through deep partnerships with brandsThryv disrupts food industry with healthier, affordable products, faces resistance, but remains focused on positive solutions and efficient, scalable model to reach every American

      Thryv's success lies in its deep partnerships with brands, which share the mission of making their products accessible and affordable to consumers through the platform. This direct-to-consumer format allows for the telling of brand stories with beautiful videos and written content, while also passing along savings and making more money for the brands. However, disrupting the food industry's predominant paradigm and offering healthier, more affordable products can lead to resistance from established retailers. Thryv has faced such resistance, but remains focused on positive solutions and taking real stands on issues in a way that doesn't create extra conflict and friction. The Internet model's efficiency of capital and scalability allows Thryv to reach every American from day one, unlike traditional retail models that take years to build out and only reach a small percentage of the population. Thryv and Whole Foods share a philosophy of conscious capitalism, with Thryv offering a solution that is more efficient and reaches a larger audience.

    • Build a compelling new business modelConscious capitalism with ethical supply chains and healthy products shifts culture and attracts people, despite instances of greenwashing

      Instead of fighting against the old capitalistic system, it's more productive to build a new model that is compelling, solves real problems, and naturally attracts people. Conscious capitalism, with its ethical supply chains and healthy, nontoxic products, is a paradigm shift that is infecting the culture and changing the way people think about running businesses and voting with their dollars. While there may be instances of greenwashing, the fundamental movement towards conscious companies is profound and real. Burning Man, a symbol of counterculture and community, is also undergoing this shift, with people using their resources to serve something greater than their own self-motive. This awakening to a more generous spirit is a defining characteristic of the younger generation and a sign of a sustainable future.

    • A new generation's focus on giving backYoung people are prioritizing sustainability and equity, reflected in societal trends like transparency and Burning Man, but face challenges like the abstracted capitalist system and watered-down certifications. The future depends on the motivations behind wealth concentration.

      The current generation, particularly young people, is more focused on giving back and creating a sustainable and equitable world, compared to previous generations. This shift is reflected in various aspects of society, including the growing demand for transparency and the increasing popularity of events like Burning Man. However, there are also challenges, such as the abstracted nature of the capitalist system and the watering down of certifications like organic. Ultimately, the future depends on the motivations behind the concentration of wealth. If it comes from a place of fear, greed, and self-interest, the outcome will be the same as before. But if it comes from a desire to serve and contribute to something greater, the impact will be positive. Young people represent an upgraded operating system for our society, and it's up to us to ensure that they have the tools and resources to make a difference.

    • Ensuring a sustainable and equitable food system for allWe must create a food system that benefits the planet and our bodies while being affordable for all, addressing climate change, disease, war, and social unrest through entrepreneurial ingenuity, personal transformation, and increased communication and awareness.

      We are at a critical point in human history, with a global population exceeding 7 billion people, where the production and distribution of food has become a primary challenge for the planet's sustainability and our own health. The agricultural revolution and industrialization have enabled our species' success, but they also contribute to climate change, disease, war, and social unrest. To ensure a regenerative, sustainable, and equitable future, we must envision and create a food system that benefits the planet and our bodies while being affordable for all. Ignoring this issue risks exacerbating existing crises and creating more extreme challenges. Entrepreneurial ingenuity and personal transformation can help us address this issue and empower individuals to express their full potential. The scale and reach of communication and awareness have also grown significantly, enabling us to spread messages and engage more people than ever before.

    • CEO prioritizes self-care and mindfulnessCEOs, like Lovelace, prioritize self-care and mindfulness to sustain energy and focus for personal and professional success

      We as a species need to upgrade our consciousness and decision-making abilities to adapt to the current world, as our outdated biological responses may hinder our progress. Gennar Lovelace, the CEO of a rapidly growing health and wellness company, believes in the potential of an awakening and feels optimistic about the future. Despite the intensity of his day-to-day life, which includes long hours, numerous meetings, and managing a large team, he prioritizes self-care, viewing business as a form of creative yoga. He emphasizes the importance of getting enough sleep, practicing meditation, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to maintain mindfulness in the midst of the chaos. By prioritizing these practices, Lovelace aims to sustain his energy and focus, ensuring his personal and professional success.

    • Prioritize sleep, low sugar diet, and probiotics for optimal healthFocus on sleep, limit sugar intake, and consume probiotics for a strong immune system and increased energy

      For optimal health and energy, prioritize getting enough sleep, maintaining a low sugar diet, and consuming probiotics regularly. The speaker emphasizes the importance of these habits in maintaining a strong immune system and overall well-being. Additionally, they are focused on making healthy living accessible to everyone, regardless of location or income, by providing affordable and convenient access to healthy food products and educational content. The challenge lies in effectively reaching and educating individuals on the benefits of healthier options and how to incorporate them into their lives.

    • Thrive Market's Initiative to Make Healthy Food Accessible to Low-Income FamiliesThrive Market is partnering with foundations, influencers, and providing first purchases to make healthy, non-toxic products accessible to low-income families, addressing food deserts and promoting healthy habit formation.

      Thrive Market is working on making online food stamp transactions possible in the US, aiming to make healthy, non-toxic products more accessible to low-income communities. This initiative addresses the issue of food deserts and the high prevalence of obesity and diabetes in these communities. Thrive Market is also partnering with foundations and influencers to provide educational material and the first three purchases for families in need, aiming to support healthy habit formation at scale. The use of influencers as investors and content creators is an effective, low-cost way to reach and penetrate these communities, leveraging social proof and authentic messaging.

    • Rich Roll and Ganar Lovelace's inspiring conversationFrom a high-powered lawyer to a creator helping millions, Ganar's transformation was praised by Rich Roll. They discussed plans to work together and stay friends for life. Listeners can learn more about Ganar on Thrivemarket.com and support the show by using the Amazon banner at richroll.com.

      The conversation between Rich Roll and Ganar Lovelace was filled with mutual appreciation, admiration, and excitement for each other's personal and professional growth. Ganar's transition from a high-powered entertainment lawyer to a creator of a greater platform helping millions was praised by Rich, who knew him before the transition. They discussed their plans to work together and stay friends and allies for life. For those interested in learning more about Ganar, they can check him out on Thrivemarket.com and his social media platforms. Rich encouraged listeners to do what they love and subscribe to his newsletter for exclusive content and weekly podcast updates. He also reminded listeners to support the show by using the Amazon banner at richroll.com for all Amazon purchases. The conversation ended with Rich promoting his local businesses, Joy Cafe and Karma Baker, and his new cookbook and lifestyle guide, The Plant Power Way.

    • Embrace continuous self-improvement and healthy livingExplore richroll.com for resources and inspiration to enhance health and life, support the show, and make every day count.

      The importance of continuous self-improvement and living a healthy lifestyle, as emphasized by Rich Roll and his website, richroll.com. Rich Roll offers valuable resources and inspiration for individuals seeking to enhance their health and lives. By supporting the show, sharing it with friends, and using the Amazon banner at richroll.com for purchases, listeners can contribute to the community and access valuable resources. The message is clear: make every day count and strive for greatness. So, take the first step today and explore the wealth of knowledge and inspiration available at richroll.com. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and wellbeing. Keep learning, growing, and making it great! Peace, plants.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    EPISODE 49:  BONUS:  Friday F.I.R.E.side Chat: Joy, Giving, and My Favorite Things

    Hello Empowered Warrior! 

    Well, as promised, I said I was going to deliver many surprises during the month of may to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of the release of The Empowered Warrior Podcast. 

    I'm really excited to offer Friday F.I.R.E.side Chats throughout the month of May.  These chats will be more casual, they may or may not be on topic with what I usually discuss on The Empowered Warrior, and they will most likely be less structured.  

    Also, let me know what you think of these chats.  I'm kind of interested in offering them as a regular thing, but I'd love to hear from you, the Warriors out there. Do you like these chats?  Do you like hearing me blabber on about whatever is on my mind?  Please let me know.  

    In this episode, I spoke of a very special gift I received lately, and dove in a little about the concept of reciprocity.  I also shared some products that I love and bring me joy.  Joy is definitely a central concept in this week's episode. 

    Here is what I mentioned during the episode:

    Crose Nest Apothecary, Hudson, MA

    Tamed Wild

    Thrive Market (this is my referral link)

    Revive Kombucha

    The podcast turns 1 this month!  

    As you may have already heard in the episode, I am also running a GIVEAWAY contest throughout the month of May 2021.  I am going to be gifting one Warrior listener a FREE coaching call with me, and the drawing will be on May 29, anniversary day! 

    To enter the contest, simply follow these steps:

    1) Subscribe to the podcast

    2) Listen to any episode

    3) Follow me on Instagram:  @i.am.angela.noelle

    4) Take a screenshot of the episode you just listened to and post your takeaways on Instagram and tag me @i.am.angela.noelle, and tag 2 friends who you think will benefit from listening.

    That's it!  Easy, peasy.  Please note:  for every mention, you will receive one entry, (limit: one mention per day), as long as you are subscribed to the podcast (it's the honor system here), and following me on Instagram.  Remember to tag 2 friends in each mention!

    Good Luck, Warrior!

    Inspired by the podcast and interested in working with me?  

    Schedule your single session with me today:

    My wish for you this year is that you expand and grow beyond your wildest dreams. 

    I wish that you bring on the F.I.R.E, ( Freedom, Inner Peace, Radiance, and Energy Alignment) that you DESIRE in 2021. 

    I am so excited for you and your expansion this year.

    FOLLOW me on social media and enjoy new content daily so you can become a more powerful and expansive you.




    SDR 194: Pancreas Tidbits

    SDR 194: Pancreas Tidbits

    What would happen if you had to live without your pancreas? Would you be able to live a normal, unchanged life? These are some of the questions I will be answering in today’s episode, where I will be going over some interesting pancreatic facts.

    You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://thedigestiondoctor.com/194 

    Top Wellness Tips For 2024 & New Year Goal Setting

    Top Wellness Tips For 2024 & New Year Goal Setting
    Ep. #60 Happy January 1st! What a year 2023 has been for me and this podcast. To celebrate the success of this show, I am going to be sharing the top lessons that I learned from all 59 episodes that we recorded in 2023. From wellness tips to life hacks, this end of year roundup you are not going to want to miss. I also share some POW updates and changes for 2024. A huge thank you to our listeners for your unwavering support and encouragement. We hope you've found our show as enriching as we've found making it! Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! Show Links: My Brain Scan with Dr. Amen - YouTube Pasture Bird White Oak Pastures  Think Dirty Strength App Topics Discussed: 01:19 - New Studio Announcement  01:57 - New Merch/Hats 03:04 - Launch Of The Pow Network - Separating From Dear Media 05:30 - Mindful Eating  06:28 - Walking = Longevity  07:29 - Birth Control And Hormone Health  08:23 - Emotional Trauma + Gut Health 09:02 - Processed Foods And Why You Want To Avoid Them 13:57 - How To Eat Sweets In A Healthy Way + Blood Sugar Spiking  14:09 - Order Of Eating To Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes 14:56: - Removing Pore Clogging Beauty Products  15:38 - Cancer And Alcohol 16:37 - High Impact Workouts Vs Slow Impact Workouts 17:15 - Why Women Should Eat More Red Meat + Carnivore Diet 18:00 - Lab Tests And Why They Are Essential + What Tests Are The Best 18:30 - Importance Of Knowing Your Farmer + Regenerative Farming 19:01 - Toxic Products And Our Hormones  19:26 - It’s Okay To Take A Break  20:08 - No Loss In Educating Yourself Around Fertility  20:43 - Cooking Oils 23:51 - Goal Setting Tips  25:43 - Vision Boards + What My Goals In 2023 Were

    59: The Healthy Kids Myth busted with Virginia Sole-Smith

    59: The Healthy Kids Myth busted with Virginia Sole-Smith

    The “Myth Busters” Series

    In this week’s episode we are switching gears from busting myths about adult bodies and chatting about kids bodies by busting the myth...that “kids today aren’t healthy!” This myth is one that most parents are so confused by: are their kids healthy? Is the food we are feeding our kids nourishing them? Are kids today too sedentary? Should parents be DOING something about their kids health? 

    This is obviously a complicated myth to completely pull apart with multiple layers about the food industry, weight and BMI, and the overarching concept of health, so we touch on all of these but focus on how this myth has narrowed pediatric health to just diet and exercise. We are going to give you a brief history of this myth’s origins and then we are interviewing a passionate myth buster on kids health: Virginia Sole-Smith, author of The Eating Instinct and the newsletter Burnt Toast. A healthy child is more than the number on the scale: it is a child who can be in their body with confidence and self-respect, regardless of their abilities, size, race, or socioeconomic status.


    Connect with Virginia: https://virginiasolesmith.com

    Social media: @v_solesmith

    For full episode information and links discussed in the episode, please go to www.momgenesthepodcast.com. To connect with the Mom Genes community, check out our Instagram @momgenesthepodcast or Facebook group: Mom Genes The Podcast. Please email us your questions or thoughts for future episodes at momgenesthepodcast@gmail.com

    If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag @momgenesthepodcast. We will be sure to share your comments and re-posts in our Instagram stories! In order to not miss a single episode, SUBSCRIBE and please give us a RATING and REVIEW on iTunes!

    The information presented in this podcast does not replace individual therapy or nutrition recommendations.

    #118 Veganism Vs. Carnivore With Nutritionist Laura Lam

    #118 Veganism Vs. Carnivore With Nutritionist Laura Lam
    My absolute pleasure to welcome back Laura Lam, Functional Nutritionist, onto the show!
    In todays episode Laura will be breaking down 2 diet/lifestyle trends that are HUGE at the moment. Veganism & Carnivore! We will be talking about the why's, the why nots and the potential hidden dangers of each of these!