
    Side Effects of Drag (with Bob the Drag Queen and Monét X Change)

    enOctober 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciating life's simple joysCherish time with loved ones, make memories, enjoy every moment, and stay engaged in your craft.

      Life is more than just the challenges we face, such as a diagnosis or difficult experiences. It's about cherishing time with loved ones, making memories, and enjoying every moment, whether old or new. Comedian Jena Friedman shares her experiences of returning to live performances after a long hiatus and the importance of challenging oneself and staying engaged in one's craft. Additionally, she encourages people to join the Smart Funky in Black community on Patreon for exclusive content. Overall, the message is to appreciate life's simple joys and keep pushing forward.

    • Acknowledging the intersectionality of gender identities in drag and trans experiencesRecognize and celebrate the diversity within the drag community and beyond, as drag and trans experiences are not mutually exclusive. Embrace the equality and validity of all identities.

      Belief and understanding in the intersectionality of gender identities, particularly between drag and trans experiences, is crucial. My friend emphasized the importance of acknowledging the equality and validity of all identities, and called out those who may hold discriminatory beliefs. Drag and trans experiences are not mutually exclusive, and there are many remarkable individuals who embody both. Peppermint, a trans drag queen, is an icon in the industry, having originated a role in a Broadway show and worked on various television shows. Additionally, there are cis men, women, and non-binary individuals who also participate in drag. Drag is defined as creating art and blurring the gender line, and Tyler Perry, despite not identifying as a drag queen, is considered a successful drag performer due to his consistent gender-bending characters throughout his career. It's essential to recognize and celebrate the diversity within the drag community and beyond.

    • Exploring gender norms and expectations through dragDrag allows individuals to express themselves beyond gender norms and societal expectations, promoting inclusivity and self-discovery.

      Drag is a form of self-expression that defies gender norms and expectations, allowing individuals to explore their identities and sexuality in a bold and creative way. This was evident in the discussion about Landon Cider winning Dragula and the potential involvement of Tyler Perry in the world of drag. The proximity of these figures to drag, whether through participation or observation, highlights the fluidity and inclusivity of the art form. Drag encompasses various forms of performance, from singing and lip-syncing to stand-up comedy, and it is not limited to any specific gender or sexuality. The conversation also touched upon the societal pressures that can prevent people from embracing their true selves and the importance of allowing individuals to live in their truth. Ultimately, drag serves as a platform for self-expression, challenging norms, and celebrating individuality.

    • Respecting unique pronoun preferencesBe mindful of individual pronoun preferences and avoid using generic pronouns or feminine pronouns for all trans individuals to ensure inclusivity and respect.

      While it's important to respect people's pronoun choices, using generic pronouns like "they" or "their" for everyone, especially in the absence of knowing someone's gender, can be confusing and potentially misgendering. This was a topic of discussion when Flame Monroe, a trans woman, identified with multiple pronouns. Although some people might think they have the freedom to use these pronouns for all trans individuals, it's essential to remember that everyone's experience and comfort levels with pronouns are unique. Moreover, using feminine pronouns for everyone is a part of queer vernacular, but it can be challenging for some individuals to adapt to, especially if they don't identify with those pronouns. It's crucial to be mindful of these nuances and strive for inclusivity and respect for each person's individual pronoun preferences.

    • Respecting identities for an inclusive environmentValidating people's identities and experiences is crucial for creating an inclusive environment. Misidentification or disrespect can feel like being told not to be oneself. Understanding individual experiences and respecting pronouns is important.

      Respecting people's pronouns and identities is crucial for creating a comfortable and inclusive environment for them. This was discussed in relation to non-binary identities, but the principle applies to all identities. The speaker shared examples of people being misidentified or disrespected, drawing parallels to the experience of being told not to be oneself. The conversation also touched on the complexities of identity and the importance of understanding and respecting individual experiences. The speaker criticized Caitlyn Jenner for weaponizing her privilege and using her trans identity as a publicity stunt, rather than an authentic expression of self. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of respecting and validating people's identities and experiences.

    • Respecting Preferred Names and PronounsAcknowledging someone's preferred name and pronouns is an essential step in validating their identity. It's important to make an effort to use the correct pronouns and apologize when mistakes are made.

      The use of someone's preferred name and pronouns is not a societal shift, but rather an acknowledgement of their identity. It's important to respect people's identities, even if it takes time and effort to adjust. Mistakes will happen, and apologies should be made when they do. The intention behind using the correct pronouns is not to cosign a shift in society, but to recognize and validate someone's identity. It's also important to remember that trans people have been around for centuries and are not new. The conversation also touched on the importance of not weaponizing pronouns against trans people with the intention of upsetting them. The speaker shared a personal experience of being in a situation where she and her assistant were mistaken for being much taller than they actually were, and how she related it to the use of pronouns and the importance of respecting people's identities.

    • Height perception influenced by facial features and experiencesFacial features and personal experiences can impact height perception, leading to misunderstandings and disrespectful comments

      Height perception can be influenced by various factors such as facial features and personal experiences. In the discussion, the speakers compared the heights of Monet and Rihanna, and although Monet insisted that Rihanna was not short, they both acknowledged having long faces which might give an illusion of height. The speakers also shared an experience where they were mistaken for a man in public and faced derogatory comments, questioning the purpose of such remarks and the impact they have on individuals. The conversation highlighted the complexities of perception and the importance of acknowledging and respecting people's identities.

    • Understanding and building connections with othersRespect all human experiences, acknowledge people as deserving of respect, challenge systems that limit access to education and opportunities, and practice empathy and a willingness to learn.

      Respect for all human experiences is crucial for understanding and building connections with others, regardless of their background or identity. The speaker shares an experience of a friendship with a trans woman who emphasized the importance of being acknowledged as a human deserving of respect. The speaker also reflects on the challenges of introducing new experiences to those who may be closed-minded or uninformed, particularly in the context of systemic barriers that limit access to education and opportunities for marginalized communities, such as the trans and Black communities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the value of intellect and education, and the need to challenge systems that aim to keep people uninformed and uneducated. Ultimately, the speaker encourages the importance of empathy, respect, and a willingness to learn and grow in order to build a more inclusive and understanding society.

    • Erasure of Queerness in Black HistoryThe intersectionality of queer and black communities has been overlooked and erased, leading to harmful stereotypes and exclusion of individuals. Recognizing and celebrating the contributions of queer black figures is essential for accurate historical representation.

      The histories and experiences of queer and black communities have been interconnected yet often overlooked or erased, particularly within the black community. This erasure can lead to harmful rhetoric and the exclusion of individuals who don't fit into narrow frameworks. Examples of influential figures like Bayard Rustin, James Baldwin, Audre Lorde, and Angela Davis have been acknowledged but not their queerness. The suppression of queerness in black history has continued, with figures like Langston Hughes and Alice Walker being discovered as queer long after their works were studied. Even the first drag queen, William Dorsey Swan, was a formerly enslaved person who held secret balls and petitioned for his rights. The erasure of queerness from black history perpetuates damaging stereotypes and undermines the existence of black individuals who don't fit into the prescribed framework. It's crucial to acknowledge and celebrate the intersectionality of these communities and the important contributions of queer black figures throughout history.

    • The History and Excitement of Drag BallsWilliam 'Mother' Morris popularized drag balls in America, involving intense competitions with unique themes and long performances.

      The term "drag queen" was popularized by William "Mother" Morris in America during the late 1800s, and he initiated the tradition of drag balls. These events, which became prominent in the late eighties and early nineties, involve various categories and performances, often lasting for hours. Participants must display specific styles, and the competition can be intense, with winners earning tens and losers being "chopped." Each ball typically has a theme, adding to the excitement. When Amanda, Monet, and the speaker attended a latex ball, they were amazed by the length and complexity of the event. Although it was fun, the speaker had to leave due to work commitments. When entering the drag world, each performer must bring a unique identity and vision to stand out from the crowd. When the speaker decided to do drag, they aimed to combine it with stand-up comedy and perform in comedy clubs.

    • From opera singer to drag queen: Monet X Change's diverse journeyMonet X Change's adaptability and resilience shone through as she transformed from an opera singer to an elementary school teacher, comedian, drag queen, activist, and pop culture commentator. Her unique perspective and aspirations to host a nationally syndicated television show continue to inspire.

      Monet X Change's journey in life has been marked by her ability to adapt and excel in various roles, from opera singer to elementary school teacher, to comedian and drag queen. Her experiences have shaped her into a multitalented performer and activist. Monet found her footing in the toughest comedy crowds at New York City gay bars, leading her to explore activism through drag queen weddings and protests. Her unique perspective and thought process have intrigued many, earning her the title of a "drag queen intellectual." Despite her diverse background, Monet sees herself as a comedian and pop culture commentator, with aspirations to host a nationally syndicated television show. Her journey is a testament to her resilience, creativity, and adaptability.

    • Monet's Evaluation of Contestants Based on Black History and CultureMonet values Black history, culture, and experience equally with pop culture when evaluating contestants. She appreciates deep connections and authenticity.

      The speaker, Monet, evaluates contestants in a competition based on their knowledge and representation of Black history, culture, and experience, considering it equally important as pop culture. Monet was impressed by Bob's performance, which showcased intelligence, humor, and a deep connection to Black culture. This led her to believe that Bob deserved to win, despite being tied with her. Monet's unique perspective on the competition highlights the significance of understanding and appreciating the Black experience in various aspects of life. Additionally, Monet's inspiration from the audience's support on Patreon underscores the importance of authenticity and joy in engaging with audiences.

    • A Mentor-Mentee Relationship Formed Through PatreonPatreon fosters deep connections between creators and fans, leading to meaningful relationships and personal growth.

      The Patreon platform has allowed creators to build strong connections with their fans, leading to exciting and mutually beneficial relationships. This was the case for Monet and Amanda, who met through the drag scene in New York City. Monet was new to drag and Amanda, with more experience, became a mentor. They bonded over various experiences, including a juice cleanse, which tested their friendship through highs and lows. The juice cleanse, which should only last a few days, became an extreme 20-day experiment, leading to a deep connection between the two. Despite the ups and downs, their friendship grew stronger, and they continue to use Patreon to engage with their fans and create content.

    • Challenges faced by performers on tourRecognize and address the challenges faced by performers, especially those from marginalized backgrounds, to ensure equitable conditions during tours and performances.

      Performers, especially those from marginalized backgrounds, can face significant challenges when it comes to basic necessities being provided for them during tours or performances. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of being on tour with limited food supplies, which led to extreme hunger and frustration. She emphasized that it's not just about the lack of food, but also about the power dynamics involved and the impact of privilege. The speaker also mentioned her experiences with being a woman, a drag performer, and a person of color adding layers of complexity to the issue. It's important to recognize these challenges and work towards creating more equitable conditions for all performers.

    • RuPaul's Success and CriticismRuPaul's success inspires but also triggers criticism, with some individuals questioning his wealth and actions. Despite this, RuPaul remains gracious and kind, and the speaker values his influence and impact in the entertainment industry.

      RuPaul continues to inspire and break records in the entertainment industry, despite some individuals' attempts to bring him down due to his success and wealth. The speaker shares their personal experience of meeting RuPaul and finding him to be gracious and kind. However, they've noticed a trend of criticism and negativity towards RuPaul from certain individuals, which they find confusing and unnecessary. The speaker also touches upon the complexities of wealth and success, acknowledging that some people may have valid criticisms due to the misuse of wealth by the rich. Nevertheless, they believe that there is a level of cattiness in the drag community, but it's not necessarily an absurd amount. The speaker shares their own experiences of confrontations with other drag performers, but they've managed to maintain friendships with some of them despite the conflicts. Overall, the speaker expresses their admiration and appreciation for RuPaul's impact and influence in the entertainment industry.

    • Monet and Kennedy's contrasting personalities and experiencesTwo drag queens, Monet and Kennedy, share contrasting personalities and experiences, leading to debates on transphobia and other phobias. They discuss the importance of media in understanding drag culture, but emphasize its limitations in accurately representing the realities of drag life.

      The dynamic between Monet and Kennedy, two drag queens, involves contrasting personalities and experiences. Monet is easygoing, while Kennedy is more confrontational. They've had interactions where they've questioned each other's attitudes towards transphobia and other phobias. In one instance, Kennedy accused Monet of having big feet, leading to a confrontation. Kennedy is a Cancer, and Monet is a Pisces, and they both have unique ways of processing situations. One time, Monet visited Kennedy's house and took a plaque that was meant to be shared between them as a sign of their successful collaboration. They discussed the importance of media in understanding drag culture, recommending movies like "Too Wong Foo" and "Priscilla Queen of the Desert." However, they emphasized that these films may not accurately represent the realities of drag life, as drag queens don't always live in drag. Overall, their conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of the drag community and the importance of open communication and understanding.

    • Must-watch RuPaul's Drag Race seasons for drag culture explorationExplore RuPaul's Drag Race seasons 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and All Stars 4 for drag culture's art, performance, and competition brilliance. Check out Bob Monet's HBO show 'We're Here' and support his podcast Sibling Rivalry for more insights into the drag world.

      RuPaul's Drag Race seasons 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and All Stars 4 are must-watch TV for those interested in drag culture and its fusion of art, performance, and competition. Bob Monet, a drag performer and podcast host, strongly recommends these seasons for their brilliance and impact on the genre. Additionally, Monet's own show on HBO, "We're Here," is worth checking out, especially season 1, which is currently available. Monet shared his excitement about upcoming appearances on billboards and a building in Los Angeles, expressing the continued thrill of public recognition. For those looking for more content from Monet, they can listen to his podcast, Sibling Rivalry, and support it through Patreon. Overall, this conversation provided valuable insights into the world of drag and the importance of representation, creativity, and community in the arts.

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