
    Podcast Summary

    • The complexities of who we are can't be fully captured onlineStrive for authenticity both online and offline, as social media profiles don't fully capture our dynamic and ever-changing selves.

      While social media allows us to control how we present ourselves online, it doesn't fully capture the complexities of who we are as living, breathing beings. Our profiles are limited and static, while we are dynamic and ever-changing. It's important to be conscious of this disconnect and strive for authenticity both online and offline. Additionally, the Small Doses podcast will be going live this year, so stay tuned for more insightful discussions. And remember, life is about more than just a diagnosis or a social media profile. It's about the experiences and connections that bring us joy. So, let's make every moment count. For more information about Kaskali ribociclib, visit kisqali.com and talk to your doctor.

    • Social Media's Impact on Personal Branding and PerceptionBe mindful of social media presence as it shapes perception, avoid negative consequences, and use it as a tool for political organizing and activism.

      Our online presence, specifically on social media, significantly shapes how others perceive us, and it's crucial to be mindful of what we put out there. While we can control the content of our profiles, we have no control over how it's received or interpreted. Social media can create "doppelgangers" of ourselves, and if we're not conscious of our actions, they can lead to negative consequences. Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool for political organizing, not just activism. Activism involves speaking truth and empowering people, while organizing is putting that energy into action. Social media can help bridge the gap by connecting people to resources and organizations, enabling them to fuel their activism into tangible change.

    • The Power and Limitations of Social Media for Organizing and Connecting PeopleSocial media can inspire and connect, but it's crucial to recognize potential biases and manage use for mental health.

      Social media can be a powerful tool for organizing and connecting people, as seen in the Egyptian revolution and events like the Women's March. However, it's important to recognize the potential biases and limitations of social media platforms and be mindful of the content we consume and share. As individuals, particularly those in the public eye, managing social media use and maintaining mental health can be a challenge. Some find it helpful to curate their feeds with positive and inspiring content, while others may rely on it less or not at all. Ultimately, it's essential to use social media responsibly and be aware of its impact on our mental well-being.

    • Impact of Social Media: Personal and ProfessionalSocial media can bring positivity, connection, and opportunities, but also pressure and negativity. Users can choose how to use it based on their comfort level and goals, and its impact extends to professional use.

      Social media plays a significant role in people's lives, but it can also bring different experiences and feelings. For some, it's a source of enlightenment, connection, and even business opportunities. For others, it can be overwhelming and even cause anxiety. The speaker shares how social media has positively impacted her as a creative and comic artist, allowing her to receive instant feedback and grow intellectually. However, she also acknowledges the potential downsides, such as the pressure to maintain an online presence and the potential for negative experiences, like being "curved" in a DM. Ultimately, social media is a personal choice, and people can decide how they want to use it based on their comfort level and goals. As the speaker's conversation with Tess Finkel, a PR professional, will reveal, social media's impact extends beyond personal use and into the professional world.

    • Using Social Media Authentically and MindfullySocial media can enhance personal and professional growth when used intentionally and mindfully. Be aware of potential negative impacts on relationships and maintain balance.

      Social media can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, but it requires intentional use and balance. The speaker shares how they made the decision to use social media in a genuine and authentic way, while also maintaining a schedule and being conscious of what they share. However, they also caution that social media can bring additional insecurities and challenges to romantic relationships, and it's important to be aware of these potential issues. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being intentional and mindful in how we use social media, rather than letting it consume us or negatively impact our lives.

    • Navigating sensitive situations with effective communicationUse a non-confrontational approach, avoid aggressive language, and find common ground to resolve conflicts. Be authentic in relationships and avoid societal pressure to conform to online appearances.

      Effective communication, especially in sensitive situations, requires understanding and adapting to different perspectives. The speaker shares an experience of navigating a car repair issue, where he had to use a non-confrontational approach to address the issue with the shop owners. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding aggressive language and finding common ground to resolve conflicts. The speaker also touches upon the topic of social media and relationships, expressing his observations of people entering into relationships for the sake of appearances and the excessive display of affection online. He encourages authenticity and avoiding the pressure to conform to societal expectations of how relationships should be portrayed on social media.

    • Social media can cause misunderstandings in relationshipsSocial media can lead to confusion, but it can also provide insights and help avoid potential issues. Effective communication and awareness of partner's online activities are crucial.

      Social media can create misunderstandings and annoyances in relationships due to the use of terms like "bae," leading to unnecessary confusion. However, social media also has its benefits, such as providing insights and helping individuals avoid potential issues. For instance, it helped the speaker avoid dating someone who was friends with a problematic person. The speaker also emphasized the importance of communication and being aware of one's partner's online activities as long as they don't cross certain lines. Lastly, the speaker praised her publicist, Tess Finkel, for her accomplishments and professionalism.

    • White women in power need to be mindful of cultural appropriationWhite women in power should listen to and respect marginalized communities, and avoid actions that could be perceived as tokenizing or exploitative.

      White women, especially those in positions of power, need to be mindful of their actions and words, particularly when it comes to appropriating symbols and experiences that do not belong to them. This was a theme that emerged in a conversation about representation and allyship in PR. The speaker emphasized the importance of listening to and respecting the perspectives of marginalized communities, and avoiding actions that could be perceived as tokenizing or exploitative. Additionally, the speaker shared how her personal experiences with entertainment and PR drew her to the industry, which she sees as having a significant impact on shaping public opinion and reaching large audiences.

    • Impact of PR on Public Discourse and ResponsibilityPR professionals have a significant impact on public discourse and should use their influence mindfully and responsibly, promoting positive stories and causes while staying informed and aware of social issues.

      PR professionals have a significant impact on shaping public discourse and have a responsibility to use their influence mindfully and responsibly. The speaker shared her experience of starting a PR company and noticing a lack of consciousness and responsibility in the industry. She expressed her concern that many PR professionals are more focused on promoting films or TV shows without addressing important social issues. The speaker also criticized the negative nature of the news and its impact on people's mental health. She believes that PR professionals have a calling to counteract the negativity and promote positive stories and causes. The speaker shared her personal experience of working in PR, including her collaboration with Amanda on an essay about white privilege for the Hollywood Reporter. She also highlighted the importance of social media in today's world and the need for PR professionals to stay informed and aware of the issues that matter to young people.

    • Social Media's Impact on Young WorkersUnderstand young workers' experiences with social media pressure, create supportive work environments, and help them develop resilience and a growth mindset.

      Social media plays a significant role in shaping the mindset and work ethic of younger generations, which can pose challenges for employers. The speaker, who had trouble hiring and retaining young assistants, discovered that they were often overwhelmed by the pressure of their jobs and had a fear of failure. This fear stemmed from their constant exposure to social media, where they compared themselves to others and felt the need to succeed immediately. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding this dynamic and having open conversations with young people about their experiences and challenges. Employers can create supportive work environments and help young employees develop resilience and a growth mindset to overcome the pressures of work and social media.

    • Social media's impact on young people's confidence and mental healthSocial media's pressure for perfection and constant comparison can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and mental health issues. Focus on personal growth, manage social media content, and build real-world confidence to mitigate negative effects.

      Social media puts immense pressure on young people to present a perfect image, leading to a lack of confidence and potential mental health issues. The constant comparison to others and the need for validation through likes and comments can create a perfect storm of anxiety and insecurity. The issue is further compounded by the fact that many young people are still financially dependent on their parents, adding to their stress. To mitigate these effects, it's crucial for individuals to focus on their own journey and put blinders on when it comes to comparing themselves to others. Additionally, managing the content that comes into one's social media space, such as who to follow and filtering or removing comments, can help reduce the negative impact. Ultimately, building confidence in the real world is essential to navigating the complexities of social media and its potential consequences.

    • The Power and Perils of Social Media for Education and PositivitySocial media can inspire and educate, but it's important to be authentic and present in the moment, and use clear communication to promote positivity.

      Social media can be a powerful tool for education and positivity, but it also has the potential to spread negativity and unrealistic expectations. The speaker expresses her concern about the lack of authenticity and relatability on social media, where people often focus on presenting idealized versions of themselves. She advocates for embracing imperfections and being present in the moment, rather than constantly trying to capture and edit experiences for social media. The speaker also highlights the importance of clear communication and helpful messaging in using social media effectively. Ultimately, she believes that individuals have the power to use social media as a force for good, but it requires a conscious effort to prioritize authenticity and positivity.

    • Be intentional with social media useBe aware of your intentions when using social media and minimize negative impacts by focusing on inspiration, connection, and entertainment.

      We need to be mindful of our intentions when using social media. So many people are influenced by what they see online, and it can even impact their real-life decisions. However, it's essential to remember that social media can also have positive effects. The speaker shared examples of how she used social media to inspire and help others. But, it's crucial to be aware of how much time we spend on social media and what we use it for. The next time you log on, ask yourself, what is my intention? Are you looking for inspiration, connection, or entertainment? By being intentional, we can make the most of social media while minimizing its negative impacts. Additionally, the speaker shared some humorous experiences of people living in the moment without their phones and the importance of putting down our devices to fully engage in experiences.

    • Maintaining Balance in Social Media UseSocial media can bring joy, but don't compare, over-share, or let it negatively impact self-awareness or real-life relationships. Find balance and remember it's okay to scroll past content that doesn't resonate.

      Social media can bring joy and creativity, but it's important to maintain balance and not let it negatively impact self-awareness or real-life relationships. The black community has particularly excelled in creating engaging content, but it's crucial not to compare one's life to others on social media. Over-sharing about happiness in relationships may indicate underlying dissatisfaction. Social media users should remember they don't always need to share their thoughts or agree with others, and it's okay to scroll past content that doesn't resonate. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal anecdote about performing as Fire Marshal Bill from In Living Color in a Girl Scout talent show. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of finding balance and self-awareness in the digital age.

    • Understanding and respecting each other's experiences and perspectivesOnline interactions require kindness, understanding, and respect for everyone's emotions and experiences. Balance professional and personal relationships with empathy and consciousness.

      Unsolicited criticism and negative comments on social media are not welcome, just as they would not be in real life. People seem to forget that social media interactions still involve human emotions and the potential for hurt feelings. The speaker also shared her personal experience with the word "cunt" and how it has been used differently towards black women and white women. She emphasized the importance of understanding and respecting each other's experiences and perspectives. Another key point discussed was the importance of finding a balance between professional and personal relationships, whether in person or online. This balance requires empathy, consciousness, and an understanding that everyone is human and dealing with their own challenges. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for kindness, understanding, and respect in all interactions, both online and offline.

    • Social media actions have real-life consequencesBe mindful of your words and actions online as they can have lasting effects and consequences beyond the moment. Practice ethical standards online as you would offline.

      Social media interactions are not the same as real-life interactions, and it's essential to remember that what we say online can have lasting effects. People often forget that their words and actions on social media can be seen by a larger audience and may have consequences beyond the moment. It's crucial to practice the same ethical standards online as we do offline. Furthermore, social media is not a replacement for the real world, and we should remember that. Ivy Nowen's debut on HBO is coming up on January 20, 2023. In other news, Granger offers professional-grade supplies backed by product experts, ensuring that businesses can find what they need quickly and easily. The team is also committed to going the extra mile to help customers. So, whether it's in the human world or the social media world, let's remember to be conscious of our actions and treat others with respect.

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    Andrew Dunn is the founder of Siempo, the first app to help you protect and promote human thriving with intentional design.  Inspired and endorsed by The Center for Humane Technology, Siempo is backed by cutting edge neuroscience and human-centric design movements. Siempo introduces a calm user interface that empowers better usage choices, protects you from addictive apps and builds better digital habits. 


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    Brian Fanzo | The Humanity of Social Media

    Brian Fanzo | The Humanity of Social Media
    "Right now, we are demanding authenticity and transparency and every business is in the business of building trust. And trust isn’t built by a logo or technology, it’s built by people. The question now is how do you get in front of other people so you can begin to develop that trust.
    That’s where digital empathy comes in for me. We have to know who we are, and we have to commit ourselves to listening to and connecting with our audience.” 
    You have to ask yourself, “Does this technology enhance my life?" And that causes us to ask, “What would an improvement to my life actually look like”? It spurs us into complexity, to contemplate how our relationship with technology is influencing what we believe and who we are. 
    And in today’s world, we have more ways to amplify a message than ever before. That’s important to remember, as it eliminates a lot of excuses that have prevented us from being a more connected society, up till now. Yes, social media can create noise, but it can also foster inertia and momentum towards a more deeply connected and harmonized society. 


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    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    Brown bottle flu reference

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    Check out Paul’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.



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