
    Sleep When You're Dead Tired (LIVE with Arianna Huffington)

    enJanuary 27, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Apple Card rewards, Airbnb income, Employment opportunities, Sleep importanceApple Card offers daily cash rewards, Airbnb lets you earn income from renting, Express Employment finds jobs, Sleep is crucial for happiness and productivity

      Apple Card offers daily cash rewards with varying percentages depending on the method of purchase, while Airbnb can provide an opportunity to earn income by renting out your own space. Express Employment Professionals can help job seekers find employment in any industry, and getting adequate sleep is crucial for overall happiness and productivity. In the upcoming episode, Arianna Huffington, best-selling author, columnist, and founding CEO of Thrive Global, will share insights on sleep solutions and the importance of prioritizing rest for happiness.

    • Arianna Huffington's wake-up call to burnoutArianna Huffington's personal experience with burnout led her to prioritize sleep, launch a dedicated sleep section on Huffington Post, and shift cultural perception of self-care

      Burnout is a collective problem, not an individual one, as Arianna Huffington discovered after collapsing from exhaustion in 2007. Before this wake-up call, Arianna, a divorced mother and founder of the Huffington Post, believed that sleep deprivation was a necessary sacrifice for success. However, after a series of medical tests, she was diagnosed with burnout and told that there was no medical solution. Instead, she had to change the way she lived. As a result, Arianna brought the topic of sleep to the forefront of the Huffington Post, launching a dedicated sleep section in 2007. Initially, the board members were skeptical, but it proved to be a game-changer for the site, eventually accounting for over 60% of its traffic. In her personal life, Arianna began prioritizing sleep, recognizing its importance for overall well-being and productivity. Her experience serves as a reminder that burnout is a serious issue that requires a change in priorities and a cultural shift in how we view sleep and self-care.

    • The Importance of Prioritizing SleepMost adults need 7-9 hours of sleep, lack of sleep increases health and mental risks, prioritize sleep to improve overall well-being.

      Our culture's attitude towards sleep as optional or a sign of dedication is a misconception that can lead to serious health and mental consequences. The scientific consensus is that most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to be fully recharged, and the consequences of not getting enough sleep include an increased risk of health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive decline, as well as mental health problems like depression and anxiety. The speaker emphasized the importance of prioritizing sleep and encouraged the audience to reflect on their own sleep habits. The lack of sleep is a crisis that affects a large portion of the population, and the speaker highlighted the need to address this issue, particularly in schools where students are often exhausted and misdiagnosed with conditions like ADHD.

    • The Importance of Rest and Acknowledging DowntimeRecognizing the value of rest and acknowledging downtime, like sleep, is essential for our well-being and productivity. Prioritizing joy and fulfillment in work beyond just productivity can lead to better interactions and overall wellness.

      Viewing ourselves as machines and prioritizing constant productivity over rest can lead to negative consequences, including sleep deprivation, decreased empathy, and lack of creativity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the value of rest and recognizing that downtime, such as sleep, is not a bug but a feature. Furthermore, sleep deprivation can significantly impact our interactions with others and our overall well-being. The speaker encourages prioritizing joy and finding fulfillment in our work beyond just productivity. The industrial revolution's emphasis on minimizing downtime has led us astray from recognizing the importance of rest and surrendering to the magical time of sleep.

    • Sleep as a stress shield and performance enhancerPrioritize sleep for better mental and physical health, stress management, and enhanced creativity

      Sleep is not only essential for physical and mental health, but it also plays a crucial role in enhancing joy and resilience. As the speaker emphasized, sleep acts as a "stress shield" and a "performance-enhancing drug," allowing us to better cope with challenges and find creative solutions. However, despite its importance, many struggle to prioritize adequate sleep. Therefore, it's essential to consider ways to improve our sleep habits and make it a priority. Additionally, the speaker touched upon other topics, such as the benefits of becoming an Airbnb host to earn extra income and the assistance offered by Express Employment Professionals in job searches. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of sleep and various ways to improve different aspects of our lives.

    • Create a transition ritual for better sleepIncorporate a relaxing routine before bed to improve sleep quality and prioritize rest, recognizing the negative consequences of sleep deprivation.

      Sleep is essential for our overall well-being, yet many of us struggle to prioritize it due to our constantly connected lifestyles. Arianna Huffington, a successful businesswoman and advocate for sleep, suggests breaking down the commitment to better sleep into manageable steps, such as creating a transition ritual before bed. This could include a relaxing bath or shower, reading, or avoiding screens. By treating sleep as a priority and recognizing the negative consequences of sleep deprivation, we can improve our mental and emotional health. As Arianna shared, the CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, even acknowledges that sleep is a major competitor to streaming services, highlighting the cultural tension between our desire to stay connected and the importance of getting enough rest.

    • Improve sleep quality for optimal performancePrioritize sleep as a necessity, wear comfortable sleepwear, disconnect from screens, learn to say no, and start with just 15 minutes more for increased energy and better decision-making. Sleep and performance are interconnected, not a trade-off.

      Prioritizing sleep and well-being is not a luxury, but a necessity for optimal performance and success. Wearing comfortable, dedicated sleepwear and disconnecting from screens before bed are simple steps to improve sleep quality. However, sleep deprivation may be a sign of other unaddressed issues, requiring careful consideration and prioritization. Entrepreneurs and busy individuals must learn to say no to other commitments to make time for sleep. Starting small, with just 15 minutes more, can lead to increased energy and better decision-making. Contrary to popular belief, there is no trade-off between sleep and performance; the two are interconnected. Successful people understand this and prioritize sleep as an integral part of their daily routine.

    • The Importance of Sleep in Business and LeadershipEncourage sleep for productivity and happiness, prioritize rest, and cancel plans for a well-rested waking life.

      The growing recognition and importance of sleep in our culture, especially in the business world. This shift is evidenced by the increasing coverage of sleep in mainstream media and studies, such as McKinsey's research on the role of sleep in leadership. The speaker, Ariana Huffington, shares her experience of encouraging influential figures like Jeff Bezos to write about their own sleep habits and the impact it can have. She also references the cheetah as a metaphor for the importance of sleep for productivity and rejuvenation. Ariana expresses her optimism that this conversation is gaining traction and that more people are starting to prioritize sleep for their overall well-being and happiness. Therefore, she encourages listeners to make sleep a priority and cancel plans to dedicate time to rest, which will ultimately lead to increased productivity and happiness in their waking lives.

    • Boosting Happiness through Physical Health, Mental Wellness, and Innovative ToolsSan Diego's environment promotes physical health and mental wellness, Canva Presentations with AI-design enhance work productivity, and mental health support like BetterHelp is essential for overall happiness.

      Prioritizing both physical health and mental wellness contributes significantly to overall happiness. The city of San Diego, with its sunny weather, welcoming people, and beautiful scenery, offers an ideal environment for rejuvenation. Meanwhile, tools like Canva Presentations with AI-powered design can help improve work presentations, allowing for increased focus and productivity. Furthermore, mental health support, such as that provided by BetterHelp, is crucial for managing challenges and enhancing overall well-being. So, remember to prioritize self-care, utilize innovative tools, and seek support when needed to boost your happiness.

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